Example #1
        public Jumper()
            Collision = CollisionType.A;

            MaxVelocity = new Vector2 { X = 300, Y = 450 };

            Animations = new AnimationSheet( @"Textures\player", 64, 64 );

            Animations.Add( "idle", 1f, true, 0, 1 );

            Animations.Add( "run", 0.07f, true, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20 );

            Animations.Add( "jump", 0.09f, false, 21, 22 );

            Animations.Add( "wallSlide", 1f, true, 2 );

            Index = PlayerIndex.One;

            // our player only has horizontal friction
            Friction = new Vector2( 2000, 0 );

            Settings[ "_feDrawBox" ] = "true";

            BoundingBox = new HitBox { Height = 64, Width = 64 };
Example #2
        public void DrawMap( SpriteBatch spriteBatch )
            if( _tileSetTextureIsDirty )
                TileSetTexture = ContentCacheManager.GetTexture( TileSetTexturePath );

                TileSheet = new AnimationSheet( TileSetTexture, TileSize, TileSize );

                // add the animations
                for( int frame = 0; frame < TileSheet.TotalFrames; frame++ )
                    TileSheet.Add( frame, 1f, false, frame );

            if( TileSetTexture != null )
                MapData.EachCell( ( cell, tile ) =>
                    // adjust the vector position according to the tilesize
                    cell *= TileSize;

                    // only draw tiles that have data
                    if( tile > -1 )
                        TileSheet[ tile ].Draw( spriteBatch, cell, Color.White * Opacity );

                    if( DrawGrid )
                        var frame = new Rectangle( (int)cell.X, (int)cell.Y, TileSize, TileSize );
                        var whiteTexture = new Texture2D( spriteBatch.GraphicsDevice, 1, 1 );
                        whiteTexture.SetData( new Color[] { Color.White } );

                        spriteBatch.Draw( whiteTexture, new Rectangle( frame.Left, frame.Top, frame.Width, 1 ), Color.White );
                        spriteBatch.Draw( whiteTexture, new Rectangle( frame.Left, frame.Bottom, frame.Width, 1 ), Color.White );
                        spriteBatch.Draw( whiteTexture, new Rectangle( frame.Left, frame.Top, 1, frame.Height ), Color.White );
                        spriteBatch.Draw( whiteTexture, new Rectangle( frame.Right, frame.Top, 1, frame.Height + 1 ), Color.White );
                } );