public static MaterialManager GetInstance(NTexture texture, string shaderName) { NTexture rootTexture = texture.root; if (rootTexture.materialManagers == null) { rootTexture.materialManagers = new Dictionary <string, MaterialManager>(); } MaterialManager mm; if (!rootTexture.materialManagers.TryGetValue(shaderName, out mm)) { mm = new MaterialManager(rootTexture); rootTexture.materialManagers.Add(shaderName, mm); } if (mm.sharedMaterial == null) { Shader shader = ShaderConfig.Get(shaderName); if (shader == null) { Debug.LogWarning("FairyGUI: shader not found: " + shaderName); shader = Shader.Find("Transparent/Diffuse"); } mm.sharedMaterial = new Material(shader); mm.sharedMaterial.mainTexture = rootTexture.nativeTexture; if (rootTexture.alphaTexture != null) { mm.sharedMaterial.SetTexture("_AlphaTex", rootTexture.alphaTexture); } } return(mm); }
public NMaterial CreateMaterial() { Shader shader = ShaderConfig.Get(shaderName); if (shader == null) { Debug.LogWarning("FairyGUI: shader not found: " + shaderName); shader = Shader.Find("UI/Default"); } NMaterial mat = new NMaterial(shader); mat.mainTexture = texture.nativeTexture; if (texture.alphaTexture != null) { mat.EnableKeyword("COMBINED"); mat.SetTexture("_AlphaTex", texture.alphaTexture); } shader.hideFlags = DisplayOptions.hideFlags; mat.hideFlags = DisplayOptions.hideFlags; return(mat); }
public Material GetContextMaterial(UpdateContext context) { if (!context.clipped) { return(sharedMaterial); } Material mat; if (context.clipInfo.soft) { if (context.workCount != _softUpdateSeq) { _softUpdateSeq = context.workCount; _softClipId = context.clipInfo.clipId; _softNextIndex = 0; } else if (_softClipId != context.clipInfo.clipId) { _softNextIndex++; _softClipId = context.clipInfo.clipId; } if (_softClippedMaterials == null) { _softClippedMaterials = new List <Material>(); } if (_softNextIndex < _softClippedMaterials.Count) { mat = _softClippedMaterials[_softNextIndex]; } else { Shader shader = ShaderConfig.Get( + ShaderConfig.softClipShaderSuffix); if (shader == null) { Debug.LogWarning("FairyGUI: " + + " doesn't have a soft clipped shader version for clipping"); shader = sharedMaterial.shader; } mat = new Material(shader); mat.mainTexture = sharedMaterial.mainTexture; if (_owner.alphaTexture != null) { mat.SetTexture("_AlphaTex", _owner.alphaTexture); } _softClippedMaterials.Add(mat); } mat.mainTextureOffset = context.clipInfo.offset; mat.mainTextureScale = context.clipInfo.scale; mat.SetVector("_ClipSharpness", context.clipInfo.softness); } else { if (context.workCount != _updateSeq) { _updateSeq = context.workCount; _clipId = context.clipInfo.clipId; _nextIndex = 0; } else if (_clipId != context.clipInfo.clipId) { _nextIndex++; _clipId = context.clipInfo.clipId; } if (_clippedMaterials == null) { _clippedMaterials = new List <Material>(); } if (_nextIndex < _clippedMaterials.Count) { mat = _clippedMaterials[_nextIndex]; } else { Shader shader = ShaderConfig.Get( + ShaderConfig.alphaClipShaderSuffix); if (shader == null) { Debug.LogWarning("FairyGUI: " + + " doesn't have a clipped shader version for clipping"); shader = sharedMaterial.shader; } mat = new Material(shader); mat.mainTexture = sharedMaterial.mainTexture; if (_owner.alphaTexture != null) { mat.SetTexture("_AlphaTex", _owner.alphaTexture); } _clippedMaterials.Add(mat); } mat.mainTextureOffset = context.clipInfo.offset; mat.mainTextureScale = context.clipInfo.scale; } return(mat); }