Example #1
 void mStep(Config config)
     For.AllKernels(config, (_, k) =>
         var gsum   = sumInRegion(config, k, i => g(k)[index(config, i, k)]);
         S[k.index] = sumInRegion(config, k, i => g(k)[index(config, i, k)] * Mat2x2.FromVecVec(i.p - m[k.index], i.p - m[k.index])) / gsum;
         m[k.index] = sumInRegion(config, k, i => g(k)[index(config, i, k)] * i.p) / gsum;
         v[k.index] = sumInRegion(config, k, i => g(k)[index(config, i, k)] * c[i.index]) / gsum;
Example #2
        Mat2x2 sumInRegion(Config config, Kernel k, Func <Position, Mat2x2> pos2val)
            var result = new Mat2x2(0, 0, 0, 0);

            For.AllPixelsOfRegion(config, k, (_, i) =>
                result += pos2val(i);
Example #3
        public void SVD(out Mat2x2 U, out Mat2x2 S, out Mat2x2 Vt)
            // accoding to the web page:
            // http://www.lucidarme.me/?p=4624
            double a = m11;
            double b = m12;
            double c = m21;
            double d = m22;

            double v1    = 2 * a * c + 2 * b * d;
            double v2    = a * a + b * b - c * c - d * d;
            double theta = 0.5 * (double)Math.Atan2((double)v1, (double)v2);

            U = new Mat2x2(

            double S1 = a * a + b * b + c * c + d * d;
            double S2 = (double)Math.Sqrt((double)(v2 * v2 + v1 * v1));
            double s1 = (double)Math.Sqrt((double)((S1 + S2) * 0.5));
            double s2 = (double)Math.Sqrt((double)((S1 - S2) * 0.5));

            S = new Mat2x2(s1, 0, 0, s2);

            double u1       = 2 * a * b + 2 * c * d;
            double u2       = a * a - b * b + c * c - d * d;
            double phi      = 0.5 * (double)Math.Atan2((double)u1, (double)u2);
            double cp       = (double)Math.Cos((double)phi);
            double sp       = (double)Math.Sin((double)phi);
            double ct       = (double)Math.Cos((double)theta);
            double st       = (double)Math.Sin((double)theta);
            double s11      = (a * ct + c * st) * cp + (b * ct + d * st) * sp;
            double s22      = (a * st - c * ct) * sp + (-b * st + d * ct) * cp;
            double sign_s11 = Math.Sign(s11);
            double sign_s22 = Math.Sign(s22);

            Vt = new Mat2x2(sign_s11 * cp, sign_s11 * sp, -sign_s22 * sp, sign_s22 * cp);