// List<ServiceReference1.Istoric_Animal_Deces> lista2; // void wcf_PreiaDecesCompleted(object sender, ServiceReference3.PreiaDecesCompletedEventArgs e) // { //// lista2 = new List<ServiceReference3.Istoric_Animal_Deces>(); // foreach (var c in e.Result) // lista2.Add(c); // } private void ArrangePage() { //rezolutia ecranului canvas.Width = double.Parse(HtmlPage.Window.Eval("screen.width").ToString()); canvas.Height = double.Parse(HtmlPage.Window.Eval("screen.height").ToString()); HtmlDocument d = HtmlPage.Document; string c = d.QueryString.Count.ToString() ; //canvasu de sus btn2.Width = canvas.Width; // aranjenz in pagina gridu Canvas.SetLeft(LayoutRoot, canvas.Width / 2 - 500); Canvas.SetTop(LayoutRoot, 75); LoginForm add = new LoginForm(MeniuDreapa,canvas2,maplayer,map); MeniuSus m = new MeniuSus(btn2, canvas.Width,canvas2); #region Tranzactii Sergiu // Tranzactii // map.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed; // canvas2.Children.Clear(); // canvas2.Background = new SolidColorBrush(Color.FromArgb(0xFF, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00)); //// Forme.t = new Forme.Tranzactii(canvas2); // Forme.MyTranzactii t = new Forme.MyTranzactii(canvas2); // bing_maps.Forme.MyTranzactii t = new bing_maps.Forme.MyTranzactii(canvas2); #endregion #region History // Thread.Sleep(new TimeSpan(0, 0, 0,5)); // stat s = new stat(canvas2); // canvas2.Children.Add(s); //History cs = new History(); //canvas2.Children.Add(s); #endregion #region Holban //BasicHttpBinding bind = new BasicHttpBinding(); //EndpointAddress endpoint = new EndpointAddress("http://localhost:11201/Service1.svc"); //bing.testService.Service1Client wcf = new bing.testService.Service1Client(bind, endpoint); //wcf.GetAnimalByIDCompleted += new EventHandler<bing.testService.GetAnimalByIDCompletedEventArgs>(wcf_GetAnimalByIDCompleted); //wcf.GetTop3IstoricAnimaleForUserXCompleted += new EventHandler<GetTop3IstoricAnimaleForUserXCompletedEventArgs>(wcf_GetTop3IstoricAnimaleForUserXCompleted); //try //{ // wcf.GetAnimalByIDAsync(15); // wcf.GetTop3IstoricAnimaleForUserXAsync(2, 15); //} //catch (Exception ex) //{ // MessageBox.Show(ex.Message); //} #endregion }
// End Alex public LoginForm(Canvas can,Canvas canvas2,MapLayers map,Map mapmare) { Uri httpAddress = new Uri("http://localhost:11201/Tranzactii.svc"); // System.ServiceModel.ServiceHost mymap = map; this.mapMare = mapmare; bIndic.Width = 152; bIndic.Height = 56; this.canvas2=canvas2; canvas2.Children.Add(bIndic); bIndic.IsBusy=false; Canvas.SetLeft(bIndic, canvas2.Width / 2 -78); Canvas.SetTop(bIndic, canvas2.Height / 2); #region Info+Welcome user ControlCuColturiRotunde iws = new ControlCuColturiRotunde(can, 205, 200, 0, 10, true, 1); iws.AddTextBlockMultiple(new TextBlock() , 6 , new string[] { " Want to do something for your country?", "GrowRomania is a new game where you", "can grow forest and rise animals in any ", "region. Wild animals ,domestic animals", "and everthing.Join now and play.", "See how to play ..." } , new string[] { "#FFFFFFFF" } , new int[] { 11 }); howto = new ControlCuColturiRotunde(can, 100, 25, 120, 110, true, 1); howto.Colors("#FF03132d", "#FF03132d", new Point(0.5, 1), new Point(0.5, 0), 1); howto.Colturi(10, 10, new Rect(0, 0, 100, 25)); howtobutton = howto.intoarce(); howtobutton.MouseEnter += new MouseEventHandler(howtobutton_MouseEnter); howtobutton.MouseLeave += new MouseEventHandler(howtobutton_MouseLeave); howto.AddTextBlock(new TextBlock(), " + more info", 12, 5, 4, "#FF8b9205"); howto.Cursor = Cursors.Hand; iws.AddTextBlock(new TextBlock(), "Welcome, Guest!", 20, 0, 190, "#FF8b9205"); #endregion #region Username ControlCuColturiRotunde b = new ControlCuColturiRotunde(can, 206, 39, 0, 230, false, 1); username = new TextBox(); b.Colors("#FF465d6a", "#FF5c7084", new Point(0.5, 1), new Point(0.5, 0), null); b.Border(new CornerRadius(10, 9, 9, 9), "#FF88B4BB", new Thickness(1), 208, 40); b.Colturi(10, 10, new Rect(0, 0, 206, 38)); b.AddTextBlock(new TextBlock(), "Username:"******"", 100, 30, 0, 14, "#FF992929", "#FF9F1C1C", "#FF581818", "#FFBE4141", null, true, 95, 5); #endregion #region Passward //adaug canvas pt Password ControlCuColturiRotunde c = new ControlCuColturiRotunde(can, 206, 39, 0, 274, false, 1); Passordbox = new PasswordBox(); Passordbox.PasswordChanged += new RoutedEventHandler(pb_PasswordChanged); c.Colors("#FF465d6a", "#FF5c7084", new Point(0.5, 1), new Point(0.5, 0), null); c.Border(new CornerRadius(9, 9, 9, 9), "#FF88B4BB", new Thickness(1), 208, 40); c.Colturi(10, 10, new Rect(0, 0, 206, 38)); c.AddTextBlock(new TextBlock(), "Password:"******"", 100, 30, 0, 14, "#FF992929", "#FF9F1C1C", "#FF581818", "#FFBE4141", null, true, 95, 5); #endregion #region Loginbutton canvasforbutton = new ControlCuColturiRotunde(can, 206, 39, 0, 318, false, 1); canvasforbutton.Colors("#FF969a07", "#FF7a7d04", new Point(0.5, 1), new Point(0.5, 0), null); canvasforbutton.Border(new CornerRadius(10, 10, 10, 10), "#FF9fa13a", new Thickness(1), 208, 40); canvasforbutton.Colturi(10, 10, new Rect(0, 0, 206, 38)); canvasforbutton.AddTextBlock(new TextBlock(), "Log in", 17, 80, 5, "#ffe0e1c0"); canvasforbutton.Cursor = Cursors.Hand; butonlogin = canvasforbutton.intoarce(); butonlogin.MouseEnter += new MouseEventHandler(butonlogin_MouseEnter); butonlogin.MouseLeave += new MouseEventHandler(butonlogin_MouseLeave); butonlogin.MouseLeftButtonDown += new MouseButtonEventHandler(butonlogin_MouseLeftButtonDown); #endregion #region Register ForgotPassward //register forgotpassward register = new TextBlock() { Cursor = Cursors.Hand }; Recover = new TextBlock() { Cursor = Cursors.Hand }; rf = new ControlCuColturi(can, 205, 40, 0, 365, true, 1); rf.AddTextBlock(register, "Register", 14, 0, 5, "#FF8b9205"); rf.AddTextBlock(new TextBlock(), "|", 14, 62, 5, "#FF8b9205"); rf.AddTextBlock(Recover, "Recover Password", 14, 74, 5, "#FF8b9205"); Recover.MouseEnter += new MouseEventHandler(Recover_MouseEnter); Recover.MouseLeave += new MouseEventHandler(Recover_MouseLeave); register.MouseEnter += new MouseEventHandler(register_MouseEnter); register.MouseLeave += new MouseEventHandler(register_MouseLeave); register.MouseLeftButtonDown += new MouseButtonEventHandler(register_MouseLeftButtonDown); #endregion Line l = new Line() { X1 = 0, X2 = 205, Y1 = 400, Y2 = 400, Stroke = new SolidColorBrush(Colors.White), StrokeThickness = 1 }; can.Children.Add(l); #region ConnectWithFacebook ConnectwithFacebook = new ControlCuColturi(can, 50, 50, 0, 405, true, 1); ConnectwithFacebook.AddImage(new Image(), 30, 30, "DesignImages/1.png", 0, 0); ConnectwithFacebook.AddTextBlock(new TextBlock(), "Connect with Facebook", 15, 30, 5, "#FF5a748d"); Connect = ConnectwithFacebook.intoarce(); Connect.Cursor = Cursors.Hand; Connect.MouseLeftButtonDown += new MouseButtonEventHandler(Connect_MouseLeftButtonDown); #endregion Line l1 = new Line() { X1 = 0, X2 = 205, Y1 = 440, Y2 = 440, Stroke = new SolidColorBrush(Colors.White), StrokeThickness = 1 }; can.Children.Add(l1); Meniu = can; loggedIn = false; // Alex // Store the current instance for global use instance = this; }