partial void DeleteSession(Session instance);
partial void UpdateSession(Session instance);
public static void GetQChecked(int ftid, string title, IEnumerable<string> commiteestrings, bool answered, string url, Session samling, bool record = true) { try { GetQ(ftid, title, commiteestrings, answered, url, samling, record); } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine("Problem with: {0}", url); //throw new Exception("Problem with question " + ftid + " year " + samling.Year // + " nr " + samling.Number, e); } }
partial void InsertSession(Session instance);
public static void GetQ(int ftid, string title, IEnumerable<string> commiteestrings, bool answered, string url, Session samling, bool record = true) { var db = new DBDataContext(); // check to see if we have this one and if it's answered var question = db.P20Questions.SingleOrDefault( _ => _.SessionId == samling.SessionId && _.FTId == ftid); if (question != null && question.AnswerDate.HasValue) { // we're done here return; } if (ftid == 2370) { // question is borked, ignore return; } // ok, follow the link HtmlDocument doc = Scrape2009.GetDoc(Scrape2009.fastdomain + url); if (question == null) { // create a new one // get asker, askee short title and background var shortitle = doc.DocumentNode.SelectSingleNode("//div[@id='menuSkip']/h1"). InnerText.Split(new string[] { ftid.ToString() }, StringSplitOptions.None)[1].Trim().Trim('.'); var pasker = doc.SelectHtmlNodes("//div[@id='menuSkip']/p").SingleOrDefault( _ => _.InnerText.Trim().ToLower().StartsWith("af ")); if (pasker == null) { // we have to this due to this one with no asker: return; } //var polurls = pasker.SelectNodes("a").OfType<HtmlNode>() // .Where(x => x.Attributes["href"] != null) // .Select(n => n.Attributes["href"].Value).Distinct(); var politicianAnchors = pasker.SelectNodes("a").OfType<HtmlNode>(); var askerPoliticianNameAndParty = politicianAnchors .Where(x => x.InnerText.Contains("(")) .First().InnerText; var askerName = askerPoliticianNameAndParty.Split('(')[0].Trim(); var askerParty = askerPoliticianNameAndParty.Split('(')[1].Replace(")", "").Trim(); //var paskerurl = polurls.First(); //pasker.SelectNodes("a").OfType<HtmlNode>().First().Attributes["href"].Value; var asker = Scrape2009.GetPoliticianByNameAndParty(askerName, askerParty, db) .PoliticianId; // get the relevant minister var minregex = new Regex(@"Til[ \t]*(?'tit'[\w\s-]*)<br>"); var match = minregex.Matches(pasker.InnerHtml); if (match.Count < 1) { // might be an incomplete question, just return return; } string ministertitle = match[0].Groups["tit"].Value.Trim(); //var paskeeurl = polurls.Skip(1).First(); //pasker.SelectNodes("a").OfType<HtmlNode>().Skip(1).First().Attributes["href"].Value; //var askee = Scrape2009.GetPoliticianByUrl(paskeeurl, db); var askeeePoliticianNameAndParty = politicianAnchors .Skip(1).Last().InnerText; var askeeName = askeeePoliticianNameAndParty.Split('(')[0].Trim(); int? askee = null; if (!askeeePoliticianNameAndParty.Contains("(")) { // sometimes the party is not listed with name askee = Scrape2009.GetPoliticianByName(askeeName, db).PoliticianId; } else { var askeeParty = askeeePoliticianNameAndParty.Split('(')[1].Replace(")", "").Trim(); askee = Scrape2009.GetPoliticianByNameAndParty(askeeName, askeeParty, db).PoliticianId; } var pbackground = doc.SelectHtmlNodes("//div[@id='menuSkip']/p").SingleOrDefault( _ => _.InnerText.Trim().ToLower().StartsWith("skriftlig begrundelse")); string backgroundtext = null; if (pbackground != null) { pbackground.InnerHtml. Split(new string[] { "<br>" }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries). Skip(1).Aggregate((a, b) => a + " " + b.Trim()); } var datereg = new Regex(@"<br>(?'day'\d\d)-(?'mon'\d\d)-(?'yea'\d\d\d\d)<br>"); var datematch = datereg.Matches(pasker.InnerHtml); var askdate = new DateTime( int.Parse(datematch[0].Groups["yea"].Value.Trim()), int.Parse(datematch[0].Groups["mon"].Value.Trim()), int.Parse(datematch[0].Groups["day"].Value.Trim()) ); question = new P20Question { AskeeId = askee, AskerPolId = asker, Title = shortitle, Background = backgroundtext, Type = QuestionType.Politician, FTId = ftid, Question = title, AskeeTitle = ministertitle, SessionId = samling.SessionId, AskDate = askdate, }; db.P20Questions.InsertOnSubmit(question); if (record) { db.SubmitChanges(); } var committees = db.Committees.Where(_ => commiteestrings.Contains(_.Name)); db.ItemCommittees.InsertAllOnSubmit(committees.ToList().Select(_ => new ItemCommittee { CommitteeId = _.CommitteeId, ItemId = question.P20QuestionId, ItemType = 1 } )); if (record) { db.SubmitChanges(); } } if (question != null && (!question.AnswerDate.HasValue || !answered)) { // ok, try to get the answer, it should be there since the question looks answered // first, the date // have to do last due to this one // var dateps = doc.SelectHtmlNodes("//p[@style='padding-left:10px;']"); if (dateps.Any()) { var datep = dateps.Last(); //doc.SelectHtmlNodes("//div[@class='lovlist' or class='line clearfix']/*/p").Single(); var receivedregex = new Regex(@"Modtaget: (?'day'\d\d)-(?'mon'\d\d)-(?'yea'\d\d\d\d)<br>"); var rdatematch = receivedregex.Matches(datep.InnerHtml); var answer = new DateTime( int.Parse(rdatematch[0].Groups["yea"].Value.Trim()), int.Parse(rdatematch[0].Groups["mon"].Value.Trim()), int.Parse(rdatematch[0].Groups["day"].Value.Trim()) ); var tablewithanswerlink = doc.SelectHtmlNodes("//table[@class='lovTable']").Last(); Func<string, bool> answerrowfinder = _ => _.StartsWith("Svar:") || _.StartsWith("Svar :") || _.StartsWith("Svar (endeligt):") || _.StartsWith("Endeligt svar") || _.StartsWith("Svar på") || _.StartsWith("Supplerende svar på") || _.StartsWith("UDKASTspg") || _.ToLower().Contains("besvarelse") || _.ToLower().Contains("svar på") || _.StartsWith("S "); var rowwithcrapanswerlink = tablewithanswerlink.SelectHtmlNodes("tbody/tr"). SingleOrDefault(_ => answerrowfinder(_.InnerText)); if (rowwithcrapanswerlink == null) { // apparently not quite ready yet } else { var craplinkurl = rowwithcrapanswerlink.SelectHtmlNodes("td/ul/li/a"). Single().Attributes["href"].Value; var crapdoc = Scrape2009.GetDoc(craplinkurl); // we do last due to this one // var answerrow = crapdoc.SelectHtmlNodes("//table[@class='lovTable']/tbody/tr"). LastOrDefault(_ => answerrowfinder(_.InnerText.Replace(" ", " "))); if (answerrow == null) { // due to weirdness here: answerrow = crapdoc.SelectHtmlNodes("//table[@class='lovTable']/tbody/tr").First(); } var answerlink = answerrow.SelectHtmlNodes("td/a"). Single(_ => _.InnerText.Trim().StartsWith("Html-version")).Attributes["href"].Value; var docanswerlink = answerrow.SelectHtmlNodes("td/div/div/ul/li/a"). First().Attributes["href"].Value; if (docanswerlink.Contains("founded")) { throw new ArgumentException("no such pdf for " + ftid); } var answerdocid = Util.DownloadDocument(docanswerlink, question); if (answerdocid != null) { question.AnswerDocumentId = answerdocid; question.AnswerDate = answer; } else { // apparently something went wrong when downloading doc, disregard } } } else { // hmm, looks like it's not actually answered for reals } } if (record) { //Console.WriteLine("submitting {0}", question.Title); db.SubmitChanges(); } }