protected override void LoadContent() { SpriteBatch = new SpriteBatch(GraphicsDevice); base.LoadContent(); _defaultSong = new SongDataPlus(); _defaultSong.type = SongDataPlus.NoteType.GBA; _defaultSong.dirPath = "";// TITLE_LOCATION; _defaultSong.songData = new SongData(); = "Default"; String aviPath = Path.Combine(/*TITLE_LOCATION,*/ "Intro.avi"); try { /* * introVideo = new Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Media.VideoPlayer(aviPath, GraphicsDevice); * introVideo.OnVideoComplete += new EventHandler(MovieFinished); * introVideo.Play(); * ChangeState(GameStateType.IntroMovie);*/ introVideo = null; // 4.0change } catch (Exception) { introVideo = null; } }
public static SongDataPlus GetMidiSongDataPlus(DirectoryInfo dir, FileInfo fl, bool isFromGuitarHero) { SongDataPlus dataPlus = new SongDataPlus(); // TODO: Add midi specific information here. dataPlus.songData = new SongData(); = fl.Name.Split('.')[0]; = "Unknown"; =; dataPlus.fullPath = fl.FullName; dataPlus.type = isFromGuitarHero ? SongDataPlus.NoteType.MID : SongDataPlus.NoteType.GenMID; dataPlus.dirPath = dir.ToString(); return(dataPlus); }
/// <summary> /// Searches all known song formats and determines if the music /// exists in any of the following formats. /// </summary> public bool QueueSong(SongDataPlus songToQueue) { if (musicPlayer != null) { musicPlayer.StopAll(); } _songPlaying = false; if (songToQueue.type == SongDataPlus.NoteType.None) { return(false); } bool foundValidPlayer = false; for (int i = 0; i < availablePlayers.Count; i++) { musicPlayer = availablePlayers[i]; foundValidPlayer = musicPlayer.LoadSong(songToQueue.dirPath,; if (foundValidPlayer) { break; } } if (!foundValidPlayer) { return(false); } // Can possibly have 5 extra tracks playing...? // For now they must use the same player they used for the main song. for (int t = 1; t <= 5; t++) { musicPlayer.LoadTrack(songToQueue.dirPath, + "_tr" + t); } return(true); }
public static Setlist SearchDirectory(DirectoryInfo dir) { List <SongDataPlus> list = new List <SongDataPlus>(); foreach (FileInfo fl in dir.GetFiles("*.gba")) { SongDataPlus dataPlus = new SongDataPlus(); dataPlus.fullPath = fl.FullName; dataPlus.songData = SongDataIO.SongLoader.LoadSong(dataPlus.fullPath); dataPlus.dirPath = dir.ToString(); dataPlus.type = SongDataPlus.NoteType.GBA; list.Add(dataPlus); } foreach (FileInfo fl in dir.GetFiles("*.mid")) { // .mid files are considered to be Notes.mid files from commercial games, not general Midis //if(fl.Name.Contains("if")) list.Add(GetMidiSongDataPlus(dir, fl, true)); } foreach (FileInfo fl in dir.GetFiles("*.fff")) { foreach (FileInfo fl2 in dir.GetFiles("*.ffm")) { // Only add .fff files if there is a corresponding .ffm file if (fl2.FullName.Substring(0, fl2.FullName.Length - 4).CompareTo(fl.FullName.Substring(0, fl.FullName.Length - 4)) == 0) { list.Add(GetMidiSongDataPlus(dir, fl, false)); break; } } } Setlist s = new Setlist(list, dir.Name); return(s); }
public static SongDataPlus PickRandomSong() { IAsyncResult result; result = StorageDevice.BeginShowSelector(PlayerIndex.One, null, null); // wait in result... StorageDevice device = StorageDevice.EndShowSelector(result); StorageContainer container = Setlist.OpenContainer(device, "Fortissimo"); String directory = Path.Combine(/*TITLE_LOCATION,*/ "Songs"); List <SongDataPlus> list = new List <SongDataPlus>(); DirectoryInfo dr = new DirectoryInfo(directory); if (dr.Exists) { list.AddRange(SearchDirectory(dr).Songs); //list.Add(SearchDirectory(dr)); foreach (DirectoryInfo dir in dr.GetDirectories()) { list.AddRange(SearchDirectory(dir).Songs); } } if (list.Count != 0) { Random r = new Random(); int idx = r.Next(list.Count); return(list[idx]); } else { SongDataPlus nullSong = new SongDataPlus(); nullSong.type = SongDataPlus.NoteType.None; return(nullSong); } }
public virtual void StartSong(RhythmGame game, GameTime gameTime, SongDataPlus dataPlus, int instrument, float difficulty) { // Get the input skin for the given instrument InputSkin inputSkin = new GuitarASDFG(game.ActiveInput, game); game.ActiveInput.UpdateOrder = 0; DrawOrder = 3; game.Components.Add(inputSkin); inputSkin.ReplaceBackground(Path.Combine(dataPlus.dirPath, "Default.png")); // Get the notes for the given song. NoteManager notes = null; switch (dataPlus.type) { case SongDataPlus.NoteType.MID: notes = new GuitarHeroManager(game, this, instrument, difficulty < 0.25 ? 0 : difficulty < 0.5 ? 1 : difficulty < 0.75 ? 2 : difficulty < 0.95 ? 3 : 4, dataPlus); break; case SongDataPlus.NoteType.GBA: notes = new UnsignedManager(game, this, (byte)(difficulty < 0.25 ? 0 : difficulty < 0.5 ? 1 : difficulty < 0.75 ? 2 : 3), dataPlus.songData); break; case SongDataPlus.NoteType.GenMID: notes = new MidiManager(game, this, instrument, difficulty, dataPlus.fullPath); break; default: throw new NotSupportedException(); } notes.UpdateOrder = 1; game.Components.Add(notes); Notes = notes; notes.StartSong(gameTime); Input = game.ActiveInput; game.Components.Add(this); }
/// <summary> /// All state changes go through this function. /// </summary> public void ChangeState(GameStateType state) { // Transition to a NoneState?! No way! if (state == GameStateType.None) { return; } // Store off old state. if (IsStorableState(State, state)) { StoreState(); } lastState = State; State = state; if (lastState != state) { stateChanged = true; } if (!stateChanged) { return; } if (!IsBackgroundMusicState(state) && IsBackgroundMusicState(lastState)) { StopAllSongs(); } // Pause is a unique state. if (state == GameStateType.Paused && lastState != GameStateType.Paused) { PauseGame(true); return; } if (lastState == GameStateType.Paused) { CancelMenu(); if (state == GameStateType.Running) { PauseGame(false); return; } } if (state == GameStateType.SongRestart) { musicPlayer.StopAll(); QueueSong(_currentSong); List <Player> members = CurrentBand.BandMembers; foreach (Player p in members) { p.Notes.Reset(); } ChangeState(GameStateType.Running); return; } // Clear out residue from last state. ResetComponents(); // Temporarily skip band members if (State == GameStateType.MembersSelect) { state = State = GameStateType.CareerSelect; } if (ShouldSaveBand(state)) { if (state == GameStateType.SongSuccess) { Band tmp = CurrentBand; _currentBand.ScoreSong(, _currentBand.CurrentScore, _currentBand.Stars); } Band.SaveBandToFile(_currentBand); } bool changeToMenu = false; Menu newMenu = null; // Initialize our next state. switch (state) { case GameStateType.TitleScreen: newMenu = new TitleScreen(this, menu); changeToMenu = true; break; case GameStateType.CareerSelect: newMenu = new CareerSelect(this, menu); changeToMenu = true; break; case GameStateType.MembersSelect: changeToMenu = true; break; case GameStateType.BandSelect: newMenu = new BandSelect(this, menu); changeToMenu = true; break; case GameStateType.SongSelect: // Stupid hack to get a player readied for rpg stuffs if (CurrentBand.BandMembers.Count == 0) { PlayerFactory.TestPlayer(null, this); } newMenu = new SongSelect(this, menu); changeToMenu = true; break; case GameStateType.BuySong: newMenu = new BuySongWarning(this, menu); changeToMenu = true; break; case GameStateType.Credits: newMenu = new CreditsScreen(this, menu); changeToMenu = true; break; case GameStateType.DifficultySelect: newMenu = new DifficultySelect(this, menu); changeToMenu = true; break; case GameStateType.Running: menu = null; float realDifficulty = (Difficulty == 0 ? 0.2f : Difficulty == 1 ? 0.4f : Difficulty == 2 ? 0.6f : Difficulty == 3 ? 0.8f : 0.96f); foreach (Player p in CurrentBand.BandMembers) { p.Reset(); p.StartSong(this, gameTime, _currentSong, Player.GUITAR, realDifficulty); p.ChangeState += new Action <RhythmGame.GameStateType>(ChangeState); if (musicPlayer != null) { p.NoteWasMissed += new Action <SongData.NoteSet>(musicPlayer.MissedNote); p.NoteWasHit += new Action <SongData.NoteSet>(musicPlayer.HitNote); } } break; case GameStateType.LoadSong: _currentSong = songQueue.Dequeue(); if (QueueSong(_currentSong)) { ChangeState(GameStateType.DifficultySelect); } else { ChangeState(GameStateType.BuySong); } break; case GameStateType.SongFail: newMenu = new SongFail(this, menu); changeToMenu = true; break; case GameStateType.SongSuccess: newMenu = new SongSuccess(this, menu); changeToMenu = true; break; case GameStateType.SongCancel: StopAllSongs(); CancelMenu(); break; } if (changeToMenu) { // Give the plugin a chance to override the menu. newMenu = ActivePlugin.GetPluginMenu(this, menu, newMenu); menu = newMenu; menu.DrawOrder = 1; menu.Enabled = true; menu.Visible = true; Components.Add(menu); } }
public void EnqueueSong(SongDataPlus song) { // 4.0change songQueue.Enqueue(song); }
protected override void Update(GameTime gameTime) { this.gameTime = gameTime; switch (State) { case GameStateType.Paused: if (stateChanged) { pausedTime = gameTime.TotalGameTime; } break; case GameStateType.Running: if (stateChanged && lastState == GameStateType.Paused) { TimeSpan totalPausedTime = gameTime.TotalGameTime - pausedTime; foreach (GameComponent component in Components) { if (component is Player) { ((Player)component).Notes.SyncStartTime(totalPausedTime); } } } break; } stateChanged = false; if (State == GameStateType.Running) { TimeSpan playPosition = musicPlayer.PlayPosition() + AUDIO_VIDEO_OFFSET; List <Player> members = CurrentBand.BandMembers; foreach (Player p in members) { p.Notes.VerifySongTime(playPosition); } } if (IsBackgroundMusicState(State)) { // Give the song a minute, then fade out and start a new one. if (_backgroundTimer < TimeSpan.FromSeconds(10)) { if (musicPlayer != null) { musicPlayer.FadeVolume(-(gameTime.ElapsedGameTime.Milliseconds / 10000.0)); } } if (_backgroundTimer < TimeSpan.Zero) { _backgroundSong = SongSearcher.PickRandomSong(); StopAllSongs(); if (QueueSong(_backgroundSong)) { PlayQueuedSong(); } else { // Try default song. if (QueueSong(_defaultSong)) { PlayQueuedSong(); } } _backgroundTimer = TimeSpan.FromMinutes(1); } _backgroundTimer -= gameTime.ElapsedGameTime; } else { // Start it up as soon as we get to a valid state. _backgroundTimer = TimeSpan.Zero; } base.Update(gameTime); // Update after the game update to prevent the user from skipping the title screen. if (State == GameStateType.IntroMovie) { // Funky work around for video player. GraphicsDevice.Textures[0] = null; //introVideo.Update(); // 4.0change for (int i = 0; i < InputDevices.Length; i++) { if (InputDevices[i].OtherKeyPressed(OtherKeyType.Select) || InputDevices[i].OtherKeyPressed(OtherKeyType.Cancel) || InputDevices[i].OtherKeyPressed(OtherKeyType.Select)) { //introVideo.Stop(); // 4.0change MovieFinished(null, null); } } } }
public GuitarHeroManager(Game game, Player player, int instrument, int difficulty, SongDataPlus dataPlus) : base(game) { this.player = player; int trackID = instrument == Player.GUITAR ? 0 : instrument == Player.RHYTHM ? 1 : instrument == Player.DRUMS ? 2 : instrument == Player.VOCALS ? 3 : 99; if (trackID == 99) { throw new System.NotSupportedException(); } curMusicFile = new GuitarHeroMusicFile(); if (!curMusicFile.GenerateNotesFromFile(dataPlus.fullPath)) { throw new System.NotSupportedException(); } // Check for tap-on/hammer-off notes... <200 ms since start of last note && this is the only note at this time slot if (curMusicFile.AllNotes[trackID][difficulty].Count > 1) { NoteX last = curMusicFile.AllNotes[trackID][difficulty][0]; for (int i = 1; i < curMusicFile.AllNotes[trackID][difficulty].Count; i++) { NoteX curr = curMusicFile.AllNotes[trackID][difficulty][i]; if (curr.type != last.type && curr.time != last.time) { // Make sure last note is different than this one if (i > 0 && (curMusicFile.AllNotes[trackID][difficulty][i - 1].type & 0x1F) != curr.type) { // Check threshold if (curr.time - last.time < HOPO_Threshold) { // Check that it's a single chord if (curr.type == 1 || curr.type == 2 || curr.type == 4 || curr.type == 8 || curr.type == 16) { curr.type |= (1 << 5); } } } } last = curr; } } foreach (NoteX note in curMusicFile.AllNotes[trackID][difficulty]) { note.burning = 0; note.endtype = 0; if (note.length < 150) { note.length = 0; } } allBeats = curMusicFile.markers; _noteSet = curMusicFile.AllNotes[trackID][difficulty].ToArray(); NoteX.InitializeSet(NoteSet, player); }