Example #1
File: TimeZone.cs Project: xored/f4
        // Database
        // TimeZone database format:
        // ftz
        // {
        //   u8    magic ("fantz 02")
        //   utf   summary
        //   u1    numPrefixes
        //   utf[] prefixes
        //   u2    numIndexItems
        //   indexItems[]   // sorted by name
        //   {
        //     u1   prefix id
        //     utf  name
        //     u4   fileOffset
        //   }
        //   timeZones[]
        //   {
        //     u2   numRules
        //     rules[]
        //     {
        //       u2   startYear
        //       i4   utcOffset (seconds)
        //       utf  stdAbbr
        //       i4   dstOffset (seconds); if zero rest is skipped
        //       [
        //         utf       dstAbbr
        //         dstTime   dstStart
        //         dstTime   dstEnd
        //       ]
        //     }
        //   }
        //   dstTime
        //   {
        //     u1  month
        //     u1  onMode 'd', 'l', '>', '<' (date, last, >=, and <=)
        //     u1  onWeekday (0-6)
        //     u1  onDay
        //     i4  atTime (seconds)
        //     u1  atMode 'w' , 's', 'u' (wall, standad, universal)
        //   }
        //  The timezone database is generated by the "/adm/buildtz.fan"
        //  script.  Refer to the "zic.8.txt" source file the code
        //  distribution of the Olson database to further describe
        //  model of the original data.
        /// <summary>
        /// Load the name and file offset list from file into memory.
        /// </summary>
        static void loadIndex()
            DataReader reader = new DataReader(new BufferedStream(dbFile.OpenRead()));
            // check magic "fantz 02"
            long magic = reader.ReadLong();
            if (magic != 0x66616e747a203032L)
              throw new IOException("Invalid magic 0x" + magic.ToString("X").ToLower());

            // load prefixes
            int numPrefixes = reader.ReadByte();
            prefixes = new string[numPrefixes];
            for (int i=0; i<numPrefixes; ++i)
              prefixes[i] = reader.ReadUTF();

            // load the zones and verify in sort order
            int num = reader.ReadUnsignedShort();
            indexPrefixes = new byte[num];
            indexNames    = new string[num];
            indexOffsets  = new int[num];
            for (int i=0; i<num; ++i)
              indexPrefixes[i] = reader.ReadByte();
              indexNames[i]    = reader.ReadUTF();
              indexOffsets[i]  = reader.ReadInt();
              if (i != 0 && String.Compare(indexNames[i-1], indexNames[i], StringComparison.Ordinal) >= 0)
            throw new IOException("Index not sorted");