public MasivZ UpperToLower() { MasivZ newArr = new MasivZ(); char temp = ' '; foreach (var symb in Symbols) { if (char.IsLower(symb)) { temp = char.ToUpper(symb); newArr.Symbols.Add(temp); newArr.Codes.Add((int)temp); } else { if (char.IsUpper(symb)) { temp = char.ToLower(symb); newArr.Symbols.Add(temp); newArr.Codes.Add((int)temp); } else { newArr.Symbols.Add(symb); newArr.Codes.Add((int)symb); } } } return(newArr); }
public static void WriteArray(MasivZ arr, string path) { List <char> tempSymb = arr.Symbols; List <int> tempCodes = arr.Codes; tempSymb.RemoveAll(x => (int)x < 32); tempCodes.RemoveAll(x => x < 32); WriteArray(tempSymb, path); WriteArray(tempCodes, path); }
public static void PrintMasivZ(MasivZ arr, Iinterface ui) { foreach (var symb in arr.Symbols) { ui.Write(symb + " "); } ui.Write("\n"); foreach (var code in arr.Codes) { ui.Write(code + " "); } ui.Write("\n"); }
public static MasivZ ReadMasivZ(string path) { MasivZ arr = new MasivZ(); using (StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(path)) { for (int i = 0; i < currentRow * 2; ++i) { reader.ReadLine(); } arr.Symbols = reader.ReadLine().ToList <char>().Where((x, i) => i % 2 == 0).ToList(); arr.Codes = reader.ReadLine().Split().Where(x => x != "").Select(x => int.Parse(x.ToString())).ToList(); ++currentRow; } return(arr); }
public void Run() { int N = 0; List <int> arr = new List <int>(); MasivZ arrZ = new MasivZ(); string path1 = ""; string path2 = ""; string path3 = ""; UserInterface.Write("Input N \n"); try { N = int.Parse(UserInterface.Read()); arr.Capacity = N; ArrayEditor.FillArr(arr); UserInterface.Write("input name of file (without extension) \n"); path1 = @"..\..\..\Mas\" + UserInterface.Read() + ".txt"; ArrayIO.WriteArray(arr, path1); List <List <int> > arrB = ArrayEditor.ConvertToTwoRank(ArrayIO.ReadArray(path1)); UserInterface.Write("input name of file (without extension) \n"); path2 = @"..\..\..\Mas\" + UserInterface.Read() + ".txt"; ArrayIO.WriteArray(arrB, path2); arrZ.CreateFromIntArray(arrB); MasivZ arrC = arrZ.UpperToLower(); UserInterface.Write("input name of file (without extension) \n"); path3 = @"..\..\..\Mas\" + UserInterface.Read() + ".txt"; ArrayIO.WriteArray(arrZ, path3); ArrayIO.WriteArray(arrC, path3); MasivZ tempZ = ArrayIO.ReadMasivZ(path3); MasivZ tempC = ArrayIO.ReadMasivZ(path3); UserInterface.Write("Arrays Z and C without escape sequences(start ascii code is 32)\n"); UserInterface.Write("\nArray C\n"); ArrayIO.PrintMasivZ(tempC, UserInterface); UserInterface.Write("\nArray Z\n"); ArrayIO.PrintMasivZ(tempZ, UserInterface); DirectoryInfo dir = new DirectoryInfo(@"..\..\..\Mas"); dir.PrintListOfFiles(UserInterface); var files = dir.GetFiles(); var lastTime = files.Select(x => x.CreationTime).Max(); files.First(x => x.CreationTime == lastTime).MoveTo(@"..\..\..\Mas\newName.txt"); UserInterface.Write("\nLast creation file was renamed to newName.txt\nNew list of files: \n"); dir.PrintListOfFiles(UserInterface); } catch { throw new Exception("очепятка"); } }