//创建获得金币 public void ShowGetGold(int gold) { Debug.Log("------------ShowGetGold------------"); GComponent words = UIPackage.CreateObject("GameUI", "HurtInfo").asCom; WordsInfo wd = AddWordsInfo(words); wd.RandomX(-30, 30); //words.z = 0; //1,直接加到GRoot显示出来 GRoot.inst.AddChild(words); GRoot.inst.SetChildIndex(words, 1); words.GetChild("num").asTextField.text = "" + gold; words.GetChild("num").asTextField.color = new Color(245 / 255.0f, 218 / 255.0f, 0); words.GetChild("num").asTextField.shadowOffset = new Vector2(1, 1); words.GetChild("num").asTextField.textFormat.bold = true; FairyGUI.Transition trans = words.GetTransition("getgold"); trans.Play(); trans.SetHook("over", () => { RemoveWordsInfo(wd); }); //音效 AudioManager.Am.Play3DSound(AudioManager.Sound_Gold, this.Mode.transform.position); }
void __play(GComponent target) { _btnGroup.visible = false; GRoot.inst.AddChild(target); FairyGUI.Transition t = target.GetTransition("t0"); t.Play(() => { _btnGroup.visible = true; GRoot.inst.RemoveChild(target); }); }
void __addedToStage() { int cnt = _transitions.Count; for (int i = 0; i < cnt; ++i) { Transition trans = _transitions[i]; if (trans.autoPlay) { trans.Play(trans.autoPlayRepeat, trans.autoPlayDelay, null); } } }
void __play4() { _btnGroup.visible = false; _g4.x = GRoot.inst.width - _g4.width - 20; _g4.y = 100; GRoot.inst.AddChild(_g4); FairyGUI.Transition t = _g4.GetTransition("t0"); t.Play(3, 0, () => { _btnGroup.visible = true; GRoot.inst.RemoveChild(_g4); }); }
static int Play(IntPtr L) { try { int count = LuaDLL.lua_gettop(L); if (count == 1) { FairyGUI.Transition obj = (FairyGUI.Transition)ToLua.CheckObject <FairyGUI.Transition>(L, 1); obj.Play(); return(0); } else if (count == 2) { FairyGUI.Transition obj = (FairyGUI.Transition)ToLua.CheckObject <FairyGUI.Transition>(L, 1); FairyGUI.PlayCompleteCallback arg0 = (FairyGUI.PlayCompleteCallback)ToLua.CheckDelegate <FairyGUI.PlayCompleteCallback>(L, 2); obj.Play(arg0); return(0); } else if (count == 4) { FairyGUI.Transition obj = (FairyGUI.Transition)ToLua.CheckObject <FairyGUI.Transition>(L, 1); int arg0 = (int)LuaDLL.luaL_checknumber(L, 2); float arg1 = (float)LuaDLL.luaL_checknumber(L, 3); FairyGUI.PlayCompleteCallback arg2 = (FairyGUI.PlayCompleteCallback)ToLua.CheckDelegate <FairyGUI.PlayCompleteCallback>(L, 4); obj.Play(arg0, arg1, arg2); return(0); } else if (count == 6) { FairyGUI.Transition obj = (FairyGUI.Transition)ToLua.CheckObject <FairyGUI.Transition>(L, 1); int arg0 = (int)LuaDLL.luaL_checknumber(L, 2); float arg1 = (float)LuaDLL.luaL_checknumber(L, 3); float arg2 = (float)LuaDLL.luaL_checknumber(L, 4); float arg3 = (float)LuaDLL.luaL_checknumber(L, 5); FairyGUI.PlayCompleteCallback arg4 = (FairyGUI.PlayCompleteCallback)ToLua.CheckDelegate <FairyGUI.PlayCompleteCallback>(L, 6); obj.Play(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4); return(0); } else { return(LuaDLL.luaL_throw(L, "invalid arguments to method: FairyGUI.Transition.Play")); } } catch (Exception e) { return(LuaDLL.toluaL_exception(L, e)); } }
override protected void Enter(Controller controller) { Transition trans = controller.parent.GetTransition(transitionName); if (trans != null) { if (_currentTransition != null && _currentTransition.playing) { trans.ChangePlayTimes(playTimes); } else { trans.Play(playTimes, delay, null); } _currentTransition = trans; } }
public static void NoticeWordsAnim(string word, Google.Protobuf.Collections.RepeatedField <string> p, string anim, int pos = 1) { // pos 1上 2中 3下 var showpos = Tool.GetPosition(0.5f, 0.2f); if (pos == 1) { showpos = Tool.GetPosition(0.5f, 0.2f); } else if (pos == 2) { showpos = Tool.GetPosition(0.5f, 0.5f); } else if (pos == 3) { showpos = Tool.GetPosition(0.5f, 0.8f); } GComponent words = UIPackage.CreateObject("GameUI", "NoticeWords").asCom; //1,直接加到GRoot显示出来 GRoot.inst.AddChild(words); //GRoot.inst.SetChildIndex(words, 1); words.xy = showpos;// Tool.GetPosition(0.5f, 0.2f); //var root = words.GetComponent<FairyGUI.UIPanel>().ui; words.GetChild("word").asTextField.text = word;// noticewords.Words; if (p != null && p.Count > 0) { int index = 1; foreach (var item in p) { Debug.Log("---------------NoticeWords:" + item); words.GetChild("word").asTextField.SetVar("p" + index, item); index++; } words.GetChild("word").asTextField.FlushVars(); } FairyGUI.Transition trans = words.GetTransition(anim); trans.Play(); trans.SetHook("over", () => { words.Dispose(); }); }
void __play5() { _btnGroup.visible = false; _g5.x = 20; _g5.y = GRoot.inst.height - _g5.height - 100; GRoot.inst.AddChild(_g5); FairyGUI.Transition t = _g5.GetTransition("t0"); _startValue = 10000; int add = UnityEngine.Random.Range(1000, 3000); _endValue = _startValue + add; _g5.GetChild("value").text = "" + _startValue; _g5.GetChild("add_value").text = "" + add; t.Play(() => { _btnGroup.visible = true; GRoot.inst.RemoveChild(_g5); }); }
static public int Play(IntPtr l) { try { int argc = LuaDLL.lua_gettop(l); if (argc == 1) { FairyGUI.Transition self = (FairyGUI.Transition)checkSelf(l); self.Play(); pushValue(l, true); return(1); } else if (argc == 2) { FairyGUI.Transition self = (FairyGUI.Transition)checkSelf(l); FairyGUI.PlayCompleteCallback a1; LuaDelegation.checkDelegate(l, 2, out a1); self.Play(a1); pushValue(l, true); return(1); } else if (argc == 4) { FairyGUI.Transition self = (FairyGUI.Transition)checkSelf(l); System.Int32 a1; checkType(l, 2, out a1); System.Single a2; checkType(l, 3, out a2); FairyGUI.PlayCompleteCallback a3; LuaDelegation.checkDelegate(l, 4, out a3); self.Play(a1, a2, a3); pushValue(l, true); return(1); } pushValue(l, false); LuaDLL.lua_pushstring(l, "No matched override function to call"); return(2); } catch (Exception e) { return(error(l, e)); } }
//创建miss public void ShowMiss() { Debug.Log("------------ShowMiss------------"); //var words = (GameObject)(GameObject.Instantiate(Resources.Load("UIPref/HurtWords"))); //words.transform.parent = m_Mode.transform.parent; //words.transform.position = m_Mode.transform.position + new Vector3(0, m_MeshHeight, -0.1f); GComponent words = UIPackage.CreateObject("GameUI", "HurtInfo").asCom; WordsInfo wd = AddWordsInfo(words); wd.RandomX(-30, 30); //words.z = 0; //1,直接加到GRoot显示出来 GRoot.inst.AddChild(words); GRoot.inst.SetChildIndex(words, 1); //var root = words.GetComponent<FairyGUI.UIPanel>().ui; words.GetChild("num").asTextField.text = "miss"; words.GetChild("num").asTextField.color = new Color(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f); FairyGUI.Transition trans = words.GetTransition("up"); trans.Play(); trans.SetHook("over", () => { RemoveWordsInfo(wd); }); }
void ApplyValue(TransitionItem item, TransitionValue value) { item.target._gearLocked = true; switch (item.type) { case TransitionActionType.XY: if (item.target == _owner) { float f1, f2; if (!value.b1) { f1 = item.target.x; } else { f1 = value.f1 + _ownerBaseX; } if (!value.b2) { f2 = item.target.y; } else { f2 = value.f2 + _ownerBaseY; } item.target.SetXY(f1, f2); } else { if (!value.b1) { value.f1 = item.target.x; } if (!value.b2) { value.f2 = item.target.y; } item.target.SetXY(value.f1, value.f2); } break; case TransitionActionType.Size: if (!value.b1) { value.f1 = item.target.width; } if (!value.b2) { value.f2 = item.target.height; } item.target.SetSize(value.f1, value.f2); break; case TransitionActionType.Pivot: item.target.SetPivot(value.f1, value.f2); break; case TransitionActionType.Alpha: item.target.alpha = value.f1; break; case TransitionActionType.Rotation: item.target.rotation = value.i; break; case TransitionActionType.Scale: item.target.SetScale(value.f1, value.f2); break; case TransitionActionType.Color: ((IColorGear)item.target).color = value.c; break; case TransitionActionType.Animation: if (!value.b1) { value.i = ((IAnimationGear)item.target).frame; } ((IAnimationGear)item.target).frame = value.i; ((IAnimationGear)item.target).playing = value.b; break; case TransitionActionType.Visible: item.target.visible = value.b; break; case TransitionActionType.Controller: string[] arr = value.s.Split(','); foreach (string str in arr) { string[] arr2 = str.Split('='); Controller cc = ((GComponent)item.target).GetController(arr2[0]); if (cc != null) { string str2 = arr2[1]; if (str2[0] == '$') { str2 = str.Substring(1); cc.selectedPage = str2; } else { cc.selectedIndex = int.Parse(str2); } } } break; case TransitionActionType.Transition: Transition trans = ((GComponent)item.target).GetTransition(value.s); if (trans != null) { if (value.i == 0) { trans.Stop(false, true); } else if (trans.playing) { trans._totalTimes = value.i == -1 ? int.MaxValue : value.i; } else { item.completed = false; _totalTasks++; if (_reversed) { trans.PlayReverse(value.i, 0, () => { __playTransComplete(item); }); } else { trans.Play(value.i, 0, () => { __playTransComplete(item); }); } } } break; case TransitionActionType.Sound: AudioClip sound = UIPackage.GetItemAssetByURL(value.s) as AudioClip; if (sound != null) { Stage.inst.PlayOneShotSound(sound, value.f1); } break; case TransitionActionType.Shake: item.startValue.f1 = 0; //offsetX item.startValue.f2 = 0; //offsetY item.startValue.f3 = item.value.f2; //shakePeriod Timers.inst.AddUpdate(item.__Shake, this); _totalTasks++; item.completed = false; break; } item.target._gearLocked = false; }
void ApplyValue(TransitionItem item, TransitionValue value) { item.target._gearLocked = true; switch (item.type) { case TransitionActionType.XY: if (item.target == _owner) { float f1, f2; if (!value.b1) { f1 = item.target.x; } else { f1 = value.f1 + _ownerBaseX; } if (!value.b2) { f2 = item.target.y; } else { f2 = value.f2 + _ownerBaseY; } item.target.SetXY(f1, f2); } else { if (!value.b1) { value.f1 = item.target.x; } if (!value.b2) { value.f2 = item.target.y; } item.target.SetXY(value.f1, value.f2); } if (invalidateBatchingEveryFrame) { _owner.InvalidateBatchingState(); } break; case TransitionActionType.Size: if (!value.b1) { value.f1 = item.target.width; } if (!value.b2) { value.f2 = item.target.height; } item.target.SetSize(value.f1, value.f2); if (invalidateBatchingEveryFrame) { _owner.InvalidateBatchingState(); } break; case TransitionActionType.Pivot: item.target.SetPivot(value.f1, value.f2); if (invalidateBatchingEveryFrame) { _owner.InvalidateBatchingState(); } break; case TransitionActionType.Alpha: item.target.alpha = value.f1; break; case TransitionActionType.Rotation: item.target.rotation = value.f1; if (invalidateBatchingEveryFrame) { _owner.InvalidateBatchingState(); } break; case TransitionActionType.Scale: item.target.SetScale(value.f1, value.f2); if (invalidateBatchingEveryFrame) { _owner.InvalidateBatchingState(); } break; case TransitionActionType.Skew: item.target.skew = new Vector2(value.f1, value.f2); if (invalidateBatchingEveryFrame) { _owner.InvalidateBatchingState(); } break; case TransitionActionType.Color: ((IColorGear)item.target).color = value.c; break; case TransitionActionType.Animation: if (!value.b1) { value.i = ((IAnimationGear)item.target).frame; } ((IAnimationGear)item.target).frame = value.i; ((IAnimationGear)item.target).playing = value.b; break; case TransitionActionType.Visible: item.target.visible = value.b; break; case TransitionActionType.Transition: Transition trans = ((GComponent)item.target).GetTransition(value.s); if (trans != null) { if (value.i == 0) { trans.Stop(false, true); } else if (trans.playing) { trans._totalTimes = value.i == -1 ? int.MaxValue : value.i; } else { item.completed = false; _totalTasks++; if (_reversed) { trans.PlayReverse(value.i, 0, () => { __playTransComplete(item); }); } else { trans.Play(value.i, 0, () => { __playTransComplete(item); }); } if (_timeScale != 1) { trans.timeScale = _timeScale; } } } break; case TransitionActionType.Sound: AudioClip sound = UIPackage.GetItemAssetByURL(value.s) as AudioClip; if (sound != null) { Stage.inst.PlayOneShotSound(sound, value.f1); } break; case TransitionActionType.Shake: item.startValue.f1 = 0; //offsetX item.startValue.f2 = 0; //offsetY item.startValue.f3 = item.value.f2; //shakePeriod Timers.inst.AddUpdate(item.__Shake, this); _totalTasks++; item.completed = false; break; case TransitionActionType.ColorFilter: ColorFilter cf = item.target.filter as ColorFilter; if (cf == null) { cf = new ColorFilter(); item.target.filter = cf; item.filterCreated = true; } else { cf.Reset(); } cf.AdjustBrightness(value.f1); cf.AdjustContrast(value.f2); cf.AdjustSaturation(value.f3); cf.AdjustHue(value.f4); break; } item.target._gearLocked = false; }
internal void ApplyValue(TransitionItem item, TransitionValue value) { item.target._gearLocked = true; switch (item.type) { case TransitionActionType.XY: if (item.target == _owner) { float f1, f2; if (!value.b1) { f1 = item.target.x; } else { f1 = value.f1 + _ownerBaseX; } if (!value.b2) { f2 = item.target.y; } else { f2 = value.f2 + _ownerBaseY; } item.target.SetXY(f1, f2); } else { if (!value.b1) { value.f1 = item.target.x; } if (!value.b2) { value.f2 = item.target.y; } item.target.SetXY(value.f1, value.f2); } if (invalidateBatchingEveryFrame) { _owner.InvalidateBatchingState(true); } break; case TransitionActionType.Size: if (!value.b1) { value.f1 = item.target.width; } if (!value.b2) { value.f2 = item.target.height; } item.target.SetSize(value.f1, value.f2); if (invalidateBatchingEveryFrame) { _owner.InvalidateBatchingState(true); } break; case TransitionActionType.Pivot: item.target.SetPivot(value.f1, value.f2); if (invalidateBatchingEveryFrame) { _owner.InvalidateBatchingState(true); } break; case TransitionActionType.Alpha: item.target.alpha = value.f1; break; case TransitionActionType.Rotation: item.target.rotation = value.f1; if (invalidateBatchingEveryFrame) { _owner.InvalidateBatchingState(true); } break; case TransitionActionType.Scale: item.target.SetScale(value.f1, value.f2); if (invalidateBatchingEveryFrame) { _owner.InvalidateBatchingState(true); } break; case TransitionActionType.Skew: item.target.skew = value.AsVec2; if (invalidateBatchingEveryFrame) { _owner.InvalidateBatchingState(true); } break; case TransitionActionType.Color: ((IColorGear)item.target).color = value.AsColor; break; case TransitionActionType.Animation: if (((TransitionItem_Animation)item).frame >= 0) { ((IAnimationGear)item.target).frame = ((TransitionItem_Animation)item).frame; } ((IAnimationGear)item.target).playing = ((TransitionItem_Animation)item).playing; break; case TransitionActionType.Visible: item.target.visible = ((TransitionItem_Visible)item).visible; break; case TransitionActionType.Transition: Transition trans = ((GComponent)item.target).GetTransition(((TransitionItem_Transition)item).transName); if (trans != null) { int tranRepeat = ((TransitionItem_Transition)item).transRepeat; if (tranRepeat == 0) { trans.Stop(false, true); } else if (trans.playing) { trans._totalTimes = tranRepeat; } else { item.completed = false; _totalTasks++; if (_reversed) { trans.PlayReverse(tranRepeat, 0, ((TransitionItem_Transition)item).playCompleteDelegate); } else { trans.Play(tranRepeat, 0, ((TransitionItem_Transition)item).playCompleteDelegate); } if (_timeScale != 1) { trans.timeScale = _timeScale; } } } break; case TransitionActionType.Sound: ((TransitionItem_Sound)item).Play(); break; case TransitionActionType.Shake: ((TransitionItem_Shake)item).Start(); _totalTasks++; item.completed = false; break; case TransitionActionType.ColorFilter: ((TransitionItem_ColorFilter)item).SetFilter(); break; } item.target._gearLocked = false; }
//创建伤害数字 public void CreateHurtWords(Protomsg.MsgPlayerHurt hurt) { //Vector2 pt = World2FairyUIPoint(); //pt.x += UnityEngine.Random.Range(-30, 30); //如果是加钻石 //Debug.Log("------CreateHurtWords:" + hurt); if (hurt.GetDiamond > 0) { ShowGetDiamond(hurt.GetDiamond); return; } //如果是加金币 if (hurt.GetGold > 0) { ShowGetGold(hurt.GetGold); return; } GComponent words = UIPackage.CreateObject("GameUI", "HurtInfo").asCom; WordsInfo wd = AddWordsInfo(words); wd.RandomX(-30, 30); //1,直接加到GRoot显示出来 GRoot.inst.AddChild(words); GRoot.inst.SetChildIndex(words, 1); //words.xy = pt; words.GetChild("num").asTextField.text = hurt.HurtAllValue + ""; if (this == GameScene.Singleton.GetMyMainUnit()) { //自己受伤 if (hurt.HurtAllValue < 0) { FairyGUI.Transition trans = words.GetTransition("down"); trans.Play(); trans.SetHook("over", () => { RemoveWordsInfo(wd); }); } else//加血 { words.GetChild("num").asTextField.color = new Color(0.1f, 1.0f, 0.1f); FairyGUI.Transition trans = words.GetTransition("up"); trans.Play(); trans.SetHook("over", () => { RemoveWordsInfo(wd); //GameObject.Destroy(words); }); } } else { //伤害别人 if (hurt.IsCrit != 1) { words.GetChild("num").asTextField.color = new Color(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f); } FairyGUI.Transition trans = words.GetTransition("up"); trans.Play(); trans.SetHook("over", () => { RemoveWordsInfo(wd); //words.Dispose(); //GameObject.Destroy(words); }); } }
public static void PaoMaDeng(string word, Google.Protobuf.Collections.RepeatedField <string> p) { //处理文字 Dictionary <string, string> pa = new Dictionary <string, string>(); if (p != null && p.Count > 0) { int index = 1; foreach (var item in p) { pa["p" + index] = item; index++; } } word = Tool.ParseTemplate(word, pa); if (PaoMaDengCom == null) { PaoMaDengCom = UIPackage.CreateObject("GameUI", "PaoMaDeng").asCom; GRoot.inst.AddChild(PaoMaDengCom); PaoMaDengCom.xy = Tool.GetPosition(0.5f, 0.2f); PaoMaDengCom.GetChild("word").asTextField.text = word; FairyGUI.Transition trans = PaoMaDengCom.GetTransition("move2left"); var speed = 200.0f; var distanse = 800 + PaoMaDengCom.GetChild("word").width; var time = distanse / speed; trans.SetValue("over", -PaoMaDengCom.GetChild("word").width, 5); trans.SetDuration("start", time); trans.Play(); LastPlayTime = GetTime(); trans.SetHook("over", () => { PaoMaDengCom.Dispose(); PaoMaDengCom = null; }); } else { var lasttext = PaoMaDengCom.GetChild("word").asTextField.text; PaoMaDengCom.GetChild("word").asTextField.text = " "; for (;;) { if (PaoMaDengCom.GetChild("word").width >= 800) { break; } PaoMaDengCom.GetChild("word").asTextField.text += " "; } var space = PaoMaDengCom.GetChild("word").asTextField.text; PaoMaDengCom.GetChild("word").asTextField.text = lasttext + space + word; FairyGUI.Transition trans = PaoMaDengCom.GetTransition("move2left"); //trans.SetPaused(true); var speed = 200.0f; var distanse = 800 + PaoMaDengCom.GetChild("word").width; Debug.Log("distanse:" + distanse); var time = distanse / speed; trans.SetValue("over", -PaoMaDengCom.GetChild("word").width, 5); trans.SetDuration("start", time); trans.SetHook("over", null); trans.Play(1, 0, (float)(GetTime() - LastPlayTime), time, null); trans.SetHook("over", () => { PaoMaDengCom.Dispose(); PaoMaDengCom = null; }); //trans.SetPaused(false); } }
static int Play(IntPtr L) { try { int count = LuaDLL.lua_gettop(L); if (count == 1 && TypeChecker.CheckTypes(L, 1, typeof(FairyGUI.Transition))) { FairyGUI.Transition obj = (FairyGUI.Transition)ToLua.ToObject(L, 1); obj.Play(); return(0); } else if (count == 2 && TypeChecker.CheckTypes(L, 1, typeof(FairyGUI.Transition), typeof(FairyGUI.PlayCompleteCallback))) { FairyGUI.Transition obj = (FairyGUI.Transition)ToLua.ToObject(L, 1); FairyGUI.PlayCompleteCallback arg0 = null; LuaTypes funcType2 = LuaDLL.lua_type(L, 2); if (funcType2 != LuaTypes.LUA_TFUNCTION) { arg0 = (FairyGUI.PlayCompleteCallback)ToLua.ToObject(L, 2); } else { LuaFunction func = ToLua.ToLuaFunction(L, 2); arg0 = DelegateFactory.CreateDelegate(typeof(FairyGUI.PlayCompleteCallback), func) as FairyGUI.PlayCompleteCallback; } obj.Play(arg0); return(0); } else if (count == 4 && TypeChecker.CheckTypes(L, 1, typeof(FairyGUI.Transition), typeof(int), typeof(float), typeof(FairyGUI.PlayCompleteCallback))) { FairyGUI.Transition obj = (FairyGUI.Transition)ToLua.ToObject(L, 1); int arg0 = (int)LuaDLL.lua_tonumber(L, 2); float arg1 = (float)LuaDLL.lua_tonumber(L, 3); FairyGUI.PlayCompleteCallback arg2 = null; LuaTypes funcType4 = LuaDLL.lua_type(L, 4); if (funcType4 != LuaTypes.LUA_TFUNCTION) { arg2 = (FairyGUI.PlayCompleteCallback)ToLua.ToObject(L, 4); } else { LuaFunction func = ToLua.ToLuaFunction(L, 4); arg2 = DelegateFactory.CreateDelegate(typeof(FairyGUI.PlayCompleteCallback), func) as FairyGUI.PlayCompleteCallback; } obj.Play(arg0, arg1, arg2); return(0); } else { return(LuaDLL.luaL_throw(L, "invalid arguments to method: FairyGUI.Transition.Play")); } } catch (Exception e) { return(LuaDLL.toluaL_exception(L, e)); } }
public void PlayEffect(float delay) { this.visible = false; _trans.Play(1, delay, null); }