Example #1
        public async Task UnmuteCmd(CommandContext ctx, [Description("The user you're trying to unmute.")] DiscordUser targetUser)
            DiscordGuild   guild      = ctx.Guild;
            DiscordChannel logChannel = await Program.discord.GetChannelAsync(Program.cfgjson.LogChannel);

            // todo: store per-guild
            DiscordRole   mutedRole = guild.GetRole(Program.cfgjson.MutedRole);
            DiscordMember member    = await guild.GetMemberAsync(targetUser.Id);

            if ((await Program.db.HashExistsAsync("mutes", targetUser.Id)) || member.Roles.Contains(mutedRole))
                await Mutes.UnmuteUserAsync(targetUser);

                await ctx.RespondAsync($"{Program.cfgjson.Emoji.Information} Successfully unmuted **{targetUser.Username}#{targetUser.Discriminator}**.");
                    await Mutes.UnmuteUserAsync(targetUser);

                    await ctx.RespondAsync($"{Program.cfgjson.Emoji.Warning} According to Discord that user is not muted, but I tried to unmute them anyway. Hope it works.");
                catch (Exception e)
                    await ctx.RespondAsync($"{Program.cfgjson.Emoji.Error} That user doesn't appear to be muted, *and* an error ocurred while attempting to unmute them anyway. Please contact the bot owner, the error has been logged.");
Example #2
        public static async Task <UserWarning> GiveWarningAsync(DiscordUser targetUser, DiscordUser modUser, string reason, string contextLink, DiscordChannel channel)
            DiscordGuild guild     = channel.Guild;
            ulong        warningId = (ulong)Program.db.StringGet("totalWarnings");

            // TODO: fix this hell
            if (warningId == 0)
                Program.db.StringSet("totalWarnings", "1");
                warningId = 1;
                warningId += 1;

            UserWarning warning = new UserWarning()
                TargetUserId  = targetUser.Id,
                ModUserId     = modUser.Id,
                WarnReason    = reason,
                WarnTimestamp = DateTime.Now,
                WarningId     = warningId,
                ContextLink   = contextLink

            Program.db.StringSet("totalWarnings", warningId);
            Program.db.HashSet(targetUser.Id.ToString(), warning.WarningId, JsonConvert.SerializeObject(warning));
                DiscordMember member = await guild.GetMemberAsync(targetUser.Id);

                await member.SendMessageAsync($"{Program.cfgjson.Emoji.Warning} You were warned in **{guild.Name}**, reason: **{reason}**");
                // We failed to DM the user, this isn't important to note.

            await Program.logChannel.SendMessageAsync($"{Program.cfgjson.Emoji.Warning} New warning for {targetUser.Mention}!", await FancyWarnEmbedAsync(warning, true, 0xFEC13D, false));

            // automute handling
            var warningsOutput = Program.db.HashGetAll(targetUser.Id.ToString()).ToDictionary(
                x => x.Name.ToString(),
                x => JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <UserWarning>(x.Value)

            // Realistically this wouldn't ever be 0, but we'll set it below.
            int warnsSinceThreshold = 0;

            foreach (KeyValuePair <string, UserWarning> entry in warningsOutput)
                UserWarning entryWarning = entry.Value;
                TimeSpan    span         = DateTime.Now - entryWarning.WarnTimestamp;
                if (span.Days <= Program.cfgjson.WarningDaysThreshold)
                    warnsSinceThreshold += 1;

            int toMuteHours = 0;

            var keys      = Program.cfgjson.AutoMuteThresholds.Keys.OrderBy(key => Convert.ToUInt64(key));
            int chosenKey = 0;

            foreach (string key in keys)
                int keyInt = int.Parse(key);
                if (keyInt <= warnsSinceThreshold && keyInt > chosenKey)
                    toMuteHours = Program.cfgjson.AutoMuteThresholds[key];
                    chosenKey   = keyInt;

            if (toMuteHours > 0)
                DiscordMember member = await guild.GetMemberAsync(targetUser.Id);

                await Mutes.MuteUserAsync(member, $"Automatic mute after {warnsSinceThreshold} warnings in the past {Program.cfgjson.WarningDaysThreshold} days.", modUser.Id, guild, channel, TimeSpan.FromHours(toMuteHours));

Example #3
        public async Task MuteCmd(
            CommandContext ctx, [Description("The user you're trying to mute")] DiscordUser targetUser,
            [RemainingText, Description("Combined argument for the time and reason for the mute. For example '1h rule 7' or 'rule 10'")] string timeAndReason = "No reason specified."
            DiscordMember targetMember;

                targetMember = await ctx.Guild.GetMemberAsync(targetUser.Id);
            catch (DSharpPlus.Exceptions.NotFoundException)
                // TODO: Rework mutes to allow this
                await ctx.Message.DeleteAsync();

                var msg = await ctx.RespondAsync($"{Program.cfgjson.Emoji.Error} The user you're trying to mute is not in the server!");

                await Task.Delay(3000);

                await msg.DeleteAsync();


            if (Warnings.GetPermLevel(ctx.Member) == ServerPermLevel.CommunityManager && (Warnings.GetPermLevel(targetMember) >= ServerPermLevel.CommunityManager || targetMember.IsBot))
                await ctx.RespondAsync($"{Program.cfgjson.Emoji.Error} {ctx.User.Mention}, as a Trial Moderator you cannot perform moderation actions on other staff members or bots.");


            await ctx.Message.DeleteAsync();

            TimeSpan muteDuration = default;
            string   possibleTime = timeAndReason.Split(' ').First();

            if (possibleTime.Length != 1)
                string reason = timeAndReason;
                // Everything BUT the last character should be a number.
                string possibleNum = possibleTime.Remove(possibleTime.Length - 1);
                if (int.TryParse(possibleNum, out int timeLength))
                    char possibleTimePeriod = possibleTime.Last();
                    muteDuration = ModCmds.ParseTime(possibleTimePeriod, timeLength);
                    muteDuration = default;

                if (muteDuration != default || possibleNum == "0")
                    if (!timeAndReason.Contains(" "))
                        reason = "No reason specified.";
                        reason = timeAndReason.Substring(timeAndReason.IndexOf(' ') + 1, timeAndReason.Length - (timeAndReason.IndexOf(' ') + 1));

                // await ctx.RespondAsync($"debug: {possibleNum}, {possibleTime}, {muteDuration.ToString()}, {reason}");
                _ = Mutes.MuteUserAsync(targetMember, reason, ctx.User.Id, ctx.Guild, ctx.Channel, muteDuration, true);