Example #1
        private string ProcessLineElements(string line)
            // Break the line into parts, recognizing escape quotes ("")
            StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder();
            // Convert foo@bar external ref syntax to standardized InterWiki behavior
            // This must happen here because the actual interpretation of these is as a behavior
            line = externalWikiRef.Replace(line, new MatchEvaluator(externalWikiRefMatch));

            ArrayList parameters = new ArrayList();
            MatchCollection matches; // temp var used in several places in this method
            int index = 0; // temp var used in several places in this method

            #region GatherEscapedText
            matches = EscapedTextRegex.Matches(line);
            if (matches.Count > 0)
                builder.Length = 0;
                index = 0;
                foreach (Match match in matches)
                    builder.Append(line.Substring(index, (match.Index - index)));
                    // skip behaviors for now. We match them so that the Regex engine does the work
                    // of dealing with @@""@@ and ""@@"" type things. Behaviors handled in the next block
                    if (match.Groups[1].Success)
                        index = match.Index + match.Length;
                    if (match.Value.StartsWith(PreParam))
                        Parameterize(builder, parameters, match.Value);
                        Parameterize(builder, parameters, match.Value.Substring(2, match.Length - 2 - 2));

                    index = match.Index + match.Length;
                line = builder.ToString();

            #region TranslateBehaviors
            string escapedTwo = "\\@\\@";
            matches = BehaviorRegex.Matches(line);
            if (matches.Count > 0)
                builder.Length = 0; // reset
                index = 0;
                foreach (Match match in matches)
                    builder.Append(line.Substring(index, (match.Index - index)));
                    if (!match.Groups[1].Success)
                        index = match.Index + match.Length;
                    // OK, we have one
                    string expr = match.Value.Substring(2, match.Value.Length - (2 * 2));
                    // Turn any escape sequences into unescaped @@
                    expr = expr.Replace(escapedTwo, BehaviorDelimiter);
                    TopicContext tc = new TopicContext(Federation, NamespaceManager, new TopicVersionInfo(Federation, CurrentTopic));
                    BehaviorInterpreter interpreter = new BehaviorInterpreter(CurrentTopic == null ? "" : CurrentTopic.DottedName, expr, Federation, Federation.WikiTalkVersion, this);
                    string replacement = null;
                    if (!interpreter.Parse())
                    {	// parse failed
                        replacement = ErrorMessage(null, interpreter.ErrorString);
                    {	// parse succeeded
                        if (!interpreter.EvaluateToPresentation(tc, _externalWikiMap))
                        {	// eval failed
                            replacement = ErrorMessage(null, interpreter.ErrorString);
                        {	// eval succeeded
                            WikiOutput nOut = WikiOutput.ForFormat(Output.Format, Output);
                            replacement = nOut.ToString();
                    Parameterize(builder, parameters, replacement);
                    index = match.Index + match.Length;
                if (index < line.Length)

                line = builder.ToString();
            line = LinkHyperLinks(line);
            matches = Regex.Matches(line, urlPattern);
            // hyperlinks are exempt from any emoticons or textile or anything else.
            if (matches.Count > 0)
                builder.Length = 0;
                index = 0;
                foreach (Match m in matches)
                    builder.Append(line.Substring(index, (m.Index - index)));
                    Parameterize(builder, parameters, line.Substring(m.Index, m.Length));
                    index = m.Index + m.Length;
                line = builder.ToString();
            if (((bool)Federation.Application["DisableWikiEmoticons"] == false) && (NamespaceManager.DisableNamespaceEmoticons == false))
                line = ConvertEmoticons(line);	// needs to come before textile because of precedence in overlappign formatting rules
            line = SentencePairedDelimiters(line);
            line = TextileFormat(line, parameters);
            line = ColorsEtcFormat(line);
            matches = Regex.Matches(line, @"(?:\<nowiki\>)(\<a.*?\<\/a\>)");
            if (matches.Count > 0)
                builder.Length = 0;
                index = 0;
                foreach (Match m in matches)
                    Group g = m.Groups[1];
                    builder.Append(line.Substring(index, (m.Index - index)));
                    Parameterize(builder, parameters, line.Substring(g.Index, g.Length));
                    index = m.Index + m.Length;
                line = builder.ToString();
            line = LinkWikiNames(line);
            line = ProcessWikiLinks(line);
            line = ReplaceParameters(line, parameters);
            return line;
Example #2
		/// <summary>
		/// Break the supplied line into BeL sequences and non-BeL sequences.  Run the BeL interpreter to process
		/// the BeL sequences and do regular wiki processing on the non-BeL sequences
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="line"></param>
		/// <returns></returns>
		string TranslateBehaviorsAndEverythingElse(string input)
			// Convert foo@bar external ref syntax to standardized InterWiki behavior
			// This must happen here because the actual interpretation of these is as a behavior
			string str = externalWikiRef.Replace(input, new MatchEvaluator(externalWikiRefMatch));		
			string escapedTwo = "\\@\\@";
			// If no behaviors, just process normally and return
			if (str.IndexOf(BehaviorDelimiter) == -1)
				return TranslateLineElements(input);
			while (true)
				// Find the next BehaviorDelimiter marker
				int start = str.IndexOf(BehaviorDelimiter);
				if (start == -1)
				// Find the end
				int end = str.IndexOf(BehaviorDelimiter, start + 2);
				if (end == -1)
				// OK, we have one
				string expr = str.Substring(start + 2, end - start - 2);
				// Turn any escape sequences into unescaped @@
				expr = expr.Replace(escapedTwo,BehaviorDelimiter);
				TopicContext tc = new TopicContext(TheFederation, ContentBase, new TopicInfo(TheFederation, CurrentTopic));
				BehaviorInterpreter interpreter = new BehaviorInterpreter(expr, TheFederation, TheFederation.WikiTalkVersion, this);
				string replacement = null;
				if (!interpreter.Parse())
				{	// parse failed
					replacement = ErrorMessage(null, interpreter.ErrorString);
				{	// parse succeeded
					if (!interpreter.EvaluateToPresentation(tc, _ExternalWikiMap))
					{	// eval failed
						replacement = ErrorMessage(null, interpreter.ErrorString);
					{	// eval succeeded
						WikiOutput nOut = WikiOutput.ForFormat(Output.Format, Output);
						replacement = nOut.ToString();
					foreach (CacheRule r in interpreter.CacheRules)
				str = TranslateLineElements(str.Substring(0, start)) + replacement + TranslateLineElements(str.Substring(end + 2));
			return str;
Example #3
		private void button3_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
			Federation fed = new Federation(textBoxFederationPath.Text, OutputFormat.Testing, null);
			BehaviorInterpreter interpreter = new BehaviorInterpreter("Input Form", textBoxInput.Text, CurrentFederation, 1, this);

			if (Parse(interpreter) == null)
				Fail("Unable to run; parse failed:" + interpreter.ErrorString);
				tabControl.SelectedTab = tabParser;

			// Begin execution
			tabControl.SelectedTab = tabOutput;
			ExecutionContext ctx = new ExecutionContext(CurrentTopicContext);
			string final = null;
			if (!interpreter.EvaluateToPresentation(CurrentTopicContext, new Hashtable()))
			WikiOutput output = WikiOutput.ForFormat(OutputFormat.Testing, null);
			final = output.ToString();
Example #4
        private string wikiBehaviorMatch(Match match)
            string replacement = match.ToString();
            string linestart = match.Groups["LineStart"].Value;
            string lineend = match.Groups["LineEnd"].Value;
            string expr = match.Groups["Behavior"].Value;
            match = null;

            bool doBehavior = false;
            if (insideTable.IsMatch(linestart))
                doBehavior = true;
            else if (!preBehavior.IsMatch(linestart))
                doBehavior = true;

            if (doBehavior)
                TopicContext tc = new TopicContext(_fed, _mgr, new TopicVersionInfo(_fed, _behaviorTopic));
                BehaviorInterpreter interpreter = new BehaviorInterpreter(_behaviorTopic == null ? "" : _behaviorTopic.DottedName, expr, _fed, _fed.WikiTalkVersion, this);
                if (!interpreter.Parse())
                {   //parse failed
                    replacement = ErrorMessage(null, interpreter.ErrorString);
                {   //parse succeeded
                    if (!interpreter.EvaluateToPresentation(tc, _mgr.ExternalReferences))
                    {   //eval failed
                        replacement = ErrorMessage(null, interpreter.ErrorString);
                        _processBehaviorToText = false;
                    {   //eval succeeded
                        WikiOutput nOut = new WomDocument(null);
                        replacement = nOut.ToString();

                if (replacement.Contains("<script"))
                    replacement = Regex.Replace(replacement, @"<script(.*?)>", @"&lt;script$1&gt;", RegexOptions.Singleline);
                    replacement = Regex.Replace(replacement, @"</script>", @"&lt;/script&gt;");
                replacement = Regex.Replace(replacement, @"^\|\|", "||}", RegexOptions.Multiline);
                replacement = Regex.Replace(replacement, @" \|\|$| \|\|\r\n| \{\|\|\r\n|\|\|\r\n", " {||\r\n", RegexOptions.Multiline);
                replacement = Regex.Replace(replacement, @"(?<!\{|"""")\|\|(?!\}|"""")", @" {||}");
                if (_processBehaviorToText)
                    replacement = replacement.Replace("        ", "\t");
                    replacement = escAmpersand.Replace(replacement, "&amp;"); //full escape causes some pages to fail
                    replacement = ProcessText(replacement, _behaviorTopic, _mgr, true, 350).ParsedDocument;
            replacement = linestart + replacement + lineend;
            return replacement;