Example #1
        /// <summary>
        /// If (a) <paramref name="expression"/> is of type `bool` and (b) it is `false`, attempts to return a string representation of *why* it is `false`.
        /// Otherwise, behaves the same as <see cref="GetFullString"/>.
        /// <paramref name="expression"/> must be compilable without arguments.
        /// </summary>
        public static (string ExpressionString, IReadOnlyCollection <(string Name, object Value)> DebugValues) GetDiagnosticString(Expression expression)
            var vistor = new DebugValueExpressionVisitor();

            return(vistor.ToString(), vistor.DebugValues);
        /// <summary>
        /// Starts a chain of assertions on <paramref name="value"/>.
        /// Asserts that <paramref name="value"/> is not `null`.
        /// </summary>
        public static Assertable <T> HasValue <T>(T value, string name = null)
            where T : class
            var parameter = DebugValueExpressionVisitor.GetDebugExpresssion(name ?? "value", value);

            if (value == null)
                TestFrameworkProvider.Fail(GetDiagnosticMessage(Expression.NotEqual(parameter, Expression.Constant(null, typeof(T))), null, s_emptyContext));
                return(Assertable <T> .NoOp());

            return(Assertable <T> .FromValueExpression(value, parameter));