Example #1
        public static Dictionary <string, object> GetCustomerServiceDataByProjectID(int ProjectID)
            Dictionary <string, object> dic  = null;
            CustomerService             data = null;

            CustomerService[] dataList = new CustomerService[] { };
            var parameters             = new List <SqlParameter>();

            parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@ProjectID", ProjectID));
            dataList = GetList <CustomerService>("select * from [CustomerService] where ProjectID=@ProjectID", parameters).ToArray();
            if (dataList.Length > 0)
                data = dataList.FirstOrDefault(p => p.ServiceStatus == 0 || p.ServiceStatus == 3 || p.ServiceStatus == 10);
            if (data == null)
            dic = new Dictionary <string, object>();
            dic["GongDanType"] = "";
            if (data.ServiceType1ID > 0)
                var type = ServiceType.GetServiceType(data.ServiceType1ID);
                dic["GongDanType"] = type != null ? type.ServiceTypeName : string.Empty;
            dic["GongDanAddTime"]    = data.AddTime.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss");
            dic["GongDanStatusDesc"] = data.ServiceStatusDesc;
            dic["GongDanRemark"]     = "";
            var chuLiList = CustomerServiceChuli.GetCustomerServiceChuliList(data.ID);

            if (chuLiList.Length > 0)
                var chuLiData = chuLiList.FirstOrDefault(p => !string.IsNullOrEmpty(p.ChuliNote));
                dic["GongDanRemark"] = chuLiData != null ? chuLiData.ChuliNote : "";
            dic["GongDanContent"] = data.ServiceContent;
            var dataGongDanList = dataList.Where(p => !p.IsSuggestion).ToArray();
            var dataTouSuList   = dataList.Where(p => p.IsSuggestion).ToArray();

            dic["HisotryGongDanCount"] = dataGongDanList.Length;
            dic["HisotryTouSuCount"]   = dataTouSuList.Length;
Example #2
        public static User[] GetAccpetUserListByServiceProjectID(int ProjectID, bool IsAccpetUser = false, bool IsProcessUser = false, int ServerTypeID = 0)
            if (ProjectID <= 0)
                return(new User[] { });
            List <SqlParameter> parameters = new List <SqlParameter>();
            List <string>       conditions = new List <string>();

            conditions.Add("([Type]=@Type or [IsAllowAPPUserLogin]=1)");
            parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@Type", UserTypeDefine.APPUser.ToString()));
            if (IsAccpetUser)
                ServiceType typeData = null;
                if (ServerTypeID > 0)
                    typeData = ServiceType.GetServiceType(ServerTypeID);
                bool isAllowLianJie  = false;
                bool isAllowBiaoYang = false;
                bool isAllowGuiHua   = false;
                if (typeData != null)
                    isAllowLianJie = !typeData.DisableShenJi;
                if (typeData != null && typeData.ServiceTypeName.Equals("建议表扬"))
                    isAllowBiaoYang = true;
                if (typeData != null && typeData.ServiceTypeName.Equals("规划设计"))
                    isAllowGuiHua = true;
                if (isAllowBiaoYang)
                    conditions.Add("(PositionName='内业' or [PositionName]='客服')");
                else if (isAllowGuiHua)
                    string ModuleCode = "1101172";
                    if (isAllowLianJie)
                        ModuleCode = "1101171";
                    conditions.Add("exists(select 1 from [RoleModule] where ([UserID]=[User].[UserID] or exists(select 1 from [UserRoles] where [RoleID]=[RoleModule].RoleID and [UserID]=[User].[UserID])) and exists(select 1 from [SysMenu] where ID=[RoleModule].[ModuleId] and [ModuleCode]=@ModuleCode))");
                    parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@ModuleCode", ModuleCode));
            if (IsProcessUser)
                conditions.Add("exists(select 1 from [RoleModule] where ([UserID]=[User].[UserID] or exists(select 1 from [UserRoles] where [RoleID]=[RoleModule].RoleID and [UserID]=[User].[UserID])) and exists(select 1 from [SysMenu] where ID=[RoleModule].[ModuleId] and [ModuleCode]='1101160'))");
            var allProjectList = new Project[] { };

            if (ProjectID > 0)
                List <int> ProjectIDList = new List <int>();
                List <string> cmdlist         = new List <string>();
                var           myProjectIDList = Project.GetProjectIDListbyIDList(ProjectIDList: ProjectIDList);
                if (myProjectIDList.Length > 0)
                    conditions.Add("exists(select 1 from [RoleProject] where [ProjectID] in (" + string.Join(",", myProjectIDList) + ") and ([UserID]=[User].UserID or [RoleID] in (select RoleID from [UserRoles] where [UserID]=[User].UserID)))");
            if (ServerTypeID > 0)
                conditions.Add("exists(select 1 from [UserServiceType] where [ServiceTypeID]=@ServiceTypeID and (UserID=[User].[UserID] or exists(select 1 from [UserRoles] where [RoleID]=[UserServiceType].RoleID and [UserID]=[User].UserID)))");
                parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@ServiceTypeID", ServerTypeID));
            conditions.Add("([PositionName]!='400专员' or PositionName is null)");
            string sqlText = "select * from [User] where " + string.Join(" and ", conditions.ToArray());

            //Utility.LogHelper.WriteDebug("GetAccpetUserListByServiceProjectID.sqlText", sqlText);
            return(GetList <User>(sqlText, parameters).ToArray());