private void Command(Fougerite.Player player, string cmd, string[] args) { if (cmd == "test" && args.Length == 1 && player.Admin) { TesterPlayer = player; switch (args[0].ToLower()) { case "all": TestAll(); break; case "dump": ObjectsDump(); break; case "target": Target_Test(); break; case "ground": GetGround_Test(); break; case "help": player.Message("Use in only on test server!"); player.Message("/test dump - dump info about all objects to log"); player.Message("/test target - info about targeted object"); player.Message("/test ground - testing Z coord"); player.Message("/test all - testing all"); player.Message("/test save - saving world"); break; case "save": Server.GetServer().Save(); break; default: player.Message("Enter valid arg!"); break; } } }
void Chat(Fougerite.Player p, ref ChatString text) { }
void EntityDeployed(Fougerite.Player Player, Fougerite.Entity Entity) { if (Config.GetSetting("Settings", "enabled").ToLower() == "true" && Entity != null) { if (Entity.Name == "WoodFoundation" || Entity.Name == "MetalFoundation" || Entity.Name == "WoodRamp" || Entity.Name == "MetalRamp") { var name = Entity.Name; bool GiveBack = Config.GetSetting("Settings", "giveback").ToLower() == "true"; var two = Util.GetUtil().CreateVector(Entity.X, Entity.Y, Entity.Z); foreach (Entity ent in World.GetWorld().Entities) { var one = Util.GetUtil().CreateVector(ent.X, ent.Y, ent.Z); var dist = Util.GetUtil().GetVectorsDistance(one, two); if (ent.Name == "WoodRamp" || ent.Name == "MetalRamp") { if (Entity != ent && Entity.InstanceID != ent.InstanceID && dist == 0) { if (GiveBack && Player != null) { if (name == "WoodRamp") { name = "Wood Ramp"; } else if (name == "MetalRamp") { name = "Metal Ramp"; } Player.Inventory.AddItem(name, 1); } Entity.Destroy(); return; } } else if (ent.Name != "WoodRamp" && ent.Name != "MetalRamp" && ent.Name != "WoodFoundation" && ent.Name != "WoodDoorFrame" && ent.Name != "WoodWall" && ent.Name != "WoodPillar" && ent.Name != "WoodCeiling" && ent.Name != "MetalDoor" && ent.Name != "WoodStairs" && ent.Name != "WoodWindowFrame" && ent.Name != "MetalFoundation" && ent.Name != "MetalDoorFrame" && ent.Name != "MetalWall" && ent.Name != "MetalPillar" && ent.Name != "MetalCeiling" && ent.Name != "MetalStairs" && ent.Name != "MetalWindowFrame" && ent.Name != "Wood_Shelter" && ent.Name != "Barricade_Fence_Deployable" && ent.Name != "Wood Box" && ent.Name != "Metal Bars Window" && ent.Name != "CampFire" && ent.Name != "Wood Spike Wall" && ent.Name != "Large Wood Spike Wall") { if (Entity != ent && Entity.InstanceID != ent.InstanceID && dist <= 2.5) { if (Player != null) { Player.Notice("Ya can't place chest under foundation bitch!"); if (GiveBack) { if (name == "WoodFoundation") { name = "Wood Foundation"; } else if (name == "MetalFoundation") { name = "Metal Foundation"; } Player.Inventory.AddItem(name, 1); } } Entity.Destroy(); return; } } } } } }
public void OnPlayerTeleport(Fougerite.Player player, Vector3 from, Vector3 to) { Invoke("On_PlayerTeleport", player, from, to); }
public void OnShowTalker(uLink.NetworkPlayer np, Fougerite.Player player) { Invoke("On_VoiceChat", np, player); }
private void OnCommand(Fougerite.Player player, string cmd, string[] args) { if (cmd == "authme") { if (args.Length == 0) { player.MessageFrom("AuthMe", orange + "AuthMe V" + Version + " By " + Author); player.MessageFrom("AuthMe", yellow + "-- Passwords are stored using SHA1 hashes --"); player.MessageFrom("AuthMe", yellow + "-- Always use a different password than your emails, etc. --"); player.MessageFrom("AuthMe", orange + "/authme register username password"); player.MessageFrom("AuthMe", orange + "/authme login username password"); player.MessageFrom("AuthMe", orange + "/authme changepw username newpassword"); if (player.Admin || player.Moderator) { player.MessageFrom("AuthMe", orange + "/authme resetuser ingamename"); player.MessageFrom("AuthMe", orange + "/authme reload"); } } else if (args.Length == 1) { string subcmd = args[0]; switch (subcmd) { case "reload": if (player.Admin || player.Moderator) { ReloadConfig(); player.MessageFrom("AuthMe", green + "Config reloaded!"); } break; } } else if (args.Length == 2) { string subcmd = args[0]; switch (subcmd) { case "resetuser": if (player.Admin || player.Moderator) { Fougerite.Player plr = Fougerite.Server.GetServer().FindPlayer(args[1]); if (plr != null) { if (Auths.GetSetting("Login", plr.SteamID) != null) { Auths.DeleteSetting("Login", plr.SteamID); Auths.Save(); } if (Credentials.ContainsKey(plr.UID)) { Credentials.Remove(plr.UID); } player.MessageFrom("AuthMe", green + "User: "******" reset! He can now register a new account for that steamid."); plr.MessageFrom("AuthMe", green + CredsReset); AuthLogger.Log("[USER RESET] " + player.Name + " - " + player.SteamID + " - " + player.IP + " reset credetials for: " + plr.Name + " - " + plr.SteamID + " - " + plr.IP); } } break; } } else if (args.Length == 3) { string subcmd = args[0]; switch (subcmd) { case "register": if (Credentials.ContainsKey(player.UID)) { player.MessageFrom("AuthMe", red + "This STEAMID is already protected using password authentication!"); return; } string username = args[1]; string password = args[2]; if (username.ToLower() == "username" || password.ToLower() == "password") { player.MessageFrom("AuthMe", orange + "Type /authme register username password"); return; } bool b = Regex.IsMatch(username, @"^[a-zA-Z0-9_&@%!+<>]+$"); bool b2 = Regex.IsMatch(password, @"^[a-zA-Z0-9_&@%!+<>]+$"); if (!b || !b2) { player.MessageFrom("AuthMe", orange + "Sorry, no special characters or space! Only: a-zA-Z0-9_&@%!+<>"); return; } if (username.Length > 25 || password.Length > 25) { player.MessageFrom("AuthMe", orange + "Sorry, username and password length must be below 25."); return; } string hash = SHA1Hash(password); Auths.AddSetting("Login", player.SteamID, username.ToLower() + "---##---" + hash); Auths.Save(); Credentials.Add(player.UID, new Credential(username.ToLower(), hash)); player.MessageFrom("AuthMe", orange + "You have registered with: " + username + " - " + password + " (Your console has this info now too.)"); player.SendConsoleMessage(orange + "You have registered with: " + username + " - " + password); WaitingUsers.Remove(player.UID); DataStore.GetInstance().Remove("AuthMeLogin", player.UID); uLink.NetworkView.Get(player.PlayerClient.networkView) .RPC("DestroyFreezeAuthMe", player.NetworkPlayer); foreach (var x in RestrictedCommands) { player.UnRestrictCommand(x); } AuthLogger.Log(player.Name + " - " + player.SteamID + " - " + player.IP + " registered an account: " + username); break; case "login": if (!WaitingUsers.ContainsKey(player.UID)) { player.MessageFrom("AuthMe", orange + "You are logged in already."); return; } string username2 = args[1]; string password2 = args[2]; if (username2.Length > 25 || password2.Length > 25) { player.MessageFrom("AuthMe", orange + "Sorry, username and password length must be below 25."); return; } if (!Credentials.ContainsKey(player.UID)) { player.MessageFrom("AuthMe", orange + "This steamid is not registered yet!"); player.MessageFrom("AuthMe", orange + "Type /authme register username password"); return; } Credential cred = Credentials[player.UID]; if (cred.Username.ToLower() != username2.ToLower()) { player.MessageFrom("AuthMe", orange + "Invalid username!"); AuthLogger.Log(player.Name + " - " + player.SteamID + " - " + player.IP + " tried to login using: " + username2); return; } if (cred.HashedPassword != SHA1Hash(password2)) { AuthLogger.Log(player.Name + " - " + player.SteamID + " - " + player.IP + " tried to login using: " + username2); player.MessageFrom("AuthMe", orange + "Invalid password! Seek admin for help on their social site."); } else { PrivilegeStorage storage = WaitingUsers[player.UID]; if (storage.WasAdmin) { player.ForceAdminOff(false); player.PlayerClient.netUser.SetAdmin(true); } if (storage.WasModerator) { player.ForceModeratorOff(false); } WaitingUsers.Remove(player.UID); DataStore.GetInstance().Remove("AuthMeLogin", player.UID); uLink.NetworkView.Get(player.PlayerClient.networkView) .RPC("DestroyFreezeAuthMe", player.NetworkPlayer); foreach (var x in RestrictedCommands) { player.UnRestrictCommand(x); } AuthLogger.Log(player.Name + " - " + player.SteamID + " - " + player.IP + " logged in using: " + username2); player.MessageFrom("AuthMe", green + "Successfully logged in!"); } break; case "changepw": if (WaitingUsers.ContainsKey(player.UID)) { player.MessageFrom("AuthMe", orange + "Nice try. You need to be logged in to do that."); return; } string username3 = args[1]; string password3 = args[2]; if (!Credentials.ContainsKey(player.UID)) { player.MessageFrom("AuthMe", orange + "This steamid is not registered yet!"); return; } Credential cred2 = Credentials[player.UID]; if (!string.Equals(cred2.Username, username3, StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase)) { player.MessageFrom("AuthMe", orange + "Invalid username!"); return; } if (username3.Length > 25 || password3.Length > 25) { player.MessageFrom("AuthMe", orange + "Sorry, username and password length must be below 25."); return; } Credentials.Remove(player.UID); string hash3 = SHA1Hash(password3); Auths.SetSetting("Login", player.SteamID, username3.ToLower() + "---##---" + hash3); Auths.Save(); Credentials.Add(player.UID, new Credential(username3.ToLower(), hash3)); AuthLogger.Log(player.Name + " - " + player.SteamID + " - " + player.IP + " changed password using: " + username3); player.MessageFrom("AuthMe", green + "Password successfully changed!"); break; default: player.MessageFrom("AuthMe", orange + "Invalid command. Type /authme for help."); break; } } } }
public void OnBlueprintUse(Player player, BPUseEvent evt) { Invoke("On_BlueprintUse", player, evt); }
public void OnDoorUse(Fougerite.Player player, DoorEvent evt) { this.Invoke("On_DoorUse", new object[] { player, evt }); }
public void OnPlayerSpawned(Player player, SpawnEvent evt) { Invoke("On_PlayerSpawned", player, evt); }
public void OnPlayerGathering(Player player, GatherEvent evt) { Invoke("On_PlayerGathering", player, evt); }
public void OnPlayerDisconnected(Player player) { Invoke("On_PlayerDisconnected", player); }
public void OnEntityDeployed(Player player, Entity entity) { Invoke("On_EntityDeployed", player, entity); }
public void OnDoorUse(Player player, DoorEvent evt) { Invoke("On_DoorUse", player, evt); }
public void OnCommand(Player player, string command, string[] args) { Invoke("On_Command", player, command, args); }
public void OnChat(Player player, ref ChatString text) { Invoke("On_Chat", player, text); }
void PlayerDisconnect(Fougerite.Player player) { }
public void Disconnected(User pl) { list.AddSetting(pl.SteamID, "LastLeft", DateTime.Now.ToString()); list.AddSetting(pl.SteamID, "Online", "no"); list.Save(); }
public void SetTarget(Fougerite.Player target, bool inRange) { _target = !inRange ? null : target; _inRange = inRange; }
public void OnPlayerGathering(Fougerite.Player player, GatherEvent evt) { this.Invoke("On_PlayerGathering", new object[] { player, evt }); }
void ChatReceived(ref ConsoleSystem.Arg arg) { Fougerite.Player pl = Fougerite.Server.Cache[arg.argUser.userID]; var command = ChatCommand.GetCommand("tpto") as TeleportToCommand; if (command.GetTPWaitList().Contains(pl.UID)) { command.PartialNameTP(ref arg, arg.GetInt(0)); arg.ArgsStr = string.Empty; } else if (Core.friendWaitList.Contains(arg.argUser.userID)) { (ChatCommand.GetCommand("addfriend") as AddFriendCommand).PartialNameAddFriend(ref arg, arg.GetInt(0)); Core.friendWaitList.Remove(arg.argUser.userID); arg.ArgsStr = string.Empty; } else if (Core.shareWaitList.Contains(pl.UID)) { (ChatCommand.GetCommand("share") as ShareCommand).PartialNameDoorShare(ref arg, arg.GetInt(0)); Core.shareWaitList.Remove(pl.UID); arg.ArgsStr = string.Empty; } else if (Core.banWaitList.Contains(pl.UID)) { (ChatCommand.GetCommand("ban") as BanCommand).PartialNameBan(ref arg, arg.GetInt(0)); Core.banWaitList.Remove(pl.UID); arg.ArgsStr = string.Empty; } else if (Core.kickWaitList.Contains(pl.UID)) { (ChatCommand.GetCommand("kick") as KickCommand).PartialNameKick(ref arg, arg.GetInt(0)); Core.kickWaitList.Remove(pl.UID); arg.ArgsStr = string.Empty; } else if (Core.killWaitList.Contains(pl.UID)) { (ChatCommand.GetCommand("kill") as KillCommand).PartialNameKill(ref arg, arg.GetInt(0)); Core.killWaitList.Remove(pl.UID); arg.ArgsStr = string.Empty; } else if (Core.unfriendWaitList.Contains(pl.UID)) { (ChatCommand.GetCommand("unfriend") as UnfriendCommand).PartialNameUnfriend(ref arg, arg.GetInt(0)); Core.unfriendWaitList.Remove(pl.UID); arg.ArgsStr = string.Empty; } else if (Core.unshareWaitList.Contains(pl.UID)) { (ChatCommand.GetCommand("unshare") as UnshareCommand).PartialNameUnshareDoors(ref arg, arg.GetInt(0)); Core.unshareWaitList.Remove(pl.UID); arg.ArgsStr = string.Empty; } else if (Core.whiteWaitList.Contains(pl.UID)) { (ChatCommand.GetCommand("addwl") as WhiteListAddCommand).PartialNameWhitelist(ref arg, arg.GetInt(0)); Core.whiteWaitList.Remove(pl.UID); arg.ArgsStr = string.Empty; } else if (Core.adminAddWaitList.Contains(arg.argUser.userID)) { (ChatCommand.GetCommand("addadmin") as AddAdminCommand).PartialNameNewAdmin(ref arg, arg.GetInt(0)); Core.adminAddWaitList.Remove(arg.argUser.userID); arg.ArgsStr = string.Empty; } else if (Core.adminRemoveWaitList.Contains(pl.UID)) { (ChatCommand.GetCommand("unadmin") as RemoveAdminCommand).PartialNameRemoveAdmin(ref arg, arg.GetInt(0)); Core.adminRemoveWaitList.Remove(pl.UID); arg.ArgsStr = string.Empty; } else if (Core.adminFlagsWaitList.Contains(pl.UID)) { (ChatCommand.GetCommand("getflags") as GetFlagsCommand).PartialNameGetFlags(ref arg, arg.GetInt(0)); Core.adminFlagsWaitList.Remove(pl.UID); arg.ArgsStr = string.Empty; } else if (Core.muteWaitList.Contains(pl.UID)) { (ChatCommand.GetCommand("mute") as MuteCommand).PartialNameMute(ref arg, arg.GetInt(0)); Core.muteWaitList.Remove(pl.UID); arg.ArgsStr = string.Empty; } else if (Core.unmuteWaitList.Contains(pl.UID)) { (ChatCommand.GetCommand("unmute") as UnmuteCommand).PartialNameUnmute(ref arg, arg.GetInt(0)); Core.unmuteWaitList.Remove(pl.UID); arg.ArgsStr = string.Empty; } else if (Core.adminFlagWaitList.Contains(pl.UID)) { (ChatCommand.GetCommand("addflag") as AddFlagCommand).PartialNameAddFlags(ref arg, arg.GetInt(0)); Core.adminFlagWaitList.Remove(pl.UID); arg.ArgsStr = string.Empty; } else if (Core.adminUnflagWaitList.Contains(pl.UID)) { (ChatCommand.GetCommand("unflag") as RemoveFlagsCommand).PartialNameRemoveFlags(ref arg, arg.GetInt(0)); Core.adminUnflagWaitList.Remove(pl.UID); arg.ArgsStr = string.Empty; } else if (Core.unbanWaitList.Contains(pl.UID)) { (ChatCommand.GetCommand("unban") as UnbanCommand).PartialNameUnban(ref arg, arg.GetInt(0)); Core.unbanWaitList.Remove(pl.UID); arg.ArgsStr = string.Empty; } if (Core.IsEnabled()) { Core.handleCommand(ref arg); } }
private void OnRustBusterUserMessage(API.RustBusterUserAPI user, Message msgc) { if (msgc.PluginSender == "AuthMe") { Fougerite.Player player = user.Player; string[] spl = msgc.MessageByClient.Split('-'); if (spl.Length != 3) { return; } string evt = spl[0]; string username = spl[1]; string password = spl[2]; if (evt == "AuthMeLogin") { if (!WaitingUsers.ContainsKey(player.UID)) { player.MessageFrom("AuthMe", orange + "You are logged in already."); msgc.ReturnMessage = "DisApproved"; return; } if (!Credentials.ContainsKey(player.UID)) { player.MessageFrom("AuthMe", orange + "This steamid is not registered yet!"); player.MessageFrom("AuthMe", orange + "Type /authme register username password"); msgc.ReturnMessage = "DisApproved"; return; } Credential cred = Credentials[player.UID]; if (!string.Equals(cred.Username, username, StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase)) { player.MessageFrom("AuthMe", orange + "Invalid username!"); AuthLogger.Log(player.Name + " - " + player.SteamID + " - " + player.IP + " tried to login using: " + username); msgc.ReturnMessage = "DisApproved"; return; } if (username.Length > 25 || password.Length > 25) { player.MessageFrom("AuthMe", orange + "Sorry, username and password length must be below 25."); msgc.ReturnMessage = "DisApproved"; return; } if (cred.HashedPassword != SHA1Hash(password)) { AuthLogger.Log(player.Name + " - " + player.SteamID + " - " + player.IP + " tried to login using: " + username); player.MessageFrom("AuthMe", red + "Invalid password! Seek help here: " + yellow + " " + SocialSiteForHelp); msgc.ReturnMessage = "DisApproved"; } else { PrivilegeStorage storage = WaitingUsers[player.UID]; if (storage.WasAdmin) { player.ForceAdminOff(false); player.PlayerClient.netUser.SetAdmin(true); } if (storage.WasModerator) { player.ForceModeratorOff(false); } WaitingUsers.Remove(player.UID); DataStore.GetInstance().Remove("AuthMeLogin", player.UID); uLink.NetworkView.Get(player.PlayerClient.networkView) .RPC("DestroyFreezeAuthMe", player.NetworkPlayer); foreach (var x in RestrictedCommands) { player.UnRestrictCommand(x); } AuthLogger.Log(player.Name + " - " + player.SteamID + " - " + player.IP + " logged in using: " + username); player.MessageFrom("AuthMe", green + "Successfully logged in!"); msgc.ReturnMessage = "Approved"; } } else if (evt == "AuthMeRegister") { if (Credentials.ContainsKey(player.UID)) { player.MessageFrom("AuthMe", red + "This STEAMID is already protected using password authentication!"); msgc.ReturnMessage = "InvalidRegistration"; return; } if (username.ToLower() == "username" || password.ToLower() == "password") { player.MessageFrom("AuthMe", orange + "Type /authme register username password"); msgc.ReturnMessage = "InvalidRegistration"; return; } bool b = Regex.IsMatch(username, @"^[a-zA-Z0-9_&@%!+<>]+$"); bool b2 = Regex.IsMatch(password, @"^[a-zA-Z0-9_&@%!+<>]+$"); if (!b || !b2) { player.MessageFrom("AuthMe", orange + "Sorry, no special characters or space! Only: a-zA-Z0-9_&@%!+<>"); msgc.ReturnMessage = "InvalidRegistration"; return; } if (username.Length > 25 || password.Length > 25) { player.MessageFrom("AuthMe", orange + "Sorry, username and password length must be below 25."); msgc.ReturnMessage = "InvalidRegistration"; return; } string hash = SHA1Hash(password); Auths.AddSetting("Login", player.SteamID, username.ToLower() + "---##---" + hash); Auths.Save(); Credentials.Add(player.UID, new Credential(username.ToLower(), hash)); player.MessageFrom("AuthMe", orange + "You have registered with: " + username + " - " + password + " (Your console has this info now too.)"); player.SendConsoleMessage(orange + "You have registered with: " + username + " - " + password); WaitingUsers.Remove(player.UID); DataStore.GetInstance().Remove("AuthMeLogin", player.UID); uLink.NetworkView.Get(player.PlayerClient.networkView) .RPC("DestroyFreezeAuthMe", player.NetworkPlayer); foreach (var x in RestrictedCommands) { player.UnRestrictCommand(x); } AuthLogger.Log(player.Name + " - " + player.SteamID + " - " + player.IP + " registered an account: " + username); msgc.ReturnMessage = "ValidRegistration"; } } }
void EntityHurt(HurtEvent he) { if (Core.IsEnabled()) { if (!he.AttackerIsPlayer || he.Attacker == null) { return; } InstaKOCommand command = ChatCommand.GetCommand("instako") as InstaKOCommand; InstaKOAllCommand command2 = ChatCommand.GetCommand("instakoall") as InstaKOAllCommand; Fougerite.Player pl = (Fougerite.Player)he.Attacker; if (command != null) { if (command.IsOn(pl.UID)) { if (he.Entity != null) { try { if (!he.IsDecay) { he.Entity.Destroy(); } else if (Fougerite.Hooks.decayList.Contains(he.Entity)) { Fougerite.Hooks.decayList.Remove(he.Entity); } } catch (Exception ex) { Logger.LogDebug("EntityHurt EX: " + ex); } } else { Logger.LogDebug("he.Entity is null!"); } } } if (command2 != null) { if (command2.IsOn(pl.UID)) { if (he.Entity != null) { var list = he.Entity.GetLinkedStructs(); foreach (var x in list) { try { x.Destroy(); if (Fougerite.Hooks.decayList.Contains(x)) { Fougerite.Hooks.decayList.Remove(x); } } catch { } } try { he.Entity.Destroy(); if (Fougerite.Hooks.decayList.Contains(he.Entity)) { Fougerite.Hooks.decayList.Remove(he.Entity); } } catch (Exception ex) { Logger.LogDebug("EntityHurt EX: " + ex); } } else { Logger.LogDebug("he.Entity is null!"); } } } } }
public void OnEntityDeployed2(Player player, Entity entity, Fougerite.Player actualplacer) { Invoke("On_EntityDeployed", player, entity, actualplacer); }
public void Connected(RoyaleUser pl) { string msg = JoinMessage.Replace("{0}", pl.Name); server.BroadcastFrom("BattleRoyale", msg); }
public void OnPlayerConnected(Fougerite.Player pl) { pl.MessageFrom(Name, "Use [color #e0b0b0]/fps[color white] to increase your FPS!"); }
public void Disconnect(RoyaleUser pl) { string msg = LeaveMessage.Replace("{0}", pl.Name); server.BroadcastFrom("BattleRoyale", msg); }
private void Hooks_OnConsoleReceived(ref ConsoleSystem.Arg arg, bool external1) { StringComparison ic = StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase; bool external = arg.argUser == null; bool adminRights = (arg.argUser != null && arg.argUser.admin) || external; string userid = "[external][external]"; if (adminRights && !external) { userid = string.Format("[{0}][{1}]", arg.argUser.displayName, arg.argUser.userID.ToString()); } string text = ""; string text2 = text; string logmsg = string.Format("[ConsoleReceived] userid={0} adminRights={1} command={2}.{3} args={4}", userid, adminRights.ToString(), arg.Class, arg.Function, (arg.HasArgs(1) ? arg.ArgsStr : "none")); if (arg.Class.Equals("JianxianS", ic) && arg.Function.Equals("users", ic)) { if (adminRights) { if (arg.HasArgs(1)) { arg.ReplyWith("您多输入了参数了"); } else { int num = 0; foreach (uLink.NetworkPlayer networkPlayer in NetCull.connections) { text2 = "[Player]||\n"; object localData = networkPlayer.GetLocalData(); if (localData is NetUser) { NetUser netUser = (NetUser)localData; text = string.Concat(new object[] { text2,, ":\"", netUser.displayName, "\"||\n" }); num++; } } text = text + num.ToString() + "users\n"; arg.ReplyWith(text); } } } else if (arg.Class.Equals("JianxianS", ic) && arg.Function.Equals("kick", ic)) { if (adminRights) { if (arg.HasArgs(1)) { global::PlayerClient[] playerClients = arg.GetPlayerClients(0); foreach (global::PlayerClient playerClient in playerClients) { global::NetUser netUser = playerClient.netUser; if (netUser != null) { netUser.Kick(global::NetError.Facepunch_Kick_RCON, true); } } if (playerClients.Length > 0) { arg.ReplyWith("Kicked " + playerClients.Length + " users!"); return; } arg.ReplyWith("Couldn't find anyone!"); } else { text = "您少输入参数了"; arg.ReplyWith(text); } } } else if (arg.Class.Equals("JianxianS", ic) && arg.Function.Equals("money", ic)) { if (adminRights) { string[] args = arg.Args; Fougerite.Player jogador = Fougerite.Player.FindByName(args[1]); switch (args[0]) { case "+qian": if (jogador != null) { int valor = int.Parse(args[2]); Money.AddMoney(jogador, valor); Fougerite.Server.GetServer().Broadcast("[color#99CC]剑客[ " + jogador.Name + " ][color#FF6633] 充值了 [color#99FF]" + valor + " [color#FF6633]斩仙币 - !尽情的享受购物吧!"); arg.ReplyWith("充值成功"); } else { arg.ReplyWith("[color#99FF]剑客 " + args[0] + "查无此人!"); } break; case "zero": if (jogador != null) { int valor = 0; Money.SetMoney(jogador, valor); arg.ReplyWith("[color#99FF]剑客: " + jogador.Name + " 斩仙币被系统归零!"); } else { arg.ReplyWith("[color#99CC]剑客 " + args[0] + "查无此人!"); } break; case "-qian": if (jogador != null) { int valor = int.Parse(args[2]); Money.RemoveMoney(jogador, valor); arg.ReplyWith("[color#99FF]剑客" + jogador.Name + "被系统扣除了 " + valor + " 斩仙币"); } else { arg.ReplyWith("[color#99FF]剑客 " + args[0] + "沒找到哦"); } break; } } } }
public void Command(RoyaleUser pl, string cmd, string[] args) { if (cmd == "battleroyale") { pl.MessageFrom("BattleRoyale", "[color #bf3eff]************************************************************************************************************"); pl.MessageFrom("BattleRoyale", "[color #bcee68] BATTLE ROYALE 1 BETA by ice cold "); pl.MessageFrom("BattleRoyale", "[color #b4eeb4]1: You spawn on the spawn point of the initial playable area with a torch, bandage and map at sunrise. Find loot as you make your way to the center of the map."); pl.MessageFrom("BattleRoyale", "[color #b4eeb4]2: Loot spawns on random places around the map. Supply drops contain rare loot."); pl.MessageFrom("BattleRoyale", "[color #b4eeb4]3: You are surviving. Continue moving across the map and remember do not get killed"); pl.MessageFrom("BattleRoyale", "[color #bf3eff]************************************************************************************************************"); if (pl.Admin) { pl.MessageFrom("BattleRoyale", "[color #a4d3ee]/battle_restart = restarts the plugin and teleports all the players to lobby"); pl.MessageFrom("BattleRoyale", "[color #a4d3ee]/battle_on = enables plugin"); pl.MessageFrom("BattleRoyale", "[color #a4d3ee]/battle_addlobby = adds the spawn for lobby (required)"); pl.MessageFrom("BattleRoyale", "[color #a4d3ee]/battle_addspawn = adds the spawn for battle (required)"); pl.MessageFrom("BattleRoyale", "[color #a4d3ee]/battle_entity = Turns on/off entity mode"); // pl.MessageFrom("BattleRoyale", "[color #a4d3ee]/spawn_box1 = adds location for weaponbox"); // pl.MessageFrom("BattleRoyale", "[color #a4d3ee]/spawn_box2 = adds location for medicalbox"); // pl.MessageFrom("BattleRoyale", "[color #a4d3ee]/spawn_box3 = adds location for junkbox"); // pl.MessageFrom("BattleRoyale", "[color #a4d3ee]/spawn_box4 = adds location for SupplyCrate"); // pl.MessageFrom("BattleRoyale", "[color #a4d3ee]/spawn_box5 = adds location for AmmoBox"); } } else if (cmd == "battle_restarts") { if (pl.Admin) { foreach (RoyaleUser player in server.Players) { if (ds.ContainsKey("LobbySpawn", "spawn")) { Vector3 lobby = (Vector3)ds.Get("LobbySpawn", "spawn"); inroyale.Remove(player.UID); inlobby.Add(player.UID); player.TeleportTo(lobby); //testing if kit works // GiveLoadout(pl); } else { pl.MessageFrom("ERROR", "[color red]Please make a lobby"); } } } } else if (cmd == "battle_entity") { if (pl.Admin) { if (entitymode.Contains(pl.UID)) { entitymode.Remove(pl.UID); pl.MessageFrom("BattleRoyale", "EntityMode disabled"); } else { entitymode.Add(pl.UID); pl.MessageFrom("BattleRoyale", "Entitymode enabled hit a box to add it"); } } } else if (cmd == "battle_addlobby") { if (pl.Admin) { ds.Add("LobbySpawn", "spawn", pl.Location); ds.Save(); pl.MessageFrom("BattleRoyale", "Lobby spawn has been added"); } } else if (cmd == "battle_addspawn") { if (pl.Admin) { ds.Add("BattleSpawn", "spawn", pl.Location); ds.Save(); pl.MessageFrom("BattleRoyale", "Master spawn has been added"); } } }
public HurtEvent(ref DamageEvent d) { Fougerite.Player player = Fougerite.Player.FindByPlayerClient(d.attacker.client); if (player != null) { this.Attacker = player; } else { this.Attacker = new NPC(d.attacker.character); } Fougerite.Player player2 = Fougerite.Player.FindByPlayerClient(d.victim.client); if (player2 != null) { this.Victim = player2; } else { this.Victim = new NPC(d.victim.character); } this.DamageEvent = d; this.WeaponData = null; this.IsDecay = false; string weaponName = "Unknown"; if (d.extraData != null) { WeaponImpact extraData = d.extraData as WeaponImpact; this.WeaponData = extraData; if (extraData.dataBlock != null) { weaponName =; } } else { if ( is TimedExplosive) { weaponName = "Explosive Charge"; } else if ( is TimedGrenade) { weaponName = "F1 Grenade"; } else if ("MutantBear")) { weaponName = "Mutant Bear Claw"; } else if ("Bear")) { weaponName = "Bear Claw"; } else if ("MutantWolf")) { weaponName = "Mutant Wolf Claw"; } else if ("Wolf")) { weaponName = "Wolf Claw"; } else if ( { weaponName = String.Format("Self ({0})", DamageType); } else { weaponName = "Hunting Bow"; } } this.WeaponName = weaponName; }
void ShowTalker(uLink.NetworkPlayer player, Fougerite.Player p) { }
void DoorUse(Fougerite.Player p, DoorEvent de) { }
public void EntityDeployed(Fougerite.Player Player, Fougerite.Entity Entity, Fougerite.Player actualplacer) { try { if (Entity != null) { if (Entity.Name.Contains("Foundation") || Entity.Name.Contains("Ramp") || Entity.Name.Contains("Pillar") || Entity.Name == "WoodDoor" || Entity.Name == "MetalDoor") { string name = Entity.Name; var location = Entity.Location; if (Ramp && name.Contains("Ramp")) { RaycastHit cachedRaycast; bool cachedBoolean; Facepunch.MeshBatch.MeshBatchInstance cachedhitInstance; if (Facepunch.MeshBatch.MeshBatchPhysics.Raycast(location + new Vector3(0f, 0.1f, 0f), Vector3Down, out cachedRaycast, out cachedBoolean, out cachedhitInstance)) { if (cachedhitInstance != null) { var cachedComponent = cachedhitInstance.physicalColliderReferenceOnly.GetComponent <StructureComponent>(); if (cachedComponent.type == StructureComponent.StructureComponentType.Foundation || cachedComponent.type == StructureComponent.StructureComponentType.Ceiling) { var weight = cachedComponent._master._weightOnMe; int ramps = 0; if (weight != null && weight.ContainsKey(cachedComponent)) { ramps += weight[cachedComponent].Count(structure => structure.type == StructureComponent.StructureComponentType.Ramp); } if (ramps > 1) { Entity.Destroy(); if (GiveBack && actualplacer.IsOnline) { switch (name) { case "WoodFoundation": name = "Wood Foundation"; break; case "MetalFoundation": name = "Metal Foundation"; break; case "WoodRamp": name = "Wood Ramp"; break; case "MetalRamp": name = "Metal Ramp"; break; case "WoodPillar": name = "Wood Pillar"; break; case "MetalPillar": name = "Metal Pillar"; break; } actualplacer.Inventory.AddItem(name, 1); } return; } } } } } if (Struct) { bool isdoor = false; float d = 4.5f; if (name.Contains("Pillar")) { d = 0.40f; } else if (name.Contains("Door")) { isdoor = true; d = 0.40f; } else if (name.ToLower().Contains("smallstash")) { d = 0.40f; } else if (name.Contains("Foundation")) { d = 4.5f; } else if (name.Contains("Ramp")) { if (!CheckForRampLoot) { return; } d = 3.5f; } var x = Physics.OverlapSphere(location, d); if ( x.Any( l =>"woodbox") ||"smallstash") || ("door") && !isdoor))) { Entity.Destroy(); if (actualplacer.IsOnline && GiveBack) { switch (name) { case "WoodFoundation": name = "Wood Foundation"; break; case "MetalFoundation": name = "Metal Foundation"; break; case "WoodRamp": name = "Wood Ramp"; break; case "MetalRamp": name = "Metal Ramp"; break; case "WoodPillar": name = "Wood Pillar"; break; case "MetalPillar": name = "Metal Pillar"; break; case "WoodDoor": name = "Wood Door"; break; case "MetalDoor": name = "Metal Door"; break; } actualplacer.Inventory.AddItem(name, 1); } return; } } if (BarricadePillar) { if (name.Contains("Pillar")) { if (Physics.OverlapSphere(location, 0.34f).Where(collider => collider.GetComponent <DeployableObject>() != null).Any(collider => collider.GetComponent <DeployableObject>().name.Contains("Barricade_Fence"))) { actualplacer.Message("Pillar Barricade glitching no esta permitido!"); Entity.Destroy(); if (actualplacer.IsOnline && GiveBack) { switch (name) { case "WoodPillar": name = "Wood Pillar"; break; case "MetalPillar": name = "Metal Pillar"; break; } actualplacer.Inventory.AddItem(name, 1); } } } } } } } catch (Exception ex) { Logger.LogDebug("[GlitchFix] Some error showed up. Report this. " + ex); } }
void PlayerConnect(Fougerite.Player player) { }
public void OnCommand(Fougerite.Player player, string cmd, string[] args) { if (player.Admin || player.Moderator) { if (cmd == "ahelp") { player.MessageFrom(Name, "[color #42b3f5]/duty /unduty /warn /delwarn /hp "); player.MessageFrom(Name, "[color #42b3f5]/mtp /mtpback /ann /wipebar /wipeshelt "); player.MessageFrom(Name, "[color #42b3f5]/kick /ban /unban /rbban /rbunban /unbanip /mute /unmute "); return; } if (cmd == "duty") { if (!DataStore.GetInstance().ContainsKey("AdminDuty", player.SteamID)) { DataStore.GetInstance().Add("AdminDuty", player.SteamID, 0); player.Inventory.ClearArmor(); player.Inventory.AddItemTo("Invisible Helmet", 36, 1); player.Inventory.AddItemTo("Invisible Vest", 37, 1); player.Inventory.AddItemTo("Invisible Pants", 38, 1); player.Inventory.AddItemTo("Invisible Boots", 39, 1); player.Inventory.AddItem("Uber Hatchet", 1); Server.GetServer().BroadcastFrom(Name, "[color #42b3f5]Admin [color #f5e042]" + player.Name + " [color #42b3f5]is now [color #45f542]On Duty!"); } else { player.MessageFrom(Name, "[color #42b3f5]You are already OnDuty!!!"); } } if (cmd == "unduty") { if (DataStore.GetInstance().ContainsKey("AdminDuty", player.SteamID)) { DataStore.GetInstance().Remove("AdminDuty", player.SteamID); player.Inventory.ClearArmor(); player.Inventory.RemoveItem("Invisible Helmet", 1); player.Inventory.RemoveItem("Invisible Vest", 1); player.Inventory.RemoveItem("Invisible Pants", 1); player.Inventory.RemoveItem("Invisible Boots", 1); player.Inventory.RemoveItem("Uber Hatchet", 1); Server.GetServer().BroadcastFrom(Name, "[color #42b3f5]Admin [color #f5e042]" + player.Name + " [color #42b3f5]is now [color #f55142]Off Duty!"); } else { player.MessageFrom(Name, "[color #42b3f5]You are [color #f55142]not [color #42b3f5]On Duty!!!"); } } if (cmd == "warn") { if (args.Length == 0) { player.MessageFrom(Name, "[color #f55142]Syntax:[color #42b3f5] /warn PlayerName"); return; } else { Fougerite.Player playertor = FindSimilarPlayer(player, args); if (playertor == null) { return; } if (!DataStore.GetInstance().ContainsKey("warn", playertor.SteamID)) { DataStore.GetInstance().Add("warn", playertor.SteamID, 0); Server.GetServer().Broadcast("[color #42b3f5]Admin/Mod [color #f5e042]" + player.Name + "[color #42b3f5] Warned [color #f5e042] " + playertor.Name + "![color #f5e042](1/2)"); string logtext = player.Name + " Warned " + playertor.Name + "!(1/2)"; Log(logtext, "Warn"); return; } else { DataStore.GetInstance().Remove("warn", playertor.SteamID); Server.GetServer().Broadcast("[color #42b3f5]Admin/Mod [color #f5e042]" + player.Name + "[color #42b3f5] Warned[color #f5e042] " + playertor.Name + "![color red]Kicked (2/2)"); string logtext = player.Name + " Warned " + playertor.Name + "!Kicked (2/2)"; Log(logtext, "Warn"); playertor.Disconnect(); } } } if (cmd == "delwarn") { if (args.Length == 0) { player.MessageFrom(Name, "[color #f55142]Syntax:[color #42b3f5] /delwarn PlayerName"); return; } else { Fougerite.Player playertor = FindSimilarPlayer(player, args); if (playertor == null) { return; } if (DataStore.GetInstance().ContainsKey("warn", playertor.SteamID)) { DataStore.GetInstance().Remove("warn", playertor.SteamID); Server.GetServer().Broadcast("[color #42b3f5]Admin/Mod [color #f5e042]" + player.Name + " [color #42b3f5]Deleted [color #f5e042] " + playertor.Name + " [color #42b3f5]Warns![color #f5e042](0/2)"); string logtext = player.Name + " Deleted " + playertor.Name + " Warns!"; Log(logtext, "DeleteWarn"); return; } else { player.MessageFrom(Name, "[color #42b3f5]This Player [color #f55142]Doesn't [color #42b3f5]have any Warn!"); return; } } } if (cmd == "hp") { if (args.Length == 0) { player.MessageFrom(Name, "[color #f55142]Syntax:[color #42b3f5] /hp PlayerName"); return; } else { Fougerite.Player playertor = FindSimilarPlayer(player, args); if (playertor == null) { return; } player.MessageFrom(Name, playertor.Name + " HP : " + playertor.Health); string logtext = player.Name + " Used /HP On " + playertor.Name + ""; Log(logtext, "HP"); } } if (cmd == "mtp") { if (args.Length == 0) { player.MessageFrom(Name, "[color #f55142]Syntax:[color #42b3f5] /mtp PlayerName"); return; } else { if (DataStore.GetInstance().ContainsKey("AdminDuty", player.SteamID)) { Fougerite.Player playertor = FindSimilarPlayer(player, args); if (playertor == null) { return; } if (playertor.Moderator) { player.MessageFrom("AntiAbuse", "[color #42b3f5]You [color #f55142]Can't [color #42b3f5]Teleport to another Mods!"); return; } RecuperaListaDeClanes(); if (SonDeElMismoClan(player.SteamID, GetClanName(playertor.SteamID))) { player.MessageFrom("AntiAbuse", "[color #42b3f5]You [color #f55142]Can't [color #42b3f5]Teleport to your Clanmates!"); return; } if (!DataStore.GetInstance().ContainsKey("ModeratorLastLoc", player.UID)) { DataStore.GetInstance().Add("ModeratorLastLoc", player.UID, player.Location.ToString()); } player.TeleportTo(playertor, 1.5f, false); player.Notice("You have Teleported to " + playertor.Name + ""); player.InventoryNotice("Checkpoint Saved!"); playertor.Notice("Admin " + player.Name + " Teleported to You!"); string logtext = player.Name + " Teleported To " + playertor.Name + " !LOC: " + playertor.X + " " + playertor.Y + " " + playertor.Z + " "; Log(logtext, "Teleports"); } else { player.MessageFrom(Name, "[color #42b3f5]You are [color #f55142]not [color #42b3f5]OnDuty!!!"); } } } if (cmd == "mtpback") { if (DataStore.GetInstance().ContainsKey("ModeratorLastLoc", player.UID) && !DataStore.GetInstance().ContainsKey("HGIG", player.UID)) { var location = StringToVector3(DataStore.GetInstance().Get("ModeratorLastLoc", player.UID).ToString()); player.SafeTeleportTo(location, false); DataStore.GetInstance().Remove("ModeratorLastLoc", player.UID); player.Notice("You Teleported Back to your Checkpoint!"); string logtext = "Admin " + player.Name + " Teleported to his Checkpoint!"; Log(logtext, "Teleports"); } else { player.Notice("You Don't have any save Checkpoint or You Are in HungerGame!"); } } if (cmd == "ann") { if (args.Length == 0) { player.MessageFrom(Name, "[color #f55142]Syntax:[color #42b3f5] /ann TEXT"); } else { Server.GetServer().BroadcastNotice(string.Join(" ", args)); string logtext = player.Name + " /ann ==> : " + string.Join(" ", args); Log(logtext, "Announce"); } } if (cmd == "wipeshelt") { int c = 0; foreach (var x in World.GetWorld().Entities) { if (x.Name.ToLower().Contains("shelter")) { x.Destroy(); c++; } } Server.GetServer().BroadcastFrom("AntiLag", "[color #42b3f5]Admin/Mod [color #f5e042]" + player.Name + " [color #42b3f5]Deleted [color red] " + c + " [color #42b3f5]Shelters"); string logtext = player.Name + " Deleted " + c + " Shelters"; Log(logtext, "Shelter"); } if (cmd == "wipebar") { int c = 0; foreach (var x in World.GetWorld().Entities) { if (x.Name.ToLower().Contains("barricade")) { x.Destroy(); c++; } } Server.GetServer().BroadcastFrom("AntiLag", "[color #42b3f5]Admin/Mod [color #f5e042]" + player.Name + " [color #42b3f5]Deleted [color red] " + c + " [color #42b3f5]Barricades"); string logtext = player.Name + " Deleted " + c + " Barricades"; Log(logtext, "Barricade"); } } }
public void OnCommand(Fougerite.Player player, string command, string[] args) { this.Invoke("On_Command", new object[] { player, command, args }); }
public Fougerite.Player FindSimilarPlayer(Fougerite.Player Sender, object args) { int count = 0; Fougerite.Player Similar = null; string printablename = ""; if (args as string[] != null) { string[] array = args as string[]; printablename = string.Join(" ", array); var player = GetPlayerByName(printablename); if (player != null) { return(player); } foreach (var x in Server.GetServer().Players) { foreach (var namepart in array) { if (x.Name.ToLower().Contains(namepart.ToLower())) { Similar = x; count++; } } } } else { string name = ((string)args).ToLower(); printablename = name; var player = GetPlayerByName(name); if (player != null) { return(player); } foreach (var x in Server.GetServer().Players) { if (x.Name.ToLower().Contains(name)) { Similar = x; count++; } } } if (count == 0) { Sender.MessageFrom(Name, "Couldn't find [color#00FF00]" + printablename + "[/color]!"); } else if (count > 1) { Sender.MessageFrom(Name, "Found [color#FF0000]" + count + "[/color] players with similar name. [color#FF0000] Use more correct name![/color]"); } else { return(Similar); } return(null); }
public void OnPlayerDisconnected(Fougerite.Player player) { this.Invoke("On_PlayerDisconnected", new object[] { player }); }
public HurtEvent(ref DamageEvent d) { //Logger.LogDebug(string.Format("[DamageEvent] {0}", d.ToString())); try { this._sleeper = false; this.DamageEvent = d; this.WeaponData = null; this.IsDecay = false; this._status = d.status; string weaponName = "Unknown"; if (d.victim.idMain is DeployableObject) { if ("sleeping")) { this._sleeper = true; DeployableObject sleeper = d.victim.idMain as DeployableObject; this.Victim = new Sleeper(sleeper); } else { this.Victim = new Entity(d.victim.idMain.GetComponent <DeployableObject>()); } this._playervictim = false; } else if (d.victim.idMain is StructureComponent) { this.Victim = new Entity(d.victim.idMain.GetComponent <StructureComponent>()); this._playervictim = false; } else if ( is SpikeWall) { this._playerattacker = false; this.Victim = new Entity(d.victim.idMain.GetComponent <DeployableObject>()); } else if (d.victim.client != null) { this.Victim = Fougerite.Server.Cache[d.victim.client.userID]; this._playervictim = true; } else if (d.victim.character != null) { this.Victim = new NPC(d.victim.character); this._playervictim = false; } if (!(bool) { if (d.victim.client != null) { weaponName = this.DamageType; this._playerattacker = false; this.Attacker = null; } } else if ( is SpikeWall) { this._playerattacker = false; this.Attacker = new Entity(d.attacker.idMain.GetComponent <DeployableObject>()); weaponName ="Large") ? "Large Spike Wall" : "Spike Wall"; } else if ( is SupplyCrate) { this._playerattacker = false; this.Attacker = new Entity(d.attacker.idMain.gameObject); weaponName = "Supply Crate"; } else if ( is Metabolism && is Metabolism) { //this.Attacker = Fougerite.Server.Cache[d.attacker.client.userID]; this.Attacker = Fougerite.Player.FindByPlayerClient(d.attacker.client); this._playerattacker = false; this.Victim = this.Attacker; ICollection <string> list = new List <string>(); Fougerite.Player vic = this.Victim as Fougerite.Player; if (vic.IsStarving) { list.Add("Starvation"); } if (vic.IsRadPoisoned) { list.Add("Radiation"); /*if (vic.RadLevel > 5000) * { * vic.AddRads(-vic.RadLevel); * d.amount = 0; * _de.amount = 0; * Logger.LogDebug("[RadiationHack] Someone tried to kill " + vic.Name + " with radiation hacks."); * }*/ } if (vic.IsPoisoned) { list.Add("Poison"); } if (vic.IsBleeding) { list.Add("Bleeding"); } if (list.Contains("Bleeding")) { if (this.DamageType != "Unknown" && !list.Contains(this.DamageType)) { list.Add(this.DamageType); } } if (list.Count > 0) { weaponName = string.Format("Self ({0})", string.Join(",", list.ToArray())); } else { weaponName = this.DamageType; } } else if (d.attacker.client != null) { this.Attacker = Fougerite.Server.Cache[d.attacker.client.userID]; this._playerattacker = true; if (d.extraData != null) { WeaponImpact extraData = d.extraData as WeaponImpact; this.WeaponData = extraData; if (extraData.dataBlock != null) { weaponName =; } } else { if ( is TimedExplosive) { weaponName = "Explosive Charge"; } else if ( is TimedGrenade) { weaponName = "F1 Grenade"; } else { weaponName = "Hunting Bow"; } if (d.victim.client != null) { if (!d.attacker.IsDifferentPlayer(d.victim.client) && !(this.Victim is Entity)) { weaponName = "Fall Damage"; } else if (!d.attacker.IsDifferentPlayer(d.victim.client) && (this.Victim is Entity)) { weaponName = "Hunting Bow"; } } } } else if (d.attacker.character != null) { this.Attacker = new NPC(d.attacker.character); this._playerattacker = false; weaponName = string.Format("{0} Claw", (this.Attacker as NPC).Name); } this.WeaponName = weaponName; } catch (Exception ex) { Logger.LogDebug(string.Format("[HurtEvent] Error. " + ex.ToString())); } }
public void UnbanPlayer(PList.Player unban, Fougerite.Player myAdmin) { Core.blackList.Remove(unban.UserID); Administrator.NotifyAdmins(string.Format("{0} fue desbaneado por {1}.", unban.DisplayName, myAdmin.Name)); }
void ChatReceived(ref ConsoleSystem.Arg arg) { string str = Facepunch.Utility.String.QuoteSafe(arg.GetString(0, "text")); Fougerite.Player p = new Fougerite.Player(arg.argUser.playerClient); var command = ChatCommand.GetCommand("tpto") as TeleportToCommand; if (command.GetTPWaitList().Contains(p.PlayerClient.userID)) { int num; if (int.TryParse(str, out num)) command.PartialNameTP(p, num); else { Util.sayUser(p.PlayerClient.netPlayer, Core.Name, "Invalid Choice!"); command.GetTPWaitList().Remove(p.PlayerClient.userID); } arg = null; } else if (Core.banWaitList.Contains(p.PlayerClient.userID)) { int num2; if (int.TryParse(str, out num2)) { (ChatCommand.GetCommand("ban") as BanCommand).PartialNameBan(p, num2); } else { Util.sayUser(p.PlayerClient.netPlayer, Core.Name, "Invalid Choice!"); Core.banWaitList.Remove(p.PlayerClient.userID); } arg = null; } else if (Core.kickWaitList.Contains(p.PlayerClient.userID)) { int num3; if (int.TryParse(str, out num3)) { (ChatCommand.GetCommand("kick") as KickCommand).PartialNameKick(p, num3); } else { Util.sayUser(p.PlayerClient.netPlayer, Core.Name, "Invalid Choice!"); Core.kickWaitList.Remove(p.PlayerClient.userID); } arg = null; } if (Core.IsEnabled() && Core.muteList.Contains(p.PlayerClient.netUser.userID)) // p.PlayerClient.userID { arg = null; Util.sayUser(p.PlayerClient.netPlayer, Core.Name, "You are muted."); } }