Example #1
 public CDEntry(CDEntry src)
     m_Discid       = src.m_Discid;
     m_Artist       = src.m_Artist;
     m_Title        = src.m_Title;
     m_Year         = src.m_Year;
     m_Genre        = src.m_Genre;
     m_ExtendedData = src.m_ExtendedData;
     m_PlayOrder    = src.m_PlayOrder;
     m_Tracks       = new TrackCollection();
     foreach (Track tr in src.m_Tracks)
         m_Tracks.Add(new Track(tr));
Example #2
        public string Submit(CDEntry entry, int length, string discid, string category, bool test)
            StreamReader    reader   = null;
            HttpWebResponse response = null;
            string          url      = "http://" + MAIN_FREEDB_ADDRESS + SUBMIT_ADDITIONAL_URL_INFO;
            string          command  = "";
            string          result   = "";

            if ((entry.Artist ?? "") == "")
                throw new Exception("Artist not set");
            if ((entry.Title ?? "") == "")
                throw new Exception("Title not set");
            if (!ValidCategories.Contains(category))
                throw new Exception("Category not valid");
            foreach (Track t in entry.Tracks)
                if ((t.Title ?? "") == "")
                    throw new Exception("Track titles not set");
            foreach (Track t in entry.Tracks)
                if (t.FrameOffset < 150)
                    throw new Exception("Track frame offsets not set");

            command += "# xmcd CD database file\n";
            command += "#\n";
            command += "# Track frame offsets:\n";
            foreach (Track t in entry.Tracks)
                command += "#        " + t.FrameOffset + "\n";
            command += "#\n";
            command += "# Disc length: " + length.ToString() + " seconds\n";
            command += "#\n";
            command += "# Revision: 0\n";
            command += "# Submitted via: " + ClientName + " " + Version + "\n";
            command += "#\n";
            command += "DISCID=" + discid.ToLower() + "\n";
            command += "DTITLE=" + entry.Artist.Replace(" / ", "/") + " / " + entry.Title.Replace(" / ", "/") + "\n";
            command += "DYEAR=" + entry.Year + "\n";             // DYEAR=#{@year.to_i == 0 ? "" : "%04d" % @year}
            command += "DGENRE=" + entry.Genre + "\n";           // DGENRE=#{(@genre || "").split(" ").collect do |w| w.capitalize end.join(" ")}
            int i = 0;

            foreach (Track t in entry.Tracks)
                command += "TTITLE" + (i++).ToString() + "=" + t.Title + "\n";                 // escape
            i        = 0;
            command += "EXTD=" + entry.ExtendedData + "\n";
            foreach (Track t in entry.Tracks)
                command += "EXTT" + (i++).ToString() + "=" + t.ExtendedData + "\n";                 // escape
            command += "PLAYORDER=\n";

                //create our HttpWebRequest which we use to call the freedb server
                HttpWebRequest req = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create(url);
                req.Proxy       = Proxy;
                req.ContentType = "text/plain";
                req.Method      = "POST";
                req.Headers.Add("Category", category);
                req.Headers.Add("Discid", discid.ToLower());
                req.Headers.Add("User-Email", UserName + '@' + Hostname);
                req.Headers.Add("Submit-Mode", test ? "test" : "submit");
                req.Headers.Add("X-Cddbd-Note", "Sent by " + ClientName + " " + Version);
                req.Headers.Add("Charset", "utf-8");
                //using Unicode
                byte[] byteArray = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(command);
                //get our request stream
                Stream newStream = req.GetRequestStream();
                //write our command data to it
                newStream.Write(byteArray, 0, byteArray.Length);
                //Make the call. Note this is a synchronous call
                response = (HttpWebResponse)req.GetResponse();
                //put the results into a StreamReader
                reader = new StreamReader(response.GetResponseStream(), System.Text.Encoding.UTF8);
                result = reader.ReadToEnd();
            catch (Exception ex)
                throw ex;
                if (response != null)
                if (reader != null)

Example #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Read Entry from the database.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="qr">A QueryResult object that is created by performing a query</param>
        /// <param name="cdEntry">out parameter - CDEntry object</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public string Read(QueryResult qr, out CDEntry cdEntry)
            Debug.Assert(qr != null);
            cdEntry = null;

            StringCollection coll    = null;
            StringBuilder    builder = new StringBuilder(FreedbHelper.Commands.CMD_READ);


            //make call
                coll = Call(builder.ToString());

            catch (Exception ex)
                string    msg   = "Error performing cddb read.";
                Exception newex = new Exception(msg, ex);
                throw newex;

            // check if results came back
            if (coll.Count < 0)
                string    msg = "No results returned from cddb read.";
                Exception ex  = new Exception(msg, null);
                throw ex;

            string code = GetCode(coll[0]);

            if (code == ResponseCodes.CODE_INVALID)
                string    msg = "Unable to process results for cddb read. Returned Data: " + coll[0];
                Exception ex  = new Exception(msg, null);
                throw ex;

            switch (code)
            case ResponseCodes.CODE_500:

            case ResponseCodes.CODE_401:                     // entry not found
            case ResponseCodes.CODE_402:                     // server error
            case ResponseCodes.CODE_403:                     // Database entry is corrupt
            case ResponseCodes.CODE_409:                     // No handshake

            case ResponseCodes.CODE_210:                  // good
                coll.RemoveAt(0);                         // remove the 210
                cdEntry = new CDEntry(coll);

Example #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Read Entry from the database. 
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="qr">A QueryResult object that is created by performing a query</param>
        /// <param name="cdEntry">out parameter - CDEntry object</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public string Read(QueryResult qr, out CDEntry cdEntry)
            Debug.Assert(qr != null);
            cdEntry = null;

            StringCollection coll = null;
            StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(FreedbHelper.Commands.CMD_READ);

            //make call
                coll = Call(builder.ToString());

            catch (Exception ex)
                string msg = "Error performing cddb read.";
                Exception newex = new Exception(msg,ex);
                throw newex ;

            // check if results came back
            if (coll.Count < 0)
                string msg = "No results returned from cddb read.";
                Exception ex = new Exception(msg,null);
                throw ex;

            string code = GetCode(coll[0]);
            if (code == ResponseCodes.CODE_INVALID)
                string msg = "Unable to process results for cddb read. Returned Data: " + coll[0];
                Exception ex = new Exception(msg,null);
                throw ex;

            switch (code)
                case ResponseCodes.CODE_500:
                    return ResponseCodes.CODE_500;

                case ResponseCodes.CODE_401: // entry not found
                case ResponseCodes.CODE_402: // server error
                case ResponseCodes.CODE_403: // Database entry is corrupt
                case ResponseCodes.CODE_409: // No handshake
                    return code;

                case ResponseCodes.CODE_210: // good
                    coll.RemoveAt(0); // remove the 210
                    cdEntry = new CDEntry(coll);
                    return ResponseCodes.CODE_210;
                    return ResponseCodes.CODE_500;
Example #5
 public CDImageLayout TocFromCDEntry(CDEntry cdEntry)
     CDImageLayout tocFromCDEntry = new CDImageLayout();
     for (int i = 0; i < cdEntry.Tracks.Count; i++)
         if (i >= _toc.TrackCount)
         tocFromCDEntry.AddTrack(new CDTrack((uint)i + 1,
             (uint)cdEntry.Tracks[i].FrameOffset - 150,
             (i + 1 < cdEntry.Tracks.Count) ? (uint)(cdEntry.Tracks[i + 1].FrameOffset - cdEntry.Tracks[i].FrameOffset) : _toc[i + 1].Length,
             _toc[i + 1].IsAudio,
     if (tocFromCDEntry.TrackCount > 0 && tocFromCDEntry[1].IsAudio)
         tocFromCDEntry[1][0].Start = 0;
     return tocFromCDEntry;
Example #6
		public CDEntry(CDEntry src)
			m_Discid = src.m_Discid;
			m_Artist = src.m_Artist;
			m_Title = src.m_Title;
			m_Year = src.m_Year;
			m_Genre = src.m_Genre;
			m_ExtendedData = src.m_ExtendedData;
			m_PlayOrder = src.m_PlayOrder;
			m_Tracks = new TrackCollection();
			foreach (Track tr in src.m_Tracks)
				m_Tracks.Add(new Track(tr));
		//private CUEMetadataEntry CreateCUESheet(ICDRipper audioSource, Release release)
		//    CUEMetadataEntry entry = new CUEMetadataEntry(audioSource.TOC, "musicbrainz");
		//    entry.metadata.FillFromMusicBrainz(release, entry.TOC.FirstAudio - 1);
		//    return entry;

		private CUEMetadataEntry CreateCUESheet(ICDRipper audioSource, CDEntry cdEntry)
			CUEMetadataEntry entry = new CUEMetadataEntry(audioSource.TOC, "freedb");
			entry.metadata.FillFromFreedb(cdEntry, entry.TOC.FirstAudio - 1);
			return entry;
		private void FreedbSubmit(object o)
			StringCollection tmp = new StringCollection();
			CDEntry entry = new CDEntry(tmp);
			entry.Artist = data.selectedRelease.metadata.Artist;
			entry.Title = data.selectedRelease.metadata.Title;
			entry.Year = data.selectedRelease.metadata.Year;
			entry.Genre = data.selectedRelease.metadata.Genre;
			int i = 1;
            for (i = 1; i <= selectedDriveInfo.drive.TOC.TrackCount; i++)
				Freedb.Track tt = new Freedb.Track();
                if (i >= selectedDriveInfo.drive.TOC.FirstAudio && i < selectedDriveInfo.drive.TOC.FirstAudio + selectedDriveInfo.drive.TOC.AudioTracks)
                    CUETrackMetadata t = data.selectedRelease.metadata.Tracks[i - selectedDriveInfo.drive.TOC.FirstAudio];
				    if (t.Artist != "" && t.Artist != entry.Artist)
					    tt.Title = t.Artist + " / " + t.Title;
					    tt.Title = t.Title;
                } else
                    tt.Title = "Data track";
                tt.FrameOffset = 150 + (int)selectedDriveInfo.drive.TOC[i].Start;
			foreach (CUETrackMetadata t in data.selectedRelease.metadata.Tracks)
				Freedb.Track tt = new Freedb.Track();
				if (t.Artist != "" && t.Artist != entry.Artist)
					tt.Title = t.Artist + " / " + t.Title;
					tt.Title = t.Title;
				tt.FrameOffset = 150 + (int)selectedDriveInfo.drive.TOC[i++].Start;

			FreedbHelper m_freedb = new FreedbHelper();

			frmFreedbSubmit frm = new frmFreedbSubmit();
			foreach (string c in m_freedb.ValidCategories)
			frm.Data.User = _config.advanced.FreedbUser;
			frm.Data.Domain = _config.advanced.FreedbDomain;
			frm.Data.Category = "misc";

			DialogResult dlgRes = DialogResult.Cancel;
			this.Invoke((MethodInvoker)delegate() { dlgRes = frm.ShowDialog(); });
			if (dlgRes == DialogResult.Cancel)
				_workThread = null;
				this.BeginInvoke((MethodInvoker)delegate() { SetupControls(); });


			_config.advanced.FreedbUser = frm.Data.User;
			_config.advanced.FreedbDomain = frm.Data.Domain;

			m_freedb.Proxy = _config.GetProxy();
			m_freedb.UserName = _config.advanced.FreedbUser;
			m_freedb.Hostname = _config.advanced.FreedbDomain;
			m_freedb.ClientName = "CUERipper";
			m_freedb.Version = CUESheet.CUEToolsVersion;
			//    string code = m_freedb.GetCategories(out tmp);
			//    if (code == FreedbHelper.ResponseCodes.CODE_210)
			//        m_freedb.ValidCategories = tmp;
			uint length = selectedDriveInfo.drive.TOC.Length / 75 + 2;
				string res = m_freedb.Submit(entry, (int)length, AccurateRipVerify.CalculateCDDBId(selectedDriveInfo.drive.TOC), frm.Data.Category, false);
					dlgRes = MessageBox.Show(this, res, "Submit result", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information);
			catch (Exception ex)
					dlgRes = MessageBox.Show(this, ex.Message, "Submit result", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);
			_workThread = null;
			this.BeginInvoke((MethodInvoker)delegate() { SetupControls(); });
		public string Submit(CDEntry entry, int length, string discid, string category, bool test)
			StreamReader reader = null;
			HttpWebResponse response = null;
			string command = "";
			string result = "";

			if ((entry.Artist ?? "") == "")
				throw new Exception("Artist not set");
			if ((entry.Title ?? "") == "")
				throw new Exception("Title not set");
			if (!ValidCategories.Contains(category))
				throw new Exception("Category not valid");
			foreach (Track t in entry.Tracks)
				if ((t.Title ?? "") == "")
					throw new Exception("Track titles not set");
			foreach (Track t in entry.Tracks)
				if (t.FrameOffset < 150)
					throw new Exception("Track frame offsets not set");

			command += "# xmcd CD database file\n";
			command += "#\n";
			command += "# Track frame offsets:\n";
			foreach(Track t in entry.Tracks)
				command += "#        " + t.FrameOffset + "\n";
			command += "#\n";
			command += "# Disc length: " + length.ToString() + " seconds\n";
			command += "#\n";
			command += "# Revision: 0\n";
			command += "# Submitted via: " + ClientName + " " + Version + "\n";
			command += "#\n";
			command += "DISCID=" + discid.ToLower() + "\n";
			command += "DTITLE=" + entry.Artist.Replace(" / ", "/") + " / " + entry.Title.Replace(" / ", "/") + "\n";
			command += "DYEAR=" + entry.Year + "\n"; // DYEAR=#{@year.to_i == 0 ? "" : "%04d" % @year}
			command += "DGENRE=" + entry.Genre + "\n"; // DGENRE=#{(@genre || "").split(" ").collect do |w| w.capitalize end.join(" ")}
			int i = 0;
			foreach (Track t in entry.Tracks)
				command += "TTITLE" + (i++).ToString() + "=" + t.Title + "\n"; // escape
			i = 0;
			command += "EXTD=" + entry.ExtendedData + "\n";
			foreach (Track t in entry.Tracks)
				command += "EXTT" + (i++).ToString() + "=" + t.ExtendedData + "\n"; // escape
			command += "PLAYORDER=\n";

				//create our HttpWebRequest which we use to call the freedb server
				HttpWebRequest req = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create(url);
				req.Proxy = Proxy;
				req.ContentType = "text/plain";
				req.Method = "POST";
				req.Headers.Add("Category", category);
				req.Headers.Add("Discid", discid.ToLower());
				req.Headers.Add("User-Email", UserName + '@' + Hostname);
				req.Headers.Add("Submit-Mode", test ? "test" : "submit");
				req.Headers.Add("X-Cddbd-Note", "Sent by " + ClientName + " " + Version);
				req.Headers.Add("Charset", "utf-8");
				//using Unicode
				byte[] byteArray = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(command);
				//get our request stream
				Stream newStream = req.GetRequestStream();
				//write our command data to it
				newStream.Write(byteArray, 0, byteArray.Length);
				//Make the call. Note this is a synchronous call
				response = (HttpWebResponse)req.GetResponse();
				//put the results into a StreamReader
				reader = new StreamReader(response.GetResponseStream(), System.Text.Encoding.UTF8);
				result = reader.ReadToEnd();
			catch (Exception ex)
				throw ex;
				if (response != null)
				if (reader != null)

			return result;