Example #1
        public QuestExplore(int x, int y, QuestInterface passed, int diff)
            this.next = passed;
            this.QuestType = Globals.QUEST_EXPLORE;
            this.progress = 0;
            this.required = 1;
            this.goalX = x;
            this.goalY = y;
            this.difficulty = diff;

            this.messages = new string[2][];
            this.messages[1] = new string[5];
            this.messages[1][0] = "           Boss Battle!";
            this.messages[1][1] = "";
            this.messages[1][2] = "      You have encountered the boss";
            this.messages[1][3] = "    guarding this level of the maze for the";
            this.messages[1][4] = "      FLYING SPAGHETTI CODE MONSTER";

            this.messages[0] = new string[4];
            this.messages[0][0] = "             You're trapped!";
            this.messages[0][1] = "      Find your way out before the";
            this.messages[0][2] = "     FLYING SPAGHETTI CODE MONSTER";
            this.messages[0][3] = " catches you and crashes your computer!";

            SubStateAbstract quest = new SubStateDisplayMessage(this.messages[0], 120, 450, 300, 300, StateHandler.State);
            StateHandler.State = quest;
        private void Victory()
            won = true;
            MessageBoxInterface[] messageBoxes = new MessageBoxInterface[1];
            Color[] colors = new Color[2];
            colors[0] = Color.White;
            colors[1] = Color.White;

            int mX     = 400;
            int mY     = 100;
            int height = 100;
            int width  = 345;

            int exp = getExp();

            string[] attackMessage = new string[2];
            attackMessage[0] = "Victory!!";
            attackMessage[1] = "You have earned " + exp + " Exp!";

            for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)

            SubStateDisplayMessage temp = new SubStateDisplayMessage(attackMessage, height, width, mX, mY, StateHandler.State);

            StateHandler.State = temp;

            ItemFactory.combatGenerate(MonsterList[0].Element, StateHandler.Level, MonsterList[0].Quality, MonsterList[0].Boss, "");
Example #3
        }//end DVC

        public QuestExplore(int x, int y, QuestInterface passed, int diff)
            this.next       = passed;
            this.QuestType  = Globals.QUEST_EXPLORE;
            this.progress   = 0;
            this.required   = 1;
            this.goalX      = x;
            this.goalY      = y;
            this.difficulty = diff;

            this.messages       = new string[2][];
            this.messages[1]    = new string[5];
            this.messages[1][0] = "           Boss Battle!";
            this.messages[1][1] = "";
            this.messages[1][2] = "      You have encountered the boss";
            this.messages[1][3] = "    guarding this level of the maze for the";
            this.messages[1][4] = "      FLYING SPAGHETTI CODE MONSTER";

            this.messages[0]    = new string[4];
            this.messages[0][0] = "             You're trapped!";
            this.messages[0][1] = "      Find your way out before the";
            this.messages[0][2] = "     FLYING SPAGHETTI CODE MONSTER";
            this.messages[0][3] = " catches you and crashes your computer!";

            SubStateAbstract quest = new SubStateDisplayMessage(this.messages[0], 120, 450, 300, 300, StateHandler.State);

            StateHandler.State = quest;
        }//end EVC
Example #4
 protected override void die()
     string[] messages = new string[1];
     messages[0] = "You have defeated the test NPC!";
     SubStateAbstract message = new SubStateDisplayMessage(messages, 50, 405, 400, 400, StateHandler.State);
     StateHandler.State = message;
Example #5
        }//end EVC

        internal override void Complete()
            Monster monster = MonsterFactory.randomMonster(StateHandler.Level, 0, Globals.MOB_WEAK, true);

            monster.Boss = true;

            StateHandler.State = new StateCombat(monster);


            StateInGame.locX   = MapFactory.startX;
            StateInGame.locY   = MapFactory.startY;
            StateInGame.change = true;

            SubStateAbstract quest = new SubStateDisplayMessage(this.messages[1], 120, 450, 400, 400, StateHandler.State);

            StateHandler.State = quest;
        public override void action(Monster parent)
            MessageBoxInterface[] messageBoxes = new MessageBoxInterface[1];
            Color[] colors = new Color[1];
            colors[0] = Color.White;

            int mX = 400;
            int mY = 100;
            int height = 100;
            int width = 345;

            string[] attackMessage = new string[1];
            attackMessage[0] = "Water Attack!";

            SubStateDisplayMessage temp = new SubStateDisplayMessage(attackMessage, height, width, mX, mY, StateHandler.State);
            StateHandler.State = temp;

            parent.Attack(BehaviorRSTS.acquireTarget(), Globals.ELEMENT_WATER, "water attack", 0);
        }//end DVC

        public QuestCombatTESTING(int x, int y, QuestInterface passed, int diff)
            this.next      = passed;
            this.QuestType = Globals.QUEST_EXPLORE;
            this.progress  = 0;
            this.required  = 1;
            this.goalX     = x;
            this.goalY     = y;

            this.messages       = new string[2][];
            this.messages[1]    = new string[8];
            this.messages[1][0] = "             Congratulations!";
            this.messages[1][1] = "";
            this.messages[1][2] = "         You have beaten the ambush";
            this.messages[1][3] = "             and thwarted the";
            this.messages[1][4] = "      FLYING SPAGHETTI CODE MONSTER";
            this.messages[1][5] = "";
            this.messages[1][6] = "";
            this.messages[1][7] = "Press [R] to generate a new maze to escape!";

            this.messages[0]    = new string[4];
            this.messages[0][0] = "          You've been ambushed!";
            this.messages[0][1] = "     Fight your way out before the";
            this.messages[0][2] = "     FLYING SPAGHETTI CODE MONSTER";
            this.messages[0][3] = " catches you and crashes your computer!";

            Monster monster = MonsterFactory.randomMonster(StateHandler.Level, 0, Globals.MOB_WEAK, true);

            monster.Boss = true;

            StateHandler.State = new StateCombat(monster);


            StateInGame.locX   = MapFactory.startX;
            StateInGame.locY   = MapFactory.startY;
            StateInGame.change = true;

            SubStateAbstract quest = new SubStateDisplayMessage(this.messages[0], 120, 450, 300, 300, StateHandler.State);

            StateHandler.State = quest;
        }//end EVC
        public QuestCombatTESTING(int x, int y, QuestInterface passed, int diff)
            this.next = passed;
            this.QuestType = Globals.QUEST_EXPLORE;
            this.progress = 0;
            this.required = 1;
            this.goalX = x;
            this.goalY = y;

            this.messages = new string[2][];
            this.messages[1] = new string[8];
            this.messages[1][0] = "             Congratulations!";
            this.messages[1][1] = "";
            this.messages[1][2] = "         You have beaten the ambush";
            this.messages[1][3] = "             and thwarted the";
            this.messages[1][4] = "      FLYING SPAGHETTI CODE MONSTER";
            this.messages[1][5] = "";
            this.messages[1][6] = "";
            this.messages[1][7] = "Press [R] to generate a new maze to escape!";

            this.messages[0] = new string[4];
            this.messages[0][0] = "          You've been ambushed!";
            this.messages[0][1] = "     Fight your way out before the";
            this.messages[0][2] = "     FLYING SPAGHETTI CODE MONSTER";
            this.messages[0][3] = " catches you and crashes your computer!";

            Monster monster = MonsterFactory.randomMonster(StateHandler.Level, 0, Globals.MOB_WEAK, true);

            monster.Boss = true;

            StateHandler.State = new StateCombat(monster);


            StateInGame.locX = MapFactory.startX;
            StateInGame.locY = MapFactory.startY;
            StateInGame.change = true;

            SubStateAbstract quest = new SubStateDisplayMessage(this.messages[0], 120, 450, 300, 300, StateHandler.State);
            StateHandler.State = quest;
Example #9
        public override void action(Monster parent)
            MessageBoxInterface[] messageBoxes = new MessageBoxInterface[1];
            Color[] colors = new Color[1];
            colors[0] = Color.White;

            int mX     = 400;
            int mY     = 100;
            int height = 100;
            int width  = 345;

            string[] attackMessage = new string[1];
            attackMessage[0] = "Water Attack!";

            SubStateDisplayMessage temp = new SubStateDisplayMessage(attackMessage, height, width, mX, mY, StateHandler.State);

            StateHandler.State = temp;

            parent.Attack(BehaviorRSTS.acquireTarget(), Globals.ELEMENT_WATER, "water attack", 0);
Example #10
        private void Defeat()
            lost = true;
            StateAbstract title = new StateTitleScreen();

            MessageBoxInterface[] messageBoxes = new MessageBoxInterface[1];
            Color[] colors = new Color[2];
            colors[0] = Color.White;
            colors[1] = Color.White;

            int mX     = 400;
            int mY     = 100;
            int height = 100;
            int width  = 345;

            string[] attackMessage = new string[2];
            attackMessage[0] = "Game Over!!";
            attackMessage[1] = "The Flying Spaghetti Code Monster has triumphed!";

            SubStateDisplayMessage temp = new SubStateDisplayMessage(attackMessage, height, width, mX, mY, StateHandler.State);

            StateHandler.State = temp;
Example #11
        internal static void combatGenerate(int specials, int level, int mobquality, bool boss, string name)
            int          quality;
            ItemAbstract test = null;

            int chance = Globals.Random(0, 100);
            int min;

            switch (mobquality)
            case Globals.MOB_WEAK:
                min = 70;
                if (Globals.Random(0, 100) > 50)
                    quality = Globals.ITEM_QUALITY_COMMON;
                    quality = Globals.ITEM_QUALITY_TRASH;

            case Globals.MOB_NORMAL:
                min = 60;
                if (Globals.Random(0, 100) > 50)
                    quality = Globals.ITEM_QUALITY_UNCOMMON;
                    quality = Globals.ITEM_QUALITY_COMMON;

            case Globals.MOB_HARD:
                min = 50;
                if (Globals.Random(0, 100) > 90)
                    quality = Globals.ITEM_QUALITY_RARE;
                else if (Globals.Random(0, 100) > 50)
                    quality = Globals.ITEM_QUALITY_UNCOMMON;
                    quality = Globals.ITEM_QUALITY_COMMON;

            case Globals.MOB_VERY_HARD:
                min = 40;
                if (Globals.Random(0, 100) > 50)
                    quality = Globals.ITEM_QUALITY_RARE;
                    quality = Globals.ITEM_QUALITY_UNCOMMON;

            case Globals.MOB_INSANE:
                min = 30;
                if (Globals.Random(0, 100) > 50)
                    quality = Globals.ITEM_QUALITY_EPIC;
                    quality = Globals.ITEM_QUALITY_MASTERWORK;

            case Globals.MOB_BOSS:
                min     = 20;
                quality = Globals.ITEM_QUALITY_LEGENDARY;

            case Globals.MOB_SPECIAL:
            default:                               // Default means it's GREATER than MOB_SPECIAL.
                min     = 0;
                quality = Globals.ITEM_QUALITY_MYTHICAL;

            if (boss)
                min    = 0;
                level += 2;

            if (chance < min)

            test = generateItem(specials, level, quality, "");

            string[] temp = new string[1];
            temp[0] = "You have acquired a " + test.Name;

            SubStateDisplayMessage message = new SubStateDisplayMessage(temp, 50, 400, 350, 350, StateHandler.State);

            StateHandler.State = message;
Example #12
 protected void displayMessage(int i, int height, int width, int x, int y)
     SubStateAbstract message = new SubStateDisplayMessage(messages[i], height, width, x, y, StateHandler.State);
     StateHandler.State = message;
Example #13
        private void Victory()
            won = true;
            MessageBoxInterface[] messageBoxes = new MessageBoxInterface[1];
            Color[] colors = new Color[2];
            colors[0] = Color.White;
            colors[1] = Color.White;

            int mX = 400;
            int mY = 100;
            int height = 100;
            int width = 345;

            int exp = getExp();

            string[] attackMessage = new string[2];
            attackMessage[0] = "Victory!!";
            attackMessage[1] = "You have earned " + exp + " Exp!";

            for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)

            SubStateDisplayMessage temp = new SubStateDisplayMessage(attackMessage, height, width, mX, mY, StateHandler.State);
            StateHandler.State = temp;

            ItemFactory.combatGenerate(MonsterList[0].Element, StateHandler.Level, MonsterList[0].Quality, MonsterList[0].Boss, "");
Example #14
        private void Defeat()
            lost = true;
            StateAbstract title = new StateTitleScreen();

            MessageBoxInterface[] messageBoxes = new MessageBoxInterface[1];
            Color[] colors = new Color[2];
            colors[0] = Color.White;
            colors[1] = Color.White;

            int mX = 400;
            int mY = 100;
            int height = 100;
            int width = 345;

            string[] attackMessage = new string[2];
            attackMessage[0] = "Game Over!!";
            attackMessage[1] = "The Flying Spaghetti Code Monster has triumphed!";

            SubStateDisplayMessage temp = new SubStateDisplayMessage(attackMessage, height, width, mX, mY, StateHandler.State);
            StateHandler.State = temp;
Example #15
        internal static void combatGenerate(int specials, int level, int mobquality, bool boss, string name)
            int quality;
            ItemAbstract test = null;

            int chance = Globals.Random(0, 100);
            int min;

            switch (mobquality)
                case Globals.MOB_WEAK:
                    min = 70;
                    if (Globals.Random(0, 100) > 50)
                        quality = Globals.ITEM_QUALITY_COMMON;
                        quality = Globals.ITEM_QUALITY_TRASH;
                case Globals.MOB_NORMAL:
                    min = 60;
                    if (Globals.Random(0, 100) > 50)
                        quality = Globals.ITEM_QUALITY_UNCOMMON;
                        quality = Globals.ITEM_QUALITY_COMMON;
                case Globals.MOB_HARD:
                    min = 50;
                    if (Globals.Random(0, 100) > 90)
                        quality = Globals.ITEM_QUALITY_RARE;
                    else if (Globals.Random(0, 100) > 50)
                        quality = Globals.ITEM_QUALITY_UNCOMMON;
                        quality = Globals.ITEM_QUALITY_COMMON;
                case Globals.MOB_VERY_HARD:
                    min = 40;
                    if (Globals.Random(0, 100) > 50)
                        quality = Globals.ITEM_QUALITY_RARE;
                        quality = Globals.ITEM_QUALITY_UNCOMMON;
                case Globals.MOB_INSANE:
                    min = 30;
                    if (Globals.Random(0, 100) > 50)
                        quality = Globals.ITEM_QUALITY_EPIC;
                        quality = Globals.ITEM_QUALITY_MASTERWORK;
                case Globals.MOB_BOSS:
                    min = 20;
                    quality = Globals.ITEM_QUALITY_LEGENDARY;
                case Globals.MOB_SPECIAL: default: // Default means it's GREATER than MOB_SPECIAL.
                    min = 0;
                    quality = Globals.ITEM_QUALITY_MYTHICAL;

            if (boss)
                min = 0;
                level += 2;

            if (chance < min)

            test = generateItem(specials, level, quality, "");

            string[] temp = new string[1];
            temp[0] = "You have acquired a " + test.Name;

            SubStateDisplayMessage message = new SubStateDisplayMessage(temp, 50, 400, 350, 350, StateHandler.State);
            StateHandler.State = message;
Example #16
        protected void displayMessage(int i, int height, int width, int x, int y)
            SubStateAbstract message = new SubStateDisplayMessage(messages[i], height, width, x, y, StateHandler.State);

            StateHandler.State = message;
        }//end EVC

        internal override void Complete()
            SubStateAbstract quest = new SubStateDisplayMessage(this.messages[1], 150, 500, 300, 300, StateHandler.State);

            StateHandler.State = quest;
Example #18
        internal override void Complete()
            Monster monster = MonsterFactory.randomMonster(StateHandler.Level, 0, Globals.MOB_WEAK, true);

            monster.Boss = true;

            StateHandler.State = new StateCombat(monster);


            StateInGame.locX = MapFactory.startX;
            StateInGame.locY = MapFactory.startY;
            StateInGame.change = true;

            SubStateAbstract quest = new SubStateDisplayMessage(this.messages[1], 120, 450, 400, 400, StateHandler.State);
            StateHandler.State = quest;
 internal override void Complete()
     SubStateAbstract quest = new SubStateDisplayMessage(this.messages[1], 150, 500, 300, 300, StateHandler.State);
     StateHandler.State = quest;