// *************************************************************************************************************************
        // Instructions: This sample can be run against Microsoft Azure Storage Service by updating the App.Config with your AccountName and AccountKey. 
        // To run the sample using the Storage Service     
        //      1. Create a Storage Account through the Azure Portal and provide your [AccountName] and [AccountKey] in 
        //         the App.Config file. See http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=325277 for more information.
        //      2. Set breakpoints and run the project using F10. 
        // *************************************************************************************************************************        
        static void Main(string[] args)
            Console.WriteLine("Azure Storage File Sample\n ");

            // Create share, upload file, download file, list files and folders, copy file, abort copy file, write range, list ranges.
            GettingStarted getStarted = new GettingStarted();

            //create 3 file shares, then show how to list all the file shares in the storage account
            Advanced advancedOps = new Advanced();

            Console.WriteLine("Press any key to exit.");
        // *************************************************************************************************************************
        // Instructions: This sample can be run against Microsoft Azure Storage Service by updating the App.Config with your AccountName and AccountKey.
        // To run the sample using the Storage Service
        //      1. Create a Storage Account through the Azure Portal and provide your [AccountName] and [AccountKey] in
        //         the App.Config file. See http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=325277 for more information.
        //      2. Set breakpoints and run the project using F10.
        // *************************************************************************************************************************
        static void Main(string[] args)
            Console.WriteLine("Azure Storage File Sample\n ");

            // Create share, upload file, download file, list files and folders, copy file, abort copy file, write range, list ranges.
            GettingStarted getStarted = new GettingStarted();

            //create 3 file shares, then show how to list all the file shares in the storage account
            Advanced advancedOps = new Advanced();

            Console.WriteLine("Press any key to exit.");