/// <summary>
 /// Applies the file state to a scintilla control
 /// </summary>
 public static void ApplyFileState(ITabbedDocument document, Boolean restorePosition)
         if (!document.IsEditable) return;
         String fileStateDir = FileNameHelper.FileStateDir;
         String fileName = ConvertToFileName(document.FileName);
         String stateFile = Path.Combine(fileStateDir, fileName + ".fdb");
         if (File.Exists(stateFile))
             StateObject so = new StateObject();
             so = (StateObject)ObjectSerializer.Deserialize(stateFile, so);
             ApplyStateObject(document.SciControl, so, restorePosition);
     catch (Exception ex)
 /// <summary>
 /// Applies the state object to a scintilla control
 /// </summary>
 private static void ApplyStateObject(ScintillaControl sci, StateObject so, Boolean restorePosition)
     if (so.LineCount != sci.LineCount) return;
     sci.Refresh(); // Update the scintilla control state
     for (Int32 i = 0; i < so.FoldedLines.Count; i++)
         Int32 foldedLine = so.FoldedLines[i];
     if (so.BookmarkedLines != null)
         for (Int32 i = 0; i < so.BookmarkedLines.Count; i++)
             Int32 bookmarkedLine = so.BookmarkedLines[i];
             sci.MarkerAdd(bookmarkedLine, 0);
         sci.Refresh(); // Update again
     if (restorePosition)
         sci.FirstVisibleLine = so.LineScroll;
         Int32 line = sci.LineFromPosition(so.Position);
         sci.SetSel(so.Position, so.Position);
 /// <summary>
 /// Gets the state object from a scintilla control
 /// </summary>
 private static StateObject GetStateObject(ScintillaControl sci)
     StateObject so = new StateObject();
     so.LineCount = sci.LineCount;
     so.Position = sci.CurrentPos;
     so.FileName = sci.FileName;
     so.LineScroll = sci.FirstVisibleLine;
     for (Int32 line = 0;; line++)
         Int32 lineNext = sci.ContractedFoldNext(line);
         if ((line < 0) || (lineNext < line)) break;
         line = lineNext;
     Int32 lineBookmark = -1;
     while ((lineBookmark = sci.MarkerNext(lineBookmark + 1, 1 << 0)) >= 0)
     return so;
 /// <summary>
 /// Gets the state object from a scintilla control
 /// </summary>
 private static StateObject GetStateObject(ScintillaControl sci)
     StateObject so = new StateObject();
     so.LineCount = sci.LineCount;
     so.Position = sci.CurrentPos;
     so.FileName = sci.FileName;
     for (Int32 i = 0; i < sci.LineCount; i++)
         if (!sci.FoldExpanded(i)) so.FoldedLines.Add(i);
         if ((sci.MarkerGet(i) & (1 << 0)) != 0)
     return so;