Example #1
        internal void fixPlayerHouseWarp(StardewModdingAPI.Events.WarpedEventArgs e)
            Farmer    farmer = e.Player;
            FarmHouse house  = (e.NewLocation as FarmHouse);

            //if(e.OldLocation is Farm)
            //    if (farmer.getTileLocationPoint() == house.getEntryLocation() || new Point(farmer.getTileLocationPoint().X, farmer.getTileLocationPoint().Y - 1) == house.getEntryLocation())
            //    {
            //        Logger.Log("Player warped to the farmhouse, and was in the entry location.  Setting player to modded entry (if any)...");
            //        Point entryPoint = FarmHouseStates.getEntryLocation(house);
            //        farmer.setTileLocation(new Vector2(entryPoint.X, entryPoint.Y));
            //    }
            if (e.OldLocation is Cellar)
                if (farmer.getTileLocationPoint() == new Point(4, 25) || farmer.getTileLocationPoint() == new Point(5, 24))
                    Logger.Log("Player warped to the farmhouse from the cellar, and was in the cellar return location.  Setting player to modded cellar return (if any)...");
                    Point cellarPoint = FarmHouseStates.getCellarLocation(house);
                    if (cellarPoint != new Point(-1, -1))
                        //farmer.setTileLocation(new Vector2(cellarPoint.X, cellarPoint.Y));
                        farmer.position.Value = new Vector2(cellarPoint.X * 64f, cellarPoint.Y * 64f);
                        Logger.Log("Set player to " + cellarPoint.X + ", " + cellarPoint.Y);
                    Logger.Log("Player warped to the farmhouse from the cellar, but was not in the cellar return location.  Player was at " + farmer.getTileLocationPoint().X + ", " + farmer.getTileLocationPoint().Y);
            if (farmer.getTileLocationPoint() == house.getEntryLocation())
                Logger.Log("Player warped to the farmhouse, and was in the entry location.  Setting player to modded entry (if any)...");
                Point entryPoint = FarmHouseStates.getEntryLocation(house);
                farmer.position.Value = new Vector2(entryPoint.X * 64f, entryPoint.Y * 64f);
                //farmer.setTileLocation(new Vector2());
                Logger.Log("Player warped to the farmhouse, but was not at the entry location!  Player is at " + farmer.getTileLocationPoint().ToString() + " as a point, and " + farmer.getTileLocation().ToString() + " as a Vector2" + ", not the entry location " + house.getEntryLocation().ToString());
                Logger.Log("Player warped from " + e.OldLocation.name + ".");
                Logger.Log("House upgrade level is " + house.upgradeLevel + ".");
                if (FarmHouseStates.getState(house).entryData != null)
                    Logger.Log("House entry data is " + FarmHouseStates.getState(house).entryData);
                    Logger.Log("House entry data not initialized!");
                Logger.Log("Player physical centerpoint is (" + farmer.GetBoundingBox().Center.X + ", " + farmer.GetBoundingBox().Bottom + "), with a bounding box of " + farmer.GetBoundingBox().ToString());

            if (house is Cabin)
                fixWarps(house as Cabin);
Example #2
 internal void fixPaths(NPC npc, FarmHouse house)
     if (npc.getTileLocationPoint() == house.getEntryLocation())
         Logger.Log(npc.name + " entered at the entry point, repositioning at modded entry (if any)...");
     Logger.Log("Fixing paths for " + npc.name + "...");
     if (npc.isMarried() && npc.getSpouse() == Game1.player)
         Logger.Log(npc.name + " is married to " + Game1.player.name + "...");
         if (npc.controller != null && npc.controller.endPoint != null && npc.controller.endPoint == house.getKitchenStandingSpot())
             Logger.Log(npc.name + " is pathing to the kitchen...");
             npc.willDestroyObjectsUnderfoot = false;
             npc.controller = new PathFindController(npc, house, FarmHouseStates.getKitchenSpot(house), 0);
             if (npc.controller.pathToEndPoint == null)
                 npc.willDestroyObjectsUnderfoot = true;
                 npc.controller = new PathFindController(npc, house, FarmHouseStates.getKitchenSpot(house), 0);
                 npc.setNewDialogue(Game1.LoadStringByGender((int)((NetFieldBase <int, NetInt>)npc.gender), "Strings\\StringsFromCSFiles:NPC.cs.4500"), false, false);
             else if (Game1.timeOfDay > 1300)
                 if (Game1.shortDayNameFromDayOfSeason(Game1.dayOfMonth).ToLower().Equals("mon") || Game1.shortDayNameFromDayOfSeason(Game1.dayOfMonth).ToLower().Equals("fri") && !npc.name.Equals((object)"Maru") && (!npc.name.Equals((object)"Penny") && !npc.name.Equals((object)"Harvey")))
                     npc.setNewDialogue("MarriageDialogue", "funReturn_", -1, false, true);
                     npc.setNewDialogue("MarriageDialogue", "jobReturn_", -1, false, false);
         else if (npc.controller != null && npc.controller.endPoint != null && npc.controller.endPoint == house.getSpouseBedSpot(npc.name))
             Logger.Log(npc.name + " is heading to bed...");
             npc.willDestroyObjectsUnderfoot = false;
             npc.controller = new PathFindController(npc, house, FarmHouseStates.getBedSpot(house, true), 0);
             if (npc.controller.pathToEndPoint == null)
                 npc.willDestroyObjectsUnderfoot = true;
                 npc.controller = new PathFindController(npc, house, FarmHouseStates.getBedSpot(house, true), 0);
                 npc.setNewDialogue(Game1.LoadStringByGender((int)((NetFieldBase <int, NetInt>)npc.gender), "Strings\\StringsFromCSFiles:NPC.cs.4500"), false, false);
             else if (Game1.timeOfDay > 1300)
                 if (Game1.shortDayNameFromDayOfSeason(Game1.dayOfMonth).ToLower().Equals("mon") || Game1.shortDayNameFromDayOfSeason(Game1.dayOfMonth).ToLower().Equals("fri") && !npc.name.Equals((object)"Maru") && (!npc.name.Equals((object)"Penny") && !npc.name.Equals((object)"Harvey")))
                     npc.setNewDialogue("MarriageDialogue", "funReturn_", -1, false, true);
                     npc.setNewDialogue("MarriageDialogue", "jobReturn_", -1, false, false);
Example #3
        public static void setFarmhouseCollision(Farm farm, Vector2 topLeft, FarmHouse house)
            Map map          = farm.map;
            Map collisionMap = getFarmHouseCollisionMap(house); //FarmHouseStates.loader.Load<Map>("assets/maps/Collision_FarmHouse.tbin", StardewModdingAPI.ContentSource.ModFolder);

            TileSheet sheet = null;

            foreach (TileSheet tSheet in map.TileSheets)
                if (tSheet.ImageSource.Contains("outdoorsTileSheet"))
                    sheet = tSheet;
            if (sheet == null)
                sheet = map.TileSheets[0];
                Logger.Log("Could not find outdoor tilesheet!  Defaulting to the first available tilesheet, '" + sheet.Id + "'...");

            string houseWarp = "Warp " + FarmHouseStates.getEntryLocation(house).X + " " + FarmHouseStates.getEntryLocation(house).Y + " FarmHouse";

            Logger.Log("House warp set to '" + houseWarp + "'");

            Logger.Log("Finding the front door on the collision map for the farmhouse...");
            Vector2 frontDoor = new Vector2(-1, -1);

            for (int x = 0; x < collisionMap.GetLayer("Buildings").LayerWidth; x++)
                for (int y = 0; y < collisionMap.GetLayer("Buildings").LayerHeight; y++)
                    if (collisionMap.GetLayer("Buildings").Tiles[x, y] != null && collisionMap.GetLayer("Buildings").Tiles[x, y].Properties.ContainsKey("Action"))
                        string tileAction = collisionMap.GetLayer("Buildings").Tiles[x, y].Properties["Action"].ToString();
                        if (tileAction.Contains("Warp") && tileAction.Contains("FarmHouse"))
                            Logger.Log("Found the front door!  Located at (" + x + ", " + y + ")");
                            frontDoor = new Vector2(x, y);
                if (frontDoor.X != -1)

            if (frontDoor.X == -1)
                frontDoor = new Vector2(5, 4);

            topLeft.X -= frontDoor.X;
            topLeft.Y -= frontDoor.Y;

            bool useDefaultPorch = true;

            if (collisionMap.Properties.ContainsKey("Porch"))
                string porchProperty = Utility.cleanup(collisionMap.Properties["Porch"]);

                string[] coords = porchProperty.Split(' ');
                if (coords.Length >= 2)
                    Vector2 coordsFromString = getCoordsFromString(porchProperty);
                    porchStandingLocation = new Point((int)(coordsFromString.X + topLeft.X), (int)(coordsFromString.Y + topLeft.Y));
                    Logger.Log("Found valid porch property; porch is now at " + porchStandingLocation.ToString());
                    useDefaultPorch = false;
            if (useDefaultPorch)
                porchStandingLocation = new Point((int)topLeft.X + 7, (int)topLeft.Y + 5);


            for (int x = 0; x < collisionMap.GetLayer("Back").LayerWidth; x++)
                for (int y = 0; y < collisionMap.GetLayer("Back").LayerHeight; y++)
                    Vector2 currentTile = new Vector2(x + topLeft.X, y + topLeft.Y);

                    if (collisionMap.GetLayer("Back").Tiles[x, y] != null)
                        if (map.GetLayer("Back").Tiles[x + (int)topLeft.X, y + (int)topLeft.Y] == null)
                            map.GetLayer("Back").Tiles[x + (int)topLeft.X, y + (int)topLeft.Y] = new StaticTile(map.GetLayer("Back"), sheet, BlendMode.Alpha, 16);
                        foreach (string key in collisionMap.GetLayer("Back").Tiles[x, y].Properties.Keys)
                            map.GetLayer("Back").Tiles[x + (int)topLeft.X, y + (int)topLeft.Y].Properties[key] = collisionMap.GetLayer("Back").Tiles[x, y].Properties[key];
                    if (collisionMap.GetLayer("Buildings").Tiles[x, y] != null)
                        if (map.GetLayer("Buildings").Tiles[x + (int)topLeft.X, y + (int)topLeft.Y] == null)
                            map.GetLayer("Buildings").Tiles[x + (int)topLeft.X, y + (int)topLeft.Y] = new StaticTile(map.GetLayer("Buildings"), sheet, BlendMode.Alpha, 16);
                        if (collisionMap.GetLayer("Buildings").Tiles[x, y].TileSheet == sheet && collisionMap.GetLayer("Buildings").Tiles[x, y].TileIndex == 125)
                            map.GetLayer("Buildings").Tiles[x + (int)topLeft.X, y + (int)topLeft.Y].Properties["Passable"] = "T";
                        foreach (string key in collisionMap.GetLayer("Buildings").Tiles[x, y].Properties.Keys)
                            if (key.Equals("Action"))
                                string warpValue = collisionMap.GetLayer("Buildings").Tiles[x, y].Properties[key].ToString();
                                if (warpValue.Contains("Warp") && warpValue.Contains("FarmHouse"))
                                    map.GetLayer("Buildings").Tiles[x + (int)topLeft.X, y + (int)topLeft.Y].Properties[key] = houseWarp;
                            else if (key.Equals("Chimney"))
                                Logger.Log("Found a chimney at tile (" + x + ", " + y + ")");
                                string chimneyValue = collisionMap.GetLayer("Buildings").Tiles[x, y].Properties[key].ToString();
                                if (chimneyValue.Split(' ').Length == 1)
                                    Vector2 newChimney = new Vector2((topLeft.X + x + 0.5f) * 64f, (topLeft.Y + y + 0.5f) * 64f);
                                    Logger.Log("Chimney did not specify pixel coordinates; using tile center instead: " + newChimney.ToString());
                                    Vector2 chimneyPosition = getCoordsFromString(chimneyValue);
                                    Vector2 newChimney      = new Vector2((topLeft.X + x) * 64f + chimneyPosition.X, (topLeft.Y + y) * 64f + chimneyPosition.Y);
                                    Logger.Log("Chimney did specified pixel coordinates; " + chimneyPosition.ToString() + ": " + newChimney.ToString());
                                map.GetLayer("Buildings").Tiles[x + (int)topLeft.X, y + (int)topLeft.Y].Properties[key] = collisionMap.GetLayer("Buildings").Tiles[x, y].Properties[key];
                        removeEverythingFromTile(farm, currentTile);
                    //else if(map.GetLayer("Buildings").Tiles[x + (int)topLeft.X, y + (int)topLeft.Y] != null)
                    //    map.GetLayer("Buildings").Tiles[x + (int)topLeft.X, y + (int)topLeft.Y] = null;

                    if (castsShadow(collisionMap, x, y) && (y == collisionMap.GetLayer("Buildings").LayerHeight - 1 || !castsShadow(collisionMap, x, y + 1)))
                        Logger.Log("Tile (" + x + ", " + y + ") casts a shadow...");
                        if (x == 0 || !castsShadow(collisionMap, x - 1, y))
                            Logger.Log("Shadow is on the LEFT");
                            buildingShadows[new Vector2(x + (int)topLeft.X, y + (int)topLeft.Y)] = SHADOW_LEFT;
                        else if (x == collisionMap.GetLayer("Back").LayerWidth - 1 || !castsShadow(collisionMap, x + 1, y))
                            Logger.Log("Shadow is on the RIGHT");
                            buildingShadows[new Vector2(x + (int)topLeft.X, y + (int)topLeft.Y)] = SHADOW_RIGHT;
                            buildingShadows[new Vector2(x + (int)topLeft.X, y + (int)topLeft.Y)] = SHADOW_MID;