Example #1
        public TutorialMenu (Application application, Base parent)
            this.application = application;
            this.parent = parent;

            window = new WindowControl (parent);
            window.Title = Localizer.Instance.GetValueForName("tutorial");
            window.IsMoveable = false;
            window.Height = parent.Height - (int) (parent.Height * 0.35);
            window.Y = (int) (parent.Height * 0.35) - 20;
            window.Width = parent.Width - 320;
            window.X = 280;

            scrollFrame = new ScrollControl (window);
            scrollFrame.AutoHideBars = true;
            scrollFrame.EnableScroll (false, true);
            scrollFrame.Width = window.Width - 12;
            scrollFrame.Height = window.Height - 32;


            ValidMessages = new[] { (int) MessageId.WindowResize, (int) MessageId.UpdateLocale };
            application.MessageManager += this;
Example #2
        public LoadingScreen (Application application, MessageProvider messageProvider, string backgroundPath,
            string name,
            IEnumerable<Tuple<string, GameStateTransition>> from = null,
            IEnumerable<Tuple<string, GameStateTransition>> to = null)
            if (application.Game.AddGameState(name, Content.Environment.Default, from, to))
                LoadingState = application.Game.GetGameState(name);
                Logger.Log.AddLogEntry(LogLevel.Error, "LoadingScreen", "Could not add loading screen game state!");

            this.application = application;

            ValidMessages = new[] { (int) MessageId.WindowResize };
            messageProvider += this;

            image = new ImagePanel(application.RendererContext.Canvas);
            image.ImageName = backgroundPath;

            progressBar = new ProgressBar (image);
            progressBar.IsHorizontal = true;
            progressBar.AutoLabel = false;
            progressBar.Y = application.RendererContext.Canvas.Height - 70;
            progressBar.X = 40 + (image.Width - application.RendererContext.Canvas.Width) / 2;
            progressBar.Height = 30;
            progressBar.Width = application.RendererContext.Canvas.Width - 80;
Example #3
 /// <summary>
 /// Create an application with the specified name. THIS IS GLOBAL - DO NOT USE MORE THAN ONCE!
 /// This should be the last call of your main method. Only run in main thread!
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="name">Name.</param>
 /// <param name="args">Command line arguments.</param>
 public static void Create (string name, string[] args)
     Instance = new Application (name, args);
     Instance.Init ();
     Instance.Load ();
     Instance.Run ();
     Instance.Destroy ();
Example #4
        public PauseMenu (Application app, CompositorColorCorrectionNode colorCorrectionNode, Base parent,
            Action onContinue, Action onPause)
            this.onContinue = onContinue;
            this.onPause = onPause;
            this.colorCorrectionNode = colorCorrectionNode;
            this.application = app;
            this.parent = parent;

            settings = new SettingsMenu (app, parent, colorCorrectionNode);

            window = new WindowControl (parent, Localizer.Instance.GetValueForName("pause"));
            window.IsMoveable = false;
            window.OnClose += (sender, arguments) => Hide();
            window.Width = BUTTON_WIDTH + 20;

            continueButton = new Button (window);
            continueButton.Text = Localizer.Instance.GetValueForName("back_to_game");
            continueButton.Width = BUTTON_WIDTH;
            continueButton.X = 10;
            continueButton.Y = 10;
            continueButton.Clicked += (sender, arguments) => Hide();

            settingsButton = new Button (window);
            settingsButton.Text = Localizer.Instance.GetValueForName("settings");
            settingsButton.Width = BUTTON_WIDTH;
            settingsButton.X = 10;
            settingsButton.Y = 10 + continueButton.Y + continueButton.Height;
            settingsButton.Clicked += (sender, arguments) => settings.Show();

            exitButton = new Button (window);
            exitButton.Text = Localizer.Instance.GetValueForName("quit_game");
            exitButton.Width = BUTTON_WIDTH;
            exitButton.X = 10;
            exitButton.Y = 10 + settingsButton.Y + settingsButton.Height;
            exitButton.Clicked += (sender, arguments) => application.Window.Close ();

            window.Height += exitButton.Y + exitButton.Height + 10;
            window.X = (parent.Width - window.Width) / 2;
            window.Y = (parent.Height - window.Height) / 2;

            ValidMessages = new int[] { (int) MessageId.WindowResize, (int) MessageId.UpdateLocale,
                (int) MessageId.Input };

            app.MessageManager += this;
Example #5
        /// <summary>
        /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="FreezingArcher.Messaging.InputMessage"/> class.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="keys">Keys.</param>
        /// <param name="mouse">Mouse.</param>
        /// <param name="mouseMovement">Mouse movement.</param>
        /// <param name="mouseScroll">Mouse scroll.</param>
        /// <param name="deltaTime">Delta time.</param>
        internal InputMessage (List<KeyboardInput> keys, List<MouseInput> mouse,
            Vector2 mouseMovement, Vector2 mousePosition, Vector2 mouseScroll, TimeSpan deltaTime, Application app)
            Keys = keys;
            Mouse = mouse;
            MouseMovement = mouseMovement;
            MousePosition = mousePosition;
            MouseScroll = mouseScroll;
            DeltaTime = deltaTime;

            ApplicationInstance = app;

            #if DEBUG_PERFORMANCE
            if (Keys.Count > 0)
                Logger.Log.AddLogEntry (LogLevel.Warning, "InputMessage", Status.AKittenDies,
                    String.Concat (Keys.Select (k => k.KeyAction)));
Example #6
        public EndScreen (Application application, RendererContext rc, IEnumerable<Tuple<string, GameStateTransition>> from = null)
            Renderer = rc;

            Application = application;

            if (!Application.Game.AddGameState ("endscreen_state", FreezingArcher.Content.Environment.Default, from))
                Logger.Log.AddLogEntry (LogLevel.Error, "EndScreen", "Could not add Endscreen-State!");

            State = Application.Game.GetGameState ("endscreen_state");
            MessageProvider = State.MessageProxy;
            BackgroundTexture = null;
            ValidMessages = new int [] { (int) MessageId.GameEnded, (int) MessageId.GameEndedDied,
                (int) MessageId.WindowResize, (int) MessageId.UpdateLocale };
            MessageProvider += this;
Example #7
 public FreezingArcherInput(Application app, MessageProvider messageProvider)
     application = app;
     ValidMessages = new int[] { (int) MessageId.Input };
     messageProvider += this;
Example #8
        public SettingsMenu (Application app, Base parent, CompositorColorCorrectionNode colorCorrectionNode)
            this.application = app;
            this.parent = parent;
            this.colorCorrectionNode = colorCorrectionNode;
            window = new WindowControl (parent);
            window.Title = Localizer.Instance.GetValueForName("settings");

            float gamma = (float) ConfigManager.Instance["freezing_archer"].GetDouble("general", "gamma");
            colorCorrectionNode.Gamma = gamma;
            string language = ConfigManager.Instance["freezing_archer"].GetString("general", "language");
            Localizer.Instance.CurrentLocale = (LocaleEnum) Enum.Parse(typeof (LocaleEnum), language);

            languageLabel = new Label (window);
            languageLabel.AutoSizeToContents = true;
            languageLabel.Y = 10;
            languageLabel.Text = Localizer.Instance.GetValueForName("language");

            languageDropdown = new ComboBox (window);
            languageDropdown.Width = CONTROL_WIDTH;
            languageDropdown.Y = 10;
            foreach (var lang in Localizer.Instance.Locales)
                var item = languageDropdown.AddItem(Localizer.Instance.GetValueForName(lang.Key.ToString()), lang.Key.ToString());
                item.AutoSizeToContents = false;
                item.Width = CONTROL_WIDTH;
            languageDropdown.ItemSelected += handleSelect;

            gammaSlider = new HorizontalSlider (window);
            gammaSlider.SnapToNotches = false;
            gammaSlider.Min = 0;
            gammaSlider.Max = 3;
            gammaSlider.Value = gamma;
            gammaSlider.ValueChanged += (sender, arguments) => {
                var slider = sender as HorizontalSlider;
                ConfigManager.Instance["freezing_archer"].SetDouble("general", "gamma", slider.Value);
                if (slider != null)
                    this.colorCorrectionNode.Gamma = slider.Value;
            gammaSlider.Width = CONTROL_WIDTH;
            gammaSlider.Height = 20;
            gammaSlider.Y = 10 + languageDropdown.Y + languageDropdown.Height;

            gammaLabel = new Label (window);
            gammaLabel.AutoSizeToContents = true;
            gammaLabel.Y = 10 + languageLabel.Y + languageLabel.Height;
            gammaLabel.Text = Localizer.Instance.GetValueForName("gamma");

            int max_width = languageLabel.Width > gammaLabel.Width ? languageLabel.Width : gammaLabel.Width;

            languageLabel.X = 10 + max_width - languageLabel.Width;
            gammaLabel.X = 10 + max_width - gammaLabel.Width;
            languageDropdown.X = 10 + max_width + 5;
            gammaSlider.X = 10 + max_width + 5;

            window.Width = 40 + max_width + CONTROL_WIDTH;

            resetButton = new Button (window);
            resetButton.Text = Localizer.Instance.GetValueForName("reset");
            resetButton.Width = (window.Width / 2) - 20;
            resetButton.X = 10;
            resetButton.Y = gammaSlider.Y + gammaSlider.Height + 10;
            resetButton.Clicked += (sender, arguments) => {
                var general = ConfigManager.DefaultConfig.B.FirstOrDefault (a => a.Key == "general");
                var gamma_pair = general.Value.FirstOrDefault(a => a.Key == "gamma");
                float _gamma = (float) gamma_pair.Value.Double;
                gammaSlider.Value = _gamma;
                colorCorrectionNode.Gamma = _gamma;

                var language_pair = general.Value.FirstOrDefault(a => a.Key == "language");

                string lang = language_pair.Value.String;
                Localizer.Instance.CurrentLocale = (LocaleEnum) Enum.Parse(typeof (LocaleEnum), lang);

            saveButton = new Button (window);
            saveButton.Text = Localizer.Instance.GetValueForName("save");
            saveButton.Width = (window.Width / 2) - 20;
            saveButton.X = resetButton.X + resetButton.Width + 10;
            saveButton.Y = gammaSlider.Y + gammaSlider.Height + 10;
            saveButton.Clicked += (sender, arguments) => ConfigManager.Instance.SaveAll();

            window.Height += languageDropdown.Height + gammaSlider.Height + 50;
            window.X = (parent.Width - window.Width) / 2;
            window.Y = (parent.Height - window.Height) / 2;

            ValidMessages = new[] { (int) MessageId.UpdateLocale };
            application.MessageManager += this;
Example #9
 public InventoryGUI (Application application, GameState state, Entity player, MessageProvider messageProvider,
     CompositorWarpingNode warpingNode)
     this.application = application;
     this.player = player;
     this.MessageProvider = messageProvider;
     this.GameState = state;
     this.warpingNode = warpingNode;
     ValidMessages = new[] {
         (int) MessageId.WindowResize,
         (int) MessageId.UpdateLocale,
         (int) MessageId.Input,
         (int) MessageId.Update,
         (int) MessageId.ActiveInventoryBarItemChanged
     messageProvider += this;
Example #10
 /// <summary>
 /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="FreezingArcher.Messaging.RunningMessage"/> class.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="application">Application.</param>
 public RunningMessage(Application application)
     Application = application;
Example #11
        public MainMenu (Application application, Action onPlayGame, CompositorColorCorrectionNode colorCorrectionNode)
            this.application = application;
            this.onPlayGame = onPlayGame;

            ValidMessages = new[] { (int) MessageId.WindowResize, (int) MessageId.UpdateLocale };
            application.MessageManager += this;

            canvas = application.RendererContext.Canvas;
            var input = new FreezingArcherInput(application, application.MessageManager);
            input.Initialize (canvas);

            canvas.SetSize(application.Window.Size.X, application.Window.Size.Y);
            canvas.ShouldDrawBackground = false;

            settings = new SettingsMenu (application, canvas, colorCorrectionNode);
            tutorial = new TutorialMenu (application, canvas);

            background = new ImagePanel (canvas);
            background.ImageName = "Content/MainMenu.jpg";

            exitButton = new Button (canvas);
            exitButton.Text = Localizer.Instance.GetValueForName("quit_game");
            exitButton.Width = BUTTON_WIDTH;
            exitButton.X = 40;
            exitButton.Y = canvas.Height - exitButton.Height - 60;
            exitButton.Clicked += (sender, arguments) => application.Window.Close ();

            settingsButton = new Button (canvas);
            settingsButton.Text = Localizer.Instance.GetValueForName("settings");
            settingsButton.Width = BUTTON_WIDTH;
            settingsButton.X = 40;
            settingsButton.Y = exitButton.Y - settingsButton.Height - 40;
            settingsButton.Clicked += (sender, arguments) => settings.Show();

            tutorialButton = new Button (canvas);
            tutorialButton.Text = Localizer.Instance.GetValueForName("tutorial");
            tutorialButton.Width = BUTTON_WIDTH;
            tutorialButton.X = 40;
            tutorialButton.Y = settingsButton.Y - tutorialButton.Height - 40;
            tutorialButton.Clicked += (sender, arguments) => tutorial.Show();

            startButton = new Button (canvas);
            startButton.Text = Localizer.Instance.GetValueForName("start_game");
            startButton.Width = BUTTON_WIDTH;
            startButton.X = 40;
            startButton.Y = tutorialButton.Y - startButton.Height - 40;
            startButton.Clicked += (sender, arguments) => {

            acagamicsFoo = new ImagePanel (canvas);
            acagamicsFoo.ImageName = "Content/figure_color.png";
            acagamicsFoo.Width = 64;
            acagamicsFoo.Height = 106;
            acagamicsFoo.X = canvas.Width - acagamicsFoo.Width - 10;
            acagamicsFoo.Y = canvas.Height - acagamicsFoo.Height - 10;
Example #12
 /// <summary>
 /// Create an application with the specified name.
 /// This should be the last call of your main method. Only run in main thread!
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="name">Name.</param>
 /// <param name="args">Command line arguments.</param>
 public static Application CreateApp (string name, string[] args)
     Application app = new Application (name, args);
     app.Init ();
     app.Load ();
     app.Run ();
     app.Destroy ();
     return app;
Example #13
 /// <summary>
 /// Create an application with the specified name.
 /// This should be the last call of your main method. Only run in main thread!
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="name">Name.</param>
 /// <param name="args">Command line arguments.</param>
 /// <param name="application">The created application.</param>
 public static void Create (string name, string[] args, out Application application)
     application = CreateApp (name, args);
Example #14
        /// <summary>
        /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="FreezingArcher.Game.MazeTest"/> class.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="messageProvider">The message provider for this instance.</param>
        /// <param name="objmnr">The object manager for this instance.</param>
        /// <param name="rendererContext">The renderer context for the maze scenes.</param>
        /// <param name="game">The game the maze should be generated in.</param>
        public MazeTest (MessageProvider messageProvider, ObjectManager objmnr, RendererContext rendererContext,
            Content.Game game, Application app, CompositorNodeScene sceneNode,
            CompositorImageOverlayNode healthOverlayNode, CompositorColorCorrectionNode colorCorrectionNode,
            CompositorNodeOutput outputNode, CompositorWarpingNode warpingNode)
            ValidMessages = new[] {
                (int) MessageId.Input,
                (int) MessageId.Update,
                (int) MessageId.HealthChanged,
                (int) MessageId.CollisionDetected,
                (int) MessageId.StaminaChanged,
                (int) MessageId.ItemUse,
                (int) MessageId.FlashlightToggled
            messageProvider += this;
            mazeGenerator = new MazeGenerator (objmnr);

            MazeSceneNode = sceneNode;
            HealthOverlayNode = healthOverlayNode;
            ColorCorrectionNode = colorCorrectionNode;
            OutputNode = outputNode;
            WarpingNode = warpingNode;
            this.game = game;
            application = app;

            FPS_Text = new Gwen.ControlInternal.Text (app.RendererContext.Canvas);
            FPS_Text.String = "0 FPS";
            FPS_Text.Font = new Gwen.Font (app.RendererContext.GwenRenderer);
            FPS_Text.SetPosition (5, 5);
            FPS_Text.Font.Size = 15;
            FPS_Text.Hide ();

            HealthOverlayNode.OverlayTexture = rendererContext.CreateTexture2D ("bloodsplatter", true, "Content/bloodsplatter.png");
            HealthOverlayNode.Factor = 0;
            HealthOverlayNode.Blending = OverlayBlendMode.Multiply;
            warpingNode.WarpTexture = rendererContext.CreateTexture2D ("warp", true, "Content/warp.jpg");

            game.SceneNode = MazeSceneNode;

            game.AddGameState ("maze_overworld", Content.Environment.Default, null);
            var state = game.GetGameState ("maze_overworld");

            state.Scene = new CoreScene (rendererContext, messageProvider);
            state.Scene.SceneName = "MazeOverworld";
            state.Scene.Active = false;
            state.Scene.BackgroundColor = Color4.Fuchsia;
            state.Scene.DistanceFogIntensity = 0.07f;
            state.Scene.AmbientColor = Color4.White;
            state.Scene.AmbientIntensity = 0.3f;
            state.Scene.MaxRenderingDistance = 1000.0f;

            state.AudioContext = new AudioContext (state.MessageProxy);

            state.MessageProxy.StartProcessing ();

            loadingScreen = new LoadingScreen (application, messageProvider, "Content/loading.png",
                new[] { new Tuple<string, GameStateTransition> ("main_menu", GameStateTransition.DefaultTransition) },
                new[] { new Tuple<string, GameStateTransition> (state.Name, new GameStateTransition (0)) });

            endScreen = new EndScreen (application, rendererContext, new Tuple<string, GameStateTransition>[] {
                new Tuple<string, GameStateTransition> ("maze_overworld", GameStateTransition.DefaultTransition),
                new Tuple<string, GameStateTransition> ("maze_underworld", GameStateTransition.DefaultTransition)

            game.SwitchToGameState ("MazeLoadingScreen");

            Player = EntityFactory.Instance.CreateWith ("player", state.MessageProxy, new[] {
            }, new[] {

            inventoryGui = new InventoryGUI (app, state, Player, messageProvider, warpingNode);
            var inventory = new Inventory (messageProvider, state, Player, new Vector2i (5, 7), 9);
            inventoryGui.Init (rendererContext.Canvas, inventory);

            PauseMenu = new PauseMenu (application, ColorCorrectionNode, rendererContext.Canvas,
                () => maze [currentMaze].AIManager.StartThinking (), () => maze [currentMaze].AIManager.StopThinking ());
            AddAudio (state);

            // embed new maze into game state logic and create a MoveEntityToScene
            SkyboxSystem.CreateSkybox (state.Scene, Player);
            Player.GetComponent<TransformComponent> ().Position = new Vector3 (0, 1.85f, 0);
            var maze_cam_entity = EntityFactory.Instance.CreateWith ("maze_cam_transform", state.MessageProxy, new[] { typeof(TransformComponent) });
            var maze_cam_transform = maze_cam_entity.GetComponent<TransformComponent> ();
            var maze_cam = new BaseCamera (maze_cam_entity, state.MessageProxy, orthographic: true);
            state.Scene.CameraManager.AddCamera (maze_cam, "maze");
            maze_cam_transform.Position = new Vector3 (115, 240, 110);
            maze_cam_transform.Rotation = Quaternion.FromAxisAngle (Vector3.UnitX, MathHelper.PiOver2);
            state.Scene.CameraManager.AddCamera (new BaseCamera (Player, state.MessageProxy), "player");

            RigidBody playerBody = new RigidBody (new SphereShape (1f));
            playerBody.Position = Player.GetComponent<TransformComponent> ().Position.ToJitterVector ();
            playerBody.AllowDeactivation = false;
            playerBody.Material.StaticFriction = 0f;
            playerBody.Material.KineticFriction = 0f;
            playerBody.Material.Restitution = 0.1f;
            //playerBody.Mass = 1000000.0f;
            playerBody.Update ();
            Player.GetComponent<PhysicsComponent> ().RigidBody = playerBody;
            Player.GetComponent<PhysicsComponent> ().World = state.PhysicsManager.World;
            Player.GetComponent<PhysicsComponent> ().PhysicsApplying = AffectedByPhysics.Position;

            #if PRESENTATION
            Player.GetComponent<HealthComponent>().MaximumHealth = 500;
            Player.GetComponent<HealthComponent>().Health = 500;

            state.PhysicsManager.World.AddBody (playerBody);

            int seed = new FastRandom ().Next ();
            var rand = new FastRandom (seed);
            Logger.Log.AddLogEntry (LogLevel.Debug, "MazeTest", "Seed: {0}", seed);

            #if PRESENTATION
            maze [0] = mazeGenerator.CreateMaze<OverworldMazeTheme> (rand.Next (), state.MessageProxy, state.PhysicsManager, app.AudioManager, 10, 10);
            maze [0] = mazeGenerator.CreateMaze<OverworldMazeTheme> (rand.Next (), state.MessageProxy, state.PhysicsManager, app.AudioManager, 30, 30);
            maze [0].PlayerPosition += Player.GetComponent<TransformComponent> ().Position;
            maze [0].AIManager.RegisterEntity (Player);

            for (int i = 0; i < OverworldScobisCount; i++)
                ScobisInstances.Add (new Scobis (state, maze [0].AIManager, rendererContext));

            for (int i = 0; i < OverworldCaligoCount; i++)
                CaligoInstances.Add (new Caligo (state, maze [0].AIManager, rendererContext, warpingNode));

            for (int i = 0; i < OverworldViridionCount; i++)
                ViridionInstances.Add (new Viridion (state, maze [0].AIManager, rendererContext, ColorCorrectionNode)); 

            for (int i = 0; i < OverworldGhostCount; i++)
                GhostInstances.Add (new Ghost (state, maze [0].AIManager, rendererContext, ColorCorrectionNode));

            game.AddGameState ("maze_underworld", Content.Environment.Default,
                new[] { new Tuple<string, GameStateTransition> ("maze_overworld", new GameStateTransition (0)) },
                new[] { new Tuple<string, GameStateTransition> ("maze_overworld", new GameStateTransition (0)),
                    new Tuple<string, GameStateTransition> ("endscreen_state", new GameStateTransition (0))
            state = game.GetGameState ("maze_underworld");
            state.Scene = new CoreScene (rendererContext, messageProvider);
            state.Scene.SceneName = "MazeUnderworld";
            state.Scene.Active = false;
            state.Scene.BackgroundColor = Color4.AliceBlue;
            state.Scene.DistanceFogIntensity = 0.07f;
            state.Scene.AmbientColor = Color4.White;
            state.Scene.AmbientIntensity = 0.3f;
            state.Scene.MaxRenderingDistance = 1000.0f;

            state.AudioContext = new AudioContext (state.MessageProxy);

            AddAudio (state);

            state.Scene.CameraManager.AddCamera (new BaseCamera (Player, state.MessageProxy), "player");
            #if PRESENTATION
            maze [1] = mazeGenerator.CreateMaze<UnderworldMazeTheme> (rand.Next (), state.MessageProxy, state.PhysicsManager, app.AudioManager, 10, 10);
            maze [1] = mazeGenerator.CreateMaze<UnderworldMazeTheme> (rand.Next (), state.MessageProxy, state.PhysicsManager, app.AudioManager, 30, 30);
            maze [1].PlayerPosition += Player.GetComponent<TransformComponent> ().Position;
            maze [1].AIManager.RegisterEntity (Player);

            Func<int, int, bool> containsPortalFunc = (x, y) =>
                foreach (var m in maze)
                    var cell = m.entities [x, y].GetComponent<PhysicsComponent> ().RigidBody.Tag as MazeCell;
                    if (cell != null && cell.IsPortal)
                        return true;
                return false;

            mazeWallMover = new MazeWallMover (maze [0], maze [1], game.GetGameState ("maze_overworld"), containsPortalFunc);

            state.MessageProxy.StopProcessing ();

            for (int i = 0; i < UnderworldCaligoCount; i++)
                CaligoInstances.Add (new Caligo (state, maze [1].AIManager, rendererContext, warpingNode));

            for (int i = 0; i < UnderworldPassusCount; i++)
                PassusInstances.Add (new Passus (ColorCorrectionNode, state, maze [1].AIManager, rendererContext));

            for (int i = 0; i < UnderworldRoachesCount; i++)
                RoachesInstances.Add(new Roaches (state, maze [0].AIManager, rendererContext));

            for (int i = 0; i < UnderworldFenFireCount; i++)
                FenFireInstances.Add (new FenFire (state, maze [1].AIManager, rendererContext));