// Display receipt and ask for payment method
        private async void btnCheckOut_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            string summary = "";

            SubTotal = 0;
            btnRefresh_Click(this, new RoutedEventArgs());

            // Abort action when cart is empty
            if (Cart.Items.Count == 0)
                var dlgEmpty = new ContentDialog
                    Title             = "Unable to checkout",
                    Content           = "There are no item placed in cart",
                    PrimaryButtonText = "OK"

                MainPage.ReplaceDialog(dlgEmpty, sender);

                    await dlgEmpty.ShowAsync();

                catch (Exception) { /*The dialog didn't open, probably because another dialog is already open.*/ }

            // generate receipt
            string receipt = "\n\t       Papa Dario's Pizza";

            receipt += "\n\tOrdered at: " + DateTime.Now.ToString();
            receipt += "\n----------------------------------------------\n\n";

            foreach (Item item in Cart.Items)
                receipt  += item.PricedString() + "\n\n";
                SubTotal += item.SubTotal;
                summary  += item.Summary + "\n";

            if (globalProperties.IsLoggedIn)
                SubTotal = (float)(SubTotal * 0.9);

            Tax = (float)Math.Round((0.13 * (double)SubTotal), 2);

            receipt += "----------------------------------------------\n";
            receipt += String.Format("{0, 38} {1, 7}\n", "Subtotal:", "$" + Math.Round(SubTotal, 2));
            receipt += String.Format("{0, 38} {1, 7}\n", "Tax:", "$" + Math.Round(Tax, 2));
            receipt += String.Format("{0, 38} {1, 7}\n", "Total:", "$" + Math.Round((SubTotal + Tax), 2));
            receipt += "\n\n  Thank you for purchasing from Papa Dario's!";

            var dlg = new ReceiptDialog(receipt);

            MainPage.ReplaceDialog(dlg, sender);

                var result = await dlg.ShowAsync();

                if (result == ContentDialogResult.Primary)
                    int orderId = globalProperties.PlaceOrder(summary, Math.Round(SubTotal, 2), Math.Round(Tax, 2), Math.Round((SubTotal + Tax), 2));
                    foreach (Item item in Cart.Items)
                        globalProperties.PlaceOrderedItem(orderId, item.Summary);

                    var dlgSuccess = new ContentDialog
                        Title             = "Order Placed",
                        Content           = "Thank you for ordering from Papa Dario's!",
                        PrimaryButtonText = "Close"

                    MainPage.ReplaceDialog(dlgSuccess, sender);

                    await dlgSuccess.ShowAsync();

            catch (Exception) { /*The dialog didn't open, probably because another dialog is already open.*/ }