Example #1
        protected override void OnInvoke(RtmpConnection connection, RtmpChannel channel, RtmpHeader header, Notify invoke)
            IServiceCall serviceCall = invoke.ServiceCall;

            // If it's a callback for server remote call then pass it over to callbacks handler
            // and return
            if (serviceCall.ServiceMethodName.Equals("_result") || serviceCall.ServiceMethodName.Equals("_error"))
                HandlePendingCallResult(connection, invoke);

            bool   disconnectOnReturn = false;
            string action             = null;

            if (serviceCall.ServiceName == null)
                action = serviceCall.ServiceMethodName;
                switch (action)
                case ACTION_CONNECT:
                    if (!connection.IsConnected)
                        IDictionary parameters = invoke.ConnectionParameters;
                        string      host       = null;
                        if (parameters.Contains("tcUrl"))
                            host = GetHostname(parameters["tcUrl"] as string);
                        if (host != null && host.IndexOf(":") != -1)
                            // Remove default port from connection string
                            host = host.Substring(0, host.IndexOf(":"));
                        string app  = parameters["app"] as string;
                        string path = parameters["app"] as string;
                        // App name as path, but without query string if there is one
                        if (path != null && path.IndexOf("?") != -1)
                            int idx = path.IndexOf("?");
                            parameters["queryString"] = path.Substring(idx);
                            path = path.Substring(0, idx);
                        parameters["path"] = path;

                        connection.Setup(host, path, parameters);
                            //IGlobalScope global = this.Endpoint.LookupGlobal(host, path);
                            IGlobalScope global = this.Endpoint.GetMessageBroker().GlobalScope;
                            if (global == null)
                                serviceCall.Status = Call.STATUS_SERVICE_NOT_FOUND;
                                if (serviceCall is IPendingServiceCall)
                                    StatusASO status = StatusASO.GetStatusObject(StatusASO.NC_CONNECT_INVALID_APPLICATION, connection.ObjectEncoding);
                                    status.description = "No global scope on this server.";
                                    (serviceCall as IPendingServiceCall).Result = status;
                                log.Info(string.Format("No application scope found for {0} on host {1}. Misspelled or missing application folder?", path, host));
                                disconnectOnReturn = true;
                                IScopeContext context = global.Context;
                                IScope        scope   = null;
                                    scope = context.ResolveScope(global, path);
                                catch (ScopeNotFoundException /*exception*/)
                                    if (log.IsErrorEnabled)
                                        log.Error(__Res.GetString(__Res.Scope_NotFound, path));

                                    serviceCall.Status = Call.STATUS_SERVICE_NOT_FOUND;
                                    if (serviceCall is IPendingServiceCall)
                                        StatusASO status = StatusASO.GetStatusObject(StatusASO.NC_CONNECT_REJECTED, connection.ObjectEncoding);
                                        status.description = "No scope \"" + path + "\" on this server.";
                                        (serviceCall as IPendingServiceCall).Result = status;
                                    disconnectOnReturn = true;
                                catch (ScopeShuttingDownException)
                                    serviceCall.Status = Call.STATUS_APP_SHUTTING_DOWN;
                                    if (serviceCall is IPendingServiceCall)
                                        StatusASO status = StatusASO.GetStatusObject(StatusASO.NC_CONNECT_APPSHUTDOWN, connection.ObjectEncoding);
                                        status.description = "Application at \"" + path + "\" is currently shutting down.";
                                        (serviceCall as IPendingServiceCall).Result = status;
                                    log.Info(string.Format("Application at {0} currently shutting down on {1}", path, host));
                                    disconnectOnReturn = true;
                                if (scope != null)
                                    if (log.IsInfoEnabled)
                                        log.Info(__Res.GetString(__Res.Scope_Connect, scope.Name));
                                    bool okayToConnect;
                                        //The only way to differentiate NetConnection.connect() and Consumer.subscribe() seems to be the app name
                                        if (app == string.Empty)
                                            okayToConnect = connection.Connect(scope, serviceCall.Arguments);
                                            if (okayToConnect)
                                                if (serviceCall.Arguments != null && serviceCall.Arguments.Length >= 3)
                                                    string credentials = serviceCall.Arguments[2] as string;
                                                    if (credentials != null && credentials != string.Empty)
                                                        MessageBroker         messageBroker         = this.Endpoint.GetMessageBroker();
                                                        AuthenticationService authenticationService = messageBroker.GetService(AuthenticationService.ServiceId) as AuthenticationService;
                                                //FDS 2.0.1 fds.swc
                                                if (serviceCall.Arguments != null && serviceCall.Arguments.Length == 1)
                                                    string credentials = serviceCall.Arguments[0] as string;
                                                    if (credentials != null && credentials != string.Empty)
                                                        MessageBroker         messageBroker         = this.Endpoint.GetMessageBroker();
                                                        AuthenticationService authenticationService = messageBroker.GetService(AuthenticationService.ServiceId) as AuthenticationService;
                                            okayToConnect = connection.Connect(scope, serviceCall.Arguments);
                                        if (okayToConnect)
                                            if (log.IsDebugEnabled)
                                                log.Debug("Connected RtmpClient: " + connection.Client.Id);
                                            serviceCall.Status = Call.STATUS_SUCCESS_RESULT;
                                            if (serviceCall is IPendingServiceCall)
                                                StatusASO statusASO = StatusASO.GetStatusObject(StatusASO.NC_CONNECT_SUCCESS, connection.ObjectEncoding);
                                                statusASO.Add("id", connection.Client.Id);
                                                (serviceCall as IPendingServiceCall).Result = statusASO;
                                            // Measure initial roundtrip time after connecting
                                            connection.GetChannel((byte)2).Write(new Ping(Ping.StreamBegin, 0, -1));
                                            if (log.IsDebugEnabled)
                                                log.Debug("Connect failed");
                                            serviceCall.Status = Call.STATUS_ACCESS_DENIED;
                                            if (serviceCall is IPendingServiceCall)
                                                (serviceCall as IPendingServiceCall).Result = StatusASO.GetStatusObject(StatusASO.NC_CONNECT_REJECTED, connection.ObjectEncoding);
                                            disconnectOnReturn = true;
                                    catch (ClientRejectedException rejected)
                                        if (log.IsDebugEnabled)
                                            log.Debug("Connect rejected");
                                        serviceCall.Status = Call.STATUS_ACCESS_DENIED;
                                        if (serviceCall is IPendingServiceCall)
                                            StatusASO statusASO = StatusASO.GetStatusObject(StatusASO.NC_CONNECT_REJECTED, connection.ObjectEncoding);
                                            statusASO.Application = rejected.Reason;
                                            (serviceCall as IPendingServiceCall).Result = statusASO;
                                        disconnectOnReturn = true;
                        catch (Exception ex)
                            if (log.IsErrorEnabled)
                                log.Error("Error connecting", ex);

                            serviceCall.Status = Call.STATUS_GENERAL_EXCEPTION;
                            if (serviceCall is IPendingServiceCall)
                                (serviceCall as IPendingServiceCall).Result = StatusASO.GetStatusObject(StatusASO.NC_CONNECT_FAILED, connection.ObjectEncoding);
                            disconnectOnReturn = true;
                        // Service calls, must be connected.
                        InvokeCall(connection, serviceCall);

                case ACTION_DISCONNECT:

                case ACTION_CREATE_STREAM:
                case ACTION_DELETE_STREAM:
                case ACTION_RELEASE_STREAM:
                case ACTION_PUBLISH:
                case ACTION_PLAY:
                case ACTION_SEEK:
                case ACTION_PAUSE:
                case ACTION_CLOSE_STREAM:
                case ACTION_RECEIVE_VIDEO:
                case ACTION_RECEIVE_AUDIO:
                    IStreamService streamService = ScopeUtils.GetScopeService(connection.Scope, typeof(IStreamService)) as IStreamService;
                    StatusASO      status        = null;
                        if (!InvokeCall(connection, serviceCall, streamService))
                            status             = StatusASO.GetStatusObject(StatusASO.NS_INVALID_ARGUMENT, connection.ObjectEncoding);
                            status.description = "Failed to " + action + " (stream ID: " + header.StreamId + ")";
                    catch (Exception ex)
                        log.Error("Error while invoking " + action + " on stream service.", ex);
                        status             = StatusASO.GetStatusObject(StatusASO.NS_FAILED, connection.ObjectEncoding);
                        status.description = "Error while invoking " + action + " (stream ID: " + header.StreamId + ")";
                        status.details     = ex.Message;
                    if (status != null)

                    if (connection.IsConnected)
                        InvokeCall(connection, serviceCall);
                        // Warn user attemps to call service without being connected
                        if (log.IsWarnEnabled)
                            log.Warn("Not connected, closing connection");

             *          if(invoke is FlexInvoke)
             *          {
             *                  FlexInvoke reply = new FlexInvoke();
             *                  reply.InvokeId = invoke.InvokeId;
             *                  reply.SetResponseSuccess();
             *                  //TODO
             *                  if( serviceCall is IPendingServiceCall )
             *                  {
             *                          IPendingServiceCall pendingCall = (IPendingServiceCall)serviceCall;
             *                          reply.Response = pendingCall.Result;
             *                  }
             *                  channel.Write(reply);
             *          }
             *          else if(invoke is Invoke)
            if (invoke is Invoke)
                if ((header.StreamId != 0) &&
                    (serviceCall.Status == Call.STATUS_SUCCESS_VOID || serviceCall.Status == Call.STATUS_SUCCESS_NULL))
                    if (log.IsDebugEnabled)
                        log.Debug("Method does not have return value, do not reply");

                // The client expects a result for the method call.
                Invoke reply = new Invoke();
                reply.ServiceCall = serviceCall;
                reply.InvokeId    = invoke.InvokeId;
                //sending reply
            if (disconnectOnReturn)
            if (action == ACTION_CONNECT)
                connection.Context.ObjectEncoding = connection.ObjectEncoding;