public static void make_(Log self, string name, bool register) { // verify valid name Uri.checkName(name); self.m_name = name; if (register) { lock (lockObj) { // verify unique if (byName[name] != null) { throw ArgErr.make("Duplicate log name: " + name).val; } // init and put into map byName[name] = self; // check for initial level string val = (string)Sys.m_sysPod.props(Uri.fromStr("log.props"), Duration.m_oneMin).get(name); if (val != null) { self.m_level = LogLevel.fromStr(val); } } } }
private int checkArgs(int args, bool isStatic, bool isCallOn) { // compuate min/max parameters - reflect contains all the method versions // with full pars at index zero, and full defaults at reflect.Length-1 int max =; if (!isStatic) { max--; } int min = max - m.m_reflect.Length + 1; // do checking if (isStatic || isCallOn) { if (args < min) { throw ArgErr.make("Too few arguments: " + args + " < " + min + ".." + max).val; } } else { if (args < min + 1) { throw ArgErr.make("Too few arguments: " + args + " < instance+" + min + ".." + max).val; } args--; } // return size of arguments to pass to java method return(args <= max ? args : max); }
/// <summary> /// If not valid year range 1901 to 2099 throw ArgErr. /// </summary> static void checkYear(int year) { if (year < 1901 || year > 2099) { throw ArgErr.make("Year out of range " + year).val; } }
private static object doTrap(object self, string name, List args, Type type) { Slot slot = type.slot(name, true); if (slot is Method) { Method m = (Method)slot; return(m.m_func.callOn(self, args)); } else { Field f = (Field)slot; int argSize = (args == null) ? 0 :; if (argSize == 0) { return(; } if (argSize == 1) { object val = args.get(0); f.set(self, val); return(; } throw ArgErr.make("Invalid number of args to get or set field '" + name + "'").val; } }
public static long random(Range r) { rand.GetBytes(randBytes); long v = BitConverter.ToInt64(randBytes, 0); if (r == null) { return(v); } if (v < 0) { v = -v; } long start = r.start(); long end = r.end(); if (r.inclusive()) { ++end; } if (end <= start) { throw ArgErr.make("Range end < start: " + r).val; } return(start + (v % (end - start))); }
public OutStream writeNext(Uri path, DateTime modifyTime) { if (m_zipOut == null) { throw UnsupportedErr.make("Zip not opened for writing").val; } if (path.frag() != null) { throw ArgErr.make("Path must not contain fragment: " + path).val; } if (path.queryStr() != null) { throw ArgErr.make("Path must not contain query: " + path).val; } try { string zipPath = path.ToString(); if (zipPath.StartsWith("/")) { zipPath = zipPath.Substring(1); } ZipEntry entry = new ZipEntry(zipPath); entry.DateTime = new System.DateTime(modifyTime.dotnet()); m_zipOut.PutNextEntry(entry); return(new ZipSysOutStream(m_zipOut)); } catch (System.IO.IOException e) { throw IOErr.make(e).val; } }
public void level(LogLevel level) { if (level == null) { throw ArgErr.make("level cannot be null").val; } this.m_level = level; }
public void dir(File v) { checkRun(); if (v != null && (!v.exists() || !v.isDir())) { throw ArgErr.make("Invalid working directory: " + v).val; } this.m_dir = v; }
public virtual void set(object instance, object value, bool checkConst) { m_parent.finish(); // check const if ((m_flags & FConst.Const) != 0) { if (checkConst) { throw ReadonlyErr.make("Cannot set const field " + qname()).val; } else if (value != null && !isImmutable(value)) { throw ReadonlyErr.make("Cannot set const field " + qname() + " with mutable value").val; } } // check static if ((m_flags & FConst.Static) != 0) { throw ReadonlyErr.make("Cannot set static field " + qname()).val; } // check generic type (the .NET runtime will check non-generics) if (m_type.isGenericInstance() && value != null) { if (!@typeof(value).@is(m_type.toNonNullable())) { throw ArgErr.make("Wrong type for field " + qname() + ": " + m_type + " != " + @typeof(value)).val; } } if (m_setter != null) { m_setter.invoke(instance, new object[] { value }); return; } try { m_reflect.SetValue(instance, unbox(value)); } catch (ArgumentException e) { throw ArgErr.make(e).val; } catch (Exception e) { if (m_reflect == null) { throw Err.make("Field not mapped to System.Reflection correctly").val; } throw Err.make(e).val; } }
public static string toCode(long self, long b) { if (b == 10) { return(self.ToString()); } if (b == 16) { return("0x" + toHex(self)); } throw ArgErr.make("Invalid base " + b).val; }
public override sealed void capacity(long c) { int newCapacity = (int)c; if (newCapacity < m_size) { throw ArgErr.make("capacity < size").val; } byte[] temp = new byte[newCapacity]; System.Array.Copy(m_buf, 0, temp, 0, Math.Min(m_size, newCapacity)); m_buf = temp; }
public void capacity(long c) { modify(); int newCapacity = (int)c; if (newCapacity < m_size) { throw ArgErr.make("capacity < m_size").val; } object[] temp = new object[newCapacity]; Array.Copy(m_values, 0, temp, 0, m_size); m_values = temp; }
private Date plus(long ticks) { // check even number of days if (ticks % Duration.nsPerDay != 0) { throw ArgErr.make("Duration must be even num of days").val; } int year = this.m_year; int month = this.m_month; int day = this.m_day; int numDays = (int)(ticks / Duration.nsPerDay); int dayIncr = numDays < 0 ? +1 : -1; while (numDays != 0) { if (numDays > 0) { day++; if (day > numDaysInMon(year, month)) { day = 1; month++; if (month >= 12) { month = 0; year++; } } numDays--; } else { day--; if (day <= 0) { month--; if (month < 0) { month = 11; year--; } day = numDaysInMon(year, month); } numDays++; } } return(new Date(year, month, day)); }
public virtual Type parameterize(Map pars) { if (this == Sys.ListType) { Type v = (Type)pars.get(FanStr.m_ascii['V']); if (v == null) { throw ArgErr.make("List.parameterize - V undefined").val; } return(v.toListOf()); } if (this == Sys.MapType) { Type v = (Type)pars.get(FanStr.m_ascii['V']); Type k = (Type)pars.get(FanStr.m_ascii['K']); if (v == null) { throw ArgErr.make("Map.parameterize - V undefined").val; } if (k == null) { throw ArgErr.make("Map.parameterize - K undefined").val; } return(new MapType(k, v)); } if (this == Sys.FuncType) { Type r = (Type)pars.get(FanStr.m_ascii['R']); if (r == null) { throw ArgErr.make("Map.parameterize - R undefined").val; } ArrayList p = new ArrayList(); for (int i = 'A'; i <= 'H'; ++i) { Type x = (Type)pars.get(FanStr.m_ascii[i]); if (x == null) { break; } p.Add(x); } return(new FuncType((Type[])p.ToArray(System.Type.GetType("Fan.Sys.Type")), r)); } throw UnsupportedErr.make("not generic: " + this).val; }
internal Date(int year, int month, int day) { if (month < 0 || month > 11) { throw ArgErr.make("month " + month).val; } if (day < 1 || day > DateTime.numDaysInMonth(year, month)) { throw ArgErr.make("day " + day).val; } this.m_year = (short)year; this.m_month = (byte)month; this.m_day = (byte)day; }
public override Buf toDigest(string algorithm) { string alg = algorithm; if (alg == "SHA-1") { alg = "SHA1"; // to make .NET happy } HashAlgorithm ha = HashAlgorithm.Create(alg); if (ha == null) { throw ArgErr.make("Unknown digest algorthm: " + algorithm).val; } return(new MemBuf(ha.ComputeHash(m_buf, 0, m_size))); }
public static void make_(ActorPool self, Func itBlock) { if (itBlock != null) { itBlock.enterCtor(self);; itBlock.exitCtor(); } if (self.m_maxThreads < 1) { throw ArgErr.make("ActorPool.maxThreads must be >= 1, not " + self.m_maxThreads).val; } self.m_threadPool = new ThreadPool((int)self.m_maxThreads); self.m_scheduler = new Scheduler(); }
internal void open(string name, string mode, bool existing, uint size) { // file mode FileRights fr; FileProtection fp; if (mode == "r") { fr = FileRights.Read; fp = FileProtection.ReadOnly; } else if (mode == "rw") { fr = FileRights.ReadWrite; fp = FileProtection.ReadWrite; } else if (mode == "p") { throw ArgErr.make("Private mode not supported.").val; } else { throw ArgErr.make("Invalid mode: " + mode).val; } if (existing) { m_fileHandle = OpenFileMapping(fr, false, name); if (m_fileHandle == IntPtr.Zero) { throw IOErr.make("Open error: " + Marshal.GetLastWin32Error()).val; } } else { m_fileHandle = CreateFileMapping(NoFileHandle, 0, fp, 0, size, name); if (m_fileHandle == IntPtr.Zero) { throw IOErr.make("Create error: " + Marshal.GetLastWin32Error()).val; } } // Obtain a read/write map for the entire file m_fileMap = MapViewOfFile(m_fileHandle, fr, 0, 0, 0); if (m_fileMap == IntPtr.Zero) { throw IOErr.make("MapViewOfFile error: " + Marshal.GetLastWin32Error()).val; } }
public static Version make(List segments) { bool valid = > 0; for (int i = 0; i <; i++) { if (((Long)segments.get(i)).longValue() < 0) { valid = false; } } if (!valid) { throw ArgErr.make("Invalid Version: '" + segments + "'").val; } return(new Version(segments)); }
public static int weekdayInMonth(int year, int mon, int weekday, int pos) { // argument checking checkYear(year); if (pos == 0) { throw ArgErr.make("Pos is zero").val; } // compute the weekday of the 1st of this month (0-6) int fw = firstWeekday(year, mon); // get number of days in this month int numDays = numDaysInMonth(year, mon); if (pos > 0) { int day = weekday - fw + 1; if (day <= 0) { day = 8 - fw + weekday; } day += (pos - 1) * 7; if (day > numDays) { throw ArgErr.make("Pos out of range " + pos).val; } return(day); } else { int lastWeekday = (fw + numDays - 1) % 7; int off = lastWeekday - weekday; if (off < 0) { off = 7 + off; } off -= (pos + 1) * 7; int day = numDays - off; if (day < 1) { throw ArgErr.make("Pos out of range " + pos).val; } return(day); } }
public Map add(object key, object val) { modify(); if (key == null) { throw NullErr.make("key is null").val; } if (!isImmutable(key)) { throw NotImmutableErr.make("key is not immutable: " + @typeof(key)).val; } if (containsKey(key)) { throw ArgErr.make("Key already mapped: " + key).val; } m_map[key] = val; return(this); }
////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Find Files ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// public override File findFile(Uri uri, bool check) { if (uri.isPathAbs()) { throw ArgErr.make("Uri must be relative: " + uri).val; } File f =, false); if (f.exists()) { return(f); } if (!check) { return(null); } throw UnresolvedErr.make("File not found in Env: " + uri).val; }
public static long pow(long self, long pow) { if (pow < 0) { throw ArgErr.make("pow < 0").val; } long result = 1; for (; pow > 0; pow >>= 1) { if ((pow & 1) == 1) { result *= self; } self *= self; } return(result); }
public override File moveTo(File to) { if (isDir() != to.isDir()) { if (isDir()) { throw ArgErr.make("moveTo must be dir `" + to + "`").val; } else { throw ArgErr.make("moveTo must not be dir `" + to + "`").val; } } if (!(to is LocalFile)) { throw IOErr.make("Cannot move LocalFile to " + to.@typeof()).val; } LocalFile dest = (LocalFile)to; if (dest.exists()) { throw IOErr.make("moveTo already exists: " + to).val; } try { if (m_file is FileInfo) { (m_file as FileInfo).MoveTo((dest.m_file as FileInfo).FullName); } else { (m_file as DirectoryInfo).MoveTo((dest.m_file as DirectoryInfo).FullName); } } catch (System.IO.IOException) { throw IOErr.make("moveTo failed: " + to).val; } return(to); }
////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Misc ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// public static Time fromDuration(Duration d) { long ticks = d.m_ticks; if (ticks == 0) { return(m_defVal); } if (ticks < 0 || ticks > Duration.nsPerDay) { throw ArgErr.make("Duration out of range: " + d).val; } int hour = (int)(ticks / Duration.nsPerHr); ticks %= Duration.nsPerHr; int min = (int)(ticks / Duration.nsPerMin); ticks %= Duration.nsPerMin; int sec = (int)(ticks / Duration.nsPerSec); ticks %= Duration.nsPerSec; int ns = (int)ticks; return(new Time(hour, min, sec, ns)); }
public Fan.Sys.File file(Uri uri, bool check) { loadFiles(); if (!uri.isPathAbs()) { throw ArgErr.make("Pod.files Uri must be path abs: " + uri).val; } if (uri.auth() != null && !uri.toStr().StartsWith(this.uri().toStr())) { throw ArgErr.make("Invalid base uri `" + uri + "` for `" + this.uri() + "`").val; } else { uri = this.uri().plus(uri); } Fan.Sys.File f = (Fan.Sys.File)m_filesMap[uri]; if (f != null || !check) { return(f); } throw UnresolvedErr.make(uri.toStr()).val; }
public static FileSystemInfo uriToFile(Uri uri) { if (uri.scheme() != null && uri.scheme() != "file") { throw ArgErr.make("Invalid Uri scheme for local file: " + uri).val; } string path = uriToPath(uri); if (System.IO.Directory.Exists(path)) { return(new DirectoryInfo(path)); } if (System.IO.File.Exists(path)) { return(new FileInfo(path)); } if (uri.isDir()) { return(new DirectoryInfo(path)); } return(new FileInfo(path)); }
public virtual string readChars(long n) { if (n < 0) { throw ArgErr.make("readChars n < 0: " + n).val; } if (n == 0) { return(""); } StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder(256); for (int i = (int)n; i > 0; --i) { int ch = rChar(); if (ch < 0) { throw IOErr.make("Unexpected end of stream").val; } buf.Append((char)ch); } return(buf.ToString()); }
public static void make_(Actor self, ActorPool pool, Func receive) { // check pool if (pool == null) { throw NullErr.make("pool is null").val; } // check receive method if (receive == null && self.@typeof().qname() == "concurrent::Actor") { throw ArgErr.make("must supply receive func or subclass Actor").val; } if (receive != null && !receive.isImmutable()) { throw NotImmutableErr.make("Receive func not immutable: " + receive).val; } // init self.m_pool = pool; self.m_receive = receive; self.m_queue = new Queue(); }
public override Buf toDigest(string algorithm) { string alg = algorithm; if (alg == "SHA-1") { alg = "SHA1"; // to make .NET happy } HashAlgorithm ha = HashAlgorithm.Create(alg); if (ha == null) { throw ArgErr.make("Unknown digest algorthm: " + algorithm).val; } try { long oldPos = getPos(); long size = getSize(); byte[] temp = this.temp(); setPos(0); long total = 0; while (total < size) { int n = m_stream.Read(temp, (int)total, (int)(size - total)); total += n; } setPos(oldPos); return(new MemBuf(ha.ComputeHash(temp, 0, (int)size))); } catch (IOException e) { throw IOErr.make(e).val; } }