GetGameByID() public method

public GetGameByID ( int TGDB_id ) : Game
TGDB_id int
return Game
        public Nintendo64_PostProcess(string DirectoryToProcess, char SpaceChar, bool MetaEnabled, bool RenamingEnabled, bool MovingEnabled, DatabaseConnector DBConnection)
            MetaEnabled = true;
            RenamingEnabled = true;
            MovingEnabled = true;

            string[] FilesToProcess = System.IO.Directory.GetFiles(@DirectoryToProcess);
            Progress ProgressForm = new Progress();
            ProgressForm.Step = ProgressForm.CalculateStep(FilesToProcess.Length);

            foreach (string SingleFile in FilesToProcess)
                ProgressForm.UpdateProcessingName = SingleFile;

                //Get the Directory including the file
                string FileDirectory = System.IO.Directory.GetParent(SingleFile).FullName;

                //Get the filename without the path
                string Filename = SingleFile.Replace(FileDirectory + "\\", "");
                string Searchname = Filename;
                //Strip and Save the extension
                Regex FileExtensionRegex = new Regex("\\.(...)$");
                string Extension = FileExtensionRegex.Match(Searchname).Value;
                Searchname = FileExtensionRegex.Replace(Searchname, "");

                //Replace "SpaceChar" with actual spaces for our search
                Searchname = Searchname.Replace(SpaceChar, " ".ToCharArray()[0]);
                LogFacility.WriteToFile(4, "Title to search: " + Searchname, LogSource);

                //Initiate scraper
                Scraper.TheGamesDB InfoScraper = new Scraper.TheGamesDB(LogFacility);
                List<Game> Results = InfoScraper.Search(Searchname, "Nintendo 64");

                //We will only take the first result, let's hope that it's the best one...
                if (Results != null)
                    LogFacility.WriteToFile(1, "Could not find an item for " + Searchname, LogSource);

                if (Results != null)
                    Filename = Results[0].Name.Replace(" ".ToCharArray()[0], SpaceChar);
                    Filename += Extension;

                    LogFacility.WriteToFile(4, "Resulted Filename: " + FileDirectory + "\\" + Filename, LogSource);

                    if (RenamingEnabled && !MovingEnabled)
                        System.IO.File.Move(SingleFile, FileDirectory + "\\" + Filename);

                    if (MovingEnabled)
                        System.IO.File.Move(SingleFile, FileDirectory + "\\" + Filename);


Example #2
        private void btAddGame_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            LogInstance.WriteToFile(4, "Adding a game to the database", LogSource);
            TheGamesDB Scraper_GameDB = new TheGamesDB(LogInstance);
            Game GameToAdd = new Game();
            string TextValue = (string)cBSearchResultPicker.SelectedItem;
            TextValue = TextValue.Split(Char.Parse(":"))[1].Trim();
            GameToAdd = Scraper_GameDB.GetGameByID(int.Parse(TextValue));

            int newid = DBConnection.InsertGame(GameToAdd);

            if (newid == 0)
                LogInstance.WriteToFile(4, "Somehow we were unable to add the game to the database.", LogSource);
                MessageBox.Show("Unable to add the game to the database.");
                GameToAdd = DBConnection.GetGame(newid);

                if (CurGameList == null)

                CurGameList = DBConnection.AllGamesByPlatform("PC");
                if (GameToAdd.Platform == "PC")
                    lboxGameList.Items.Add((lboxGameList.Items.Count + 1) + ". " + GameToAdd.Name + " (ID: " + GameToAdd.ID + ")");

                lboxGameList.SelectedIndex = 0;

                lblNameOfGame.Visible = true;
                lblPublisher.Visible = true;
                lblPlayers.Visible = true;
                lblCoOp.Visible = true;
                lblRelease.Visible = true;
                lblContent.Visible = true;
                lblYoutube.Visible = true;
                lblGenres.Visible = true;
                btAddGame.Enabled = false;
                btAddGame.Visible = false;
                cBSearchResultPicker.Enabled = false;
                cBSearchResultPicker.Visible = false;