public VMModifyDataCommand(VMExtDataType type, int id, int value, VMEntity obj) { Type = type; ID = id; Value = value; Object = obj; }
public void DrawActionsOf(VMEntity obj) { objNameLabel.Text = "Active Object: " + obj.ToString(); actionView.Items.Clear(); for (int i = 0; i < obj.Thread.Queue.Count; i++) { actionView.Items.Add(new ListViewItem(obj.Thread.Queue[i].Name, (i == 0) ? 0 : 1)); } }
public Simantics(VM vm) { this.vm = vm; InitializeComponent(); ActiveEntity = vm.Entities.FirstOrDefault(x => x is VMAvatar); aq = new ActionQueue(); aq.Show(); = ActiveEntity; }
private int UseLastValue; //times to use last believed value before we poll the real entity. #endregion Fields #region Constructors public VMDataPropertyDescriptor(string name, string description, Attribute[] attrs, VMExtDataType type, int id, VMEntity obj, VMStackFrame frame, UIBHAVEditor editor) : base(name, attrs) { Type = type; ID = id; Object = obj; Frame = frame; Editor = editor; _Description = description; }
public void IDEBreakpointHit(VM vm, VMEntity targetEnt) { new Thread(() => { if (MainWindow.Instance == null) return; MainWindow.Instance.Invoke(new MainWindowDelegate(() => { MainWindow.Instance.BHAVManager.OpenTracer(vm, targetEnt); }), null); }).Start(); }
private VMEntity DeepestObjInSlot(VMEntity pt, int depth) { //todo: make sure nobody can create cyclic slots, and limit slot depth if (depth > 50) { throw new Exception("slot depth too high!"); } var slots = pt.TotalSlots(); for (int i = 0; i < slots; i++) { var ent = pt.GetSlot(i); if (ent != null) { return(DeepestObjInSlot(ent, depth++)); } } return(pt); }
public void RemoveObjectInstance(VMEntity target) { target.PrePositionChange(this); if (!target.GhostImage) { VM.RemoveEntity(target); } if (UseWorld) { if (target is VMGameObject) { Blueprint.RemoveObject((ObjectComponent)target.WorldUI); } else { Blueprint.RemoveAvatar((AvatarComponent)target.WorldUI); } } }
public BHAVEditor OpenTracer(VM vm, VMEntity entity) { BHAVEditor window; if (Tracers.ContainsKey(entity)) { window = Tracers[entity]; window.UpdateDebugger(); var form = (Form)window; if (form.WindowState == FormWindowState.Minimized) form.WindowState = FormWindowState.Normal; window.Activate(); return window; } window = new BHAVEditor(vm, entity); window.Show(); window.Activate(); Tracers.Add(entity, window); return window; }
public void InitBHAV(BHAV bhav, EditorScope scope, VMEntity debugEnt, VMStackFrame debugFrame, BHAVPrimSelect callback) { if (FSOUI == null) { var mainCont = new UIExternalContainer(1024, 768); Editor = new UIBHAVEditor(bhav, scope, debugEnt); mainCont.Add(Editor); GameFacade.Screens.AddExternal(mainCont); SetUI(mainCont); Editor.BHAVView.OnSelectedChanged += callback; } else { //reuse existing lock (FSOUI) { Editor.QueueCommand(new ChangeBHAVCommand(bhav, scope, debugFrame, callback)); } } }
public void UnregisterObjectPos(VMEntity obj) { var pos = obj.Position; //remove object from room var room = GetObjectRoom(obj); RoomInfo[room].Entities.Remove(obj); if (obj.EntryPoints[15].ActionFunction != 0) { //portal RemoveRoomPortal(obj, room); } if (obj.GetValue(VMStackObjectVariable.LightingContribution) > 0) { RefreshLighting(room, true); } SetToNextCache.UnregisterObjectPos(obj); }
public override void ClearSlot(int slot) { HandObject.Container = null; HandObject.ContainerSlot = -1; CarryAnimationState = null; if (UseWorld) { HandObject.WorldUI.Container = null; HandObject.WorldUI.ContainerSlot = 0; if (HandObject.WorldUI is ObjectComponent) { var objC = (ObjectComponent)HandObject.WorldUI; objC.ForceDynamic = false; } } HandObject = null; }
public override bool PlaceInSlot(VMEntity obj, int slot, bool cleanOld, VMContext context) { if (GetSlot(slot) == obj) { return(true); //already in slot } if (GetSlot(slot) != null) { return(false); } if (cleanOld) { obj.PrePositionChange(context); } if (!obj.GhostImage) { HandObject = obj; CarryAnimationState = new VMAnimationState(FSO.Content.Content.Get().AvatarAnimations.Get("a2o-rarm-carry-loop.anim"), false); //set default carry animation obj.Container = this; obj.ContainerSlot = (short)slot; } if (UseWorld) { obj.WorldUI.Container = this.WorldUI; obj.WorldUI.ContainerSlot = slot; if (obj.WorldUI is ObjectComponent) { var objC = (ObjectComponent)obj.WorldUI; objC.ForceDynamic = true; } } obj.Position = Position; //TODO: is physical position the same as the slot offset position? if (cleanOld) { obj.PositionChange(context, false); } return(true); }
public override bool PlaceInSlot(VMEntity obj, int slot, bool cleanOld, VMContext context) { if (GetSlot(slot) == obj) { return(true); //already in slot } if (GetSlot(slot) != null || WillLoopSlot(obj)) { return(false); //would recursively loop slot.. } if (cleanOld) { obj.PrePositionChange(context); } if (Contained != null) { if (slot > -1 && slot < Contained.Length) { if (!obj.GhostImage) { Contained[slot] = obj; obj.Container = this; obj.ContainerSlot = (short)slot; } if (UseWorld) { obj.WorldUI.Container = this.WorldUI; obj.WorldUI.ContainerSlot = slot; } obj.Position = Position; //TODO: is physical position the same as the slot offset position? if (cleanOld) { obj.PositionChange(context, false); } return(true); } } return(false); }
public virtual void LoadCrossRef(VMAvatarMarshal input, VMContext context) { base.LoadCrossRef(input, context); HandObject = context.VM.GetObjectById(input.HandObject); if (HandObject != null && HandObject is VMGameObject) { ((ObjectComponent)HandObject.WorldUI).ForceDynamic = true; } //we need to fix the gender, since InitBodyData resets it. var gender = GetPersonData(VMPersonDataVariable.Gender); InitBodyData(context); SetPersonData(VMPersonDataVariable.Gender, gender); SetPersonData(VMPersonDataVariable.RenderDisplayFlags, GetPersonData(VMPersonDataVariable.RenderDisplayFlags)); BodyOutfit = input.BodyOutfit; HeadOutfit = input.HeadOutfit; Avatar.Head = Content.Content.Get().AvatarOutfits.Get(HeadOutfit); Avatar.Body = Content.Content.Get().AvatarOutfits.Get(BodyOutfit); Avatar.Handgroup = Avatar.Body; }
public void UnregisterObjectPos(VMEntity obj) { var pos = obj.Position; //remove object from room var room = GetObjectRoom(obj); RoomInfo[room].Entities.Remove(obj); if (obj.EntryPoints[15].ActionFunction != 0) { //portal RemoveRoomPortal(obj, room); } if (obj.GetValue(VMStackObjectVariable.LightingContribution) > 0) { RefreshLighting(room, true); } if (ObjectsAt[pos.Level - 1].ContainsKey(pos.TileID)) { ObjectsAt[pos.Level - 1][pos.TileID].Remove(obj.ObjectID); } }
public virtual void LoadCrossRef(VMEntityMarshal input,VMContext context) { Contained = new VMEntity[input.Contained.Length]; int i = 0; foreach (var item in input.Contained) { Contained[i++] = context.VM.GetObjectById(item); } Container = context.VM.GetObjectById(input.Container); if (UseWorld && Container != null) { WorldUI.Container = Container.WorldUI; WorldUI.ContainerSlot = ContainerSlot; } if (input.Headline != null) { Headline = new VMRuntimeHeadline(input.Headline,context); HeadlineRenderer = context.VM.Headline.Get(Headline); } }
public virtual void Init(VMContext context) { GenerateTreeByName(context); if (!GhostImage) { this.Thread = new VMThread(context,this,this.Object.OBJ.StackSize); } ExecuteEntryPoint(0,context,true); //Init if (!GhostImage) { short[] Args = null; VMEntity StackOBJ = null; if (MainParam != 0) { Args = new short[4]; Args[0] = MainParam; MainParam = 0; } if (MainStackOBJ != 0) { StackOBJ = context.VM.GetObjectById(MainStackOBJ); MainStackOBJ = 0; } ExecuteEntryPoint(1,context,false,StackOBJ,Args); //Main } else { SetValue(VMStackObjectVariable.Room,-1); if (this is VMGameObject) { ((VMGameObject)this).RefreshLight(); } } }
public void UnregisterObjectPos(VMEntity obj) { var pos = obj.Position; //remove object from room var room = GetObjectRoom(obj); RoomInfo[room].Entities.Remove(obj); if (obj.EntryPoints[15].ActionFunction != 0) { //portal RemoveRoomPortal(obj, room); } if (ObjectsAt[pos.Level - 1].ContainsKey(pos.TileID)) ObjectsAt[pos.Level - 1][pos.TileID].Remove(obj.ObjectID); }
private void SetBreak(VMEntity entity) { entity.Thread.ThreadBreak = SimAntics.Engine.VMThreadBreakMode.Immediate; }
public bool ExecuteEntryPoint(int entry,VMContext context,bool runImmediately,VMEntity stackOBJ,short[] args) { if (entry == 11) { //user placement, hack to do auto floor removal/placement for stairs if (Object.OBJ.LevelOffset > 0 && Position != LotTilePos.OUT_OF_WORLD) { var floor = context.Architecture.GetFloor(Position.TileX,Position.TileY,Position.Level); var placeFlags = (VMPlacementFlags)ObjectData[(int)VMStackObjectVariable.PlacementFlags]; if ((placeFlags & VMPlacementFlags.InAir) > 0) { context.Architecture.SetFloor(Position.TileX,Position.TileY,Position.Level,new FloorTile(),true); } if ((placeFlags & VMPlacementFlags.OnFloor) > 0 && (floor.Pattern == 0)) { context.Architecture.SetFloor(Position.TileX,Position.TileY,Position.Level,new FloorTile { Pattern = 1 },true); } } } bool result = false; if (EntryPoints[entry].ActionFunction > 255) { VMSandboxRestoreState SandboxState = null; if (GhostImage && runImmediately) { SandboxState = context.VM.Sandbox(); for (int i = 0; i < MultitileGroup.Objects.Count; i++) { var obj = MultitileGroup.Objects[i]; context.VM.AddEntity(obj); } } BHAV bhav; GameObject CodeOwner; ushort ActionID = EntryPoints[entry].ActionFunction; if (ActionID < 4096) { //global bhav = context.Globals.Resource.Get <BHAV>(ActionID); } else if (ActionID < 8192) { //local bhav = Object.Resource.Get <BHAV>(ActionID); } else { //semi-global bhav = SemiGlobal.Get <BHAV>(ActionID); } CodeOwner = Object; if (bhav != null) { var routine = context.VM.Assemble(bhav); var action = new VMQueuedAction { Callee = this, CodeOwner = CodeOwner, /** Main function **/ StackObject = stackOBJ, Routine = routine, Args = args }; if (runImmediately) { var checkResult = VMThread.EvaluateCheck(context,this,action); result = (checkResult == VMPrimitiveExitCode.RETURN_TRUE); } else { this.Thread.EnqueueAction(action); } } if (GhostImage && runImmediately) { //restore state context.VM.SandboxRestore(SandboxState); } return(result); } else { return(false); } }
public void RemoveRoomPortal(VMEntity obj, ushort room) { VMRoomPortal target = null; foreach (var port in RoomInfo[room].Portals) { if (port.ObjectID == obj.ObjectID) { target = port; break; } } if (target != null) RoomInfo[room].Portals.Remove(target); }
public abstract void PlaceInSlot(VMEntity obj,int slot,bool cleanOld,VMContext context);
public virtual void LoadCrossRef(VMAvatarMarshal input, VMContext context) { base.LoadCrossRef(input, context); HandObject = context.VM.GetObjectById(input.HandObject); if (HandObject != null && HandObject is VMGameObject) ((ObjectComponent)HandObject.WorldUI).ForceDynamic = true; //we need to fix the gender, since InitBodyData resets it. var gender = GetPersonData(VMPersonDataVariable.Gender); InitBodyData(context); SetPersonData(VMPersonDataVariable.Gender, gender); BodyOutfit = input.BodyOutfit; HeadOutfit = input.HeadOutfit; }
private void btnSelect_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { ActiveEntity = SelectedEntity; = ActiveEntity; }
public override void Init(FSO.SimAntics.VMContext context) { if (UseWorld) ((ObjectComponent)WorldUI).ObjectID = ObjectID; if (Slots != null && Slots.Slots.ContainsKey(0)) { Contained = new VMEntity[Slots.Slots[0].Count]; if (UseWorld) ((ObjectComponent)WorldUI).ContainerSlots = Slots.Slots[0]; } base.Init(context); }
public void AddRoomPortal(VMEntity obj, ushort room) { //find other portal part, must be in other room to count... foreach (var obj2 in obj.MultitileGroup.Objects) { var room2 = GetObjectRoom(obj2); if (obj != obj2 && room2 != room && obj2.EntryPoints[15].ActionFunction != 0) { RoomInfo[room].Portals.Add(new VMRoomPortal(obj.ObjectID, room2)); break; } } }
public VMPlacementResult GetObjPlace(VMEntity target, LotTilePos pos, Direction dir) { //ok, this might be confusing... short allowedHeights = target.GetValue(VMStackObjectVariable.AllowedHeightFlags); short weight = target.GetValue(VMStackObjectVariable.Weight); bool noFloor = (allowedHeights & 1) == 0; var flags = (VMEntityFlags)target.GetValue(VMStackObjectVariable.Flags); bool allowAvatars = ((flags & VMEntityFlags.DisallowPersonIntersection) == 0) && ((flags & VMEntityFlags.AllowPersonIntersection) > 0); VMObstacle footprint = target.GetObstacle(pos, dir); ushort room = GetRoomAt(pos); VMPlacementError status = (noFloor)?VMPlacementError.HeightNotAllowed:VMPlacementError.Success; VMEntity statusObj = null; if (footprint == null || pos.Level < 1) { return(new VMPlacementResult { Status = status }); } var objs = RoomInfo[room].Entities; foreach (var obj in objs) { if (obj.MultitileGroup == target.MultitileGroup || (obj is VMAvatar && allowAvatars) || (target.GhostImage && target.GhostOriginal != null && target.GhostOriginal.Objects.Contains(obj))) { continue; } var oFoot = obj.Footprint; if (oFoot != null && oFoot.Intersects(footprint) && (!(target.ExecuteEntryPoint(5, this, true, obj, new short[] { obj.ObjectID, 0, 0, 0 }) || obj.ExecuteEntryPoint(5, this, true, target, new short[] { target.ObjectID, 0, 0, 0 }))) ) { statusObj = obj; status = VMPlacementError.CantIntersectOtherObjects; //this object is technically solid. Check if we can place on top of it if (allowedHeights > 1 && obj.TotalSlots() > 0 && (obj.GetSlot(0) == null || obj.GetSlot(0) == target)) { //first check if we have a slot 0, which is what we place onto. then check if it's empty, //then check if the object can support this one's weight. //we also need to make sure that the height of this specific slot is allowed. if (((1 << (obj.GetSlotHeight(0) - 1)) & allowedHeights) > 0) { if (weight < obj.GetValue(VMStackObjectVariable.SupportStrength)) { return(new VMPlacementResult(VMPlacementError.Success, obj)); } else { status = VMPlacementError.CantSupportWeight; } } else { if (noFloor) { if ((allowedHeights & (1 << 3)) > 0) { status = VMPlacementError.CounterHeight; } else { status = (obj.GetSlotHeight(0) == 8) ? VMPlacementError.CannotPlaceComputerOnEndTable : VMPlacementError.HeightNotAllowed; } } } } } } return(new VMPlacementResult(status, statusObj)); }
public VMPlacementError Status; //if true, cannot place anywhere. #endregion Fields #region Constructors public VMPlacementResult(VMPlacementError status) { Status = status; Object = null; }
public void SetGUIDLocal(uint id, VM TempVM) { oldGUID = id; GUID = id; if (TempVM != null) { if (TargetOBJ != null) TargetOBJ.Delete(TempVM.Context); //create our master, center camera on target object var objDefinition = FSO.Content.Content.Get().WorldObjects.Get(GUID); if (objDefinition != null) { var masterID = id; var notMaster = objDefinition.OBJ.MasterID != 0 && objDefinition.OBJ.SubIndex != -1; if (notMaster) { //find the master var master = objDefinition.Resource.List<OBJD>().FirstOrDefault(x => x.MasterID == objDefinition.OBJ.MasterID && x.SubIndex == -1); if (master != null) masterID = master.GUID; } TargetOBJ = TempVM.Context.CreateObjectInstance(masterID, LotTilePos.OUT_OF_WORLD, Direction.SOUTH, true); TargetOBJ.SetVisualPosition(new Vector3(0.5f, 0.5f, 0f), Direction.SOUTH, TempVM.Context); TempVM.Entities = TargetOBJ.Objects; if (TargetOBJ == null) return; TargetTile = TargetOBJ.Objects.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Object.OBJ.GUID == id); if (TargetTile == null) TargetTile = TargetOBJ.BaseObject; var tile = TargetTile.VisualPosition; TempVM.Context.World.State.CenterTile = new Vector2(tile.X, tile.Y) - new Vector2(2.5f, 2.5f); foreach (var obj in TargetOBJ.Objects) { if (obj is VMGameObject) ((ObjectComponent)obj.WorldUI).renderInfo.Layer = LotView.WorldObjectRenderLayer.DYNAMIC; if (notMaster && obj.Object.OBJ.GUID != id) obj.SetRoom(2); } } } }
public override void PlaceInSlot(VMEntity obj, int slot, bool cleanOld, VMContext context) { if (cleanOld) obj.PrePositionChange(context); if (Contained != null) { if (slot > -1 && slot < Contained.Length) { if (!obj.GhostImage) { Contained[slot] = obj; obj.Container = this; obj.ContainerSlot = (short)slot; } if (UseWorld) { obj.WorldUI.Container = this.WorldUI; obj.WorldUI.ContainerSlot = slot; } obj.Position = Position; //TODO: is physical position the same as the slot offset position? } } }
private void SetSelected(VMEntity entity) { SelectedEntity = entity; propertyGrid.SelectedObject = entity; bhavList.Items.Clear(); var resource = entity.Object; var bhavs = resource.Resource.List<BHAV>(); if (bhavs != null) { foreach (var bhav in bhavs) { bhavList.Items.Add(bhav); } } if (entity.SemiGlobal != null) { var sglobbhavs = entity.SemiGlobal.Resource.List<BHAV>(); if (bhavs != null) { foreach (var bhav in sglobbhavs) { bhavList.Items.Add(bhav); } } } interactionList.Items.Clear(); if (entity.TreeTable != null) { TreeTableSel = entity.TreeTable; foreach (var interaction in entity.TreeTable.Interactions) { interactionList.Items.Add(entity.TreeTableStrings.GetString((int)interaction.TTAIndex)); } } }
public void PushUserInteraction(int interaction,VMEntity caller,VMContext context) { PushUserInteraction(interaction,caller,context,null); }
public UIBHAVEditor(BHAV target, EditorScope scope, VMEntity debugEnt) { if (debugEnt != null) { DebugMode = true; DebugEntity = debugEnt; } ContainerByID = new Dictionary<ushort, BHAVContainer>(); BHAVView = new BHAVContainer(target, scope); ContainerByID.Add(target.ChunkID, BHAVView); this.Add(BHAVView); PlacingName = new UILabel(); PlacingName.Alignment = TextAlignment.Center; PlacingName.Size = new Vector2(1, 1); PlacingName.CaptionStyle = TextStyle.DefaultLabel.Clone(); PlacingName.CaptionStyle.Font = FSO.Client.GameFacade.EdithFont; PlacingName.CaptionStyle.Size = 14; PlacingName.CaptionStyle.Color = new Color(0, 102, 26); PlacingName.Caption = "Placing Report Metric"; PlacingDesc = new UILabel(); PlacingDesc.Alignment = TextAlignment.Center; PlacingDesc.Size = new Vector2(1, 1); PlacingDesc.CaptionStyle = TextStyle.DefaultLabel.Clone(); PlacingDesc.CaptionStyle.Font = FSO.Client.GameFacade.EdithFont; PlacingDesc.CaptionStyle.Size = 12; PlacingDesc.CaptionStyle.Color = new Color(0, 102, 26); PlacingDesc.Caption = "Press ESC to cancel."; this.Add(PlacingName); this.Add(PlacingDesc); if (DebugMode) { DebugFrame = debugEnt.Thread.Stack.LastOrDefault(); UpdateDebugPointer(DebugFrame); DebugGo = new UIButton(); DebugGo.Caption = "Go"; DebugGo.Position = new Vector2(15, 15); Add(DebugGo); DebugGo.OnButtonClick += DebugButtonClick; DebugStepOver = new UIButton(); DebugStepOver.Caption = "Step Over"; DebugStepOver.Position = new Vector2(83, 15); Add(DebugStepOver); DebugStepOver.OnButtonClick += DebugButtonClick; DebugStepIn = new UIButton(); DebugStepIn.Caption = "Step In"; DebugStepIn.Position = new Vector2(193, 15); Add(DebugStepIn); DebugStepIn.OnButtonClick += DebugButtonClick; DebugStepOut = new UIButton(); DebugStepOut.Caption = "Step Out"; DebugStepOut.Position = new Vector2(293, 15); Add(DebugStepOut); DebugStepOut.OnButtonClick += DebugButtonClick; DebugTrue = new UIButton(); DebugTrue.Caption = "Return True"; DebugTrue.Position = new Vector2(402, 15); Add(DebugTrue); DebugTrue.OnButtonClick += DebugButtonClick; DebugFalse = new UIButton(); DebugFalse.Caption = "Return False"; DebugFalse.Position = new Vector2(522, 15); Add(DebugFalse); DebugFalse.OnButtonClick += DebugButtonClick; } }
public override void PlaceInSlot(VMEntity obj, int slot, bool cleanOld, VMContext context) { if (cleanOld) obj.PrePositionChange(context); if (!obj.GhostImage) { HandObject = obj; CarryAnimationState = new VMAnimationState(FSO.Content.Content.Get().AvatarAnimations.Get("a2o-rarm-carry-loop.anim"), false); //set default carry animation obj.Container = this; obj.ContainerSlot = (short)slot; } if (UseWorld) { obj.WorldUI.Container = this.WorldUI; obj.WorldUI.ContainerSlot = slot; obj.Position = Position; //TODO: is physical position the same as the slot offset position? if (obj.WorldUI is ObjectComponent) { var objC = (ObjectComponent)obj.WorldUI; objC.ForceDynamic = true; } } }
internal void BreakpointHit(VMEntity entity) { if (OnBreakpoint == null) entity.Thread.ThreadBreak = VMThreadBreakMode.Active; //no handler.. else OnBreakpoint(entity); }
public UIPieMenu(List<VMPieMenuInteraction> pie, VMEntity obj, VMEntity caller, UILotControl parent) { if (FSOEnvironment.UIZoomFactor>1.33f) ScaleX = ScaleY = FSOEnvironment.UIZoomFactor*0.75f; TrueScale = ScaleX *FSOEnvironment.DPIScaleFactor; m_PieButtons = new List<UIButton>(); this.m_Obj = obj; this.m_Caller = caller; this.m_Parent = parent; this.ButtonStyle = new TextStyle { Font = GameFacade.MainFont, Size = 12, Color = new Color(0xA5, 0xC3, 0xD6), SelectedColor = new Color(0x00, 0xFF, 0xFF), CursorColor = new Color(255, 255, 255) }; m_Bg = new UIImage(TextureGenerator.GetPieBG(GameFacade.GraphicsDevice)); m_Bg.SetSize(0, 0); //is scaled up later this.AddAt(0, m_Bg); m_PieTree = new UIPieMenuItem() { Category = true }; for (int i = 0; i < pie.Count; i++) { string[] depth = (pie[i].Name == null)?new string[] { "???" } :pie[i].Name.Split('/'); var category = m_PieTree; //set category to root for (int j = 0; j < depth.Length-1; j++) //iterate through categories { if (category.Children.ContainsKey(depth[j])) { category = category.Children[depth[j]]; } else { var newCat = new UIPieMenuItem() { Category = true, Name = depth[j], Parent = category }; category.Children.Add(depth[j], newCat); category = newCat; } } //we are in the category, put the interaction in here; var item = new UIPieMenuItem() { Category = false, Name = depth[depth.Length - 1], ID = pie[i].ID, Param0 = pie[i].Param0 }; if (!category.Children.ContainsKey(item.Name)) category.Children.Add(item.Name, item); } m_CurrentItem = m_PieTree; m_PieButtons = new List<UIButton>(); RenderMenu(); VMAvatar Avatar = (VMAvatar)caller; m_Head = new SimAvatar(Avatar.Avatar); //talk about confusing... m_Head.StripAllButHead(); initSimHead(); }
public List <VMPieMenuInteraction> GetPieMenu(VM vm,VMEntity caller) { var pie = new List <VMPieMenuInteraction>(); if (TreeTable == null) { return(pie); } for (int i = 0; i < TreeTable.Interactions.Length; i++) { var action = TreeTable.Interactions[i]; var actionStrings = new List <VMPieMenuInteraction>(); bool CanRun = false; if (action.TestFunction != 0 && (((TTABFlags)action.Flags & TTABFlags.Debug) != TTABFlags.Debug)) { caller.ObjectData[(int)VMStackObjectVariable.HideInteraction] = 0; var Behavior = GetBHAVWithOwner(action.TestFunction,vm.Context); CanRun = (VMThread.EvaluateCheck(vm.Context,caller,new VMQueuedAction() { Callee = this, CodeOwner = Behavior.owner, StackObject = this, Routine = vm.Assemble(Behavior.bhav), },actionStrings) == VMPrimitiveExitCode.RETURN_TRUE); if (caller.ObjectData[(int)VMStackObjectVariable.HideInteraction] == 1) { CanRun = false; } } else { CanRun = true; } if (CanRun) { if (actionStrings.Count > 0) { foreach (var actionS in actionStrings) { actionS.ID = (byte)action.TTAIndex; pie.Add(actionS); } } else { if (TreeTableStrings != null) { pie.Add(new VMPieMenuInteraction() { Name = TreeTableStrings.GetString((int)action.TTAIndex), ID = (byte)action.TTAIndex }); } } } } return(pie); }
public VMPlacementResult(VMPlacementError status, VMEntity obj) { Status = status; Object = obj; }
public ushort GetObjectRoom(VMEntity obj) { if (obj.Position == LotTilePos.OUT_OF_WORLD) return 0; if (obj.Position.Level < 1 || obj.Position.Level > _Arch.Stories) return 0; return Architecture.Rooms[obj.Position.Level - 1].Map[obj.Position.TileX + obj.Position.TileY*_Arch.Width]; }
public VMPlacementResult GetObjPlace(VMEntity target, LotTilePos pos, Direction dir) { //ok, this might be confusing... short allowedHeights = target.GetValue(VMStackObjectVariable.AllowedHeightFlags); short weight = target.GetValue(VMStackObjectVariable.Weight); bool noFloor = (allowedHeights&1)==0; var flags = (VMEntityFlags)target.GetValue(VMStackObjectVariable.Flags); bool allowAvatars = ((flags & VMEntityFlags.DisallowPersonIntersection) == 0) && ((flags & VMEntityFlags.AllowPersonIntersection) > 0); VMObstacle footprint = target.GetObstacle(pos, dir); ushort room = GetRoomAt(pos); VMPlacementError status = (noFloor)?VMPlacementError.HeightNotAllowed:VMPlacementError.Success; VMEntity statusObj = null; if (footprint == null || pos.Level < 1) { return new VMPlacementResult { Status = status }; } var objs = RoomInfo[room].Entities; foreach (var obj in objs) { if (obj.MultitileGroup == target.MultitileGroup || (obj is VMAvatar && allowAvatars)) continue; var oFoot = obj.Footprint; if (oFoot != null && oFoot.Intersects(footprint) && (!(target.ExecuteEntryPoint(5, this, true, obj, new short[] { obj.ObjectID, 0, 0, 0 }) || obj.ExecuteEntryPoint(5, this, true, target, new short[] { target.ObjectID, 0, 0, 0 }))) ) { statusObj = obj; status = VMPlacementError.CantIntersectOtherObjects; //this object is technically solid. Check if we can place on top of it if (allowedHeights>1 && obj.TotalSlots() > 0 && (obj.GetSlot(0) == null || obj.GetSlot(0) == target)) { //first check if we have a slot 0, which is what we place onto. then check if it's empty, //then check if the object can support this one's weight. //we also need to make sure that the height of this specific slot is allowed. if (((1 << (obj.GetSlotHeight(0) - 1)) & allowedHeights) > 0) { if (weight < obj.GetValue(VMStackObjectVariable.SupportStrength)) { return new VMPlacementResult(VMPlacementError.Success, obj); } else { status = VMPlacementError.CantSupportWeight; } } else { if (noFloor) { if ((allowedHeights & (1 << 3)) > 0) status = VMPlacementError.CounterHeight; else status = (obj.GetSlotHeight(0) == 8) ? VMPlacementError.CannotPlaceComputerOnEndTable : VMPlacementError.HeightNotAllowed; } } } } } return new VMPlacementResult(status, statusObj); }
public void RegisterObjectPos(VMEntity obj) { var pos = obj.Position; if (pos.Level < 1) return; //add object to room var room = GetObjectRoom(obj); VM.AddToObjList(RoomInfo[room].Entities, obj); if (obj.EntryPoints[15].ActionFunction != 0) { //portal AddRoomPortal(obj, room); } while (pos.Level > ObjectsAt.Count) ObjectsAt.Add(new Dictionary<int, List<short>>()); if (!ObjectsAt[pos.Level-1].ContainsKey(pos.TileID)) ObjectsAt[pos.Level - 1][pos.TileID] = new List<short>(); ObjectsAt[pos.Level - 1][pos.TileID].Add(obj.ObjectID); }
public VMEntity Object; //Container if above is .Success, Obstacle if above is any failure code. public VMPlacementResult(VMPlacementError status) { Status = status; Object = null; }
public void RemoveObjectInstance(VMEntity target) { target.PrePositionChange(this); if (!target.GhostImage) VM.RemoveEntity(target); if (UseWorld) { if (target is VMGameObject) Blueprint.RemoveObject((ObjectComponent)target.WorldUI); else Blueprint.RemoveAvatar((AvatarComponent)target.WorldUI); } }
public bool ExecuteEntryPoint(int entry,VMContext context,bool runImmediately,VMEntity stackOBJ) { return(ExecuteEntryPoint(entry,context,runImmediately,stackOBJ,null)); }
public void SetSelected(VMMultitileGroup Group) { if (Holding != null) ClearSelected(); Holding = new UIObjectSelection(); Holding.Group = Group; Holding.PreviousTile = Holding.Group.BaseObject.Position; Holding.Dir = Group.Objects[0].Direction; VMEntity[] CursorTiles = new VMEntity[Group.Objects.Count]; for (int i = 0; i < Group.Objects.Count; i++) { var target = Group.Objects[i]; target.SetRoom(65534); if (target is VMGameObject) ((ObjectComponent)target.WorldUI).ForceDynamic = true; CursorTiles[i] = vm.Context.CreateObjectInstance(0x00000437, new LotTilePos(target.Position), FSO.LotView.Model.Direction.NORTH, true).Objects[0]; CursorTiles[i].SetPosition(new LotTilePos(0,0,1), Direction.NORTH, vm.Context); ((ObjectComponent)CursorTiles[i].WorldUI).ForceDynamic = true; } Holding.TilePosOffset = new Vector2(0, 0); Holding.CursorTiles = CursorTiles; uint guid; var bobj = Group.BaseObject; guid = bobj.Object.OBJ.GUID; if (bobj.MasterDefinition != null) guid = bobj.MasterDefinition.GUID; var catalogItem = Content.Content.Get().WorldCatalog.GetItemByGUID(guid); if (catalogItem != null) Holding.Price = (int)catalogItem.Price; }
public VMPlacementResult GetAvatarPlace(VMEntity target, LotTilePos pos, Direction dir) { //avatars cannot be placed in slots under any circumstances, so we skip a few steps. VMObstacle footprint = target.GetObstacle(pos, dir); ushort room = GetRoomAt(pos); VMPlacementError status = VMPlacementError.Success; VMEntity statusObj = null; if (footprint == null || pos.Level < 1) { return new VMPlacementResult(status); } var objs = RoomInfo[room].Entities; foreach (var obj in objs) { if (obj.MultitileGroup == target.MultitileGroup) continue; var oFoot = obj.Footprint; if (oFoot != null && oFoot.Intersects(footprint)) //also ignore allow intersection trees? { var flags = (VMEntityFlags)obj.GetValue(VMStackObjectVariable.Flags); bool allowAvatars = ((flags & VMEntityFlags.DisallowPersonIntersection) == 0) && ((flags & VMEntityFlags.AllowPersonIntersection) > 0); if (!allowAvatars) { status = VMPlacementError.CantIntersectOtherObjects; statusObj = obj; if (obj.EntryPoints[26].ActionFunction != 0) break; //select chairs immediately. } } } return new VMPlacementResult(status, statusObj); }