Example #1
        public static SalaryItem GetDeductionAmountDaily(int employee,
                                                         DateTime date,
                                                         decimal dailySalary           = 0,
                                                         List <AutoDeduction> autoDeds = null,
                                                         int lateMinutes = 0)
            //Init data if need
            if (dailySalary == 0)
                dailySalary = Salary.GetDailySalary(employee);
            if (autoDeds == null)
                autoDeds = AutoDeduction.GetAll();
            if (lateMinutes == 0)
                lateMinutes = Attendance.GetLateMinutes(employee, date);

            var     ded         = autoDeds.FirstOrDefault();
            decimal totalAmount = 0;

            //Get the amount based on the lated minutes
            if (ded.ForAbsence && lateMinutes > Convert.ToInt32(RegularWorkingHours.FullDay) * 60)
                totalAmount = GetDeductionAmountByType(ded.AbsenceAmountType, dailySalary, ded.AbsenceAmount);
            else if (ded.ForHalfDayLeave && lateMinutes > Convert.ToInt32(RegularWorkingHours.HalfDay) * 60)
                totalAmount = GetDeductionAmountByType(ded.HalfDayLeaveAmountType, dailySalary, ded.HalfDayLeaveAmount);
            else if (ded.ForLateAttendance)
                totalAmount = LateAttendanceDeductedAmount(employee, date, dailySalary, autoDeds, lateMinutes);

            //Return model with all data it needs
            var deduct = new SalaryItem()
                Amount                 = totalAmount,
                CreatedAt              = DateTime.Now,
                CreatedBy              = 1,
                Employee               = employee,
                IsRecurring            = false,
                RecurringCyclePerMonth = 0,
                SalaryItemType         = "Deductions",
                Title       = string.Format("Auto Deductions for Employee {0} on {1}", Employee.GetName(employee), DateTime.Today.ToShortDateString()),
                Description = string.Format("{0}: Late {1} Minutes, deducted {2}", date.ToShortDateString(), lateMinutes, totalAmount)

Example #2
        public static ResultModel ProcessPaySlip(int employee, DateTime startDate, DateTime endDate)
            var     result        = new ResultModel();
            decimal totalSalary   = 0;
            var     setting       = SalaryCalculation.GetAll().FirstOrDefault();
            var     payslipDetail = new List <SalaryPayslipDetail>();
            var     linkID        = Guid.NewGuid();

            //***************Detail Handling*********************
            //Base Salary
            if (setting.IncludedBaseSalary)
                var amount = Salary.GetBaseSalary(employee);
                totalSalary += amount;
                payslipDetail.Add(new SalaryPayslipDetail()
                    SalaryItem = "Deduction", Amount = amount, InstanceID = linkID
            if (setting.IncludeDeduction)
                //process the auto deduction(log to salary item table)
                var ad = new AutoDeduction();
                ad.ProcessAutoDeduction(employee, startDate, endDate);
                var amount = SalaryItem.GetSalaryTypeTotalAmount(employee, startDate, endDate, "Deductions");
                totalSalary -= amount;
                payslipDetail.Add(new SalaryPayslipDetail()
                    SalaryItem = "Deduction", Amount = amount, InstanceID = linkID
            if (setting.IncludeBonus)
                var amount = SalaryItem.GetSalaryTypeTotalAmount(employee, startDate, endDate, "Bonuses");
                totalSalary += amount;
                payslipDetail.Add(new SalaryPayslipDetail()
                    SalaryItem = "Bonuses", Amount = amount, InstanceID = linkID
            if (setting.IncludeCommission)
                var amount = SalaryItem.GetSalaryTypeTotalAmount(employee, startDate, endDate, "Comissions");
                totalSalary += amount;
                payslipDetail.Add(new SalaryPayslipDetail()
                    SalaryItem = "Comissions", Amount = amount, InstanceID = linkID
            if (setting.IncludeAdjustment)
                var amount = SalaryItem.GetSalaryTypeTotalAmount(employee, startDate, endDate, "Adjustments");
                totalSalary += amount;
                payslipDetail.Add(new SalaryPayslipDetail()
                    SalaryItem = "Adjustments", Amount = amount, InstanceID = linkID
            //Advance Salary
            if (setting.IncludeAdvanceSalary)
                var amount = SalaryItem.GetSalaryTypeTotalAmount(employee, startDate, endDate, "Advance Salary");
                totalSalary += amount;
                payslipDetail.Add(new SalaryPayslipDetail()
                    SalaryItem = "Advance Salary", Amount = amount, InstanceID = linkID
            if (setting.IncludeReimbursement)
                var amount = new Reimbursement().SumValueFromExpression(x => x.Employee == employee && x.CreatedAt >= startDate && x.CreatedAt < endDate, y => y.Amount);
                totalSalary += amount;
                payslipDetail.Add(new SalaryPayslipDetail()
                    SalaryItem = "Reimbursement", Amount = amount, InstanceID = linkID
            if (setting.IncludeLoan)
                var amount = new Loan().SumValueFromExpression(x => x.Employee == employee && x.CreatedAt >= startDate && x.CreatedAt < endDate, y => y.LoanAmount);
                totalSalary -= amount;
                payslipDetail.Add(new SalaryPayslipDetail()
                    SalaryItem = "Loan", Amount = amount, InstanceID = linkID
            if (setting.IncludeInsurance)
                var amount = new Insurance().SumValueFromExpression(x => x.Employee == employee && x.CreatedAt >= startDate && x.CreatedAt < endDate, y => y.EmployeeAmountPerMonth);
                totalSalary -= amount;
                payslipDetail.Add(new SalaryPayslipDetail()
                    SalaryItem = "Insurance", Amount = amount, InstanceID = linkID
            //Provident Fund
            if (setting.IncludeProvidentFund)
                var     fund   = new ProvidentFund().GetObjectValueFromExpression(x => x.Employee == employee);
                decimal amount = 0;
                if (fund != null)
                    if (fund.EmployeeShareAmount > 0)
                        amount = fund.EmployeeShareAmount;
                    else if (fund.EmployeeSharePersentage > 0)
                        amount = Salary.GetBaseSalary(employee) * fund.EmployeeSharePersentage / 100;
                    totalSalary -= amount;
                    payslipDetail.Add(new SalaryPayslipDetail()
                        SalaryItem = "Provident Fund", Amount = amount, InstanceID = linkID
            if (setting.IncludeOvertime)
                //Process Auto Overtime
                var at = new AutoOvertime();
                at.ProcessAutoOvertime(employee, startDate, endDate);
                var amount = new Overtime().SumValueFromExpression(x => x.Employee == employee && x.CreatedAt >= startDate && x.CreatedAt < endDate, y => y.Amount);
                totalSalary += amount;
                payslipDetail.Add(new SalaryPayslipDetail()
                    SalaryItem = "Overtime", Amount = amount, InstanceID = linkID
            if (!TaxExemptEmployee.IsEmployeeExempt(employee))
                var amount = TaxRule.GetTax(totalSalary, Salary.GetTaxRule(employee));
                totalSalary -= amount;
                payslipDetail.Add(new SalaryPayslipDetail()
                    SalaryItem = "Tax", Amount = amount, InstanceID = linkID

            var fullModel = new SalaryPayslip()
                CreatedAt  = DateTime.Now,
                CreatedBy  = 1,
                Employee   = employee,
                StartDate  = startDate,
                EndDate    = endDate,
                InstanceID = linkID,
                SalaryDate = DateTime.Now,
                Note       = string.Format("Payslip for {0} from {1} to {2}", Florence.Employee.GetName(employee), startDate.ToLongDateString(), endDate.ToLongDateString())

            result = fullModel.Insert();
            if (result.BooleanResult)
                foreach (var dt in payslipDetail)