Example #1
        }                                                                      //End of controls for Player 2

        private void timerTick(object sender, EventArgs e)                     //Method for the timer that contains all main game functions
        {                                                                      //This is the main timer event, this event will trigger every 20 milliseconds
            Random ranNumberGeneratorPuck = new Random();                      //Creating random number generator named ranNumberGeneratorPuck
            int    randomNumberPuck;                                           //Declaring randomNumberPuck as an integer

            randomNumberPuck = ranNumberGeneratorPuck.Next(0, PACE.Length);    //Setting randomNumberPuck equal to what number the random number generator selects from the array PACE

            Player1Score.Text = "" + score;                                    //Show Player 1 score on left label
            Player2Score.Text = "" + player2Score;                             //Show Player 2 score on right label

            puck.Top  -= puckY;                                                //assign the puck TOP to puck Y integer
            puck.Left -= puckX;                                                //assign the puck TOP to puck X integer

            Random ranNumberGenerator = new Random();                          //Creating random number generator named ranNumberGenerator
            int    randomNumber;                                               //Declaring randomNumberPuck as an integer

            randomNumber = ranNumberGenerator.Next(1, 3);                      //Setting randomNumber equal to what number the random number generator selects from the value range of 1, 2

            if (puck.Left < 0)                                                 //If the puck has gone past Player 1's paddle through the left
                if (randomNumber == 1)                                         //If the randomNumber integer equals 1
                    puck.Left = 560;                                           //Reset the puck to the middle of the screen
                    puckX     = -puckX;                                        //Change the puck's direction
                else if (randomNumber == 2)                                    //Or if the randomNumber integer equals 2
                    puck.Left = 560;                                           //Reset the puck to the middle of the screen, but leave the direction the same

                player2Score++;                                                //Add 1 to player 2's score (updating label as well)
                puckX = 6;                                                     //Reset the puck's X-value speed to 6
                puckY = 6;                                                     //Reset the puck's Y-value speed to 6

            if (puck.Left + puck.Width > ClientSize.Width)                     //If the puck has gone past player 2's paddle on the right
                if (randomNumber == 1)                                         //If the randomNumber integer equals 1
                    puck.Left = 560;                                           //Reset the puck to the middle of the screen
                    puckX     = -puckX;                                        //Change the puck's direction
                else if (randomNumber == 2)                                    //Or if the randomNumber integer equals 2
                    puck.Left = 560;                                           //Reset the puck to the middle of the screen

                score++;                                                       //Add 1 to player 1's score (updating label as well)
                puckX = 6;                                                     //Reset the puck's X-value speed to 6
                puckY = 6;                                                     //Reset the puck's Y-value speed to 6

            //Controlling the puck

            if (puck.Bounds.IntersectsWith(topBarrier.Bounds) || puck.Bounds.IntersectsWith(bottomBarrier.Bounds)) //If the puck reaches either the top barrier or the bottom barrier
                puckY = -puckY;                                                                                    //Reverse the Y-value speed of the puck so it stays within the screen

            if (puck.Bounds.IntersectsWith(Player1.Bounds) || puck.Bounds.IntersectsWith(Player2.Bounds)) //If the puck hits either player's paddle
                if ((PACE[randomNumberPuck]) == 0)                                                        //If the random number generator selected the 1st value in the array
                    puckX = -(Convert.ToInt32((puckX) * .5));                                             //Set the puck's X-value speed to 1/2 times the previous X-value's and convert it into an integer
                else if ((PACE[randomNumberPuck]) == 1)                                                   //Or if the random number generator selected the 2nd value in the array
                    puckX = -(Convert.ToInt32((puckX) * 1.1));                                            //Set the puck's X-value speed to 1.1 times the previous X-value's and convert it into an integer
                else if ((PACE[randomNumberPuck]) == 2)                                                   //Or if the random number generator selected the 3rd value in the array
                    puckX = -puckX;                                                                       //Set the puck's X-value speed to be equal to the previous X-value's, just in the opposite direction
            else if ((puck.Bounds.IntersectsWith(topLeftBarrier.Bounds) || puck.Bounds.IntersectsWith(bottomLeftBarrier.Bounds) || puck.Bounds.IntersectsWith(topRightBarrier.Bounds) || puck.Bounds.IntersectsWith(bottomRightBarrier.Bounds))) //If the puck reaches any of the side barriers
                if ((PACE[randomNumberPuck]) == 0)                                                                                                                                                                                               //If the random number generator selected the 1st value in the array
                    puckX = -(Convert.ToInt32((puckX) * .5));                                                                                                                                                                                    //Set the puck's X-value speed to 1/2 times the previous X-value's and convert it into an integer
                else if ((PACE[randomNumberPuck]) == 1)                                                                                                                                                                                          //Or if the random number generator selected the 2nd value in the array
                    puckX = -(Convert.ToInt32((puckX) * 1.1));                                                                                                                                                                                   //Set the puck's X-value speed to 1.1 times the previous X-value's and convert it into an integer
                else if ((PACE[randomNumberPuck]) == 2)                                                                                                                                                                                          //Or if the random number generator selected the 3rd value in the array
                    puckX = -puckX;                                                                                                                                                                                                              //Set the puck's X-value speed to be equal to the previous X-value's, just in the opposite direction
            //final score and ending of the game

            if (score > 7)                                                                                                        //If Player 1's score is more than 7
                gameTimer.Stop();                                                                                                 //Stop the timer
                string            message = "Congratulations, Player 1, you won this game. Do you wish to exit the application?"; //Create a message string applauding Player 1's win and asking whether to quit or go to main menu
                string            title   = "Close Window";                                                                       //Create a message string to name the end game pop-up message box
                MessageBoxButtons buttons = MessageBoxButtons.YesNo;                                                              //Creating message box buttons Yes and No
                DialogResult      result  = MessageBox.Show(message, title, buttons);                                             //Function to call message, title, and button strings for use in the end game pop-up message box
                if (result == DialogResult.Yes)                                                                                   //If the user pushes the Yes button
                    Application.Exit();                                                                                           //Close the entire application
                else                                                                                                              //Or if the user pushes the No button
                    mainMenu OpenMenu = new mainMenu();                                                                           //Open the main menu again
                    this.Close();                                                                                                 //Close the current game window

            if (player2Score > 7)                                                                                                 //If Player 2's score is more than 7
                gameTimer.Stop();                                                                                                 //Stop the timer
                string            message = "Congratulations, Player 2, you won this game. Do you wish to exit the application?"; //Create a message string applauding Player 2's win and asking whether to quit or go to main menu
                string            title   = "Close Window";                                                                       //Create a message string to name the end game pop-up message box
                MessageBoxButtons buttons = MessageBoxButtons.YesNo;                                                              //Creating message box buttons Yes and No
                DialogResult      result  = MessageBox.Show(message, title, buttons);                                             //Function to call message, title, and button strings for use in the end game pop-up message box
                if (result == DialogResult.Yes)                                                                                   //If the user pushes the Yes button
                    Application.Exit();                                                                                           //Close the entire application
                else                                                                                                              //Or if the user pushes the No button
                    mainMenu OpenMenu = new mainMenu();                                                                           //Open the main menu again
                    this.Close();                                                                                                 //Close the current game window
Example #2
        }                                                                          //End of controls for Player 1

        private void timerTickGame(object sender, EventArgs e)                     //Method for the timer that contains all main game functions
        {                                                                          //this is the main timer event, this event will trigger every 20 milliseconds
            Random ranNumberGeneratorPuck = new Random();                          //Creating random number generator named ranNumberGeneratorPuck
            int    randomNumberPuck;                                               //Declaring randomNumberPuck as an integer

            randomNumberPuck = ranNumberGeneratorPuck.Next(0, PACEGame.Length);    //Setting randomNumberPuck equal to what number the random number generator selects from the array PACEGame

            Player1ScoreGame.Text = "" + scoreGame;                                //Show Player 1's score on left label
            Player2ScoreGame.Text = "" + cpuPointGame;                             //Show CPU's score on right label

            puckGame.Top  -= puckYGame;                                            //Assign the puck TOP to puck Y integer
            puckGame.Left -= puckXGame;                                            //Assign the puck TOP to puck X integer

            CPU.Top += speed;                                                      //Assignment of the CPU top speed integer

            if (scoreGame < 5)                                                     //If the score is less than 5
            {                                                                      //Start of CPU code
                if (CPU.Top < 0 || CPU.Top > 527)                                  //If the CPU has reached the top or gone to the bottom of the screen
                    speed = -speed;                                                //Change the speed direction so the paddle moves back up or down
            else                                                                   //Or if score is greater than 5, increase difficulty by enabling tracking on right paddle
                CPU.Top = puckGame.Top + 30;                                       //Have the top of the CPU stay 30 pixels above the top of the puck
            }                                                                      //end of CPU code

            Random ranNumberGeneratorGame = new Random();                          //Creating random number generator named ranNumberGeneratorGame
            int    randomNumberGame;                                               //Declaring randomNumberGame as an integer

            randomNumberGame = ranNumberGeneratorGame.Next(1, 3);                  //Setting randomNumberGame equal to what number the random number generator selects from the value range of 1, 2

            if (puckGame.Left < 0)                                                 //If the puck has gone past Player 1's paddle through the left
                if (randomNumberGame == 1)                                         //If the randomNumberGame integer equals 1
                    puckGame.Left = 560;                                           //Reset the puck to the middle of the screen
                    puckXGame     = -puckXGame;                                    //Change the puck's direction
                else if (randomNumberGame == 2)                                    //If the randomNumberGame integer equals 2
                    puckGame.Left = 560;                                           //Reset the puck to the middle of the screen, but leave the direction the same

                cpuPointGame++;                                                    //Add 1 to the CPU's score
                puckXGame = 6;                                                     //Reset the puck's X-value speed to 6
                puckYGame = 6;                                                     //Reset the puck's Y-value speed to 6

            if (puckGame.Left + puckGame.Width > ClientSize.Width)                 //If the puck has gone past player 2's paddle on the right
                if (randomNumberGame == 1)                                         //If the randomNumberGame integer equals 1
                    puckGame.Left = 560;                                           //Reset the puck to the middle of the screen
                    puckXGame     = -puckXGame;                                    //Change the puck's direction
                else if (randomNumberGame == 2)                                    //If the randomNumberGame integer equals 2
                    puckGame.Left = 560;                                           //Reset the puck to the middle of the screen, but leave the direction the same

                scoreGame++;                                                       //Add 1 to Player 1's score
                puckXGame = 6;                                                     //Reset the puck's X-value speed to 6
                puckYGame = 6;                                                     //Reset the puck's Y-value speed to 6

            //Controlling the puck

            if (puckGame.Bounds.IntersectsWith(topBarrierGame.Bounds) || puckGame.Bounds.IntersectsWith(bottomBarrierGame.Bounds)) //If the puck reaches either the top barrier or the bottom barrier
                puckYGame = -puckYGame;                                                                                            //Reverse the speed of the puck so it stays within the screen

            if (puckGame.Bounds.IntersectsWith(Player1Game.Bounds) || puckGame.Bounds.IntersectsWith(CPU.Bounds)) //If the puck hits either paddle
                if ((PACEGame[randomNumberPuck]) == 0)                                                            //If the random number generator selected the 1st value in the array
                    puckXGame = -(Convert.ToInt32((puckXGame) * .5));                                             //Set the puck's X-value speed to 1/2 times the previous X-value's and convert it into an integer
                else if ((PACEGame[randomNumberPuck]) == 1)                                                       //Or if the random number generator selected the 2nd value in the array
                    puckXGame = -(Convert.ToInt32((puckXGame) * 1.1));                                            //Set the puck's X-value speed to 1.1 times the previous X-value's and convert it into an integer
                else if ((PACEGame[randomNumberPuck]) == 2)                                                       //Or if the random number generator selected the 3rd value in the array
                    puckXGame = -puckXGame;                                                                       //Set the puck's X-value speed to be equal to the previous X-value's, just in the opposite direction
            else if ((puckGame.Bounds.IntersectsWith(topLeftBarrierGame.Bounds) || puckGame.Bounds.IntersectsWith(bottomLeftBarrierGame.Bounds) || puckGame.Bounds.IntersectsWith(topRightBarrierGame.Bounds) || puckGame.Bounds.IntersectsWith(bottomRightBarrierGame.Bounds))) //If the puck reaches any of the side barriers
                if ((PACEGame[randomNumberPuck]) == 0)                                                                                                                                                                                                                           //If the random number generator selected the 1st value in the array
                    puckXGame = -(Convert.ToInt32((puckXGame) * .5));                                                                                                                                                                                                            //Set the puck's X-value speed to 1/2 times the previous X-value's and convert it into an integer
                else if ((PACEGame[randomNumberPuck]) == 1)                                                                                                                                                                                                                      //Or if the random number generator selected the 2nd value in the array
                    puckXGame = -(Convert.ToInt32((puckXGame) * 1.1));                                                                                                                                                                                                           //Set the puck's X-value speed to 1.1 times the previous X-value's and convert it into an integer
                else if ((PACEGame[randomNumberPuck]) == 2)                                                                                                                                                                                                                      //Or if the random number generator selected the 3rd value in the array
                    puckXGame = -puckXGame;                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      //Set the puck's X-value speed to be equal to the previous X-value's, just in the opposite direction
            //final score and ending of the game

            if (scoreGame > 7)                                                                                                    //If Player 1's score is more than 7
                gameTimerCpu.Stop();;                                                                                             //Stop the timer
                string            message = "Congratulations, Player 1, you won this game. Do you wish to exit the application?"; //Create a message string applauding Player 1's win and asking whether to quit or go to main menu
                string            title   = "Close Window";                                                                       //Create a message string to name the end game pop-up message box
                MessageBoxButtons buttons = MessageBoxButtons.YesNo;                                                              //Creating message box buttons Yes and No
                DialogResult      result  = MessageBox.Show(message, title, buttons);                                             //Function to call message, title, and button strings for use in the end game pop-up message box
                if (result == DialogResult.Yes)                                                                                   //If the user pushes the Yes button
                    Application.Exit();                                                                                           //Close the entire application
                else                                                                                                              //Or if the user pushes the No button
                    mainMenu OpenMenu = new mainMenu();                                                                           //Open the main menu again
                    this.Close();                                                                                                 //Close the current game window

            if (cpuPointGame > 7)                                                                                                 //If the CPU's score is more than 7
                gameTimerCpu.Stop();                                                                                              //Stop the timer
                string            message = "Congratulations, Player 2, you won this game. Do you wish to exit the application?"; //Create a message string applauding the CPU's win and asking whether to quit or go to main menu
                string            title   = "Close Window";                                                                       //Create a message string to name the end game pop-up message box
                MessageBoxButtons buttons = MessageBoxButtons.YesNo;                                                              //Creating message box buttons Yes and No
                DialogResult      result  = MessageBox.Show(message, title, buttons);                                             //Function to call message, title, and button strings for use in the end game pop-up message box
                if (result == DialogResult.Yes)                                                                                   //If the user pushes the Yes button
                    Application.Exit();                                                                                           //Close the entire application
                else                                                                                                              //Or if the user pushes the No button
                    mainMenu OpenMenu = new mainMenu();                                                                           //Open the main menu again
                    this.Close();                                                                                                 //Close the current game window