//		public bool HaveAllDistributionAttemptsFailed(decimal distributionId, ushort historyAttempts)
        //		{
        //			string sql="select top " + historyAttempts.ToString() +
        //				" status from tdistribution_log where distribution_id=" + distributionId.ToString() +
        //				" and status in ('Ok', 'Error') order by timestamp";
        //			DataTable dt=new DataTable();
        //			DataBase.Instance.ExecuteCommand(sql, CommandType.Text, null, dt);
        //			if(dt==null || dt.Rows.Count==0)
        //				return false;
        //			foreach(DataRow r in dt.Rows)
        //				if(r[0].ToString().ToUpper()=="OK")
        //					return false;
        //			return true;
        //	}

        public bool CancelQueuedItem(decimal queueItemId, string message)
            bool ok = false;

            // try to cancel
            DataTable dt = new DataTable();

                string.Format("select taskGuid from tdistribution_log where id={0} and status in ('Pending', 'Executing')", queueItemId.ToString()),
            if (dt != null && dt.Rows.Count > 0)
                foreach (DataRow dr in dt.Rows)
                    // if taskId is not empty, cancel it
                    if (dr[0] != null && dr[0] != DBNull.Value)
                        Guid taskId = (Guid)dr[0];

                        OlapSystem os = new OlapSystem();

                    // write status
                    WriteDistributionQueueCanceled(queueItemId, (message == null ? "" : message));

        //        public bool HaveAllDistributionAttemptsFailed(decimal distributionId, ushort historyAttempts)
        //        {
        //            string sql="select top " + historyAttempts.ToString() +
        //                " status from tdistribution_log where distribution_id=" + distributionId.ToString() +
        //                " and status in ('Ok', 'Error') order by timestamp";
        //            DataTable dt=new DataTable();
        //            DataBase.Instance.ExecuteCommand(sql, CommandType.Text, null, dt);
        //            if(dt==null || dt.Rows.Count==0)
        //                return false;
        //            foreach(DataRow r in dt.Rows)
        //                if(r[0].ToString().ToUpper()=="OK")
        //                    return false;
        //            return true;
        //    }
        public bool CancelQueuedItem(decimal queueItemId, string message)
            bool ok=false;

            // try to cancel
            DataTable dt=new DataTable();
                string.Format("select taskGuid from tdistribution_log where id={0} and status in ('Pending', 'Executing')", queueItemId.ToString()),
            if(dt!=null && dt.Rows.Count>0)
                foreach(DataRow dr in dt.Rows)
                    // if taskId is not empty, cancel it
                    if(dr[0]!=null && dr[0]!=DBNull.Value)
                        Guid taskId=(Guid)dr[0];

                        OlapSystem os=new OlapSystem();

                    // write status
                    WriteDistributionQueueCanceled(queueItemId, (message==null ? "" : message));

            return ok;
        public FIDataTable GetCashedReportsToRefresh(decimal companyId)
            FIDataTable dt = new FIDataTable();

            // seelct reports linked to gauges
            string sql = string.Format(@"
select tbl.user_id, tbl.rpt_id, c.server, c.[database], c.cube, c.cube_processed_on
select distinct r.user_id, l.rpt_id
from dbo.t_gauges_reports l
inner join dbo.t_olap_reports r on l.rpt_type=0 and l.rpt_id=(case when r.sharing_status=4 then parent_report_id else id end)
inner join dbo.tusers u on r.user_id=u.id and u.company_id={0}
) tbl
left outer join dbo.t_olap_reports_cache c on tbl.rpt_id=c.rpt_id

            DataBase.Instance.ExecuteCommand(sql, CommandType.Text, null, dt);

            // check whther they are outdated
            OlapSystem osys = new OlapSystem();

            for (int i = dt.Rows.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--)
                string server   = dt.Rows[i]["server"] as string;
                string database = dt.Rows[i]["database"] as string;
                string cube     = dt.Rows[i]["cube"] as string;

                // no cache exists
                if (cube == null)

                // check if cube wasn't processed after last run
                DateTime rptProcess  = (dt.Rows[i]["cube_processed_on"] == DBNull.Value ? DateTime.MinValue : (DateTime)dt.Rows[i]["cube_processed_on"]);
                DateTime lastProcess = osys.GetCubeLastProcessed(server, database, cube, false);
                if (rptProcess >= lastProcess)

 private string GetReportSchemaXml(string Server, string Database, string Cube, string OpenNodesXml)
     FI.DataAccess.OlapSystem olapSystem = new OlapSystem();
     return(olapSystem.GetReportSchemaXml(Server, Database, Cube, OpenNodesXml));
 private string GetReportXml(string Server, string Database, string Cube, string InReportXml)
     FI.DataAccess.OlapSystem olapSystem = new OlapSystem();
     return(olapSystem.GetReportXml(Server, Database, Cube, InReportXml));
 private string GetReportXml(string Server , string Database, string Cube, string InReportXml)
     FI.DataAccess.OlapSystem olapSystem=new OlapSystem();
     return olapSystem.GetReportXml(Server , Database, Cube , InReportXml);
 private string GetReportSchemaXml(string Server , string Database, string Cube, string OpenNodesXml)
     FI.DataAccess.OlapSystem olapSystem=new OlapSystem();
     return olapSystem.GetReportSchemaXml(Server , Database, Cube , OpenNodesXml);