Example #1
 public static float CircleY(Vector vec)
     float r = (float)Math.Sqrt(vec[0] * vec[0] + vec[1] * vec[1]) + 0.00001f;
     //if (r == 0 || Math.Abs(2- r) < 0)
     //    return 0;
     return (vec[0] + 0.00001f) / r * (float)Math.Exp(-Math.Abs(r - RADIUS)) * 20; //vec[0] / r * (1 - (1- r)*(1 - r)) * 20;
Example #2
 public static float BowlY(Vector vec)
     float r = (float)Math.Sqrt(vec[0] * vec[0] + vec[1] * vec[1]) + 0.00001f;
     //if (r == 0 || Math.Abs(2- r)<0)
     //    return 0;
     return (vec[0] + 0.00001f) / r * 20f;
Example #3
 public SquareMatrix(Vector[] columns)
     #if DEBUG
     foreach (Vector col in columns)
         Debug.Assert(columns.Length == col.Length); // Only sqare matrices allowed.
     Columns = columns;
Example #4
        public SquareMatrix(SquareMatrix m)
            #if DEBUG
            foreach (Vector col in m.Columns)
                Debug.Assert(m.Columns.Length == col.Length); // Only sqare matrices allowed.
            Columns = new Vector[m.Columns.Length];

            for (int c = 0; c < Columns.Length; ++c)
                Columns[c] = new Vector(m.Columns[c]);
Example #5
        public virtual Vector Sample(VectorField field, Vector position)
            // Query relevant edges and their weights. Result varies with different grid types.
            int numCells = NumAdjacentPoints();
            float[] weights;
            int[] indices = FindAdjacentIndices(position, out weights);

            Debug.Assert(indices.Length == weights.Length);

            Vector result = new Vector(0, field.NumVectorDimensions);
            // Add the other weightes grid points.
            for (int dim = 0; dim < indices.Length; ++dim)
                Vector add = field.Sample(indices[dim]);
                if(add[0] == field.InvalidValue)
                    return new Vector(field.InvalidValue??float.MaxValue, field.NumVectorDimensions);
                result += add * weights[dim];

            return result;
Example #6
 public override bool InGrid(Vector position)
     Debug.Assert(position.Length == Size.Length, "Trying to access " + Size.Length + "D field with " + position.Length + "D index.");
     //int dims = _timeOrigin == null ? Size.Length : Size.Length - 1;
     //Vector relPos = position - Origin.ToVec(dims);
     //for (int dim = 0; dim < dims; ++dim)
     //    if (relPos[dim] < 0 || relPos[dim] > Size[dim] - 1)
     //        return false;
     //if (_timeOrigin != null && (position.T < _timeOrigin || position.T > _timeOrigin + Size.T - 1))
     //    return false;
     for (int dim = 0; dim < Size.Length; ++dim)
         if (position[dim] < Origin[dim] || position[dim] >= Origin[dim] + Size[dim])
             return false;
     return true;
Example #7
 /// <summary>
 /// Returns all cell points necessary to interpolate a value at the position.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="position">The position in either world or grid space.</param>
 /// <param name="weights">The weights used for linear interpolation.</param>
 /// <returns>Scalar indices for acessing the grid.</returns>
 public abstract int[] FindAdjacentIndices(Vector position, out float[] weights);
Example #8
 //   private float? _timeOrigin;
 // private bool _timeDependent = false;
 //public override float? TimeOrigin
 //    get
 //    {
 //        return _timeOrigin;
 //    }
 //    set
 //    {
 //        //Debug.Assert((_timeDependent) == (value != null), "Please don't mess with time!");
 //        _timeOrigin = value;// ?? 0;
 //        Origin.T = value ?? Origin.T;
 //    }
 /// <summary>
 /// Create a new rectlinear grid descriptor.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="size">Number of cells in each dimension.</param>
 /// <param name="cellSize">Size of one cell, only used for rendering.</param>
 public RectlinearGrid(Index size, Vector origin = null, float? timeOrigin = null)
     Size = new Index(size);
     Origin = origin ?? new Vector(0, size.Length);
     TimeDependant = timeOrigin != null;
     Origin.T = timeOrigin ?? Origin.T;
     //_timeDependent = (timeOrigin != null);
     //TimeOrigin = timeOrigin;
Example #9
        /// <summary>
        /// Returns the adjacent grid point indices.
        /// Indices in ascending order.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="pos"></param>
        /// <param name="indices"></param>
        /// <param name="weights"></param>
        public override int[] FindAdjacentIndices(Vector pos, out float[] weights)
            int numPoints = NumAdjacentPoints();
            int[] indices = new int[numPoints];
            weights = new float[numPoints];

            Vector position = new Vector(pos);

            Debug.Assert(InGrid(position) || ((Vector)Size + Origin - pos).Min() == 0);

            Index gridPos = Index.Min((Index)(position - Origin), Size - new Index(1, Size.Length));
            Vector relativePos = position - Origin - (Vector)gridPos;

            // Convert to int.
            int offsetScale = 1;
            int index = 0;

            // Have last dimension running fastest. Compute 1D index.
            for (int dim = 0; dim < Size.Length; ++dim)
                index += offsetScale * gridPos[dim];
                offsetScale *= Size[dim];

            // Linear interpolation in N dimensions.
            for (int point = 0; point < numPoints; ++point)
                int stepDim = 1;
                int pointIndex = index;
                float pointWeight = 1.0f;

                // Compute the one dimensional index of each point.
                for (int dim = 0; dim < Size.Length; ++dim)
                    // Is the dimth bit set?
                    if ((point & (1 << dim)) > 0)
                        // Extremum case: The value is on the outmost border. Clip that position.
                        if (gridPos[dim] < Size[dim] - 1)
                            pointIndex += stepDim;
                        pointWeight *= relativePos[dim];
                        pointWeight *= (1 - relativePos[dim]);
                    stepDim *= Size[dim];

                // Accumulated all dimensions. Save value to output arrays.
                indices[point] = pointIndex;
                weights[point] = pointWeight;

            return indices;
Example #10
 public override Vector Sample(Vector position)
     Vector result = Grid.Sample(this, position);
     // Work against the small numerical deviations here.
     Debug.Assert(Math.Abs(result.T - 1) < 0.1f);
     result[NumVectorDimensions - 1] = 1;
     return result;
Example #11
 public Vector(Vector copy)
     _data = (float[])copy.Data.Clone();
Example #12
        public override float Sample(Vector position)
            Debug.Assert(_operationsAllowed, "The field data is not scaled to its grid yet.");
            float time = position.T - Grid.TimeOrigin??0;
            Vector samplePos = position;

            Debug.Assert(time >= 0 && time < _slices.Length);

            Vector slicePos = new Vector(samplePos.Length - 1);
            Array.Copy(samplePos.Data, slicePos.Data, slicePos.Length);

            float valueT = _slices[(int)time].Sample(slicePos);
            float valueTNext = _slices[Math.Min((int)time + 1, NumTimeSlices-1)].Sample(slicePos);
            float t = time - (int)time;
            return (1 - t) * valueT + t * valueTNext;
Example #13
        public static Vector operator *(Vector a, Vector b)
            Debug.Assert(a.Length == b.Length);
            Vector prod = new Vector(a);
            for (int dim = 0; dim < a.Length; ++dim)
                prod[dim] *= b[dim];

            return prod;
Example #14
        public static Vector operator /(Vector a, Vector b)
            Debug.Assert(a.Length == b.Length);
            Vector quot = new Vector(a);
            for (int dim = 0; dim < a.Length; ++dim)
                quot[dim] /= b[dim];

            return quot;
Example #15
        public virtual float Sample(ScalarField field, Vector position)
            // Query relevant edges and their weights. Reault varies with different grid types.
            int numCells = NumAdjacentPoints();
            float[] weights;
            int[] indices = FindAdjacentIndices(position, out weights);

            Debug.Assert(indices.Length == weights.Length);

            // Start with the first grid point.
            float result = field[indices[0]];
            if (result == field.InvalidValue)
                return (float)field.InvalidValue;
            result *= weights[0];

            // Add the other weightes grid points.
            for (int dim = 1; dim < indices.Length; ++dim)
                if (field[indices[dim]] == field.InvalidValue)
                    return (float)field.InvalidValue;
                result += weights[dim] * field[indices[dim]];

            return result;
Example #16
        public static Vector operator -(Vector a)
            Vector neg = new Vector(a);
            for (int dim = 0; dim < a.Length; ++dim)
                neg[dim] = -neg[dim];

            return neg;
Example #17
        public static Vector operator -(Vector a, Vector b)
            Debug.Assert(a.Length == b.Length);
            Vector diff = new Vector(a);
            for (int dim = 0; dim < a.Length; ++dim)
                diff[dim] -= b[dim];

            return diff;
Example #18
        public static Vector operator +(Vector a, Vector b)
            Debug.Assert(a.Length == b.Length);
            Vector sum = new Vector(a);
            for (int dim = 0; dim < a.Length; ++dim)
                sum[dim] += b[dim];

            return sum;
Example #19
 public abstract bool InGrid(Vector pos);
Example #20
 public override bool IsValid(Vector pos)
     return ScalarsAsSFU[0].TimeSlices[0].Grid.InGrid(pos) && Scalars[0].IsValid(pos);
Example #21
        public static Vector operator /(Vector a, float b)
            Vector quot = new Vector(a);
            for (int dim = 0; dim < a.Length; ++dim)
                quot[dim] /= b;

            return quot;
Example #22
        public static Vector operator *(Vector a, float b)
            Vector prod = new Vector(a);
            for(int dim = 0; dim < a.Length; ++dim)
                prod[dim] *= b;

            return prod;
Example #23
 public override bool IsValid(Vector pos)
     float[] weights;
     int[] neighbors = _slices[0].Grid.FindAdjacentIndices(pos, out weights);
     foreach (int neighbor in neighbors)
         if (this[neighbor] == InvalidValue)
             return false;
     return true;
Example #24
 public static float Dot(Vector a, Vector b)
     return (a * b).Sum();
Example #25
        public override Vector SampleDerivative(Vector position)
            Debug.Assert(_operationsAllowed, "The field data is not scaled to its grid yet.");
            float time = position.T;

            // Get spacial sample position in grid space.
            Vector samplePos = position;

            Debug.Assert(time >= 0 && time < _slices.Length);

            Vector slicePos = new Vector(samplePos.Length - 1);
            Array.Copy(samplePos.Data, slicePos.Data, slicePos.Length);

            // Sample data in current and next time slice.
            Vector valueT = _slices[(int)time].SampleDerivative(slicePos);
            Vector valueTNext = _slices[Math.Min((int)time + 1, NumTimeSlices - 1)].SampleDerivative(slicePos);
            float t = time - (int)time;
            Vector spaceGrad = (1 - t) * valueT + t * valueTNext;

            // Add derivative in last dimension - always 0.
            Vector gradient = new Vector(spaceGrad.Length + 1);
            Array.Copy(spaceGrad.Data, gradient.Data, spaceGrad.Length);
            gradient[spaceGrad.Length] = 1;

            return gradient;
Example #26
 public Vector Abs()
     Vector abs = new Vector(this);
     for (int dim = 0; dim < Length; ++dim)
         abs[dim] = Math.Abs(abs[dim]);
     return abs;
Example #27
        /// <summary>
        /// Access field by scalar index.
        /// </summary>
        public override Vector Sample(int index)
            Debug.Assert(index >= 0 && index < Size.Product(), "Index out of bounds: " + index + " not within [0, " + Size.Product() + ").");
            Vector vec = new Vector(NumVectorDimensions);
            for (int dim = 0; dim < _scalarsUnsteady.Length; ++dim)
                vec[dim] = Scalars[dim][index];

            // Unsteady!
            vec[NumVectorDimensions - 1] = 1;

            return vec;
Example #28
 public Vector Normalized()
     Vector norm = new Vector(this);
     return norm;
Example #29
 public virtual void ScaleToGrid(Vector scale)
     Debug.Assert(Scalars.Length == scale.Length);
     for (int dim = 0; dim < Scalars.Length; ++dim)
         ScalarFieldUnsteady field = _scalarsUnsteady[dim];
Example #30
 /// <summary>
 /// Convert first N elements to a VecN. If less, fill with zeros.
 /// </summary>
 public Vector ToVec(int N)
     Vector result = new Vector(0,N);
     for (int dim = 0; dim < Math.Min(Length, N); ++dim)
         result[dim] = this[dim];
     return result;