public void PostTrackPoint()
            var trackPoints = new List<TrackPoint>();

            //Create the test TrackPoints with random numbers as properties
            for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
                var random = new Random();

                var trackPoint = new TrackPoint
                    Id = Guid.NewGuid(),
                    //CompassDirection = random.Next(0, 359),
                    Latitude = random.Next(-90, 90),
                    Longitude = random.Next(-180, 180),
                    //LastTimeStamp = DateTime.Now.AddSeconds(10 * i),
                    Speed = random.Next(20, 60),


            var fakeRouteId = Guid.NewGuid();

            var request = new HttpRequestMessage(HttpMethod.Get, "http://localhost");
            var controller = new TrackPointsController { Request = request };

            //var response = controller.PostEmployeeTrackPoint(trackPoints.ToArray());

            //Assert.AreEqual(HttpStatusCode.Created, response.StatusCode);
            //var postedTrackPoint = response.Content.ReadAsync().Result;
Example #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Takes a ModelTrackPoint and pushed it to the AzureTables
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="currentBusinessAccount">The current BusinessAccount</param>
        /// <param name="trackPoint">The Model TrackPoint to be pushed to AzureTables</param>
        /// <param name="employee">The employee</param>
        /// <param name="routeId">The Id of the Route that the vehicle or employee are currently on</param>
        private void PushTrackPointToAzure(Core.Models.CoreEntities.BusinessAccount currentBusinessAccount, TrackPoint trackPoint, Core.Models.CoreEntities.Employee employee, Guid routeId)
            //Get the storage account information from Azure
            var storageAccount = CloudStorageAccount.Parse(AzureServerHelpers.StorageConnectionString);

            //Create the Service Context for the TrackPointsHistory Tables
            var serviceContext = new TrackPointsHistoryContext(storageAccount.TableEndpoint.ToString(), storageAccount.Credentials);

            var tableName = CheckCreateTrackPointTable(storageAccount, currentBusinessAccount);

            //Create the object to be stored in the Azure table
            var newTrackPoint = new TrackPointsHistoryTableDataModel(Guid.NewGuid().ToString(), Guid.NewGuid().ToString())
                EmployeeId = employee.Id,
                VehicleId = new Guid(),
                RouteId = routeId,
                Latitude = (double?)trackPoint.Latitude,
                Longitude = (double?)trackPoint.Longitude,
                CollectedTimeStamp = trackPoint.CollectedTimeStamp,
                Accuracy = trackPoint.Accuracy

            //Push to Azure Table
            serviceContext.AddObject(tableName, newTrackPoint);

            //Saves the Tables
Example #3
        public static TrackPoint ConvertToModel(TrackPointsHistoryTableDataModel modelTrackPoint)
            var trackPointId = modelTrackPoint.EmployeeId ?? modelTrackPoint.VehicleId;

            if (trackPointId == null)
                return null;

            var trackPoint = new TrackPoint
                Heading = null,
                Id = (Guid)trackPointId,
                CollectedTimeStamp = modelTrackPoint.CollectedTimeStamp,
                Latitude = (decimal?)modelTrackPoint.Latitude,
                Longitude = (decimal?)modelTrackPoint.Longitude,
                Speed = null,
                Source = null,
                RouteId = modelTrackPoint.RouteId,
                Accuracy = modelTrackPoint.Accuracy

            return trackPoint;
Example #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Stores employee trackpoints.
        /// Used by the mobile phone application.
        /// NOTE: TrackPoints CollectedTimeStamp should be in UTC.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="roleId">Current roleId </param>
        /// <param name="trackPoints">The list of TrackPoints being passed from an Employee's device</param>
        /// <returns>An Http response to the device signaling that the TrackPoint was successfully created</returns>
        public void Post(Guid roleId, TrackPoint[] trackPoints)
            if (!trackPoints.Any() || !trackPoints.First().RouteId.HasValue)
                throw Request.BadRequest();

            var routeId = trackPoints.First().RouteId.Value;

            var currentUserAccount = CoreEntitiesContainer.CurrentUserAccount();
            var currentBusinessAccount = CoreEntitiesContainer.Owner(roleId, new[] { RoleType.Administrator, RoleType.Regular, RoleType.Mobile }).FirstOrDefault();

            //Return an Unauthorized Status Code if
            //a) there is no UserAccount
            //b) the user does not have access to the route (currentBusinessAccount == null)
            if (currentUserAccount == null || currentBusinessAccount == null)
                throw Request.NotAuthorized();

            var employee = CoreEntitiesContainer.Employees.FirstOrDefault(e => e.LinkedUserAccount.Id == currentUserAccount.Id
                                                                                && e.EmployerId == currentBusinessAccount.Id);
            if (employee == null)
                throw Request.NotFound("Employee");

            //order the new track points by their TimeStamps
            //remove inaccurate trackpoints
            var orderedModelTrackPoints = trackPoints.Where(tp => tp.Accuracy < 50).OrderBy(tp => tp.CollectedTimeStamp).ToArray();

            var latestTrackPoint = orderedModelTrackPoints.LastOrDefault();

            //if there was a previous point today, check the latest point is not erroneous
            if (employee.LastTimeStamp.HasValue && DateTime.UtcNow.Subtract(employee.LastTimeStamp.Value) < TimeSpan.FromDays(1))
                var previous = new GeoLocation(employee.LastLatitude.Value, employee.LastLongitude.Value);
                latestTrackPoint = orderedModelTrackPoints.LastOrDefault(t => !Erroneous(t, previous, t.CollectedTimeStamp.Subtract(employee.LastTimeStamp.Value)));

                //set the heading based on the previous point
                if (latestTrackPoint != null)
                    latestTrackPoint.Heading = (int)GeoLocationTools.Bearing(previous, latestTrackPoint);

            if (latestTrackPoint != null)
                //Save the latest (most current) TrackPoint to the database
                employee.LastCompassDirection = latestTrackPoint.Heading;
                employee.LastLatitude = (double?)latestTrackPoint.Latitude;
                employee.LastLongitude = (double?)latestTrackPoint.Longitude;
                employee.LastSource = latestTrackPoint.Source;
                employee.LastSpeed = (double?)latestTrackPoint.Speed;
                employee.LastTimeStamp = latestTrackPoint.CollectedTimeStamp;
                employee.LastAccuracy = latestTrackPoint.Accuracy;

            //Push TrackPoints to Azure as long as either
            //the LastPushToAzureTimeStamp is null
            //the LastPushToAzureTimeStamp difference from the TrackPoint is > TimeBetweenPushesToAzure
            var lastPushToAzureTimeStamp = employee.LastPushToAzureTimeStamp;

            //send the TrackPoints to azure, that are seperated by TimeBetweenPushesToAzure (in seconds)
            foreach (var trackPoint in orderedModelTrackPoints)
                if (lastPushToAzureTimeStamp.HasValue && (trackPoint.CollectedTimeStamp - lastPushToAzureTimeStamp) < TimeSpan.FromSeconds(UpdateConstants.SecondsBetweenHistoricalTrackPoints))

                if (trackPoint.Id == Guid.Empty)
                    trackPoint.Id = Guid.NewGuid();

                PushTrackPointToAzure(currentBusinessAccount, trackPoint, employee, routeId);

                lastPushToAzureTimeStamp = trackPoint.CollectedTimeStamp;

            employee.LastPushToAzureTimeStamp = lastPushToAzureTimeStamp;

            //Save all the changes that have been made in the Database