public Colorizer(Colorizer copy) { Material = UnityEngine.Object.Instantiate(copy.Material); Material.CopyPropertiesFromMaterial(copy.Material); FlipVertical = copy.FlipVertical; SwapRedBlue = copy.SwapRedBlue; ConvertSRGB = copy.ConvertSRGB; DisplaySpeed = copy.DisplaySpeed; DisplayMagnitude = copy.DisplayMagnitude; SpeedGradient = copy.SpeedGradient; MagnitudeGradient = copy.MagnitudeGradient; SpeedGradientSpread = copy.SpeedGradientSpread; MagnitudeGradientSpread = copy._MagnitudeGradientSpread; MaxIterations = copy.MaxIterations; }
public void Colorize(Colorizer altColorizer = null) { if (AwaitingCPURender) { return; } if (Data == null) { return; } IsColorized = true; var colorizer = altColorizer ?? Fractal.Colorizer; colorizer.Colorize(FractalTex, Data.Colorized); //Graphics.Blit(FractalTex, Data.Colorized, colorizer.Material); }
public Fractal() { Colorizer = new Colorizer(); }
public static void Render(Fractal fractal, Camera cam, FractalBufferPool pool, int ssLOD) { var target = cam.targetTexture ?? cam.activeTexture; var w = cam.pixelWidth; var h = cam.pixelHeight; var oldTarget =; if (target != null) { = target; } var ar = w / (float)h; var ortho = Matrix4x4.Ortho(-2 * ar, 2 * ar, -2, 2, -1, 1); //var camOrthe = cam.projectionMatrix; //GL.Clear(false, true,; GL.PushMatrix(); //GL.Viewport(new Rect(0, 0, 300, 300)); //GL.Clear(false, true,; //GL.LoadProjectionMatrix(test == null ? cam.projectionMatrix : test.projectionMatrix); GL.LoadProjectionMatrix(Matrix4x4.Ortho(-2 * ar, 2 * ar, -2, 2, -1, 1)); //GL.LoadPixelMatrix(); // GL.LoadIdentity(); // GL.LoadOrtho(); //GL.LoadPrjectionMatrix(cam.projectionMatrix); //Help.RenderRectNow(target, new Material(Shader.Find("Hidden/BlitShader")), Matrix4x4.identity); //GL.PopMatrix(); // Free cached tile resources before calling var tileJobChunk = Math.Max(3, pool.PreallocatedBuffersAvailable); // copy the colorizer var pubColorizer = new Colorizer(fractal.Colorizer); //pubColorizer.FlipVertical = true; RenderTextureDescriptor rtd = new RenderTextureDescriptor(1, 1, RenderTextureFormat.BGRA32); if (target != null) { pubColorizer.ConvertSRGB = !target.sRGB; rtd = target.descriptor; if (target.format == RenderTextureFormat.ARGB32) { pubColorizer.SwapRedBlue = true; } } // Compute the grid dimensions int tileCols = (1 << ssLOD) * (w - 1) / pool.TileResolution + 1; int tileRows = (1 << ssLOD) * (h - 1) / pool.TileResolution + 1; // Compute the fractal window and edge length var cambb = Help.GetViewBoundingBox(ortho); var minima = fractal.ViewCenter + new double2(cambb.min.x, cambb.min.y) * fractal.ViewScale; var maxima = fractal.ViewCenter + new double2(cambb.max.x, cambb.max.y) * fractal.ViewScale; var span = maxima - minima; var edge = span.x * pool.TileResolution / (w * (1 << ssLOD)); // Flip the fractal over so the result is compatible with TIFF //var tmp = minima.y; //minima.y = maxima.y; //maxima.y = tmp; var edgeIncrement = new double2(edge, edge); // TODO: incorporate rotation // Allocate downsampling buffers RenderTexture[] downsamplers = null; if (ssLOD > 0) { downsamplers = new RenderTexture[ssLOD - 1]; for (int i = 1; i < ssLOD; i++) { var desc = rtd; desc.width = desc.height = pool.TileResolution >> i; downsamplers[i - 1] = new RenderTexture(desc); downsamplers[i - 1].Create(); } } List <double2> toRender = new List <double2>(); for (int x = 0; x < tileCols; x++) { for (int y = 0; y < tileRows; y++) { toRender.Add(new double2(x, y)); } } int toRenderIndex = 0; var one2 = new double2(1, 1); List <FractalTile> tiles = new List <FractalTile>(); while (toRenderIndex < toRender.Count) { int nextJobChunk = Math.Min(tileJobChunk, toRender.Count - toRenderIndex); // Initialize tiles for (int i = 0; i < nextJobChunk; i++) { var index = toRender[i + toRenderIndex]; var tileMin = minima + index * edgeIncrement; var tileMax = minima + (index + one2) * edgeIncrement; var tile = new FractalTile(fractal, pool.Get(), tileMin, tileMax, edge < 1e-5); tiles.Add(tile); } for (int i = 0; i < tiles.Count; i++) { tiles[i].RenderFractal(); } JobHandle.ScheduleBatchedJobs(); for (int i = 0; i < tiles.Count; i++) { tiles[i].FinishRenderFractal(); tiles[i].Colorize(pubColorizer); // Downsample Texture downSrc = tiles[i].Data.Colorized; if (downsamplers != null) { for (int downsIndex = 0; downsIndex != downsamplers.Length; downsIndex++) { var downsTarget = downsamplers[downsIndex]; Help.BlitNow(downSrc, downsTarget); //Help.Mark(downsTarget, UnityEngine.Random.ColorHSV()); downSrc = downsTarget; } } // Render to target tiles[i].RenderComposition(1, target, downSrc, true); } for (int i = 0; i < tiles.Count; i++) { pool.Free(tiles[i].Data); } tiles.Clear(); toRenderIndex += nextJobChunk; } if (target != null) { = oldTarget; } GL.PopMatrix(); }