Example #1
		public static byte[] Create(byte[] origin, byte[] target) { 
			var zDelta = new Writer();
			int lenOut = target.Length;
			int lenSrc = origin.Length;
			int i, lastRead = -1;

			zDelta.PutInt((uint) lenOut);

			// If the source is very small, it means that we have no
			// chance of ever doing a copy command.  Just output a single
			// literal segment for the entire target and exit.
			if (lenSrc <= NHASH) {
				zDelta.PutInt((uint) lenOut);
				zDelta.PutArray(target, 0, lenOut);
				return zDelta.ToArray();

			// Compute the hash table used to locate matching sections in the source.
			int nHash = (int) lenSrc / NHASH;
			int[] collide =  new int[nHash];
			int[] landmark = new int[nHash];
			for (i = 0; i < collide.Length; i++) collide[i] = -1;
			for (i = 0; i < landmark.Length; i++) landmark[i] = -1;
			int hv;
			RollingHash h = new RollingHash();
			for (i = lenSrc - lenSrc % NHASH - NHASH; i >= 0; i -= NHASH)
				h.Init(origin, i);
				hv = (int) (h.Value() % nHash);
				collide[i/NHASH] = landmark[hv];
				landmark[hv] = i/NHASH;
Example #2
        public static byte[] Create(byte[] origin, byte[] target)
            var zDelta = new Writer();
            int lenOut = target.Length;
            int lenSrc = origin.Length;
            int i, lastRead = -1;


            // If the source is very small, it means that we have no
            // chance of ever doing a copy command.  Just output a single
            // literal segment for the entire target and exit.
            if (lenSrc <= NHASH)
                zDelta.PutArray(target, 0, lenOut);

            // Compute the hash table used to locate matching sections in the source.
            int nHash = (int)lenSrc / NHASH;

            int[] collide  = new int[nHash];
            int[] landmark = new int[nHash];
            for (i = 0; i < collide.Length; i++)
                collide[i] = -1;
            for (i = 0; i < landmark.Length; i++)
                landmark[i] = -1;
            int         hv;
            RollingHash h = new RollingHash();

            for (i = 0; i < lenSrc - NHASH; i += NHASH)
                h.Init(origin, i);
                hv = (int)(h.Value() % nHash);
                collide[i / NHASH] = landmark[hv];
                landmark[hv]       = i / NHASH;

            int _base = 0;
            int iSrc, iBlock;
            int bestCnt, bestOfst = 0, bestLitsz = 0;

            while (_base + NHASH < lenOut)
                bestOfst  = 0;
                bestLitsz = 0;
                h.Init(target, _base);
                i       = 0;           // Trying to match a landmark against zOut[_base+i]
                bestCnt = 0;
                while (true)
                    int limit = 250;
                    hv     = (int)(h.Value() % nHash);
                    iBlock = landmark[hv];
                    while (iBlock >= 0 && (limit--) > 0)
                        // The hash window has identified a potential match against
                        // landmark block iBlock.  But we need to investigate further.
                        // Look for a region in zOut that matches zSrc. Anchor the search
                        // at zSrc[iSrc] and zOut[_base+i].  Do not include anything prior to
                        // zOut[_base] or after zOut[outLen] nor anything after zSrc[srcLen].
                        // Set cnt equal to the length of the match and set ofst so that
                        // zSrc[ofst] is the first element of the match.  litsz is the number
                        // of characters between zOut[_base] and the beginning of the match.
                        // sz will be the overhead (in bytes) needed to encode the copy
                        // command.  Only generate copy command if the overhead of the
                        // copy command is less than the amount of literal text to be copied.
                        int cnt, ofst, litsz;
                        int j, k, x, y;
                        int sz;

                        // Beginning at iSrc, match forwards as far as we can.
                        // j counts the number of characters that match.
                        iSrc = iBlock * NHASH;
                        for (j = 0, x = iSrc, y = _base + i; x < lenSrc && y < lenOut; j++, x++, y++)
                            if (origin[x] != target[y])

                        // Beginning at iSrc-1, match backwards as far as we can.
                        // k counts the number of characters that match.
                        for (k = 1; k < iSrc && k <= i; k++)
                            if (origin[iSrc - k] != target[_base + i - k])

                        // Compute the offset and size of the matching region.
                        ofst  = iSrc - k;
                        cnt   = j + k + 1;
                        litsz = i - k;                        // Number of bytes of literal text before the copy
                        // sz will hold the number of bytes needed to encode the "insert"
                        // command and the copy command, not counting the "insert" text.
                        sz = DigitCount(i - k) + DigitCount(cnt) + DigitCount(ofst) + 3;
                        if (cnt >= sz && cnt > bestCnt)
                            // Remember this match only if it is the best so far and it
                            // does not increase the file size.
                            bestCnt   = cnt;
                            bestOfst  = iSrc - k;
                            bestLitsz = litsz;

                        // Check the next matching block
                        iBlock = collide[iBlock];

                    // We have a copy command that does not cause the delta to be larger
                    // than a literal insert.  So add the copy command to the delta.
                    if (bestCnt > 0)
                        if (bestLitsz > 0)
                            // Add an insert command before the copy.
                            zDelta.PutArray(target, _base, _base + bestLitsz);
                            _base += bestLitsz;
                        _base += bestCnt;
                        if (bestOfst + bestCnt - 1 > lastRead)
                            lastRead = bestOfst + bestCnt - 1;
                        bestCnt = 0;

                    // If we reach this point, it means no match is found so far
                    if (_base + i + NHASH >= lenOut)
                        // We have reached the end and have not found any
                        // matches.  Do an "insert" for everything that does not match
                        zDelta.PutInt((uint)(lenOut - _base));
                        zDelta.PutArray(target, _base, _base + lenOut - _base);
                        _base = lenOut;

                    // Advance the hash by one character. Keep looking for a match.
                    h.Next(target[_base + i + NHASH]);
            // Output a final "insert" record to get all the text at the end of
            // the file that does not match anything in the source.
            if (_base < lenOut)
                zDelta.PutInt((uint)(lenOut - _base));
                zDelta.PutArray(target, _base, _base + lenOut - _base);
            // Output the final checksum record.