//public static Market CreateYieldCurveConfiguration(string curveId, string[] assetIdentifiers)
        //    var market = new Market {id = curveId};

        //    //Create the quotedAssetSet.
        //    var qas = QuotedAssetSetFactory.Parse(assetIdentifiers);

        //    //Create the curve information.
        //    var curve = new YieldCurve {id = curveId};

        //    //reate the valuation structure that contains qas.
        //    var curveValuation = new YieldCurveValuation {id = curveId, inputs = qas};

        //    //Set the market.
        //    market.Items = new[] { (PricingStructure)curve };
        //    market.Items1 = new[] { (PricingStructureValuation)curveValuation };

        //    return market;

        public static Market CreateFxCurveConfiguration(string curveId, string currency1, string currency2, string quoteBasis, FxRateSet quotedAssetSet)
            var basis = EnumHelper.Parse <QuoteBasisEnum>(quoteBasis, true);
            var quotedCurrencyPair = QuotedCurrencyPair.Create(currency1, currency2, basis);
            var currency           = CurrencyHelper.Parse(currency1);
            var market             = new Market {
                id = curveId

            //Create the curve information.
            var curve = new FxCurve {
                id = curveId, name = curveId, currency = currency, quotedCurrencyPair = quotedCurrencyPair

            //reate the valuation structure that contains qas.
            var curveValuation = new FxCurveValuation {
                id = curveId, spotRate = quotedAssetSet

            //Set the market.
            market.Items  = new[] { (PricingStructure)curve };
            market.Items1 = new[] { (PricingStructureValuation)curveValuation };

Example #2
        public static Money Normalise(string currency, decimal amount, bool isPayerBase)
            var money = new Money {
                currency = CurrencyHelper.Parse(currency)

            money.amount = System.Math.Abs(money.amount);
            if (isPayerBase)
                money.amount = -1 * money.amount;
            money.amountSpecified = true;
Example #3
        public static Quotation Create(decimal value, DateTime valuationDate,
                                       string businessCenter, string currency,
                                       string rateSourceProvider, string rateSource, string rateSourcePage,
                                       string assetMeasureType, string quoteUnits)
            var quotation = new Quotation
                businessCenter    = BusinessCentersHelper.Parse(businessCenter).businessCenter[0],
                currency          = CurrencyHelper.Parse(currency),
                informationSource =
                        InformationSourceHelper.Create(rateSourceProvider, rateSource,
                measureType            = AssetMeasureTypeHelper.Parse(assetMeasureType),
                quoteUnits             = PriceQuoteUnitsHelper.Create(quoteUnits),
                valuationDate          = valuationDate,
                valuationDateSpecified = true,
                value          = value,
                valueSpecified = true

Example #4
        public static Quotation Copy(Quotation baseQuotation)
            Quotation quotation = null;

            if (baseQuotation != null)
                quotation = new Quotation();
                if (baseQuotation.businessCenter != null)
                    quotation.businessCenter = BusinessCentersHelper.Parse(baseQuotation.businessCenter.Value).businessCenter[0];
                if (baseQuotation.currency != null)
                    quotation.currency = CurrencyHelper.Parse(baseQuotation.currency.Value);
                if (baseQuotation.valueSpecified)
                    quotation.value          = baseQuotation.value;
                    quotation.valueSpecified = true;
                if (baseQuotation.valuationDateSpecified)
                    quotation.valuationDate          = baseQuotation.valuationDate;
                    quotation.valuationDateSpecified = true;
                if (baseQuotation.expiryTimeSpecified)
                    quotation.expiryTime          = baseQuotation.expiryTime;
                    quotation.expiryTimeSpecified = true;
                if (baseQuotation.sideSpecified)
                    quotation.side          = baseQuotation.side;
                    quotation.sideSpecified = true;
                if (baseQuotation.timeSpecified)
                    quotation.time          = baseQuotation.time;
                    quotation.timeSpecified = true;
                if (baseQuotation.sensitivitySet != null)
                    quotation.sensitivitySet = SensitivitySetHelper.Copy(baseQuotation.sensitivitySet);
                if (baseQuotation.measureType != null)
                    quotation.measureType = AssetMeasureTypeHelper.Copy(baseQuotation.measureType);
                if (baseQuotation.quoteUnits != null)
                    quotation.quoteUnits = PriceQuoteUnitsHelper.Copy(baseQuotation.quoteUnits);
                if (baseQuotation.informationSource != null)
                    quotation.informationSource = InformationSourceHelper.Copy(baseQuotation.informationSource).ToArray();
                if (baseQuotation.exchangeId != null)
                    quotation.exchangeId = ProductTypeHelper.ExchangeIdHelper.Copy(baseQuotation.exchangeId);