Example #1
        private void DebugPlotImage(FitsDataModel fits)
            FitsEntry primary = fits.GetPrimary();

            int width  = primary.GetParam <int>("NAXIS1");
            int height = primary.GetParam <int>("NAXIS2");
            int bpp    = primary.GetParam <int>("BITPIX") / 8;

            Bitmap bitmap = new Bitmap(width, height, PixelFormat.Format24bppRgb);

            for (int y = 0; y < height; y++)
                for (int x = 0; x < width; x++)
                    byte b1     = primary.data[(y * width + x) * bpp + 0];
                    byte b2     = primary.data[(y * width + x) * bpp + 1];
                    int  val    = ((int)b1 << 8) | b2;
                    int  rgbVal = 255 - b2;

                    bitmap.SetPixel(x, y, Color.FromArgb(rgbVal, rgbVal, rgbVal));

            pictureBox2.Image = bitmap;
Example #2
        private void ParseEntry(byte [] data, int offset, FitsEntry entry)
            // Very first entry is Primary, other are distinguished by XTENSION keyword.

            if (offset == 0)
                entry.type = FitsEntryType.Primary;

            entry.entryOffsetBytes = offset;

            // Parse keywords until END (or end of file)

            while (offset < data.Length)
                char[] paramRaw = new char[80];

                for (int i = 0; i < paramRaw.Length; i++)
                    paramRaw[i] = (char)data[offset + i];

                string    paramAsStr = new string(paramRaw);
                FitsParam param      = new FitsParam(paramAsStr);

                if (param.name == "END")

                offset += paramRaw.Length;

            // Align offset to next block

            offset = NextBlock(offset);
            entry.headerSizeBytes = offset - entry.entryOffsetBytes;

            // Deduce entry type.

            if (entry.ParamExists("XTENSION") && entry.type == FitsEntryType.Unknown)
                switch (entry.GetParam <string>("XTENSION"))
                case "IMAGE":
                    entry.type = FitsEntryType.ImageExtension;

                case "TABLE":
                    entry.type = FitsEntryType.AsciiTableExtension;

                case "BINTABLE":
                    entry.type = FitsEntryType.BinaryTableExtension;

            // Deduce data size.

            // If entry type is unknown - skip until next XTENSION keyword (or end of file)

            int dataSize = 0;

            if (entry.type == FitsEntryType.Unknown)
                while (offset < data.Length)
                    string subString = "";
                    for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++)
                        subString += (char)data[offset + i];
                    if (subString == "XTENSION")
                    offset += BlockSize;

                if (offset >= data.Length)
                    dataSize = data.Length - (entry.entryOffsetBytes + entry.headerSizeBytes);
                    dataSize = offset - (entry.entryOffsetBytes + entry.headerSizeBytes);
                if (!entry.ParamExists("BITPIX"))
                    throw new Exception("Missing BITPIX keyword!");
                if (!entry.ParamExists("NAXIS"))
                    throw new Exception("Missing NAXIS keyword!");

                int elementSize = entry.GetParam <int>("BITPIX") / 8;
                int naxis       = entry.GetParam <int>("NAXIS");
                int numElements = naxis != 0 ? 1 : 0;
                for (int i = 0; i < naxis; i++)
                    string paramName = "NAXIS" + (i + 1).ToString();
                    if (!entry.ParamExists(paramName))
                        throw new Exception("Missing " + paramName + " keyword!");
                    numElements *= entry.GetParam <int>(paramName);
                dataSize = numElements * elementSize;

            // Round up to block size
            if ((dataSize % BlockSize) != 0)
                dataSize = NextBlock(dataSize);

            // Copy away data[]

            entry.data = new byte[dataSize];

            for (int i = 0; i < dataSize; i++)
                entry.data[i] = data[offset + i];