public void AddCustomerTransaction(Transaction transaction, Teller teller, decimal bankBalance)//, decimal val, bool val1 { string type = transaction.Type() == TransactionGenerator.TransactionType.Deposit ? "Deposit" : "Withdrawal"; form.AddListBoxItem(string.Format(" {6}{0} of {1} from {2}, assisted by {3}, balance ${4}, [Bank Balance: ${5}]", type, transaction.Amount(), transaction.Customer().Name, teller, transaction.Customer().Balance, bankBalance, type == "Deposit"?"+>>>" : "-<<<")); }
public void AddGoalReachedCustomerTransaction(Transaction transaction, Teller teller) { form.AddListBoxItem(string.Format(" +>>>>>{0} of ${1} for {2}, assisted by {3} resulted in Customer Goal Reached", transaction.Type() == TransactionGenerator.TransactionType.Deposit ? "Deposit" : "Withdrawal", transaction.Amount(), transaction.Customer().Name, teller)); form.Invoke(form.Enable); }
public void AddCustomerOutOfFundsCustomerTransaction(Transaction transaction, Teller teller) { form.AddListBoxItem(string.Format(" -<<<{0} of ${1} for {2}, assisted by {3} failed because the CUSTOMER BALANCE of ${4} is LOWER than the withdrawal amount", transaction.Type() == TransactionGenerator.TransactionType.Deposit ? "Deposit" : "Withdrawal", transaction.Amount(), transaction.Customer().Name, teller, transaction.Customer().Balance)); }
public void AddBankOutOfFundsCustomerTransaction(Transaction transaction, Teller teller) { form.AddListBoxItem(string.Format(" -<<<<<{0} of ${1} for {2}, assisted by {3} failed because the BANK OUT OF MONEY", transaction.Type() == TransactionGenerator.TransactionType.Deposit ? "Deposit" : "Withdrawal", transaction.Amount(), transaction.Customer().Name, teller)); form.Invoke(form.Enable); }