public void EstimateLinear(ReadOnlySpan <float> features, Span <float> results)
         fixed(float *feat = features, res = results)
             if (!RustInterop.MatrixF32Product(_matrixNative, feat, features.Length, res, results.Length))
                 throw new ArgumentException("Matrix product failed. Check dimensions.");
 public void EstimateSoftMaxCumulative(ReadOnlySpan <float> features, Span <float> results)
         fixed(float *feat = features, res = results)
             if (!RustInterop.MatrixF32CumulativeSoftmax(_matrixNative, feat, features.Length, res, results.Length))
                 throw new ArgumentException("Matrix softmax failed. Check dimensions.");
        protected virtual void Dispose(bool disposing)
            if (!_disposedValue)
                if (disposing)
                    // dispose managed state -- not required

                // free unmanaged resources
                _matrixNative  = IntPtr.Zero;
                _disposedValue = true;
 /// <summary>
 /// Construct a native LinearEstimator
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="coefficients">Coefficients in the form: float[NumInputs, NumOutputs]</param>
 /// <param name="intercepts">Intercepts in the form: float[NumOutputs]</param>
 public LinearEstimator(float[,] coefficients, float[] intercepts)
     NumInputs  = coefficients.GetLength(0);
     NumOutputs = coefficients.GetLength(1);
     if (NumOutputs != intercepts.Length)
         throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("Intercepts dimension (num outputs) does not match coefficients second dimension");
         fixed(float *coeff = coefficients, inter = intercepts)
             _matrixNative = RustInterop.MatrixF32Create(NumInputs, NumOutputs, coeff, inter);
             if (_matrixNative == IntPtr.Zero)
                 throw new ArgumentException("Could not construct matrix");