public static string GetAlbumForArtistTrack(string artist, string track) { Scraper scraper = new Scraper(); string result = scraper.LastFMGetAlbum (artist, track); scraper = null; return result; }
public int DoScrapeThumbs(string artist, bool onlyMissing) { if (!StopScraper) { try { var num = 0; if (artist != null && artist.Trim().Length > 0) { var dbartist = Utils.GetArtist(artist, Utils.Category.MusicFanartScraped); if (!HasArtistThumb(dbartist) || !onlyMissing) { scraper = new Scraper(); lock (lockObject) dbClient.Execute("BEGIN TRANSACTION;"); num = scraper.GetArtistThumbs(artist, this, onlyMissing); lock (lockObject) dbClient.Execute("COMMIT;"); if (num == 0) logger.Info("No Thumbs found for Artist: " + artist + "."); scraper = null; } } return num; } catch (Exception ex) { scraper = null; logger.Error("DoScrapeThumbs: " + ex); lock (lockObject) dbClient.Execute("ROLLBACK;"); } } return 0; }
public int DoScrape(string artist) { if (!MediaPortal.Util.Win32API.IsConnectedToInternet()) { logger.Debug("No internet connection detected. Cancelling scrape."); return 0 ; } if (!StopScraper) { try { var GetImages = 0; if (artist != null && artist.Trim().Length > 0) { var dbartist = Utils.GetArtist(artist, Utils.Category.MusicFanartScraped); var MaxImages = checked(Convert.ToInt32(Utils.ScraperMaxImages,CultureInfo.CurrentCulture)); var numberOfFanartImages = GetNumberOfFanartImages(Utils.GetArtist(artist, Utils.Category.MusicFanartScraped)); var doScrapeFanart = (numberOfFanartImages < MaxImages); if (!doScrapeFanart) GetImages = 8888 ; else { scraper = new Scraper(); lock (lockObject) dbClient.Execute("BEGIN TRANSACTION;"); GetImages = scraper.GetArtistFanart(artist, MaxImages, this, true, false, false, doScrapeFanart); lock (lockObject) dbClient.Execute("COMMIT;"); scraper = null; } if ((GetImages == 0) && (GetNumberOfFanartImages(dbartist) == 0)) { logger.Info("No fanart found for Artist: " + artist + "."); } if (GetImages == 8888) { UpdateTimeStamp(dbartist, null, Utils.Category.MusicFanartScraped) ; if (doScrapeFanart) logger.Info("Artist: " + artist + " has already maximum number of images. Will not download anymore images for this artist."); } } return GetImages; } catch (Exception ex) { scraper = null; logger.Error("DoScrape: " + ex); lock (lockObject) dbClient.Execute("ROLLBACK;"); } } return 0; }
public int DoScrapeNew(string artist, string album, bool externalAccess) { if (!MediaPortal.Util.Win32API.IsConnectedToInternet()) { logger.Debug("No internet connection detected. Cancelling new scrape."); return 0 ; } if (!StopScraper) { try { var GetImages = 0; if (artist != null && artist.Trim().Length > 0) { #region NowPlaying Artist var dbartist = Utils.GetArtist(artist, Utils.Category.MusicFanartScraped); var dbalbum = Utils.GetAlbum(album, Utils.Category.MusicFanartScraped); var MaxImages = checked(Convert.ToInt32(Utils.ScraperMaxImages,CultureInfo.CurrentCulture)); var numberOfFanartImages = GetNumberOfFanartImages(dbartist); var doTriggerRefresh = (numberOfFanartImages == 0 && !externalAccess); if (checked (MaxImages - numberOfFanartImages) <= 0) GetImages = 8888 ; else { scraper = new Scraper(); lock (lockObject) dbClient.Execute("BEGIN TRANSACTION;"); GetImages = scraper.GetArtistFanart(artist, MaxImages, this, false, doTriggerRefresh, externalAccess, true); lock (lockObject) dbClient.Execute("COMMIT;"); scraper = null; } switch (GetImages) { case 0: if (GetNumberOfFanartImages(dbartist) == 0) logger.Info("No fanart found for Artist: " + artist + "."); break; case 8888: UpdateTimeStamp(dbartist, null, Utils.Category.MusicFanartScraped) ; logger.Info("Artist: " + artist + " has already maximum number of images. Will not download anymore images for this artist."); break; } if (StopScraper) return GetImages; #endregion #region NowPlaying Artist Thumb if (Utils.ScrapeThumbnails) if (!Utils.GetDbm().HasArtistThumb(dbartist)) { scraper = new Scraper(); lock (lockObject) dbClient.Execute("BEGIN TRANSACTION;"); scraper.GetArtistThumbs(artist, this, true); lock (lockObject) dbClient.Execute("COMMIT;"); scraper = null; } else UpdateTimeStamp(dbartist, null, Utils.Category.MusicArtistThumbScraped) ; if (StopScraper) return GetImages; #endregion #region NowPlaying Album Thumb if ((album != null && album.Trim().Length > 0) && Utils.ScrapeThumbnailsAlbum) if (!Utils.GetDbm().HasAlbumThumb(dbartist,dbalbum)) { scraper = new Scraper(); lock (lockObject) dbClient.Execute("BEGIN TRANSACTION;"); scraper.GetArtistAlbumThumbs(artist, album, false, externalAccess); lock (lockObject) dbClient.Execute("COMMIT;"); scraper = null; } else UpdateTimeStamp(dbartist, dbalbum, Utils.Category.MusicAlbumThumbScraped) ; if (StopScraper) return GetImages; #endregion } // if (artist != null && artist.Trim().Length > 0) return GetImages; } catch (Exception ex) { scraper = null; logger.Error("DoScrapeNew: " + ex); lock (lockObject) dbClient.Execute("ROLLBACK;"); } } return 0; }
public void DeleteOldImages() { try { logger.Info("Cleanup images is starting..."); var flag = false; if (FanartHandlerSetup.Fh.MyScraperWorker != null) FanartHandlerSetup.Fh.MyScraperWorker.ReportProgress(0, "Start"); CurrArtistsBeingScraped = 0.0; TotArtistsBeingScraped = 0.0; #region Artists musicDatabaseArtists = new ArrayList(); m_db.GetAllArtists(ref musicDatabaseArtists); #region mvCentral var musicVideoArtists = Utils.GetMusicVideoArtists("mvCentral.db3"); if (musicVideoArtists != null && musicVideoArtists.Count > 0) { logger.Debug("Cleanup images add Artists from mvCentral ["+musicVideoArtists.Count+"]..."); musicDatabaseArtists.AddRange(musicVideoArtists); } #endregion if (musicDatabaseArtists != null && musicDatabaseArtists.Count > 0) { FanartHandlerSetup.Fh.SetProperty("#fanartHandler.scraper.task", "Cleanup images - Artists"); TotArtistsBeingScraped = checked (musicDatabaseArtists.Count); logger.Debug("Cleanup images initiating for Artists..."); var htFanart = new Hashtable(); var SQL = "SELECT DISTINCT Key1, FullPath"+ "FROM Image "+ "WHERE Category in ('"+Utils.Category.MusicFanartScraped+"','"+Utils.Category.MusicArtistThumbScraped+"','"+Utils.Category.MusicAlbumThumbScraped+"') AND "+ "Protected = 'False' AND "+ "DummyItem = 'False' AND "+ "Trim(Key1) <> '' AND "+ "Key1 IS NOT NULL AND "+ "Last_Access <= '" + DateTime.Today.AddDays(-100.0).ToString("yyyyMMdd", CultureInfo.CurrentCulture) + "';"; SQLiteResultSet sqLiteResultSet; lock (lockObject) sqLiteResultSet = dbClient.Execute(SQL); var index = 0; while (index < musicDatabaseArtists.Count) { var artist = musicDatabaseArtists[index].ToString(); var dbartist = Utils.GetArtist(artist, Utils.Category.MusicFanartScraped); var htArtist = Scraper.UndoArtistPrefix(dbartist.ToLower()) ; if (!htFanart.Contains(htArtist)) htFanart.Add(htArtist, htArtist); // var chArray = new char[2] { '|', ';' }; string[] artists = artist.Split(Utils.PipesArray, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); foreach (string sartist in artists) { dbartist = Utils.GetArtist(sartist.Trim(), Utils.Category.MusicFanartScraped); htArtist = Scraper.UndoArtistPrefix(dbartist.ToLower()) ; if (!htFanart.Contains(htArtist)) htFanart.Add(htArtist, htArtist); } #region Report ++CurrArtistsBeingScraped; if (TotArtistsBeingScraped > 0.0 && FanartHandlerSetup.Fh.MyScraperWorker != null) FanartHandlerSetup.Fh.MyScraperWorker.ReportProgress(Utils.Percent(CurrArtistsBeingScraped, TotArtistsBeingScraped),"Ongoing"); #endregion checked { ++index; } } logger.Debug("Cleanup images Artists: ["+htFanart.Count+"]/["+sqLiteResultSet.Rows.Count+"]"); TotArtistsBeingScraped = checked (TotArtistsBeingScraped + sqLiteResultSet.Rows.Count); var num = 0; if (htFanart.Count > 0) while (num < sqLiteResultSet.Rows.Count) { var htArtist = Scraper.UndoArtistPrefix(sqLiteResultSet.GetField(num, 0).ToLower()) ; if (!htFanart.Contains(htArtist)) { var filename = sqLiteResultSet.GetField(num, 1).Trim(); try { if (File.Exists(filename)) { MediaPortal.Util.Utils.FileDelete(filename); flag = true; } } catch { logger.Debug ("Cleanup images: Delete "+filename+" failed."); } } #region Report ++CurrArtistsBeingScraped; if (TotArtistsBeingScraped > 0.0 && FanartHandlerSetup.Fh.MyScraperWorker != null) FanartHandlerSetup.Fh.MyScraperWorker.ReportProgress(Utils.Percent(CurrArtistsBeingScraped, TotArtistsBeingScraped),"Ongoing"); #endregion checked { ++num; } } logger.Debug("Cleanup images: done for Artists."); } musicDatabaseArtists = null; #endregion #region Albums musicDatabaseAlbums = new List<AlbumInfo>(); m_db.GetAllAlbums(ref musicDatabaseAlbums); #region mvCentral var musicVideoAlbums = Utils.GetMusicVideoAlbums("mvCentral.db3"); if (musicVideoAlbums != null && musicVideoAlbums.Count > 0) { logger.Debug("Cleanup images add Artists - Albums from mvCentral ["+musicVideoAlbums.Count+"]..."); musicDatabaseAlbums.AddRange(musicVideoAlbums); } #endregion if (musicDatabaseAlbums != null && musicDatabaseAlbums.Count > 0) { FanartHandlerSetup.Fh.SetProperty("#fanartHandler.scraper.task", "Cleanup images - Albums"); CurrArtistsBeingScraped = 0.0; TotArtistsBeingScraped = checked (musicDatabaseAlbums.Count); logger.Debug("Cleanup images initiating for Artists - Albums..."); var htAlbums = new Hashtable(); var SQL = "SELECT DISTINCT Key1, Key2, FullPath"+ "FROM Image "+ "WHERE Category IN ('" + ((object) Utils.Category.MusicAlbumThumbScraped).ToString() + "') AND "+ "Trim(Key1) <> '' AND "+ "Key1 IS NOT NULL AND "+ "Trim(Key2) <> '' AND "+ "Key2 IS NOT NULL AND "+ "Protected = 'False' AND "+ "DummyItem = 'False' AND "+ "Last_Access <= '" + DateTime.Today.AddDays(-100.0).ToString("yyyyMMdd", CultureInfo.CurrentCulture) + "';"; SQLiteResultSet sqLiteResultSet; lock (lockObject) sqLiteResultSet = dbClient.Execute(SQL); var index = 0; while (index < musicDatabaseAlbums.Count) { var album = Utils.RemoveMPArtistPipe(musicDatabaseAlbums[index].Album).Trim(); if (album != null && album.Length > 0) { // Artist var artist = Utils.RemoveMPArtistPipe(musicDatabaseAlbums[index].Artist).Trim(); var dbartist = Scraper.UndoArtistPrefix(Utils.GetArtist(artist, Utils.Category.MusicFanartScraped)).ToLower(); var dbalbum = Utils.GetAlbum(album, Utils.Category.MusicFanartScraped).ToLower(); var htArtistAlbum = dbartist + "-" + dbalbum ; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(artist)) if (!htAlbums.Contains(htArtistAlbum)) htAlbums.Add(htArtistAlbum,htArtistAlbum); // Album Artist artist = Utils.RemoveMPArtistPipe(musicDatabaseAlbums[index].AlbumArtist).Trim(); dbartist = Scraper.UndoArtistPrefix(Utils.GetArtist(artist, Utils.Category.MusicFanartScraped)).ToLower(); // dbalbum = Utils.GetAlbum(album, Utils.Category.MusicFanartScraped).ToLower(); htArtistAlbum = dbartist + "-" + dbalbum ; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(artist)) if (!htAlbums.Contains(htArtistAlbum)) htAlbums.Add(htArtistAlbum,htArtistAlbum); // Piped Artists artist = musicDatabaseAlbums[index].Artist.Trim()+" | "+musicDatabaseAlbums[index].AlbumArtist.Trim(); // var chArray = new char[2] { '|', ';' }; string[] artists = artist.Split(Utils.PipesArray, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); foreach (string sartist in artists) { dbartist = Scraper.UndoArtistPrefix(Utils.GetArtist(sartist.Trim(), Utils.Category.MusicFanartScraped)).ToLower(); // dbalbum = Utils.GetAlbum(album, Utils.Category.MusicFanartScraped).ToLower(); htArtistAlbum = dbartist + "-" + dbalbum ; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(artist)) if (!htAlbums.Contains(htArtistAlbum)) htAlbums.Add(htArtistAlbum,htArtistAlbum); } #region Report ++CurrArtistsBeingScraped; if (TotArtistsBeingScraped > 0.0 && FanartHandlerSetup.Fh.MyScraperWorker != null) FanartHandlerSetup.Fh.MyScraperWorker.ReportProgress(Utils.Percent(CurrArtistsBeingScraped, TotArtistsBeingScraped),"Ongoing"); #endregion checked { ++index; } } } logger.Debug("Cleanup images Artists - Albums: ["+htAlbums.Count+"]/["+sqLiteResultSet.Rows.Count+"]"); TotArtistsBeingScraped = checked (TotArtistsBeingScraped + sqLiteResultSet.Rows.Count); var i = 0; if (htAlbums.Count > 0) while (i < sqLiteResultSet.Rows.Count) { var htArtistAlbum = Scraper.UndoArtistPrefix(sqLiteResultSet.GetField(i, 0).ToLower()) + "-" + sqLiteResultSet.GetField(i, 1).ToLower() ; if (!htAlbums.Contains(htArtistAlbum)) { var filename = sqLiteResultSet.GetField(i, 2).Trim(); try { if (File.Exists(filename)) { MediaPortal.Util.Utils.FileDelete(filename); flag = true; } } catch { logger.Debug ("Cleanup images: Delete "+filename+" failed."); } } #region Report ++CurrArtistsBeingScraped; if (TotArtistsBeingScraped > 0.0 && FanartHandlerSetup.Fh.MyScraperWorker != null) FanartHandlerSetup.Fh.MyScraperWorker.ReportProgress(Utils.Percent(CurrArtistsBeingScraped, TotArtistsBeingScraped),"Ongoing"); #endregion checked { ++i; } } logger.Debug("Cleanup images done for Artists - Albums."); } musicDatabaseAlbums = null; #endregion if (flag) logger.Info("Synchronised fanart database: Removed " + Utils.GetDbm().DeleteRecordsWhereFileIsMissing() + " entries."); logger.Info("Cleanup images is done."); } catch (Exception ex) { scraper = null; logger.Error("Cleanup images: " + ex); } }
public void InitialThumbScrape(bool onlyMissing) { CurrArtistsBeingScraped = 0.0; TotArtistsBeingScraped = 0.0; CurrTextBeingScraped = string.Empty; if (!MediaPortal.Util.Win32API.IsConnectedToInternet()) { logger.Debug("No internet connection detected. Cancelling thumb scrape."); return ; } try { logger.Info("InitialThumbScrape is starting (Only missing = " + onlyMissing.ToString() + ")..."); #region Artists if (Utils.ScrapeThumbnails) { musicDatabaseArtists = new ArrayList(); m_db.GetAllArtists(ref musicDatabaseArtists); #region mvCentral var musicVideoArtists = Utils.GetMusicVideoArtists("mvCentral.db3"); if (musicVideoArtists != null && musicVideoArtists.Count > 0){ logger.Debug("InitialThumbScrape add Artists from mvCentral ["+musicVideoArtists.Count+"]..."); musicDatabaseArtists.AddRange(musicVideoArtists); } #endregion if (musicDatabaseArtists != null && musicDatabaseArtists.Count > 0) { logger.Debug("InitialThumbScrape Artists: ["+musicDatabaseArtists.Count+"]"); TotArtistsBeingScraped = checked (musicDatabaseArtists.Count); var index = 0; while (index < musicDatabaseArtists.Count) { var artist = musicDatabaseArtists[index].ToString(); CurrTextBeingScraped = artist ; if (!StopScraper && !Utils.GetIsStopping()) DoScrapeThumbs(artist.Trim(), onlyMissing); else break; // Piped Artists // var chArray = new char[2] { '|', ';' }; string[] artists = artist.Split(Utils.PipesArray, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); foreach (string sartist in artists) { if (!StopScraper && !Utils.GetIsStopping()) DoScrapeThumbs(sartist.Trim(), onlyMissing); else break; } ++CurrArtistsBeingScraped; checked { ++index; } } } CurrTextBeingScraped = string.Empty ; musicDatabaseArtists = null; } else logger.Debug("ThumbScrape for Artists disabled in config ..."); #endregion #region Albums if ((Utils.ScrapeThumbnailsAlbum) && (!StopScraper && !Utils.GetIsStopping())) { musicDatabaseAlbums = new List<AlbumInfo>(); m_db.GetAllAlbums(ref musicDatabaseAlbums); #region mvCentral var musicVideoAlbums = Utils.GetMusicVideoAlbums("mvCentral.db3"); if (musicVideoAlbums != null && musicVideoAlbums.Count > 0) { logger.Debug("InitialThumbScrape add Artists - Albums from mvCentral ["+musicVideoAlbums.Count+"]..."); musicDatabaseAlbums.AddRange(musicVideoAlbums); } #endregion if (musicDatabaseAlbums != null && musicDatabaseAlbums.Count > 0) { logger.Debug("InitialThumbScrape Artists - Albums: ["+musicDatabaseAlbums.Count+"]"); TotArtistsBeingScraped = checked (TotArtistsBeingScraped + musicDatabaseAlbums.Count); scraper = new Scraper(); var index = 0; while (index < musicDatabaseAlbums.Count) { var album = Utils.RemoveMPArtistPipe(musicDatabaseAlbums[index].Album).Trim(); if (album != null && album.Length > 0) { var artist = Utils.RemoveMPArtistPipe(musicDatabaseAlbums[index].Artist).Trim(); var dbartist = Utils.GetArtist(Scraper.UndoArtistPrefix(artist), Utils.Category.MusicFanartScraped); var dbalbum = Utils.GetAlbum(album, Utils.Category.MusicFanartScraped); CurrTextBeingScraped = artist + " - " + album ; // Artist - Album if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(artist)) if (!Utils.GetDbm().HasAlbumThumb(dbartist,dbalbum) || !onlyMissing) { if (!StopScraper && !Utils.GetIsStopping()) scraper.GetArtistAlbumThumbs(artist, album, false, false); else break; } // AlbumArtist - Album var albumartist = Utils.RemoveMPArtistPipe(musicDatabaseAlbums[index].AlbumArtist).Trim(); CurrTextBeingScraped = albumartist + " - " + album ; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(albumartist)) if (!albumartist.Equals(artist, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)) { dbartist = Scraper.UndoArtistPrefix(Utils.GetArtist(albumartist, Utils.Category.MusicFanartScraped)).ToLower(); if (!Utils.GetDbm().HasAlbumThumb(dbartist,dbalbum) || !onlyMissing) { if (!StopScraper && !Utils.GetIsStopping()) scraper.GetArtistAlbumThumbs(artist, album, false, false); else break; } } // Piped Artists var pipedartist = musicDatabaseAlbums[index].Artist.Trim()+" | "+musicDatabaseAlbums[index].AlbumArtist.Trim(); // var chArray = new char[2] { '|', ';' }; string[] artists = pipedartist.Split(Utils.PipesArray, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); foreach (string sartist in artists) { CurrTextBeingScraped = sartist + " - " + album ; dbartist = Scraper.UndoArtistPrefix(Utils.GetArtist(sartist.Trim(), Utils.Category.MusicFanartScraped)).ToLower(); if (!Utils.GetDbm().HasAlbumThumb(dbartist,dbalbum) || !onlyMissing) { if (!StopScraper && !Utils.GetIsStopping()) scraper.GetArtistAlbumThumbs(sartist.Trim(), album, false, false); else break; } } } ++CurrArtistsBeingScraped; checked { ++index; } } scraper = null; } CurrTextBeingScraped = string.Empty ; musicDatabaseAlbums = null; } else logger.Debug("ThumbScrape for Albums disabled in config ..."); #endregion logger.Info("InitialThumbScrape is done."); } catch (Exception ex) { logger.Error("InitialThumbScrape: " + ex); } }
public void InitialScrape() { CurrArtistsBeingScraped = 0.0; TotArtistsBeingScraped = 0.0; CurrTextBeingScraped = string.Empty ; if (!MediaPortal.Util.Win32API.IsConnectedToInternet()) { logger.Debug("No internet connection detected. Cancelling initial scrape."); return ; } FanartHandlerSetup.Fh.SetProperty("#fanartHandler.scraper.task", "Initial Scrape - Initializing"); if (Utils.DeleteMissing) logger.Info("Synchronised fanart database: Removed " + Utils.GetDbm().DeleteRecordsWhereFileIsMissing() + " entries."); try { logger.Info("InitialScrape is starting..."); var flag = true; if (FanartHandlerSetup.Fh.MyScraperWorker != null) FanartHandlerSetup.Fh.MyScraperWorker.ReportProgress(0, "Start"); FanartHandlerSetup.Fh.SetProperty("#fanartHandler.scraper.task", "Initial Scrape - Artists"); #region Artists musicDatabaseArtists = new ArrayList(); m_db.GetAllArtists(ref musicDatabaseArtists); #region mvCentral var musicVideoArtists = Utils.GetMusicVideoArtists("mvCentral.db3"); if (musicVideoArtists != null && musicVideoArtists.Count > 0) { logger.Debug("InitialScrape add Artists from mvCentral ["+musicVideoArtists.Count+"]..."); musicDatabaseArtists.AddRange(musicVideoArtists); } #endregion if (musicDatabaseArtists != null && musicDatabaseArtists.Count > 0) { CurrArtistsBeingScraped = 0.0; TotArtistsBeingScraped = checked (musicDatabaseArtists.Count); logger.Debug("InitialScrape initiating for Artists..."); var htFanart = new Hashtable(); var SQL = "SELECT DISTINCT Key1, sum(Count) as Count FROM ("+ "SELECT Key1, count(Key1) as Count "+ "FROM Image "+ "WHERE Category in ('" + ((object) Utils.Category.MusicFanartScraped).ToString() + "') AND "+ "Time_Stamp >= '" + DateTime.Today.AddDays(-14.0).ToString("yyyyMMdd", CultureInfo.CurrentCulture) + "' "+ "GROUP BY Key1 "+ "UNION ALL "+ "SELECT Key1, count(Key1) as Count "+ "FROM Image "+ "WHERE Category in ('" + ((object) Utils.Category.MusicFanartScraped).ToString() + "') AND "+ "Enabled = 'True' AND "+ "DummyItem = 'False' "+ "GROUP BY Key1 "+ "HAVING count(key1) >= " + Utils.ScraperMaxImages.Trim() + ") GROUP BY Key1;"; SQLiteResultSet sqLiteResultSet; lock (lockObject) sqLiteResultSet = dbClient.Execute(SQL); var num = 0; while (num < sqLiteResultSet.Rows.Count) { var htArtist = Scraper.UndoArtistPrefix(sqLiteResultSet.GetField(num, 0).ToLower()) ; if (!htFanart.Contains(htArtist)) htFanart.Add(htArtist, sqLiteResultSet.GetField(num, 1)); checked { ++num; } } logger.Debug("InitialScrape Artists: ["+htFanart.Count+"]/["+musicDatabaseArtists.Count+"]"); var index = 0; while (index < musicDatabaseArtists.Count) { var artist = musicDatabaseArtists[index].ToString(); CurrTextBeingScraped = artist ; if (!StopScraper && !Utils.GetIsStopping()) { var dbartist = Utils.GetArtist(artist.Trim(), Utils.Category.MusicFanartScraped); var htArtist = Scraper.UndoArtistPrefix(dbartist.ToLower()) ; if (!htFanart.Contains(htArtist)) { if (DoScrape(artist.Trim()) > 0 && flag) { htFanart.Add(htArtist, 1); // AddScapedFanartToAnyHash(); if (FanartHandlerSetup.Fh.MyScraperNowWorker != null) { FanartHandlerSetup.Fh.MyScraperNowWorker.TriggerRefresh = true; flag = false; // ??? I do not understand what for it ... // ajs } } } // Pipes Artists string[] artists = artist.Split(Utils.PipesArray, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); foreach (string sartist in artists) { if (!sartist.Equals(artist, StringComparison.CurrentCulture)) { dbartist = Utils.GetArtist(sartist.Trim(), Utils.Category.MusicFanartScraped); htArtist = Scraper.UndoArtistPrefix(dbartist.ToLower()) ; if (!htFanart.Contains(htArtist)) { if (DoScrape(sartist.Trim()) > 0 && flag) { htFanart.Add(htArtist, 1); // AddScapedFanartToAnyHash(); if (FanartHandlerSetup.Fh.MyScraperNowWorker != null) { FanartHandlerSetup.Fh.MyScraperNowWorker.TriggerRefresh = true; flag = false; // ??? I do not understand what for it ... // ajs } } } } } // #region Report ++CurrArtistsBeingScraped; if (TotArtistsBeingScraped > 0.0 && FanartHandlerSetup.Fh.MyScraperWorker != null) FanartHandlerSetup.Fh.MyScraperWorker.ReportProgress(Utils.Percent(CurrArtistsBeingScraped, TotArtistsBeingScraped),"Ongoing"); #endregion checked { ++index; } } else break; } logger.Debug("InitialScrape done for Artists."); } CurrTextBeingScraped = string.Empty ; musicDatabaseArtists = null; #endregion AddScapedFanartToAnyHash(); #region Albums if (Utils.ScrapeThumbnailsAlbum && !StopScraper && !Utils.GetIsStopping()) { TotArtistsBeingScraped = 0.0; CurrArtistsBeingScraped = 0.0; if (FanartHandlerSetup.Fh.MyScraperWorker != null) FanartHandlerSetup.Fh.MyScraperWorker.ReportProgress(0, "Ongoing"); FanartHandlerSetup.Fh.SetProperty("#fanartHandler.scraper.task", "Initial Scrape - Albums"); musicDatabaseAlbums = new List<AlbumInfo>(); m_db.GetAllAlbums(ref musicDatabaseAlbums); #region mvCentral var musicVideoAlbums = Utils.GetMusicVideoAlbums("mvCentral.db3"); if (musicVideoAlbums != null && musicVideoAlbums.Count > 0) { logger.Debug("InitialScrape add Artists - Albums from mvCentral ["+musicVideoAlbums.Count+"]..."); musicDatabaseAlbums.AddRange(musicVideoAlbums); } #endregion if (musicDatabaseAlbums != null && musicDatabaseAlbums.Count > 0) { CurrArtistsBeingScraped = 0.0; TotArtistsBeingScraped = musicDatabaseAlbums.Count; logger.Debug("InitialScrape initiating for Artists - Albums..."); var htAlbums = new Hashtable(); var SQL = "SELECT DISTINCT Key1, Key2, sum(Count) as Count FROM ("+ "SELECT Key1, Key2, count(Key1) as Count "+ "FROM Image "+ "WHERE Category IN ('" + ((object) Utils.Category.MusicAlbumThumbScraped).ToString() + "') AND "+ "Time_Stamp >= '" + DateTime.Today.AddDays(-14.0).ToString("yyyyMMdd", CultureInfo.CurrentCulture) + "' "+ "GROUP BY Key1, Key2 "+ "UNION ALL "+ "SELECT Key1, Key2, count(Key1) as Count "+ "FROM Image "+ "WHERE Category IN ('" + ((object) Utils.Category.MusicAlbumThumbScraped).ToString() + "') AND "+ "Enabled = 'True' AND "+ "DummyItem = 'False' "+ "GROUP BY Key1, Key2 "+ ") GROUP BY Key1, Key2;"; SQLiteResultSet sqLiteResultSet; lock (lockObject) sqLiteResultSet = dbClient.Execute(SQL); var i = 0; while (i < sqLiteResultSet.Rows.Count) { var htArtistAlbum = Scraper.UndoArtistPrefix(sqLiteResultSet.GetField(i, 0).ToLower()) + "-" + sqLiteResultSet.GetField(i, 1).ToLower() ; if (!htAlbums.Contains(htArtistAlbum)) htAlbums.Add(htArtistAlbum,sqLiteResultSet.GetField(i, 2)); checked { ++i; } } logger.Debug("InitialScrape Artists - Albums: ["+htAlbums.Count+"]/["+musicDatabaseAlbums.Count+"]"); var index = 0; while (index < musicDatabaseAlbums.Count) { var album = Utils.RemoveMPArtistPipe(musicDatabaseAlbums[index].Album).Trim(); if (album != null && album.Length > 0) { // logger.Debug("*** "+Utils.RemoveMPArtistPipe(musicDatabaseAlbums[index].Artist).Trim()+"/"+Utils.RemoveMPArtistPipe(musicDatabaseAlbums[index].AlbumArtist).Trim()+" - "+Utils.RemoveMPArtistPipe(musicDatabaseAlbums[index].Album).Trim()) ; var artist = Utils.RemoveMPArtistPipe(musicDatabaseAlbums[index].Artist).Trim(); var dbartist = Scraper.UndoArtistPrefix(Utils.GetArtist(artist, Utils.Category.MusicFanartScraped)).ToLower(); var dbalbum = Utils.GetAlbum(album, Utils.Category.MusicFanartScraped).ToLower(); var htArtistAlbum = dbartist + "-" + dbalbum ; CurrTextBeingScraped = htArtistAlbum ; // Artist - Album if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(artist)) if (!htAlbums.Contains(htArtistAlbum)) { if (!StopScraper && !Utils.GetIsStopping()) { scraper = new Scraper(); if (scraper.GetArtistAlbumThumbs(artist, album, false, false) > 0) htAlbums.Add(htArtistAlbum,1); scraper = null; } else break; } // AlbumArtist - Album var albumartist = Utils.RemoveMPArtistPipe(musicDatabaseAlbums[index].AlbumArtist).Trim(); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(albumartist)) if (!albumartist.Equals(artist, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)) { dbartist = Scraper.UndoArtistPrefix(Utils.GetArtist(albumartist, Utils.Category.MusicFanartScraped)).ToLower(); htArtistAlbum = dbartist + "-" + dbalbum ; CurrTextBeingScraped = htArtistAlbum ; if (!htAlbums.Contains(htArtistAlbum)) { if (!StopScraper && !Utils.GetIsStopping()) { scraper = new Scraper(); if (scraper.GetArtistAlbumThumbs(albumartist, album, false, false) > 0) htAlbums.Add(htArtistAlbum,1); scraper = null; } else break; } } // Piped Artists var pipedartist = musicDatabaseAlbums[index].Artist.Trim()+" | "+musicDatabaseAlbums[index].AlbumArtist.Trim(); // var chArray = new char[2] { '|', ';' }; string[] artists = pipedartist.Split(Utils.PipesArray, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); foreach (string sartist in artists) { dbartist = Scraper.UndoArtistPrefix(Utils.GetArtist(sartist.Trim(), Utils.Category.MusicFanartScraped)).ToLower(); htArtistAlbum = dbartist + "-" + dbalbum ; CurrTextBeingScraped = htArtistAlbum ; if (!htAlbums.Contains(htArtistAlbum)) { if (!StopScraper && !Utils.GetIsStopping()) { scraper = new Scraper(); if (scraper.GetArtistAlbumThumbs(sartist.Trim(), album, false, false) > 0) htAlbums.Add(htArtistAlbum,1); scraper = null; } else break; } } } #region Report ++CurrArtistsBeingScraped; if (TotArtistsBeingScraped > 0.0 && FanartHandlerSetup.Fh.MyScraperWorker != null) FanartHandlerSetup.Fh.MyScraperWorker.ReportProgress(Utils.Percent(CurrArtistsBeingScraped, TotArtistsBeingScraped),"Ongoing"); #endregion checked { ++index; } } logger.Debug("InitialScrape done for Artists - Albums."); } CurrTextBeingScraped = string.Empty ; musicDatabaseAlbums = null; } #endregion #region Movies if (Utils.UseVideoFanart && !StopScraper && !Utils.GetIsStopping()) { CurrArtistsBeingScraped = 0.0; TotArtistsBeingScraped = 0.0; if (FanartHandlerSetup.Fh.MyScraperWorker != null) FanartHandlerSetup.Fh.MyScraperWorker.ReportProgress(0, "Ongoing"); FanartHandlerSetup.Fh.SetProperty("#fanartHandler.scraper.task", "Initial Scrape - Videos"); FanartHandlerSetup.Fh.UpdateDirectoryTimer(Utils.FAHSMovies, false, "InitialScrape"); videoDatabaseMovies = new ArrayList(); VideoDatabase.GetMovies(ref videoDatabaseMovies); if (videoDatabaseMovies != null && videoDatabaseMovies.Count > 0) { CurrArtistsBeingScraped = 0.0; TotArtistsBeingScraped = videoDatabaseMovies.Count; logger.Debug("InitialScrape initiating for Movies (MyVideo)..."); var htMovies = new Hashtable(); var SQL = "SELECT DISTINCT Key1, sum(Count) as Count FROM ("+ "SELECT Key1, count(Key1) as Count "+ "FROM Image "+ "WHERE Category in ('" + ((object) Utils.Category.MovieScraped).ToString() + "') AND "+ "Time_Stamp >= '" + DateTime.Today.AddDays(-14.0).ToString("yyyyMMdd", CultureInfo.CurrentCulture) + "' "+ "GROUP BY Key1 "+ "UNION ALL "+ "SELECT Key1, count(Key1) as Count "+ "FROM Image "+ "WHERE Category in ('" + ((object) Utils.Category.MovieScraped).ToString() + "') AND "+ "Enabled = 'True' AND "+ "DummyItem = 'False' "+ "GROUP BY Key1 "+ "HAVING count(key1) >= " + Utils.ScraperMaxImages.Trim() + ") GROUP BY Key1;"; SQLiteResultSet sqLiteResultSet; lock (lockObject) sqLiteResultSet = dbClient.Execute(SQL); var i = 0; while (i < sqLiteResultSet.Rows.Count) { var htMovie = sqLiteResultSet.GetField(i, 0).ToLower() ; if (!htMovies.Contains(htMovie)) htMovies.Add(htMovie,sqLiteResultSet.GetField(i, 2)); checked { ++i; } } logger.Debug("InitialScrape Movies: ["+htMovies.Count+"]/["+videoDatabaseMovies.Count+"]"); var index = 0; while (index < videoDatabaseMovies.Count) { IMDBMovie details = new IMDBMovie(); details = (IMDBMovie) videoDatabaseMovies[index] ; var movieID = details.ID.ToString().ToLower(); var movieIMDBID = details.IMDBNumber.Trim().ToLower().Replace("unknown",string.Empty); var movieTitle = details.Title.Trim(); CurrTextBeingScraped = movieIMDBID + " - " + movieTitle ; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(movieID) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(movieIMDBID)) { if (!htMovies.Contains(movieID)) { if (!StopScraper && !Utils.GetIsStopping()) { scraper = new Scraper(); scraper.GetMoviesFanart(movieID, movieIMDBID, movieTitle); scraper = null; } else break; } } #region Report ++CurrArtistsBeingScraped; if (TotArtistsBeingScraped > 0.0 && FanartHandlerSetup.Fh.MyScraperWorker != null) FanartHandlerSetup.Fh.MyScraperWorker.ReportProgress(Utils.Percent(CurrArtistsBeingScraped, TotArtistsBeingScraped),"Ongoing"); #endregion checked { ++index; } } logger.Debug("InitialScrape done for Movies."); } CurrTextBeingScraped = string.Empty ; videoDatabaseMovies = null; } #endregion AddScapedFanartToAnyHash(); #region Statistics logger.Debug("InitialScrape statistic for Category:"); GetCategoryStatistic (true) ; logger.Debug("InitialScrape statistic for Provider:"); GetProviderStatistic (true) ; logger.Debug("InitialScrape statistic for Actual Music Fanart/Thumbs:"); GetAccessStatistic(true) ; #endregion logger.Info("InitialScrape is done."); } catch (Exception ex) { scraper = null; logger.Error("InitialScrape: " + ex); } }
public static void GetSelectedItem(ref string SelectedItem, ref string SelectedAlbum, ref string SelectedGenre, ref string SelectedStudios, ref bool isMusicVideo) { try { if (iActiveWindow == (int)GUIWindow.Window.WINDOW_INVALID) return; #region SelectedItem if (iActiveWindow == 6623) // mVids plugin - Outdated. { SelectedItem = Utils.GetProperty("#mvids.artist"); SelectedItem = Utils.GetArtistLeftOfMinusSign(SelectedItem); } else if (iActiveWindow == 47286) // Rockstar plugin { SelectedItem = Utils.GetProperty("#Rockstar.SelectedTrack.ArtistName"); SelectedAlbum = Utils.GetProperty("#Rockstar.SelectedTrack.AlbumName") ; } else if (iActiveWindow == 759) // My TV Recorder SelectedItem = Utils.GetProperty("#TV.RecordedTV.Title"); else if (iActiveWindow == 1) // My TV View SelectedItem = Utils.GetProperty("#TV.View.title"); else if (iActiveWindow == 600) // My TV Guide SelectedItem = Utils.GetProperty("#TV.Guide.Title"); else if (iActiveWindow == 880) // MusicVids plugin SelectedItem = Utils.GetProperty("#MusicVids.ArtistName"); else if (iActiveWindow == 510 || // My Music Plaing Now - Why is it here? iActiveWindow == 90478 || // My Lyrics - Why is it here? iActiveWindow == 25652 || // Radio Time - Why is it here? iActiveWindow == 35) // Basic Home - Why is it here? And where there may appear tag: #Play.Current.Title { SelectedItem = string.Empty; // mvCentral var mvcArtist = Utils.GetProperty("#Play.Current.mvArtist"); var mvcAlbum = Utils.GetProperty("#Play.Current.mvAlbum"); var mvcPlay = Utils.GetProperty("#mvCentral.isPlaying"); var selAlbumArtist = Utils.GetProperty("#Play.Current.AlbumArtist"); var selArtist = Utils.GetProperty("#Play.Current.Artist"); var selTitle = Utils.GetProperty("#Play.Current.Title"); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(selArtist)) if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(selAlbumArtist)) if (selArtist.Equals(selAlbumArtist, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)) SelectedItem = selArtist; else SelectedItem = selArtist + '|' + selAlbumArtist; else SelectedItem = selArtist; /* if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(tuneArtist)) SelectedItem = SelectedItem + (string.IsNullOrEmpty(SelectedItem) ? "" : "|") + tuneArtist; */ SelectedAlbum = Utils.GetProperty("#Play.Current.Album"); SelectedGenre = Utils.GetProperty("#Play.Current.Genre"); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(selArtist) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(selTitle) && string.IsNullOrEmpty(SelectedAlbum)) { Scraper scraper = new Scraper(); SelectedAlbum = scraper.LastFMGetAlbum (selArtist, selTitle); scraper = null; } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(selAlbumArtist) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(selTitle) && string.IsNullOrEmpty(SelectedAlbum)) { Scraper scraper = new Scraper(); SelectedAlbum = scraper.LastFMGetAlbum (selAlbumArtist, selTitle); scraper = null; } /* if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(tuneArtist) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(tuneTrack) && string.IsNullOrEmpty(tuneAlbum) && string.IsNullOrEmpty(SelectedAlbum)) { Scraper scraper = new Scraper(); SelectedAlbum = scraper.LastFMGetAlbum (tuneArtist, tuneTrack); scraper = null; } */ if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(mvcPlay) && mvcPlay.Equals("true",StringComparison.CurrentCulture)) { isMusicVideo = true; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(mvcArtist)) SelectedItem = SelectedItem + (string.IsNullOrEmpty(SelectedItem) ? "" : "|") + mvcArtist; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(SelectedAlbum)) SelectedAlbum = string.Empty + mvcAlbum; } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(SelectedItem) && string.IsNullOrEmpty(selArtist) && string.IsNullOrEmpty(selAlbumArtist)) SelectedItem = selTitle; } else if (iActiveWindow == 6622) // Music Trivia { SelectedItem = Utils.GetProperty("#selecteditem2"); SelectedItem = Utils.GetArtistLeftOfMinusSign(SelectedItem); } else if (iActiveWindow == 2003 || // Dialog Video Info iActiveWindow == 6 || // My Video iActiveWindow == 25 || // My Video Title iActiveWindow == 614 || // Dialog Video Artist Info iActiveWindow == 28 // My Video Play List ) { var movieID = Utils.GetProperty("#movieid"); var selectedTitle = (iActiveWindow != 2003 ? Utils.GetProperty("#selecteditem") : Utils.GetProperty("#title")); SelectedItem = (movieID == null || movieID == string.Empty || movieID == "-1" || movieID == "0") ? selectedTitle : movieID; SelectedGenre = Utils.GetProperty("#genre"); SelectedStudios = Utils.GetProperty("#studios"); // logger.Debug("*** "+movieID+" - "+Utils.GetProperty("#selecteditem")+" - "+Utils.GetProperty("#title")+" - "+Utils.GetProperty("#myvideosuserfanart")+" -> "+SelectedItem+" - "+SelectedGenre); } else if (iActiveWindow == 96742) // Moving Pictures { SelectedItem = Utils.GetProperty("#selecteditem"); SelectedStudios = Utils.GetProperty("#MovingPictures.SelectedMovie.studios"); SelectedGenre = Utils.GetProperty("#MovingPictures.SelectedMovie.genres"); // logger.Debug("*** "+SelectedItem+" - "+SelectedStudios+" - "+SelectedGenre); } else if (iActiveWindow == 9811 || // TVSeries iActiveWindow == 9813) // TVSeries Playlist { SelectedItem = UtilsTVSeries.GetTVSeriesAttributes(ref SelectedGenre, ref SelectedStudios); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(SelectedItem)) { SelectedItem = Utils.GetProperty("#TVSeries.Title"); } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(SelectedStudios)) { SelectedStudios = Utils.GetProperty("#TVSeries.Series.Network"); } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(SelectedGenre)) { SelectedGenre = Utils.GetProperty("#TVSeries.Series.Genre"); } // logger.Debug("*** TVSeries: " + SelectedItem + " - " + SelectedStudios + " - " + SelectedGenre); } else if (iActiveWindow == 112011 || // mvCentral iActiveWindow == 112012 || // mvCentral Playlist iActiveWindow == 112013 || // mvCentral StatsAndInfo iActiveWindow == 112015) // mvCentral SmartDJ { SelectedItem = Utils.GetProperty("#mvCentral.ArtistName"); SelectedAlbum = Utils.GetProperty("#mvCentral.Album"); SelectedGenre = Utils.GetProperty("#mvCentral.Genre"); var mvcIsPlaying = Utils.GetProperty("#mvCentral.isPlaying"); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(mvcIsPlaying) && mvcIsPlaying.Equals("true",StringComparison.CurrentCulture)) { isMusicVideo = true; } } else if (iActiveWindow == 25650) // Radio Time { SelectedItem = Utils.GetProperty("#RadioTime.Selected.Subtext"); // Artist - Track || TODO for: Artist - Album - Track SelectedItem = Utils.GetArtistLeftOfMinusSign(SelectedItem, true); } else if (iActiveWindow == 29050 || // videosbase iActiveWindow == 29051 || // playlist iActiveWindow == 29052 // info ) { SelectedItem = Utils.GetProperty("#selecteditem"); SelectedItem = Utils.GetArtistLeftOfMinusSign(SelectedItem); } else if (iActiveWindow == 30885) // GlobalSearch Music { SelectedItem = Utils.GetProperty("#selecteditem"); SelectedItem = Utils.GetArtistLeftOfMinusSign(SelectedItem); } else if (iActiveWindow == 30886) // GlobalSearch Music Details { try { if (GUIWindowManager.GetWindow(iActiveWindow).GetControl(1) != null) SelectedItem = ((GUIFadeLabel) GUIWindowManager.GetWindow(iActiveWindow).GetControl(1)).Label; } catch { } } else SelectedItem = Utils.GetProperty("#selecteditem"); SelectedAlbum = (string.IsNullOrEmpty(SelectedAlbum) ? null : SelectedAlbum); SelectedGenre = (string.IsNullOrEmpty(SelectedGenre) ? null : SelectedGenre.Replace(" / ", "|").Replace(", ", "|")); SelectedStudios = (string.IsNullOrEmpty(SelectedStudios) ? null : SelectedStudios.Replace(" / ", "|").Replace(", ", "|")); #endregion } catch (Exception ex) { logger.Error("GetSelectedItem: " + ex); } }
public static void GetCurrMusicPlayItem(ref string CurrentTrackTag, ref string CurrentAlbumTag, ref string CurrentGenreTag, ref string LastArtistTrack, ref string LastAlbumArtistTrack) { try { #region Fill current tags if (Utils.iActiveWindow == 730718) // MP Grooveshark { CurrentTrackTag = Utils.GetProperty("#mpgrooveshark.current.artist"); CurrentAlbumTag = Utils.GetProperty("#mpgrooveshark.current.album"); CurrentGenreTag = null; } else { CurrentTrackTag = string.Empty; // Common play var selAlbumArtist = Utils.GetProperty("#Play.Current.AlbumArtist").Trim(); var selArtist = Utils.GetProperty("#Play.Current.Artist").Trim(); var selTitle = Utils.GetProperty("#Play.Current.Title").Trim(); // Radio Time /* var tuneArtist = Utils.GetProperty("#RadioTime.Play.Artist"); var tuneAlbum = Utils.GetProperty("#RadioTime.Play.Album"); var tuneTrack = Utils.GetProperty("#RadioTime.Play.Song"); */ // mvCentral var mvcArtist = Utils.GetProperty("#Play.Current.mvArtist"); var mvcAlbum = Utils.GetProperty("#Play.Current.mvAlbum"); var mvcPlay = Utils.GetProperty("#mvCentral.isPlaying"); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(selArtist)) if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(selAlbumArtist)) if (selArtist.Equals(selAlbumArtist, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)) CurrentTrackTag = selArtist; else CurrentTrackTag = selArtist + '|' + selAlbumArtist; else CurrentTrackTag = selArtist; /* if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(tuneArtist)) CurrentTrackTag = CurrentTrackTag + (string.IsNullOrEmpty(CurrentTrackTag) ? "" : "|") + tuneArtist; */ CurrentAlbumTag = Utils.GetProperty("#Play.Current.Album"); CurrentGenreTag = Utils.GetProperty("#Play.Current.Genre"); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(selArtist) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(selTitle) && string.IsNullOrEmpty(CurrentAlbumTag)) { if (!LastArtistTrack.Equals(selArtist+"#"+selTitle, StringComparison.CurrentCulture)) { Scraper scraper = new Scraper(); CurrentAlbumTag = scraper.LastFMGetAlbum(selArtist, selTitle); scraper = null; LastArtistTrack = selArtist+"#"+selTitle; } } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(selAlbumArtist) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(selTitle) && string.IsNullOrEmpty(CurrentAlbumTag)) { if (!LastAlbumArtistTrack.Equals(selAlbumArtist+"#"+selTitle, StringComparison.CurrentCulture)) { Scraper scraper = new Scraper(); CurrentAlbumTag = scraper.LastFMGetAlbum(selAlbumArtist, selTitle); scraper = null; LastAlbumArtistTrack = selAlbumArtist+"#"+selTitle; } } /* if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(tuneArtist) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(tuneTrack) && string.IsNullOrEmpty(tuneAlbum) && string.IsNullOrEmpty(CurrentAlbumTag)) { Scraper scraper = new Scraper(); CurrentAlbumTag = scraper.LastFMGetAlbum (tuneArtist, tuneTrack); scraper = null; } */ if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(mvcPlay) && mvcPlay.Equals("true",StringComparison.CurrentCulture)) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(mvcArtist)) CurrentTrackTag = CurrentTrackTag + (string.IsNullOrEmpty(CurrentTrackTag) ? "" : "|") + mvcArtist; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(CurrentAlbumTag)) CurrentAlbumTag = string.Empty + mvcAlbum; } } #endregion } catch (Exception ex) { logger.Error("GetCurrMusicPlayItem: " + ex); } }