Example #1
        public float DistanceFromTopOfLine(int asciiNumber)
            BitmapCharacterInfo characterInfo = null;

            if (asciiNumber < mCharacterInfo.Length)
                characterInfo = mCharacterInfo[asciiNumber];
                characterInfo = mCharacterInfo[' '];

Example #2
        private BitmapCharacterInfo FillBitmapCharacterInfo(int characterID, string fontString, int textureWidth,
                                                            int textureHeight, int lineHeightInPixels, int startingIndex)
            BitmapCharacterInfo characterInfoToReturn = new BitmapCharacterInfo();

            int indexOfID = fontString.IndexOf("char id=" + characterID, startingIndex);

            if (indexOfID != -1)
                characterInfoToReturn.TULeft =
                    StringFunctions.GetIntAfter("x=", fontString, indexOfID) / (float)textureWidth;
                characterInfoToReturn.TVTop =
                    StringFunctions.GetIntAfter("y=", fontString, indexOfID) / (float)textureHeight;
                characterInfoToReturn.TURight = characterInfoToReturn.TULeft +
                                                StringFunctions.GetIntAfter("width=", fontString, indexOfID) / (float)textureWidth;
                characterInfoToReturn.TVBottom = characterInfoToReturn.TVTop +
                                                 StringFunctions.GetIntAfter("height=", fontString, indexOfID) / (float)textureHeight;

                characterInfoToReturn.DistanceFromTopOfLine = // 1 sclY means 2 height
                                                              2 * StringFunctions.GetIntAfter("yoffset=", fontString, indexOfID) / (float)lineHeightInPixels;

                characterInfoToReturn.ScaleX = StringFunctions.GetIntAfter("width=", fontString, indexOfID) /

                characterInfoToReturn.ScaleY = StringFunctions.GetIntAfter("height=", fontString, indexOfID) /

                characterInfoToReturn.Spacing = 2 * StringFunctions.GetIntAfter("xadvance=", fontString, indexOfID) /

                characterInfoToReturn.XOffset = 2 * StringFunctions.GetIntAfter("xoffset=", fontString, indexOfID) /

                characterInfoToReturn.PageNumber = StringFunctions.GetIntAfter("page=", fontString, indexOfID);

                //              characterInfoToReturn.Spacing = 25 * StringFunctions.GetIntAfter("xadvance=", fontString, indexOfID) /
                //                (float)(textureWidth);

Example #3
        public void AssignCharacterTextureCoordinates(int asciiNumber, out float tVTop, out float tVBottom,
                                                      out float tULeft, out float tURight)
            BitmapCharacterInfo characterInfo = null;

            if (asciiNumber < mCharacterInfo.Length)
                characterInfo = mCharacterInfo[asciiNumber];
                // Just return the coordinates for the space character
                characterInfo = mCharacterInfo[' '];

            tVTop    = characterInfo.TVTop;
            tVBottom = characterInfo.TVBottom;
            tULeft   = characterInfo.TULeft;
            tURight  = characterInfo.TURight;
Example #4
        private Texture2D RenderToTexture2D(IEnumerable lines, HorizontalAlignment horizontalAlignment, bool changeColor, float red, float green, float blue, float alpha)
            ImageData sourceImageData = ImageData.FromTexture2D(this.Texture);

            if (changeColor)
                sourceImageData.ApplyColorOperation(ColorOperation.Add, red, green, blue, alpha);

            Point point = new Point();

            int maxWidthSoFar  = 0;
            int requiredWidth  = 0;
            int requiredHeight = 0;

            List <int> widths = new List <int>();

            foreach (string line in lines)
                requiredHeight += LineHeightInPixels;
                requiredWidth   = 0;

                for (int i = 0; i < line.Length; i++)
                    char character = line[i];
                    BitmapCharacterInfo characterInfo = GetCharacterInfo(character);
                    bool isLast = i == line.Length - 1;

                    if (isLast)
                        requiredWidth += characterInfo.GetPixelWidth(Texture) + characterInfo.GetPixelXOffset(LineHeightInPixels);
                        requiredWidth += characterInfo.GetXAdvanceInPixels(LineHeightInPixels);
                maxWidthSoFar = System.Math.Max(requiredWidth, maxWidthSoFar);

            ImageData imageData = new ImageData(maxWidthSoFar, requiredHeight);

            int lineNumber = 0;

            foreach (string line in lines)
                point.X = 0;
                if (horizontalAlignment == HorizontalAlignment.Right)
                    point.X = maxWidthSoFar - widths[lineNumber];
                else if (horizontalAlignment == HorizontalAlignment.Center)
                    point.X = (maxWidthSoFar - widths[lineNumber]) / 2;

                foreach (char c in line)
                    BitmapCharacterInfo characterInfo = GetCharacterInfo(c);

                    int sourceLeft   = characterInfo.GetPixelLeft(Texture);
                    int sourceTop    = characterInfo.GetPixelTop(Texture);
                    int sourceWidth  = characterInfo.GetPixelRight(Texture) - sourceLeft;
                    int sourceHeight = characterInfo.GetPixelBottom(Texture) - sourceTop;

                    int distanceFromTop = characterInfo.GetPixelDistanceFromTop(LineHeightInPixels);

                    // There could be some offset for this character
                    int xOffset = characterInfo.GetPixelXOffset(LineHeightInPixels);
                    point.X += xOffset;

                    point.Y = lineNumber * LineHeightInPixels + distanceFromTop;

                    Rectangle sourceRectangle = new Rectangle(
                        sourceLeft, sourceTop, sourceWidth, sourceHeight);

                    imageData.Blit(sourceImageData, sourceRectangle, point);
                    point.X -= xOffset;
                    point.X += characterInfo.GetXAdvanceInPixels(LineHeightInPixels);
                point.X = 0;

            // We don't want
            // to generate mipmaps
            // because text is usually
            // rendered pixel-perfect.
            const bool generateMipmaps = false;

            return(imageData.ToTexture2D(generateMipmaps, FlatRedBallServices.GraphicsDevice));
Example #5
        public void SetFontPattern(string fontPattern)
            #region Identify the size of the character array to create

            int sizeOfArray = 256;
            // now loop through the file and look for numbers after "char id="

            // Vic says:  This used to
            // go through the entire file
            // to find the last character index.
            // I think they're ordered by character
            // index, so we can just find the last one
            // and save some time.
            int index = fontPattern.LastIndexOf("char id=", fontPattern.Length, StringComparison.Ordinal);
            if (index != -1)
                int ID = StringFunctions.GetIntAfter("char id=", fontPattern, index);

                sizeOfArray = System.Math.Max(sizeOfArray, ID + 1);
                // index is -1, but let's try a regular IndexOf:
                int forwardIndexOf = fontPattern.IndexOf("char id=");
                if (forwardIndexOf != -1 && index == -1)
                    throw new Exception("How is this possible? LastIndexOf \"char id=\" is returning a value of -1, while IndexOf for the same string is returning an index value)");
                    string message = "Could not find the last index of the string \"char id=\" in the font pattern. " +
                                     "This means that the font file has no characters. Font files must have at least one defined character";
                    throw new Exception(message);

            mCharacterInfo      = new BitmapCharacterInfo[sizeOfArray];
            mLineHeightInPixels =
                    "lineHeight=", fontPattern);

            // This font may not reference any textures at all - if it doesn't have any
            // characters set in the .bmfc.  I don't think we should crash here if so:
            if (mTextures.Length != 0)
                BitmapCharacterInfo space = FillBitmapCharacterInfo(' ', fontPattern,
                                                                    mTextures[0].Width, mTextures[0].Height, mLineHeightInPixels, 0);

                for (int i = 0; i < sizeOfArray; i++)
                    mCharacterInfo[i] = space;

                // Make the tab character be equivalent to 4 spaces:
                mCharacterInfo['t'].ScaleX  = space.ScaleX * 4;
                mCharacterInfo['t'].Spacing = space.Spacing * 4;

                index = fontPattern.IndexOf("char id=", 0, StringComparison.Ordinal);
                while (index != -1)
                    int ID = StringFunctions.GetIntAfter("char id=", fontPattern, index);

                    if (ID == -1)
                        // The bitmap font may have something like this as the first character:
                        // char id=-1   x=149   y=84    width=10    height=18    xoffset=1     yoffset=7     xadvance=12    page=0  chnl=15
                        // We don't use that, but we don't want to crash on it, so continue onward.
                        int indexOfID = fontPattern.IndexOf("char id=", index, StringComparison.Ordinal);
                        index = indexOfID + ID.ToString().Length;

                        if (ID >= mCharacterInfo.Length)
                            string message = $"Error trying to access character with int {ID} which is character {(char)ID}";

                            message += $"This is happening in the font string at index {index} which has the following characters:";

                            int startIndex = System.Math.Max(0, index);
                            int endIndex   = System.Math.Min(fontPattern.Length - 1, index + 100);

                            message += fontPattern.Substring(startIndex, endIndex - startIndex);

                            throw new IndexOutOfRangeException(message);

                        mCharacterInfo[ID] = FillBitmapCharacterInfo(ID, fontPattern, mTextures[0].Width,
                                                                     mTextures[0].Height, mLineHeightInPixels, index);

                        int indexOfID = fontPattern.IndexOf("char id=", index, StringComparison.Ordinal);
                        if (indexOfID != -1)
                            index = indexOfID + ID.ToString().Length;
                            index = -1;

                #region Get Kearning Info

                index = fontPattern.IndexOf("kerning ", 0, StringComparison.Ordinal);

                if (index != -1)
                    index = fontPattern.IndexOf("first=", index, StringComparison.Ordinal);

                    while (index != -1)
                        int ID = StringFunctions.GetIntAfter("first=", fontPattern, index);
                        int secondCharacter = StringFunctions.GetIntAfter("second=", fontPattern, index);
                        int kearningAmount  = StringFunctions.GetIntAfter("amount=", fontPattern, index);

                        mCharacterInfo[ID].SecondLetterKearning.Add(secondCharacter, kearningAmount);

                        index = fontPattern.IndexOf("first=", index + 1, StringComparison.Ordinal);

            //mCharacterInfo[32].ScaleX = .23f;