public void Call(FairyGUI.EventContext param0) { func.BeginPCall(); func.PushObject(param0); func.PCall(); func.EndPCall(); }
static void OnCopy(EventContext context) { TextEditor te = new TextEditor(); #if (UNITY_5_3 || UNITY_5_4) te.text = (string); #else te.content = new GUIContent((string); #endif te.OnFocus(); te.Copy(); }
static public int get_data(IntPtr l) { try { FairyGUI.EventContext self = (FairyGUI.EventContext)checkSelf(l); pushValue(l, true); pushValue(l,; return(2); } catch (Exception e) { return(error(l, e)); } }
static public int CaptureTouch(IntPtr l) { try { FairyGUI.EventContext self = (FairyGUI.EventContext)checkSelf(l); self.CaptureTouch(); pushValue(l, true); return(1); } catch (Exception e) { return(error(l, e)); } }
static void OnPaste(EventContext context) { TextField target = (TextField); TextEditor te = new TextEditor(); te.Paste(); #if (UNITY_5_3 || UNITY_5_4) string value = te.text; #else string value = te.content.text; #endif if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(value)) target.ReplaceSelection(value); }
static public int constructor(IntPtr l) { try { FairyGUI.EventContext o; o = new FairyGUI.EventContext(); pushValue(l, true); pushValue(l, o); return(2); } catch (Exception e) { return(error(l, e)); } }
static int DispatchEvent(IntPtr L) { try { int count = LuaDLL.lua_gettop(L); if (count == 2 && TypeChecker.CheckTypes <FairyGUI.EventContext>(L, 2)) { FairyGUI.EventDispatcher obj = (FairyGUI.EventDispatcher)ToLua.CheckObject <FairyGUI.EventDispatcher>(L, 1); FairyGUI.EventContext arg0 = (FairyGUI.EventContext)ToLua.ToObject(L, 2); bool o = obj.DispatchEvent(arg0); LuaDLL.lua_pushboolean(L, o); return(1); } else if (count == 2 && TypeChecker.CheckTypes <string>(L, 2)) { FairyGUI.EventDispatcher obj = (FairyGUI.EventDispatcher)ToLua.CheckObject <FairyGUI.EventDispatcher>(L, 1); string arg0 = ToLua.ToString(L, 2); bool o = obj.DispatchEvent(arg0); LuaDLL.lua_pushboolean(L, o); return(1); } else if (count == 3) { FairyGUI.EventDispatcher obj = (FairyGUI.EventDispatcher)ToLua.CheckObject <FairyGUI.EventDispatcher>(L, 1); string arg0 = ToLua.CheckString(L, 2); object arg1 = ToLua.ToVarObject(L, 3); bool o = obj.DispatchEvent(arg0, arg1); LuaDLL.lua_pushboolean(L, o); return(1); } else if (count == 4) { FairyGUI.EventDispatcher obj = (FairyGUI.EventDispatcher)ToLua.CheckObject <FairyGUI.EventDispatcher>(L, 1); string arg0 = ToLua.CheckString(L, 2); object arg1 = ToLua.ToVarObject(L, 3); object arg2 = ToLua.ToVarObject(L, 4); bool o = obj.DispatchEvent(arg0, arg1, arg2); LuaDLL.lua_pushboolean(L, o); return(1); } else { return(LuaDLL.luaL_throw(L, "invalid arguments to method: FairyGUI.EventDispatcher.DispatchEvent")); } } catch (Exception e) { return(LuaDLL.toluaL_exception(L, e)); } }
static public int set_type(IntPtr l) { try { FairyGUI.EventContext self = (FairyGUI.EventContext)checkSelf(l); System.String v; checkType(l, 2, out v); self.type = v; pushValue(l, true); return(1); } catch (Exception e) { return(error(l, e)); } }
static int PreventDefault(IntPtr L) { try { ToLua.CheckArgsCount(L, 1); FairyGUI.EventContext obj = (FairyGUI.EventContext)ToLua.CheckObject(L, 1, typeof(FairyGUI.EventContext)); obj.PreventDefault(); return(0); } catch (Exception e) { return(LuaDLL.toluaL_exception(L, e)); } }
static int CaptureTouch(IntPtr L) { try { ToLua.CheckArgsCount(L, 1); FairyGUI.EventContext obj = (FairyGUI.EventContext)ToLua.CheckObject <FairyGUI.EventContext>(L, 1); obj.CaptureTouch(); return(0); } catch (Exception e) { return(LuaDLL.toluaL_exception(L, e)); } }
void SkillClick(FairyGUI.EventContext evt) { var skill = ( as GObject).data as Skill; if (selectedSkill == skill) { //再点一下表示取消选择 selectedSkill = null; } else { selectedSkill = skill; } flushSkills(); }
public void CallInternal(EventContext context) { _dispatching = true; context.sender = owner; try { if (_callback1 != null) _callback1(context); if (_callback0 != null) _callback0(); } finally { _dispatching = false; } }
public void CallCaptureInternal(EventContext context) { if (_captureCallback == null) return; _dispatching = true; context.sender = owner; try { _captureCallback(context); } finally { _dispatching = false; } }
static int set_type(IntPtr L) { object o = null; try { o = ToLua.ToObject(L, 1); FairyGUI.EventContext obj = (FairyGUI.EventContext)o; string arg0 = ToLua.CheckString(L, 2); obj.type = arg0; return(0); } catch (Exception e) { return(LuaDLL.toluaL_exception(L, e, o, "attempt to index type on a nil value")); } }
static int get_initiator(IntPtr L) { object o = null; try { o = ToLua.ToObject(L, 1); FairyGUI.EventContext obj = (FairyGUI.EventContext)o; object ret = obj.initiator; ToLua.Push(L, ret); return(1); } catch (Exception e) { return(LuaDLL.toluaL_exception(L, e, o == null ? "attempt to index initiator on a nil value" : e.Message)); } }
static int get_isDefaultPrevented(IntPtr L) { object o = null; try { o = ToLua.ToObject(L, 1); FairyGUI.EventContext obj = (FairyGUI.EventContext)o; bool ret = obj.isDefaultPrevented; LuaDLL.lua_pushboolean(L, ret); return(1); } catch (Exception e) { return(LuaDLL.toluaL_exception(L, e, o, "attempt to index isDefaultPrevented on a nil value")); } }
static int set_data(IntPtr L) { object o = null; try { o = ToLua.ToObject(L, 1); FairyGUI.EventContext obj = (FairyGUI.EventContext)o; object arg0 = ToLua.ToVarObject(L, 2); = arg0; return(0); } catch (Exception e) { return(LuaDLL.toluaL_exception(L, e, o, "attempt to index data on a nil value")); } }
static int get_sender(IntPtr L) { object o = null; try { o = ToLua.ToObject(L, 1); FairyGUI.EventContext obj = (FairyGUI.EventContext)o; FairyGUI.EventDispatcher ret = obj.sender; ToLua.PushObject(L, ret); return(1); } catch (Exception e) { return(LuaDLL.toluaL_exception(L, e, o, "attempt to index sender on a nil value")); } }
static int get_inputEvent(IntPtr L) { object o = null; try { o = ToLua.ToObject(L, 1); FairyGUI.EventContext obj = (FairyGUI.EventContext)o; FairyGUI.InputEvent ret = obj.inputEvent; ToLua.PushObject(L, ret); return(1); } catch (Exception e) { return(LuaDLL.toluaL_exception(L, e, o, "attempt to index inputEvent on a nil value")); } }
static int get_type(IntPtr L) { object o = null; try { o = ToLua.ToObject(L, 1); FairyGUI.EventContext obj = (FairyGUI.EventContext)o; string ret = obj.type; LuaDLL.lua_pushstring(L, ret); return(1); } catch (Exception e) { return(LuaDLL.toluaL_exception(L, e, o, "attempt to index type on a nil value")); } }
static int _CreateFairyGUI_EventContext(IntPtr L) { try { int count = LuaDLL.lua_gettop(L); if (count == 0) { FairyGUI.EventContext obj = new FairyGUI.EventContext(); ToLua.PushObject(L, obj); return(1); } else { return(LuaDLL.luaL_throw(L, "invalid arguments to ctor method: FairyGUI.EventContext.New")); } } catch (Exception e) { return(LuaDLL.toluaL_exception(L, e)); } }
internal static void Return(EventContext value) { pool.Push(value); }
void __stageTouchBegin(EventContext context) { if (_tooltipWin != null) HideTooltips(); CheckPopups(); }
private void __touchMove(EventContext context) { InputEvent evt = context.inputEvent; if (_dragTouchId != evt.touchId) return; int sensitivity; if (Stage.touchScreen) sensitivity = UIConfig.touchDragSensitivity; else sensitivity = UIConfig.clickDragSensitivity; if (Mathf.Abs(_dragTouchStartPos.x - evt.x) < sensitivity && Mathf.Abs(_dragTouchStartPos.y - evt.y) < sensitivity) return; Reset(); if (displayObject == null || displayObject.isDisposed) return; if (!onDragStart.Call(_dragTouchId)) DragBegin(evt.touchId); }
private void __clickItem(EventContext context) { if (dropdown.parent is GRoot) ((GRoot)dropdown.parent).HidePopup(dropdown); _selectedIndex = _list.GetChildIndex((GObject); if (_selectedIndex >= 0) this.text = _items[_selectedIndex]; else this.text = string.Empty; onChanged.Call(); }
void freeUse_CardClick(FairyGUI.EventContext evt) { checkUseAble(); }
void __stageTouchEnd(EventContext context) { CheckPopups(false); }
void __onChanged(EventContext context) { _text = _textField.text; UpdateSize(); }
private void __dragStart(EventContext context) { context.PreventDefault(); this.StartDrag(null); }
private void __mouseDown(EventContext context) { if (this.isShowing) { BringToFront(); } }
private void __touchEnd(EventContext context) { if (_down) { if (this.displayObject == null || this.displayObject.isDisposed) return; _down = false; if (dropdown != null && dropdown.parent != null) { if (_over) SetState(GButton.OVER); else SetState(GButton.UP); } } }
private void __touchBegin(EventContext context) { _down = true; if (dropdown != null) ShowDropdown(); context.CaptureTouch(); }
private void __touchEnd(EventContext context) { if (_dragTouchId != context.inputEvent.touchId) return; Reset(); }
private void __touchBegin(EventContext context) { InputEvent evt = context.inputEvent; _dragTouchId = evt.touchId; _dragTouchStartPos = evt.position; Stage.inst.onTouchEnd.Add(__touchEnd); Stage.inst.onTouchMove.Add(__touchMove); }
void __focusIn(EventContext context) { if (_mobileInputAdapter != null) { OpenKeyboard(); } else { _caret = Stage.inst.inputCaret; _caret.grahpics.sortingOrder = this.renderingOrder + 1; _caret.SetParent(cachedTransform); _caret.SetSizeAndColor(_textFormat.size, _textFormat.color); _highlighter = Stage.inst.highlighter; _highlighter.grahpics.sortingOrder = this.renderingOrder + 2; _highlighter.SetParent(cachedTransform); _caretPosition = _text.Length; CharPosition cp = GetCharPosition(_caretPosition); AdjustCaret(cp); _selectionStart = cp; } }
private void __touchEnd2(EventContext context) { InputEvent evt = context.inputEvent; if (_dragTouchId != -1 && _dragTouchId != evt.touchId) return; if (draggingObject == this) { StopDrag(); if (displayObject == null || displayObject.isDisposed) return; onDragEnd.Call(); } }
void __keydown(EventContext context) { if (_caret == null || context.isDefaultPrevented) return; InputEvent evt = context.inputEvent; switch (evt.keyCode) { case KeyCode.Backspace: { context.PreventDefault(); if (_selectionStart != null) { DeleteSelection(); OnChanged(); } else if (_caretPosition > 0) { int tmp = _caretPosition; //this.text 会修改_caretPosition _caretPosition--; this.text = _text.Substring(0, tmp - 1) + _text.Substring(tmp); OnChanged(); } break; } case KeyCode.Delete: { context.PreventDefault(); if (_selectionStart != null) { DeleteSelection(); OnChanged(); } else if (_caretPosition < _text.Length) { this.text = _text.Substring(0, _caretPosition) + _text.Substring(_caretPosition + 1); OnChanged(); } break; } case KeyCode.LeftArrow: { context.PreventDefault(); if (evt.shift) { if (_selectionStart == null) _selectionStart = GetCharPosition(_caretPosition); } else ClearSelection(); if (_caretPosition > 0) { CharPosition cp = GetCharPosition(_caretPosition - 1); AdjustCaret(cp); } break; } case KeyCode.RightArrow: { context.PreventDefault(); if (evt.shift) { if (_selectionStart == null) _selectionStart = GetCharPosition(_caretPosition); } else ClearSelection(); if (_caretPosition < _text.Length) { CharPosition cp = GetCharPosition(_caretPosition + 1); AdjustCaret(cp); } break; } case KeyCode.UpArrow: { context.PreventDefault(); if (evt.shift) { if (_selectionStart == null) _selectionStart = GetCharPosition(_caretPosition); } else ClearSelection(); CharPosition cp = GetCharPosition(_caretPosition); if (cp.lineIndex == 0) return; LineInfo line = _lines[cp.lineIndex - 1]; cp = GetCharPosition(new Vector3(_caret.cachedTransform.localPosition.x + _GetPositionOffset().x, line.y, 0)); AdjustCaret(cp); break; } case KeyCode.DownArrow: { context.PreventDefault(); if (evt.shift) { if (_selectionStart == null) _selectionStart = GetCharPosition(_caretPosition); } else ClearSelection(); CharPosition cp = GetCharPosition(_caretPosition); if (cp.lineIndex == _lines.Count - 1) return; LineInfo line = _lines[cp.lineIndex + 1]; cp = GetCharPosition(new Vector3(_caret.cachedTransform.localPosition.x + _GetPositionOffset().x, line.y, 0)); AdjustCaret(cp); break; } case KeyCode.PageUp: { context.PreventDefault(); ClearSelection(); break; } case KeyCode.PageDown: { context.PreventDefault(); ClearSelection(); break; } case KeyCode.Home: { context.PreventDefault(); ClearSelection(); CharPosition cp = GetCharPosition(_caretPosition); LineInfo line = _lines[cp.lineIndex]; cp = GetCharPosition(new Vector3(int.MinValue, line.y, 0)); AdjustCaret(cp); break; } case KeyCode.End: { context.PreventDefault(); ClearSelection(); CharPosition cp = GetCharPosition(_caretPosition); LineInfo line = _lines[cp.lineIndex]; cp = GetCharPosition(new Vector3(int.MaxValue, line.y, 0)); AdjustCaret(cp); break; } //Select All case KeyCode.A: { if (evt.ctrl) { context.PreventDefault(); _selectionStart = GetCharPosition(0); AdjustCaret(GetCharPosition(_text.Length)); } break; } // Copy case KeyCode.C: { if (evt.ctrl && !_displayAsPassword) { context.PreventDefault(); string s = GetSelection(); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(s)) Stage.inst.onCopy.Call(s); } break; } // Paste case KeyCode.V: { if (evt.ctrl) { context.PreventDefault(); Stage.inst.onPaste.Call(this); } break; } // Cut case KeyCode.X: { if (evt.ctrl && !_displayAsPassword) { context.PreventDefault(); string s = GetSelection(); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(s)) { Stage.inst.onCopy.Call(s); DeleteSelection(); OnChanged(); } } break; } case KeyCode.Return: case KeyCode.KeypadEnter: { if (!evt.ctrl && !evt.shift) { context.PreventDefault(); if (!_singleLine) { InsertText("\n"); OnChanged(); } } break; } } }
private void __touchMove2(EventContext context) { InputEvent evt = context.inputEvent; if (_dragTouchId != -1 && _dragTouchId != evt.touchId || this.parent == null) return; if (displayObject == null || displayObject.isDisposed) return; float xx = evt.x - sGlobalDragStart.x + sGlobalRect.x; float yy = evt.y - sGlobalDragStart.y + sGlobalRect.y; if (dragBounds != null) { Rect rect = GRoot.inst.LocalToGlobal((Rect)dragBounds); if (xx < rect.x) xx = rect.x; else if (xx + sGlobalRect.width > rect.xMax) { xx = rect.xMax - sGlobalRect.width; if (xx < rect.x) xx = rect.x; } if (yy < rect.y) yy = rect.y; else if (yy + sGlobalRect.height > rect.yMax) { yy = rect.yMax - sGlobalRect.height; if (yy < rect.y) yy = rect.y; } } Vector2 pt = this.parent.GlobalToLocal(new Vector2(xx, yy)); if (float.IsNaN(pt.x)) return; sUpdateInDragging = true; this.SetXY(Mathf.RoundToInt(pt.x), Mathf.RoundToInt(pt.y)); sUpdateInDragging = false; onDragMove.Call(); }
void __touchMove(EventContext context) { if (isDisposed) return; if (_selectionStart == null) return; Vector3 v = Stage.inst.touchPosition; v = this.GlobalToLocal(v); if (float.IsNaN(v.x)) return; Vector2 offset = _GetPositionOffset(); v.x += offset.x; v.y += offset.y; CharPosition cp = GetCharPosition(v); if (cp.charIndex != _caretPosition) AdjustCaret(cp); }
private void __dragStart(EventContext context) { context.PreventDefault(); this.StartDrag((int); }
void __focusOut(EventContext contxt) { if (_mobileInputAdapter != null) { _mobileInputAdapter.CloseKeyboard(); } if (_caret != null) { _caret.SetParent(null); _caret = null; _highlighter.SetParent(null); _highlighter = null; } }
private void __mouseWheel(EventContext context) { if (!_mouseWheelEnabled) return; InputEvent evt = context.inputEvent; int delta = evt.mouseWheelDelta; if (_hScroll && !_vScroll) { if (delta < 0) this.SetPercX(_xPerc - GetDeltaX(_mouseWheelSpeed), false); else this.SetPercX(_xPerc + GetDeltaX(_mouseWheelSpeed), false); } else { if (delta < 0) this.SetPercY(_yPerc - GetDeltaY(_mouseWheelSpeed), false); else this.SetPercY(_yPerc + GetDeltaY(_mouseWheelSpeed), false); } }
void __touchBegin(EventContext context) { if (_caret == null || _lines.Count == 0) return; ClearSelection(); CharPosition cp; if (_textChanged) //maybe the text changed in user's touchBegin { cp.charIndex = 0; cp.lineIndex = 0; } else { Vector3 v = Stage.inst.touchPosition; v = this.GlobalToLocal(v); Vector2 offset = _GetPositionOffset(); v.x += offset.x; v.y += offset.y; cp = GetCharPosition(v); } AdjustCaret(cp); _selectionStart = cp; context.CaptureTouch(); Stage.inst.onTouchMove.AddCapture(_touchMoveDelegate); }
private void __mouseMove(EventContext context) { InputEvent evt = context.inputEvent; if (_touchId != evt.touchId) return; Vector2 pt = _owner.GlobalToLocal(new Vector2(evt.x, evt.y)); float diff; bool sv = false, sh = false, st = false; if (_scrollType == ScrollType.Vertical) { if (!_isHoldAreaDone) { diff = Mathf.Abs(_holdAreaPoint.y - pt.y); if (diff < _holdArea) return; } sv = true; } else if (_scrollType == ScrollType.Horizontal) { if (!_isHoldAreaDone) { diff = Mathf.Abs(_holdAreaPoint.x - pt.x); if (diff < _holdArea) return; } sh = true; } else { if (!_isHoldAreaDone) { diff = Mathf.Abs(_holdAreaPoint.y - pt.y); if (diff < _holdArea) { diff = Mathf.Abs(_holdAreaPoint.x - pt.x); if (diff < _holdArea) return; } } sv = sh = true; } float t = Time.time; if (t - _time2 > 0.05f) { _time2 = _time1; _time1 = t; st = true; } if (sv) { float y = pt.y - _yOffset; if (y > 0) { if (!_bouncebackEffect) _maskContentHolder.y = 0; else _maskContentHolder.y = (int)(y * 0.5); } else if (y < -_yOverlap) { if (!_bouncebackEffect) _maskContentHolder.y = -(int)_yOverlap; else _maskContentHolder.y = (int)((y - _yOverlap) * 0.5); } else { _maskContentHolder.y = y; } if (st) { _y2 = _y1; _y1 = _maskContentHolder.y; } _yPerc = CalcYPerc(); } if (sh) { float x = pt.x - _xOffset; if (x > 0) { if (!_bouncebackEffect) _maskContentHolder.x = 0; else _maskContentHolder.x = (int)(x * 0.5); } else if (x < 0 - _xOverlap) { if (!_bouncebackEffect) _maskContentHolder.x = -(int)_xOverlap; else _maskContentHolder.x = (int)((x - _xOverlap) * 0.5); } else { _maskContentHolder.x = x; } if (st) { _x2 = _x1; _x1 = _maskContentHolder.x; } _xPerc = CalcXPerc(); } _maskHolder.touchable = false; _isHoldAreaDone = true; _isMouseMoved = true; OnScrolling(); _owner.onScroll.Call(); }
void __touchEnd(EventContext context) { Stage.inst.onTouchMove.RemoveCapture(_touchMoveDelegate); if (isDisposed) return; if (_selectionStart != null && ((CharPosition)_selectionStart).charIndex == _caretPosition) _selectionStart = null; }
void __keydown(EventContext context) { if (!_editing || context.isDefaultPrevented) { return; } InputEvent evt = context.inputEvent; switch (evt.keyCode) { case KeyCode.Backspace: { context.PreventDefault(); if (_selectionStart != null) { ReplaceSelection(null); } else if (_caretPosition > 0) { int tmp = _caretPosition; _caretPosition--; ReplaceText(textField.text.Substring(0, tmp - 1) + textField.text.Substring(tmp)); } break; } case KeyCode.Delete: { context.PreventDefault(); if (_selectionStart != null) { ReplaceSelection(null); } else if (_caretPosition < textField.text.Length) { ReplaceText(textField.text.Substring(0, _caretPosition) + textField.text.Substring(_caretPosition + 1)); } break; } case KeyCode.LeftArrow: { context.PreventDefault(); if (evt.shift) { if (_selectionStart == null) { _selectionStart = GetCharPosition(_caretPosition); } } else { ClearSelection(); } if (_caretPosition > 0) { TextField.CharPosition cp = GetCharPosition(_caretPosition - 1); AdjustCaret(cp); } break; } case KeyCode.RightArrow: { context.PreventDefault(); if (evt.shift) { if (_selectionStart == null) { _selectionStart = GetCharPosition(_caretPosition); } } else { ClearSelection(); } if (_caretPosition < textField.text.Length) { TextField.CharPosition cp = GetCharPosition(_caretPosition + 1); AdjustCaret(cp); } break; } case KeyCode.UpArrow: { context.PreventDefault(); if (evt.shift) { if (_selectionStart == null) { _selectionStart = GetCharPosition(_caretPosition); } } else { ClearSelection(); } TextField.CharPosition cp = GetCharPosition(_caretPosition); if (cp.lineIndex == 0) { return; } TextField.LineInfo line = textField.lines[cp.lineIndex - 1]; cp = GetCharPosition(new Vector2(_caret.x, line.y + textField.y)); AdjustCaret(cp); break; } case KeyCode.DownArrow: { context.PreventDefault(); if (evt.shift) { if (_selectionStart == null) { _selectionStart = GetCharPosition(_caretPosition); } } else { ClearSelection(); } TextField.CharPosition cp = GetCharPosition(_caretPosition); if (cp.lineIndex == textField.lines.Count - 1) { cp.caretIndex = textField.charPositions.Count - 1; } else { TextField.LineInfo line = textField.lines[cp.lineIndex + 1]; cp = GetCharPosition(new Vector2(_caret.x, line.y + textField.y)); } AdjustCaret(cp); break; } case KeyCode.PageUp: { context.PreventDefault(); ClearSelection(); break; } case KeyCode.PageDown: { context.PreventDefault(); ClearSelection(); break; } case KeyCode.Home: { context.PreventDefault(); ClearSelection(); TextField.CharPosition cp = GetCharPosition(_caretPosition); TextField.LineInfo line = textField.lines[cp.lineIndex]; cp = GetCharPosition(new Vector2(int.MinValue, line.y + textField.y)); AdjustCaret(cp); break; } case KeyCode.End: { context.PreventDefault(); ClearSelection(); TextField.CharPosition cp = GetCharPosition(_caretPosition); TextField.LineInfo line = textField.lines[cp.lineIndex]; cp = GetCharPosition(new Vector2(int.MaxValue, line.y + textField.y)); AdjustCaret(cp); break; } //Select All case KeyCode.A: { if (evt.ctrl) { context.PreventDefault(); _selectionStart = GetCharPosition(0); AdjustCaret(GetCharPosition(textField.text.Length)); } break; } //Copy case KeyCode.C: { if (evt.ctrl && !_displayAsPassword) { context.PreventDefault(); string s = GetSelection(); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(s)) { DoCopy(s); } } break; } //Paste case KeyCode.V: { if (evt.ctrl) { context.PreventDefault(); DoPaste(); } break; } //Cut case KeyCode.X: { if (evt.ctrl && !_displayAsPassword) { context.PreventDefault(); string s = GetSelection(); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(s)) { DoCopy(s); ReplaceSelection(null); } } break; } case KeyCode.Return: case KeyCode.KeypadEnter: { if (!evt.ctrl && !evt.shift) { context.PreventDefault(); if (!textField.singleLine) { ReplaceSelection("\n"); } } break; } } }
private void __touchBegin(EventContext context) { if (this.isShowing && bringToFontOnClick) { BringToFront(); } }
private void __mouseUp(EventContext context) { if (!_touchEffect) { _isMouseMoved = false; return; } InputEvent evt = context.inputEvent; if (_touchId != evt.touchId) return; _container.stage.onMouseMove.Remove(__mouseMove); _container.stage.onMouseUp.Remove(__mouseUp); if (!_isMouseMoved) return; _isMouseMoved = false; float time = Time.time - _time2; if (time == 0) time = 0.001f; float yVelocity = (_maskContentHolder.y - _y2) / time; float xVelocity = (_maskContentHolder.x - _x2) / time; float minDuration = _bouncebackEffect ? 0.3f : 0; float maxDuration = 0.5f; int overShoot = _bouncebackEffect ? 1 : 0; float xMin = -_xOverlap, yMin = -_yOverlap; float xMax = 0, yMax = 0; float duration = 0f; if (_hScroll) ThrowTween.CalculateDuration(_maskContentHolder.x, xMin, xMax, xVelocity, overShoot, ref duration); if (_vScroll) ThrowTween.CalculateDuration(_maskContentHolder.y, yMin, yMax, yVelocity, overShoot, ref duration); if (duration > maxDuration) duration = maxDuration; else if (duration < minDuration) duration = minDuration; _throwTween.start.x = _maskContentHolder.x; _throwTween.start.y = _maskContentHolder.y; Vector2 change1, change2; float endX = 0, endY = 0; if (_scrollType == ScrollType.Both || _scrollType == ScrollType.Horizontal) { change1.x = ThrowTween.CalculateChange(xVelocity, duration); change2.x = 0; endX = _maskContentHolder.x + change1.x; } else change1.x = change2.x = 0; if (_scrollType == ScrollType.Both || _scrollType == ScrollType.Vertical) { change1.y = ThrowTween.CalculateChange(yVelocity, duration); change2.y = 0; endY = _maskContentHolder.y + change1.y; } else change1.y = change2.y = 0; if (_snapToItem) { endX = -endX / GRoot.contentScaleFactor; endY = -endY / GRoot.contentScaleFactor; _owner.FindObjectNear(ref endX, ref endY); endX = -endX * GRoot.contentScaleFactor; endY = -endY * GRoot.contentScaleFactor; change1.x = endX - _maskContentHolder.x; change1.y = endY - _maskContentHolder.y; } if (xMax < endX) change2.x = xMax - _maskContentHolder.x - change1.x; else if (xMin > endX) change2.x = xMin - _maskContentHolder.x - change1.x; if (yMax < endY) change2.y = yMax - _maskContentHolder.y - change1.y; else if (yMin > endY) change2.y = yMin - _maskContentHolder.y - change1.y; _throwTween.value = 0; _throwTween.change1 = change1; _throwTween.change2 = change2; if (_tweener != null) _tweener.Complete(); _tweener = DOTween.To(() => _throwTween.value, v => _throwTween.value = v, 1, duration) .SetEase(Ease.OutCubic) .OnUpdate(__tweenUpdate2) .OnComplete(__tweenComplete2); }
private void __gripTouchEnd(EventContext context) { DispatchEvent("onGripTouchEnd", null); }
private void __mouseDown(EventContext context) { if (!_touchEffect) return; InputEvent evt = context.inputEvent; _touchId = evt.touchId; Vector2 pt = _owner.GlobalToLocal(new Vector2(evt.x, evt.y)); if (_tweener != null) { _tweener.Complete(); _tweener = null; Stage.inst.CancelClick(_touchId); } _y1 = _y2 = _maskContentHolder.y; _yOffset = pt.y - _maskContentHolder.y; _x1 = _x2 = _maskContentHolder.x; _xOffset = pt.x - _maskContentHolder.x; _time1 = _time2 = Time.time; _holdAreaPoint.x = pt.x; _holdAreaPoint.y = pt.y; _isHoldAreaDone = false; _isMouseMoved = false; _container.stage.onMouseMove.Add(__mouseMove); _container.stage.onMouseUp.Add(__mouseUp); }
void __touchMove(EventContext context) { InputEvent evt = context.inputEvent; Vector2 pt1 = _host.GlobalToLocal(Stage.inst.GetTouchPosition(_touches[0])); Vector2 pt2 = _host.GlobalToLocal(Stage.inst.GetTouchPosition(_touches[1])); float dist = Vector2.Distance(pt1, pt2); if (!_started && Mathf.Abs(dist - _startDistance) > UIConfig.touchDragSensitivity) { _started = true; scale = 1; _lastScale = 1; onBegin.Call(evt); } if (_started) { float ss = dist / _startDistance; delta = ss - _lastScale; _lastScale = ss; this.scale += delta; onAction.Call(evt); } }
void __touchBegin(EventContext context) { if (Stage.inst.touchCount == 2) { if (!_started) { Stage.inst.GetAllTouch(_touches); Vector2 pt1 = _host.GlobalToLocal(Stage.inst.GetTouchPosition(_touches[0])); Vector2 pt2 = _host.GlobalToLocal(Stage.inst.GetTouchPosition(_touches[1])); _startDistance = Vector2.Distance(pt1, pt2); Stage.inst.onTouchMove.Add(__touchMove); Stage.inst.onTouchEnd.Add(__touchEnd); } } }
void __keydown(EventContext context) { if (!_editing || context.isDefaultPrevented) { return; } InputEvent evt = context.inputEvent; switch (evt.keyCode) { case KeyCode.Backspace: { context.PreventDefault(); if (_selectionStart == _caretPosition && _caretPosition > 0) { _selectionStart = _caretPosition - 1; } ReplaceSelection(null); break; } case KeyCode.Delete: { context.PreventDefault(); if (_selectionStart == _caretPosition && _caretPosition < textField.charPositions.Count - 1) { _selectionStart = _caretPosition + 1; } ReplaceSelection(null); break; } case KeyCode.LeftArrow: { context.PreventDefault(); if (!evt.shift) { ClearSelection(); } if (_caretPosition > 0) { TextField.CharPosition cp = GetCharPosition(_caretPosition - 1); AdjustCaret(cp, !evt.shift); } break; } case KeyCode.RightArrow: { context.PreventDefault(); if (!evt.shift) { ClearSelection(); } if (_caretPosition < textField.charPositions.Count - 1) { TextField.CharPosition cp = GetCharPosition(_caretPosition + 1); AdjustCaret(cp, !evt.shift); } break; } case KeyCode.UpArrow: { context.PreventDefault(); if (!evt.shift) { ClearSelection(); } TextField.CharPosition cp = GetCharPosition(_caretPosition); if (cp.lineIndex == 0) { return; } TextField.LineInfo line = textField.lines[cp.lineIndex - 1]; cp = GetCharPosition(new Vector2(_caret.x, line.y + textField.y)); AdjustCaret(cp, !evt.shift); break; } case KeyCode.DownArrow: { context.PreventDefault(); if (!evt.shift) { ClearSelection(); } TextField.CharPosition cp = GetCharPosition(_caretPosition); if (cp.lineIndex == textField.lines.Count - 1) { cp.charIndex = textField.charPositions.Count - 1; } else { TextField.LineInfo line = textField.lines[cp.lineIndex + 1]; cp = GetCharPosition(new Vector2(_caret.x, line.y + textField.y)); } AdjustCaret(cp, !evt.shift); break; } case KeyCode.PageUp: { context.PreventDefault(); ClearSelection(); break; } case KeyCode.PageDown: { context.PreventDefault(); ClearSelection(); break; } case KeyCode.Home: { context.PreventDefault(); if (!evt.shift) { ClearSelection(); } TextField.CharPosition cp = GetCharPosition(_caretPosition); TextField.LineInfo line = textField.lines[cp.lineIndex]; cp = GetCharPosition(new Vector2(int.MinValue, line.y + textField.y)); AdjustCaret(cp, !evt.shift); break; } case KeyCode.End: { context.PreventDefault(); if (!evt.shift) { ClearSelection(); } TextField.CharPosition cp = GetCharPosition(_caretPosition); TextField.LineInfo line = textField.lines[cp.lineIndex]; cp = GetCharPosition(new Vector2(int.MaxValue, line.y + textField.y)); AdjustCaret(cp, !evt.shift); break; } //Select All case KeyCode.A: { if (evt.ctrl) { context.PreventDefault(); _selectionStart = 0; AdjustCaret(GetCharPosition(int.MaxValue)); } break; } //Copy case KeyCode.C: { if (evt.ctrl && !_displayAsPassword) { context.PreventDefault(); string s = GetSelection(); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(s)) { DoCopy(s); } } break; } //Paste case KeyCode.V: { if (evt.ctrl) { context.PreventDefault(); DoPaste(); } break; } //Cut case KeyCode.X: { if (evt.ctrl && !_displayAsPassword) { context.PreventDefault(); string s = GetSelection(); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(s)) { DoCopy(s); ReplaceSelection(null); } } break; } case KeyCode.Return: case KeyCode.KeypadEnter: { if (textField.singleLine) { DispatchEvent("onSubmit", null); return; } break; } } char c = evt.character; if (c != 0) { if (evt.ctrl) { return; } if (c == '\r' || (int)c == 3) { c = '\n'; } if (c == 127 || textField.singleLine && c == '\n') { return; } if (char.IsHighSurrogate(c)) { _highSurrogateChar = c; return; } if (char.IsLowSurrogate(c)) { ReplaceSelection(char.ConvertFromUtf32(((int)c & 0x03FF) + ((((int)_highSurrogateChar & 0x03FF) + 0x40) << 10))); } else { ReplaceSelection(c.ToString()); } } else { if (Input.compositionString.Length > 0) { UpdateText(); } } }