Example #1
        //this method will delete a key value from the leaf node it is |
        //in.  We will use the search method to traverse through the   |
        //tree to find the node where the key is in.  We will then     |
        //iterated through key[] array until we get to node and will   |
        //assign k[i] = k[i+1] overwriting key we want to delete and   |
        //keeping blank spots out as well.  Note that this is the most |
        //simple case of delete that there is and we will not have time|
        //to implement all cases properly.                             |

        public void deleteKey(BTreeV2 <T> t, T key)
            BtreeNodeV2 <T> temp = new BtreeNodeV2 <T>(Degree, null); //temp Bnode

            temp = search(t.root, key);                               //call of search method on tree for key

            if (temp.leaf && temp.NumberKeyInNode > Degree - 1)
                int i = 0;

                while (key.CompareTo(temp.getValue(i)) > 0)
                for (int j = i; j < 2 * Degree - 2; j++)
                    temp.key[j] = temp.getValue(j + 1);
                Console.WriteLine("This node is either not a leaf or has less than order - 1 keys.");
Example #2
        //this will be the method to insert in general, it will call    |
        //insert non full if needed.                                    |

        /// <summary>
        /// Insére une clé dans un arbre
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="tree"></param>
        /// <param name="key"></param>
        public void insert(BTreeV2 <T> tree, T key)
            BtreeNodeV2 <T> r = tree.root;//this method finds the node to be inserted as

            //it goes through this starting at root node.
            if (r.NumberKeyInNode == 2 * Degree - 1)                   //if is full
                BtreeNodeV2 <T> s = new BtreeNodeV2 <T>(Degree, null); //new node

                tree.root = s;                                         //\
                                                                       // \
                s.leaf = false;                                        //  \
                                                                       //   > this is to initialize node.
                s.NumberKeyInNode = 0;                                 //  /
                                                                       // /
                s.child[0] = r;                                        ///

                split(s, 0, r);                                        //split root

                nonfullInsert(s, key);                                 //call insert method
                nonfullInsert(r, key);//if its not full just insert it
Example #3
        // ----------------------------------------------------
        // initial value constructor for new node             |
        // will be called from BTree.java                     |
        // ----------------------------------------------------

        public BtreeNodeV2(int t, BtreeNodeV2 <T> parent)
            this.t          = t;                           //assign size
            this.parent     = parent;                      //assign parent
            key             = new T[2 * t - 1];            // array of proper size
            child           = new BtreeNodeV2 <T> [2 * t]; // array of refs proper size
            leaf            = true;                        // everynode is leaf at first;
            NumberKeyInNode = 0;                           //until we add keys later.
Example #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Affiche le noeud trouvé dans l'arbre si la clé existe
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="tree"></param>
        /// <param name="key"></param>
        public void SearchPrintNode(BTreeV2 <T> tree, T key)
            BtreeNodeV2 <T> temp = new BtreeNodeV2 <T>(Degree, null);

            temp = search(tree.root, key);

            if (temp == null)
                Console.WriteLine("The Key does not exist in this tree");
Example #5
        //  --------------------------------------------------------
        //  this will be the split method.  It will split node we  |
        //  want to insert into if it is full.                     |
        //  --------------------------------------------------------

        public void split(BtreeNodeV2 <T> x, int i, BtreeNodeV2 <T> y)
            //création nouveau noeud pour le split
            BtreeNodeV2 <T> z = new BtreeNodeV2 <T>(Degree, null);

            z.leaf            = y.leaf;     //set boolean to same as y
            z.NumberKeyInNode = Degree - 1; //this is updated size

            for (int j = 0; j < Degree - 1; j++)
                z.key[j] = y.key[j + Degree]; //copy end of y into front of z
            if (!y.leaf)                      //if not leaf we have to reassign child nodes.
                for (int k = 0; k < Degree; k++)
                    z.child[k] = y.child[k + Degree]; //reassing child of y

            y.NumberKeyInNode = Degree - 1;             //new size of y

            for (int j = x.NumberKeyInNode; j > i; j--) //if we push key into x we have
            {                                           //to rearrange child nodes
                x.child[j + 1] = x.child[j];            //shift children of x
            x.child[i + 1] = z;                         //reassign i+1 child of x

            for (int j = x.NumberKeyInNode; j > i; j--)
                x.key[j + 1] = x.key[j];    // shift keys
            x.key[i] = y.key[Degree - 1];   //finally push value up into root.

            y.key[Degree - 1] = default(T); //erase value where we pushed from

            for (int j = 0; j < Degree - 1; j++)
                y.key[j + Degree] = default(T); //'delete' old values

            x.NumberKeyInNode++;  //increase count of keys in x
Example #6
        // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        // this will be method to print out a node, or recurses when root node is not leaf |
        // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------

        public void print(BtreeNodeV2 <T> n)
            for (int i = 0; i < n.NumberKeyInNode; i++)
                Console.Write("key " + n.getValue(i) + "|");//this part prints root node

            if (!n.leaf)                                     //this is called when root is not leaf;
                for (int j = 0; j <= n.NumberKeyInNode; j++) //in this loop we recurse
                {                                            //to print out tree in
                    if (n.getChild(j) != null)               //preorder fashion.
                    {                                        //going from left most
                                                             //child to right most
                        print(n.getChild(j));                //child.
Example #7
        // --------------------------------------------------------
        // this will be method to search for a given node where   |
        // we want to insert a key value. this method is called   |
        // from SearchnPrintNode.  It returns a node with key     |
        // value in it                                            |
        // --------------------------------------------------------

        /// <summary>
        /// recherche la clé en entrée , le noeud est la racine
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="node">noeud racine</param>
        /// <param name="key">clé à chercher</param>
        /// <returns>le noeud concerné</returns>
        public BtreeNodeV2 <T> search(BtreeNodeV2 <T> node, T key)
            int i = 0;//we always want to start searching the 0th index of node.

            while (i < node.NumberKeyInNode && key.CompareTo(node.key[i]) > 0)
            if (i <= node.NumberKeyInNode && key.CompareTo(node.key[i]) == 0)//obviously if key is in node we went to return node.
            if (node.leaf)//since we've already checked root if it is leaf we don't have anything else to check
            else//else if it is not leave recurse down through ith child
                return(search(node.getChild(i), key));
Example #8
        public void nonfullInsert(BtreeNodeV2 <T> x, T key)
            int i = x.NumberKeyInNode; //i is number of keys in node x

            if (x.leaf)
                while (i >= 1 && key.CompareTo(x.key[i - 1]) > 0) //here find spot to put key.
                    x.key[i] = x.key[i - 1];                      //shift values to make room

                    i--;                                          //decrement

                x.key[i] = key;      //finally assign value to node
                x.NumberKeyInNode++; //increment count of keys in this node now.
                int j = 0;
                while (j < x.NumberKeyInNode && key.CompareTo(x.key[j]) > 0) //find spot to recurse
                {                                                            //on correct child

                //	i++;

                if (x.child[j].NumberKeyInNode == Degree * 2 - 1)
                    split(x, j, x.child[j]);//call split on node x's ith child

                    if (key.CompareTo(x.key[j]) > 0)

                nonfullInsert(x.child[j], key);//recurse
Example #9
        // Function to traverse all nodes in a subtree rooted with this node
        public void traverse(BtreeNodeV2 <T> n)
            // There are n keys and n+1 children, travers through n keys
            // and first n children
            int i;

            for (i = 0; i < n.NumberKeyInNode; i++)
                // If this is not leaf, then before printing key[i],
                // traverse the subtree rooted with child C[i].
                if (n.leaf == false)
                Console.Write(n.key[i] + "|");

            // Print the subtree rooted with last child
            if (n.leaf == false)
Example #10
        public BtreeNodeV2 <T> root; //every tree has at least a root node

        // ---------------------------------------------------------
        // here is the constructor for tree                        |
        // ---------------------------------------------------------

        public BTreeV2(int order)
            this.Degree = order;

            root = new BtreeNodeV2 <T>(order, null);