Example #1
 // Handle initialization of the necessary firebase modules:
 void InitializeFirebase()
     DebugLog("Setting up Firebase Auth");
     auth = Firebase.Auth.FirebaseAuth.DefaultInstance;
     auth.StateChanged   += AuthStateChanged;
     auth.IdTokenChanged += IdTokenChanged;
     // Specify valid options to construct a secondary authentication object.
     otherAuthOptions = new Firebase.AppOptions {
         ApiKey    = "",
         AppId     = "",
         ProjectId = ""
     if (otherAuthOptions != null &&
         !(String.IsNullOrEmpty(otherAuthOptions.ApiKey) ||
           String.IsNullOrEmpty(otherAuthOptions.AppId) ||
         try {
             otherAuth = Firebase.Auth.FirebaseAuth.GetAuth(Firebase.FirebaseApp.Create(
                                                                otherAuthOptions, "Secondary"));
             otherAuth.StateChanged   += AuthStateChanged;
             otherAuth.IdTokenChanged += IdTokenChanged;
         } catch (Exception) {
             DebugLog("ERROR: Failed to initialize secondary authentication object.");
     AuthStateChanged(this, null);
Example #2
        // Actually start the game, once we've verified that everything
        // is working and we have the firebase prerequisites ready to go.
        void StartGame()
            // FirebaseApp is responsible for starting up Crashlytics, when the core app is started.
            // To ensure that the core of FirebaseApp has started, grab the default instance which
            // is lazily initialized.
            FirebaseApp app = FirebaseApp.DefaultInstance;

            CommonData.prefabs    = FindObjectOfType <PrefabList>();
            CommonData.mainCamera = FindObjectOfType <CameraController>();
            CommonData.mainGame   = this;
            Firebase.AppOptions ops = new Firebase.AppOptions();
            CommonData.app = Firebase.FirebaseApp.Create(ops);

            Screen.orientation = ScreenOrientation.Landscape;

            musicPlayer = CommonData.mainCamera.GetComponentInChildren <AudioSource>();

            CommonData.gameWorld = FindObjectOfType <GameWorld>();

            // Set up volume settings.
            MusicVolume = PlayerPrefs.GetInt(StringConstants.MusicVolume, MaxVolumeValue);
            // Set the music to ignore the listeners volume, which is used for sound effects.
            CommonData.mainCamera.GetComponentInChildren <AudioSource>().ignoreListenerVolume = true;
            SoundFxVolume = PlayerPrefs.GetInt(StringConstants.SoundFxVolume, MaxVolumeValue);

            stateManager.PushState(new States.Startup());
Example #3
        void StartGame()
            Firebase.AppOptions ops = new Firebase.AppOptions();
            CommonData.app = Firebase.FirebaseApp.Create(ops);
            auth           = Firebase.Auth.FirebaseAuth.DefaultInstance;
            var user = auth.CurrentUser;


            //// Get fixtures and results from database
            //database_get_fixtures dgf = new database_get_fixtures();

            // Get predictions from database
            database_caller dgp = new database_caller();
            CommonData._loaded_predictions = false;

            // Get fixtures and results
            CommonData._loaded_fixtures = false;

            // Get scores from database
            CommonData._loaded_scores = false;

            // If user is signed in
            if (user != null)
                Debug.Log("user is signed in");
                Welcome_Text.text          = "Welcome back " + user.DisplayName;
                CommonData.first_home_view = true;

            // If user is not signed in
                Debug.Log("user is not signed in");
                scene_transition_manager.GetComponent <scene_manager>().load_no_user_scene();
Example #4
        // Actually start the game, once we've verified that everything
        // is working and we have the firebase prerequisites ready to go.
        void StartGame()
            // FirebaseApp is responsible for starting up Crashlytics, when the core app is started.
            // To ensure that the core of FirebaseApp has started, grab the default instance which
            // is lazily initialized.
            FirebaseApp app = FirebaseApp.DefaultInstance;

            // Remote Config data has been fetched, so this applies it for this play session:

            CommonData.prefabs    = FindObjectOfType <PrefabList>();
            CommonData.mainCamera = FindObjectOfType <CameraController>();
            CommonData.mainGame   = this;
            Firebase.AppOptions ops = new Firebase.AppOptions();
            CommonData.app = Firebase.FirebaseApp.Create(ops);

            // Setup database url when running in the editor
            if (CommonData.app.Options.DatabaseUrl == null)

            Screen.orientation = ScreenOrientation.Landscape;

            musicPlayer = CommonData.mainCamera.GetComponentInChildren <AudioSource>();

            CommonData.gameWorld = FindObjectOfType <GameWorld>();

            // Set up volume settings.
            MusicVolume = PlayerPrefs.GetInt(StringConstants.MusicVolume, MaxVolumeValue);
            // Set the music to ignore the listeners volume, which is used for sound effects.
            CommonData.mainCamera.GetComponentInChildren <AudioSource>().ignoreListenerVolume = true;
            SoundFxVolume = PlayerPrefs.GetInt(StringConstants.SoundFxVolume, MaxVolumeValue);

            stateManager.PushState(new States.Startup());
Example #5
 public static FirebaseApp Create(AppOptions options, string name)
     return(FirebaseApp.CreateAndTrack(() => FirebaseApp.CreateInternal(options.ConvertToInternal(), name), FirebaseApp.GetInstance(name)));
Example #6
 public static FirebaseApp Create(AppOptions options)
     return(FirebaseApp.CreateAndTrack(() => FirebaseApp.CreateInternal(options.ConvertToInternal()), FirebaseApp.GetInstance(FirebaseApp.DefaultName)));