Example #1
        private static void ShowHandles(Path2D aPathRaw, int aIndex, Matrix4x4 aTransform, Matrix4x4 aInvTransform, SerializedProperty aPath, bool aShowMeta, bool aUnlock, Path2D.Plane aPlane, Plane aEditPlane, PathEditorVisuals aVisuals)
            PointControl ctrl   = aPathRaw.GetControls(aIndex);
            bool         locked = ctrl.type == PointType.Locked;
            Vector3      at     = aTransform.MultiplyPoint3x4(Plane(aPathRaw[aIndex], aPlane));

            if (ctrl.type == PointType.Auto || ctrl.type == PointType.AutoSymmetrical || ctrl.type == PointType.Sharp)
            else if (ctrl.type == PointType.CircleCorner)
                if (aPathRaw.Closed || (aIndex != 0 && aIndex != aPathRaw.Count - 1))
                    float size         = HandleUtility.GetHandleSize(at);
                    float radiusOffset = .2f;

                    Vector3 end1   = PathUtil.GetRoundedCornerEnd(aIndex, aPathRaw.GetPathRaw(), aPathRaw.GetControls(), aPathRaw.Closed, ctrl.radius, true);
                    Vector3 end2   = PathUtil.GetRoundedCornerEnd(aIndex, aPathRaw.GetPathRaw(), aPathRaw.GetControls(), aPathRaw.Closed, ctrl.radius, false);
                    Vector3 normal = Vector2.Lerp(end1.xy() - aPathRaw[aIndex], end2.xy() - aPathRaw[aIndex], 0.5f).normalized;

                    Vector3 v  = aTransform.MultiplyVector(Plane(normal * (ctrl.radius + radiusOffset), aPlane)) + at;
                    Vector3 nV = Handles.FreeMoveHandle(v,
                                                        size * aVisuals.sizeControlHandle,

                    if (nV != v)
                        SerializedProperty radius = aPath.FindPropertyRelative("_pointControls").GetArrayElementAtIndex(aIndex).FindPropertyRelative("radius");
                        nV  = EditorTools.ProjectPoint(nV, aEditPlane);
                        nV -= at;
                        nV  = aInvTransform.MultiplyVector(nV);
                        Vector2 newPos = Deplane(nV, aPlane);
                        radius.floatValue = SnapScale(radius.floatValue, Mathf.Max(0, newPos.magnitude - radiusOffset), PathSnap.World);
                        _recentInteract   = aIndex;
                        GUI.changed       = true;

                    if (aShowMeta)
                        string txt = Math.Round(ctrl.radius, 2).ToString();
                        Handles.Label(v, txt, ShadowStyle);
                        Handles.Label(v, txt, LabelStyle);
                Vector2 newPos;
                Vector3 v  = aTransform.MultiplyVector(Plane(ctrl.controlPrev, aPlane)) + at;
                Vector3 nV = Handles.FreeMoveHandle(v,
                                                    HandleUtility.GetHandleSize(v) * aVisuals.sizeControlHandle,

                if (nV != v)
                    SerializedProperty controlProp = aPath.FindPropertyRelative("_pointControls").GetArrayElementAtIndex(aIndex);
                    SerializedProperty type        = controlProp.FindPropertyRelative("type");
                    SerializedProperty prev        = controlProp.FindPropertyRelative("controlPrev");

                    nV                = EditorTools.ProjectPoint(nV, aEditPlane);
                    nV               -= at;
                    nV                = aInvTransform.MultiplyVector(nV);
                    newPos            = Deplane(nV, aPlane);
                    prev.vector2Value = SnapRadial(v, prev.vector2Value, newPos, aTransform, aInvTransform, PathSnap.World);
                    if (aUnlock)
                        ctrl.type           = PointType.Free;
                        type.enumValueIndex = (int)ctrl.type;
                    _recentInteract = aIndex;
                    GUI.changed     = true;

                if (ctrl.type == PointType.Locked)
                    v = -aTransform.MultiplyVector(Plane(ctrl.controlPrev, aPlane)) + at;
                    v = aTransform.MultiplyVector(Plane(ctrl.controlNext, aPlane)) + at;

                nV = Handles.FreeMoveHandle(v,
                                            HandleUtility.GetHandleSize(v) * aVisuals.sizeControlHandle,

                if (nV != v)
                    SerializedProperty controlProp = aPath.FindPropertyRelative("_pointControls").GetArrayElementAtIndex(aIndex);
                    SerializedProperty type        = controlProp.FindPropertyRelative("type");
                    SerializedProperty prev        = controlProp.FindPropertyRelative("controlPrev");
                    SerializedProperty next        = controlProp.FindPropertyRelative("controlNext");

                    nV  = EditorTools.ProjectPoint(nV, aEditPlane);
                    nV -= at;
                    nV  = aInvTransform.MultiplyVector(nV);
                    if (aUnlock)
                        ctrl.type           = PointType.Free;
                        type.enumValueIndex = (int)ctrl.type;

                    if (ctrl.type == PointType.Locked)
                        newPos            = Deplane(-nV, aPlane);
                        prev.vector2Value = SnapRadial(v, prev.vector2Value, newPos, aTransform, aInvTransform, PathSnap.World);
                        newPos            = Deplane(nV, aPlane);
                        next.vector2Value = SnapRadial(v, next.vector2Value, newPos, aTransform, aInvTransform, PathSnap.World);
                    _recentInteract = aIndex;
                    GUI.changed     = true;

                if (aShowMeta)
                    bool xz = aPlane == Path2D.Plane.XZ;

                    Vector2 prop2   = (locked?ctrl.controlPrev:ctrl.controlNext);
                    Vector3 handle1 = aTransform.MultiplyVector(Plane(ctrl.controlPrev, aPlane)) + at;
                    Vector3 handle2 = (locked?-1:1) * aTransform.MultiplyVector(Plane((locked?ctrl.controlPrev:ctrl.controlNext), aPlane)) + at;
                    float   ang1    = PathUtil.ClockwiseAngle(ctrl.controlPrev, Vector2.right);                //Vector2.Angle(prev.vector2Value, Vector2.right);
                    float   ang2    = PathUtil.ClockwiseAngle((locked?-1:1) * prop2, Vector2.right);           //Vector2.Angle(prop2.vector2Value, Vector2.right);
                    float   mag1    = ctrl.controlPrev.magnitude;
                    float   mag2    = prop2.magnitude;

                    Vector3 pos = Vector3.Lerp(handle1, at, 0.5f);
                    string  txt = Math.Round(mag1, 2).ToString();
                    Handles.Label(pos, txt, ShadowStyle); Handles.Label(pos, txt, LabelStyle);
                    pos = Vector3.Lerp(handle2, at, 0.5f);
                    txt = Math.Round(mag2, 2).ToString();
                    Handles.Label(pos, txt, ShadowStyle); Handles.Label(pos, txt, LabelStyle);

                    pos = handle1;
                    txt = "\u00B0" + Mathf.Round(ang1);
                    Handles.Label(pos, txt, ShadowStyle); Handles.Label(pos, txt, LabelStyle);
                    pos = handle2;
                    txt = "\u00B0" + Mathf.Round(ang2);
                    Handles.Label(pos, txt, ShadowStyle); Handles.Label(pos, txt, LabelStyle);

                    if (ctrl.type == PointType.Free)
                        if (ang2 < ang1)
                            ang2 += 360;
                        float ang     = ang2 - ang1;
                        float halfAng = ang1 + ang / 2;

                        float   arcRadius = HandleUtility.GetHandleSize(at) * aVisuals.sizeVertex * 1.75f;
                        Vector3 centerArc = new Vector3(Mathf.Cos(halfAng * Mathf.Deg2Rad), Mathf.Sin(halfAng * Mathf.Deg2Rad), 0);
                        if (xz)
                            centerArc = new Vector3(centerArc.x, 0, centerArc.y);
                        centerArc = aTransform.MultiplyVector(centerArc);

                        var centeredStyle = new GUIStyle(GUI.skin.label);
                        centeredStyle.contentOffset    = new Vector2(-9, -9);
                        centeredStyle.normal.textColor = new Color(0, 0, 0, 0.5f);
                        Handles.Label(at + centerArc * arcRadius * 2f, "\u00B0" + Mathf.Round(ang), centeredStyle);
                        centeredStyle.contentOffset    = new Vector2(-10, -10);
                        centeredStyle.normal.textColor = Color.white;
                        Handles.Label(at + centerArc * arcRadius * 2f, "\u00B0" + Mathf.Round(ang), centeredStyle);

                        Handles.DrawWireArc(at, aPlane == Path2D.Plane.XY?Vector3.forward:Vector3.up, ((xz?handle2:handle1) - at).normalized, ang, arcRadius);
Example #2
        private static bool TransformHandles(SuperCube aBox, Vector3 aRtb, Vector3 aLbf)
            Vector3 rtb     = aRtb;
            Vector3 lbf     = aLbf;
            Vector3 snap    = EditorTools.GetUnitySnap();
            bool    rebuild = false;

            EditorTools.capDir = Matrix4x4.TRS(Vector3.zero, aBox.transform.rotation, Vector3.one);

            // Bottom
            Handles.color = Color.Lerp(Color.green, Color.white, 0.5f);
            SuperCubeEditorUtil.Handle(PivotType.Bottom, aBox.transform, false, true, false, snap, ref lbf, ref rtb, EditorTools.ArrowCapYN);
            Handles.color = Color.Lerp(Color.red, Color.white, 0.5f);
            SuperCubeEditorUtil.Handle(PivotType.Right, aBox.transform, true, false, false, snap, ref lbf, ref rtb, EditorTools.ArrowCapXP);
            SuperCubeEditorUtil.Handle(PivotType.Left, aBox.transform, true, false, false, snap, ref lbf, ref rtb, EditorTools.ArrowCapXN);
            Handles.color = Color.Lerp(Color.blue, Color.white, 0.5f);
            SuperCubeEditorUtil.Handle(PivotType.Back, aBox.transform, false, false, true, snap, ref lbf, ref rtb, EditorTools.ArrowCapZP);
            SuperCubeEditorUtil.Handle(PivotType.Front, aBox.transform, false, false, true, snap, ref lbf, ref rtb, EditorTools.ArrowCapZN);
            Handles.color = Color.Lerp(Color.green, Color.white, 0.5f);
            SuperCubeEditorUtil.Handle(PivotType.Top, aBox.transform, false, true, false, snap, ref lbf, ref rtb, EditorTools.ArrowCapYP);

            if (!SuperCubeSettings.HideYRing)
                Handles.color = Color.Lerp(Color.Lerp(Color.red, Color.white, 0.5f), Color.Lerp(Color.blue, Color.white, 0.5f), .5f);
                SuperCubeEditorUtil.Handle(PivotType.Back | PivotType.Right, aBox.transform, true, false, true, snap, ref lbf, ref rtb, EditorTools.BarCapY);
                SuperCubeEditorUtil.Handle(PivotType.Back | PivotType.Left, aBox.transform, true, false, true, snap, ref lbf, ref rtb, EditorTools.BarCapY);
                SuperCubeEditorUtil.Handle(PivotType.Front | PivotType.Right, aBox.transform, true, false, true, snap, ref lbf, ref rtb, EditorTools.BarCapY);
                SuperCubeEditorUtil.Handle(PivotType.Front | PivotType.Left, aBox.transform, true, false, true, snap, ref lbf, ref rtb, EditorTools.BarCapY);

            if (!SuperCubeSettings.HideZRing)
                Handles.color = Color.Lerp(Color.Lerp(Color.red, Color.white, 0.5f), Color.Lerp(Color.green, Color.white, 0.5f), .5f);
                SuperCubeEditorUtil.Handle(PivotType.Left | PivotType.Top, aBox.transform, true, true, false, snap, ref lbf, ref rtb, EditorTools.BarCapZ);
                SuperCubeEditorUtil.Handle(PivotType.Left | PivotType.Bottom, aBox.transform, true, true, false, snap, ref lbf, ref rtb, EditorTools.BarCapZ);
                SuperCubeEditorUtil.Handle(PivotType.Right | PivotType.Top, aBox.transform, true, true, false, snap, ref lbf, ref rtb, EditorTools.BarCapZ);
                SuperCubeEditorUtil.Handle(PivotType.Right | PivotType.Bottom, aBox.transform, true, true, false, snap, ref lbf, ref rtb, EditorTools.BarCapZ);

            if (!SuperCubeSettings.HideXRing)
                Handles.color = Color.Lerp(Color.Lerp(Color.blue, Color.white, 0.5f), Color.Lerp(Color.green, Color.white, 0.5f), .5f);
                SuperCubeEditorUtil.Handle(PivotType.Front | PivotType.Top, aBox.transform, false, true, true, snap, ref lbf, ref rtb, EditorTools.BarCapX);
                SuperCubeEditorUtil.Handle(PivotType.Front | PivotType.Bottom, aBox.transform, false, true, true, snap, ref lbf, ref rtb, EditorTools.BarCapX);
                SuperCubeEditorUtil.Handle(PivotType.Back | PivotType.Top, aBox.transform, false, true, true, snap, ref lbf, ref rtb, EditorTools.BarCapX);
                SuperCubeEditorUtil.Handle(PivotType.Back | PivotType.Bottom, aBox.transform, false, true, true, snap, ref lbf, ref rtb, EditorTools.BarCapX);

            // Check if there was an edit, and notify an update to the mesh!
            Vector3 newExtents = new Vector3(Mathf.Abs(rtb.x - lbf.x), Mathf.Abs(rtb.y - lbf.y), Mathf.Abs(rtb.z - lbf.z));

            if (aBox.SliceFaces)
                float maxSize = SuperCubeSettings.MaxSize;
                if (newExtents.x > maxSize)
                    newExtents.x = aBox.Extents.x; lbf.x = aLbf.x; rtb.x = aRtb.x;
                if (newExtents.y > maxSize)
                    newExtents.y = aBox.Extents.y; lbf.y = aLbf.y; rtb.y = aRtb.y;
                if (newExtents.z > maxSize)
                    newExtents.z = aBox.Extents.z; lbf.z = aLbf.z; rtb.z = aRtb.z;
            if (aBox.Extents != newExtents)
                aBox.transform.position += aBox.transform.TransformDirection(lbf + new Vector3((rtb.x - lbf.x) / 2, (rtb.y - lbf.y) / 2, (rtb.z - lbf.z) / 2));
                aBox.Extents             = newExtents;
                rebuild = true;
