private UInt32 CalcLength(FormatToken token)
     if (token.isFormatSpec)
         if (token.charType == 'f')
             return token.width + token.precision + 1; //one char for decimal point
             return token.width;
         return (uint)token.strToken.Length;
 private void AppendToken(ref string token, bool isFormatSpec, UInt32 width, UInt32 precision, char charType)
     if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(token))
         FormatToken formatToken = new FormatToken(token, isFormatSpec, width, precision, charType);
         m_FormatTokens.Add(formatToken); // Appends the formatToken at the end of the FormatToken List
         m_DigitNumber += width + precision;
         if (isFormatSpec)
         token = string.Empty;