private static void ExportObjectInDoc(FHXObject obj, DocX doc, int level = 0) { doc.InsertSection(); Paragraph p = doc.InsertParagraph(obj.Name).Heading((HeadingType)level).Bold().UnderlineStyle(UnderlineStyle.singleLine); p.Alignment = Alignment.left; if (obj.Parameters.Count > 0) { Table t = doc.InsertTable(obj.Parameters.Count, 2); int i = 0; foreach (FHXParameter par in obj.Parameters) { ExportParameterInDoc(par, t, i); i++; } } foreach (FHXObject child in obj.Children) { ExportObjectInDoc(child, doc, level + 1); } }
public void RemoveChild(FHXObject obj) { if (Children.Contains(obj)) { Children.Remove(obj); } }
public FHXParameter(string identifier, string value, bool mandatory = false, FHXObject parent = null) { this.Parent = parent; this.Name = identifier; this.Value = value; this.Mandatory = mandatory; }
private static void ProcessAttribute(FHXObject attr) { FHXObject parent = attr.Parent; if (parent == null) { return; } List <FHXObject> ATTRIBUTE = parent.GetAllChildren(); ATTRIBUTE = ATTRIBUTE.Where(i => i.Type == "ATTRIBUTE" && i.Name == attr.Name).ToList(); if (ATTRIBUTE.Count > 1) { Console.WriteLine("Multiple instances of {0} found", attr.Name); } foreach (var a in ATTRIBUTE) { if (a.Parent != null) { //Adds the ATTRIBUTE_INSTANCE in the parent of the ATTRIBUTE attr.SetParent(null); a.Parent.AddChild(attr); attr.AddParameter(a.GetParameter("TYPE")); //Removes the ATTRIBUTE from its parent a.Parent.RemoveChild(a); a.SetParent(null); } } }
public void SetParent(FHXObject parent) { if (parent == null && this.Parent != null) { this.Parent.RemoveChild(this); } this.Parent = parent; }
public static void ExportObjectWord(FHXObject obj, string file) { using (var doc = DocX.Create(file)) { Paragraph p = doc.InsertParagraph(obj.Name); p.Alignment =; ExportObjectInDoc(obj, doc); doc.Save(); } }
public void Add(FHXObject parent, FHXParameter param, FHXCompareType type) { string rpath = param.RelativePath(parent); if (!_results.Keys.Contains(rpath)) { _results.Add(rpath, new FHXCompareResult(parent, type, param.Value)); } else { _results[rpath].NewValue = param.Value; } }
public string RelativePath(FHXObject root) { FHXObject parent = this.Parent; string path = ""; while (parent != null && parent != root) { path = "/" + parent.Name + path; parent = parent.Parent; } return(path + "." + this.Name); }
static public FHXObject FromFile(string file) { Stopwatch sw = new Stopwatch(); sw.Start(); string s = File.ReadAllText(file); sw.Stop(); Console.WriteLine("Reading file took {0} ms", sw.ElapsedMilliseconds); FHXObject root = FromString(s); root.mName = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(file); return(root); }
public FHXObject GetChildFromPath(string path) { string[] hierarchy = path.Split('/'); FHXObject current = this; foreach (string p in hierarchy) { current = current.GetChild(p); if (current == null) { return(null); //Child not found } } return(current); // Returns the last child from the search }
private void BuildModule(FHXObject module, ExcelWorksheet sht, int line) { foreach (var cond in Conditions) { try { FHXParameter p = cond.Value(module); if (p != null) { int col = Columns.Single(i => i.Key == cond.Key).Value; sht.Cells[line, col].Value = p.Value; } } catch (Exception ex) { //Console.WriteLine(ex.Message); } } }
private static void ProcessFB(FHXObject fb, List <FHXObject> FUNCTION_BLOCK_DEFINITION) { FHXObject parent = fb.Parent; fb.Parent.RemoveChild(fb); fb.SetParent(null); if (FUNCTION_BLOCK_DEFINITION.Any(i => i.Name == fb.GetParameter("DEFINITION").Value)) { foreach (FHXObject newChild in FUNCTION_BLOCK_DEFINITION.Where(i => i.Name == fb.GetParameter("DEFINITION").Value)) { newChild.mName = fb.Name; newChild.Type = "FUNCTION_BLOCK"; newChild.Parent.RemoveChild(newChild); newChild.SetParent(null); parent.AddChild(newChild); } } }
public static FHXCompareResultList CompareObjects(FHXObject a, FHXObject b) { FHXCompareResultList res = new FHXCompareResultList(); List <FHXParameter> psa = a.GetAllParameters(); List <FHXParameter> psb = b.GetAllParameters(); foreach (var pa in psa) { string rpath = pa.RelativePath(a); //Check if b contains the parameter if (psb.Any(i => i.RelativePath(b) == rpath)) { //If it contains it //FHXParameter pb = psb.Single(i => i.RelativePath(b) == rpath); FHXParameter pb = psb.Where(i => i.RelativePath(b) == rpath).ToArray()[0]; if (pa.Value != pb.Value) { res.Add(a, pa, FHXCompareType.DIFFERENT); res.Add(b, pb, FHXCompareType.DIFFERENT); } } else { //If not res.Add(a, pa, FHXCompareType.IN); } } foreach (var pb in psb) { string rpath = pb.RelativePath(b); //Check if b contains the parameter if (!psb.Any(i => i.RelativePath(b) == rpath)) { //If not res.Add(b, pb, FHXCompareType.IN); } } return(res); }
public static string ExportFHX(FHXObject obj) { string s = ""; s += obj.Type + " "; foreach (var param in obj.Parameters.Where(i => i.Mandatory)) { string v = param.VariableType == "string" ? string.Format("\"{0}\"", param.Value) : param.Value; s += string.Format("{0}={1} ", param.Name, v); } s += "\n{\n"; if (obj.Type == "ATTRIBUTE_INSTANCE") { s += "VALUE\n{\n"; } foreach (var param in obj.Parameters.Where(i => i.Mandatory == false)) { string v = param.VariableType == "string" ? string.Format("\"{0}\"", param.Value) : param.Value; if (param.Value != "") { s += string.Format("{0}={1}\n", param.Name, v); } } foreach (var child in obj.Children) { s += ExportFHX(child); } if (obj.Type == "ATTRIBUTE_INSTANCE") { s += "}\n"; } s += "}\n"; return(s); }
static public FHXObject FromString(string s) { BuildingPercent = 0; State = Properties.Resources.ParsingParsing; Stopwatch sw = new Stopwatch(); sw.Restart(); TokenStream ts = new TokenStream(s); sw.Restart(); mParser = new TokenStreamParser(ts); FHXObject root = mParser.ParseAll(); sw.Stop(); Console.WriteLine("Parsing file took {0} ms", sw.ElapsedMilliseconds); mParser.mTokenStream.Input.Clear(); return(root); }
public static void ExportParameterList(List <FHXParameter> data, string file) { using (var pkg = new ExcelPackage()) { var wbk = pkg.Workbook; var sht = wbk.Worksheets.Add("Parameters"); sht.Cells[1, 1].Value = "Path"; sht.Cells[1, 2].Value = "Area"; sht.Cells[1, 3].Value = "Module"; sht.Cells[1, 4].Value = "Parameter"; sht.Cells[1, 5].Value = "Value"; int i = 2; foreach (var param in data) { string area = ""; string tag = ""; FHXObject module = param.Module; if (module != null) { area = module.GetParameter("PLANT_AREA").Value; tag = module.GetParameter("TAG").Value; } sht.Cells[i, 1].Value = param.Path; sht.Cells[i, 2].Value = area; sht.Cells[i, 3].Value = tag; sht.Cells[i, 4].Value = module == null ? param.Parent.Name + "." + param.Name : param.RelativePath(module); sht.Cells[i, 5].Value = param.Value; i++; } pkg.SaveAs(new FileInfo(file)); } }
public static void ExportParameters(FHXObject obj, string file, bool recursive = true) { using (var pkg = new ExcelPackage()) { var wbk = pkg.Workbook; var sht = wbk.Worksheets.Add("Parameters"); sht.Cells[1, 1].Value = "Path"; sht.Cells[1, 2].Value = "Value"; List <FHXParameter> parameters = obj.GetAllParameters(); int i = 2; foreach (var p in parameters) { sht.Cells[i, 1].Value = p.Path; sht.Cells[i, 2].Value = p.Value; i++; } pkg.SaveAs(new FileInfo(file)); } }
public void SetParent(FHXObject parent = null) { this.Parent = parent; }
public FHXCompareResult(FHXObject parent, FHXCompareType type, string value = "") { this.OldValue = value; this.Parent = parent; this._type = type; }
public FHXStructureHandler(FHXObject root) { this.Root = root; }
public FHXSearchResult(FHXObject source) { this.Source = source; }
static public void BuildDeltaVHierarchy(FHXObject obj) { Stopwatch sw = new Stopwatch(); sw.Start(); FHXObject root = obj.GetRoot(); List <FHXObject> AllChildren = root.GetAllChildren(); //Replace FBs with DEFINITION by their definition State = Properties.Resources.ParsingClasses; BuildingPercent = 25; List <FHXObject> FUNCTION_BLOCK = AllChildren.Where(i => i.Type == "FUNCTION_BLOCK" && i.Parameters.Any(j => j.Name == "DEFINITION")).ToList(); List <FHXObject> FUNCTION_BLOCK_DEFINITION = AllChildren.Where(i => i.Type == "FUNCTION_BLOCK_DEFINITION").ToList(); foreach (FHXObject fb in FUNCTION_BLOCK) { ProcessFB(fb, FUNCTION_BLOCK_DEFINITION); } /* * Parallel.ForEach(FUNCTION_BLOCK, fb => * { * ProcessFB(fb, FUNCTION_BLOCK_DEFINITION); * }); */ sw.Stop(); Console.WriteLine("{0} took {1}ms", "Loading classes", sw.ElapsedMilliseconds); //Removes the VALUE Objects and sets their parameters to their parent. State = Properties.Resources.ParsingValues; BuildingPercent = 40; sw.Restart(); List <FHXObject> VALUE = AllChildren.Where(i => i.Type == "VALUE").ToList(); foreach (FHXObject fb in VALUE) { FHXObject parent = fb.Parent; foreach (FHXParameter p in fb.Parameters) { parent.AddParameter(p); fb.SetParent(null); } } sw.Stop(); Console.WriteLine("{0} took {1}ms", "Removing VALUEs", sw.ElapsedMilliseconds); //Replace ATTRIBUTE by ATTRIBUTE_INSTANCE when needed State = Properties.Resources.ParsingAttributes; BuildingPercent = 75; sw.Restart(); List <FHXObject> ATTRIBUTE_INSTANCE = AllChildren.Where(i => i.Type == "ATTRIBUTE_INSTANCE").ToList(); foreach (FHXObject attr in ATTRIBUTE_INSTANCE) { ProcessAttribute(attr); } /* * Parallel.ForEach(ATTRIBUTE_INSTANCE, attr => * { * ProcessAttribute(attr); * }); */ sw.Stop(); Console.WriteLine("{0} took {1}ms", "Replacing ATTRIBUTEs", sw.ElapsedMilliseconds); //Removes the useless items by type State = Properties.Resources.ParsingCleaning; BuildingPercent = 90; sw.Restart(); List <string> unused_types = new List <string>() { "WIRE", "GRAPHICS", "FUNCTION_BLOCK_TEMPLATE", "FUNCTION_BLOCK_DEFINITION" }; List <string> unused_names = new List <string>() { "RECTANGLE", "POSITION", "ORIGIN", "END" }; List <FHXObject> uc = AllChildren.Where(i => unused_types.Contains(i.Type) || unused_names.Contains(i.mName)).ToList(); foreach (FHXObject fb in uc) { fb.Parent.RemoveChild(fb); fb.SetParent(null); } sw.Stop(); Console.WriteLine("{0} took {1}ms", "Clearing hierarchy", sw.ElapsedMilliseconds); State = "Done"; BuildingPercent = 100; }
public FHXNode(string label, FHXObject data = null, List <FHXNode> children = null) { this.Label = label; this.Data = data; this.Children = children == null?new List <FHXNode>():children; }
public static void ExportFHXToFile(FHXObject obj, string path) { File.WriteAllText(path, ExportFHX(obj)); }
public static List <FHXSearchResult> CheckAffectation(string affectation, FHXObject root, List <FHXObject> os, List <FHXParameter> ps) { return(root.SearchSimple("//" + affectation, os, ps)); }
public static void ExportBulkEdit(List <FHXParameter> data, string file) { using (var pkg = new ExcelPackage()) { var wbk = pkg.Workbook; var sht = wbk.Worksheets.Add("Parameters"); List <string> headers = new List <string>(); Dictionary <string, Dictionary <string, string> > table = new Dictionary <string, Dictionary <string, string> >(); int i = 2; foreach (var param in data) { string area = ""; string tag = ""; FHXObject module = param.Module; if (module != null) { area = module.GetParameter("PLANT_AREA").Value; tag = module.GetParameter("TAG").Value; string id = module == null ? param.Parent.Name + "." + param.Name : param.RelativePath(module); if (!headers.Contains(id)) { headers.Add(id); } if (!table.ContainsKey(tag)) { table.Add(tag, new Dictionary <string, string>()); } if (!table[tag].ContainsKey(id)) { table[tag].Add(id, param.Value); } else { table[tag][id] = param.Value; } } } sht.Cells[1, 1].Value = "Module"; for (int j = 0; j < headers.Count; j++) { sht.Cells[1, j + 2].Value = headers[j]; } foreach (string k in table.Keys) //For each modules { sht.Cells[i, 1].Value = k; for (int j = 0; j < headers.Count; j++) { int h = j + 2; if (table[k].ContainsKey(headers[j])) { sht.Cells[i, h].Value = table[k][headers[j]]; } else { sht.Cells[i, h].Value = "<NULL>"; } } i++; } pkg.SaveAs(new FileInfo(file)); } }
public static List <string> ExtractList(FHXObject root, List <string> path) { return(ExtractList(root.GetAllParameters(), path)); }
public static string Extract(FHXObject root, string path) { return(Extract(root.GetAllParameters(), path)); }
public static Dictionary <string, List <FHXSearchResult> > CheckAffectations(string[] affectations, FHXObject root) { Stopwatch sw = new Stopwatch(); sw.Start(); long counter = 0; long max = affectations.Length; //max = 26; Dictionary <string, List <FHXSearchResult> > results = new Dictionary <string, List <FHXSearchResult> >(); List <FHXParameter> ps = root.GetAllParameters().Where(p => p.Name == "REF").ToList(); Parallel.For(0, max, (i) => { results[affectations[i]] = CheckAffectation(affectations[i], root, null, ps); Interlocked.Increment(ref counter); if (counter % 25 == 0) { Console.WriteLine("Processed {0}/{1}", counter, affectations.Length); } }); /* * for (long i=0; i < max; i++){ * results[affectations[i]] = CheckAffectation(affectations[i], root, null, ps); * counter++; * if (counter % 25 == 0) * { * Console.WriteLine("Processed {0}/{1}", counter, affectations.Length); * } * }; */ sw.Stop(); Console.WriteLine("Looked up affectations in {0} ms", sw.ElapsedMilliseconds); return(results); }
public static List <FHXParameter> ExtractPattern(FHXObject root, dynamic script) { return(ExtractPattern(root.GetAllParameters(), script)); }