private static async Task IngestionPipeline() { Console.WriteLine("\n Ingestion Pipeline"); Console.WriteLine("\n Enter new image url:"); string img = Console.ReadLine(); Console.WriteLine("\n Enter Large Face List ID:"); string faceListID = Console.ReadLine(); try { List <Face> detectedFaces = await FaceAPIHelpers.DetectFaces(img, true); foreach (Face f in detectedFaces) { try { PersistedFace persistedFace = await FaceAPIHelpers.AddFace(img, faceListID, f.faceRectangle); Console.WriteLine("\n Face " + persistedFace.persistedFaceId + " added."); } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine($"\n{e.GetType().Name}: Could not add face to Large Face List."); throw (e); } } try { await FaceAPIHelpers.TrainFaceList(faceListID); } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine($"\n{e.GetType().Name}: Could not train Large Face List."); throw (e); } } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine($"\n{e.GetType().Name}: Could not detect faces."); throw (e); } AskUser(); }
/// <summary> /// LargeFaceList - Add Face API: adds a face to a Large Face List /// If several faces are in the given image, the target rectangle must be provided /// </summary> public static async Task <PersistedFace> AddFace(string img, string faceListID, Rectangle target = null, string userData = "") { Console.WriteLine("\n Adding face to Large Face List..."); string uri = "" + faceListID + "/persistedfaces"; if (userData != "" || target != null) { uri += "?"; } if (userData != "") { uri += "userData="; uri += userData; } if (target != null) { if (userData != "") { uri += "&"; } uri += "targetFace="; uri += target.left; uri += ","; uri +=; uri += ","; uri += target.width; uri += ","; uri += target.height; } string response = null; PersistedFace result = null; try { response = await RequestHelpers.PostRequest(uri, new JsonContent(new { url = img })); Console.WriteLine($"\nFace added to Large Face List."); } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine($"\n{e.GetType().Name}: Error adding face to Large Face List."); throw; } if (response != null) { try { result = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <PersistedFace>(response); } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine($"\n{e.GetType().Name}: Error parsing response after adding face to Large Face List."); throw; } } return(result); }