Example #1
        private static void ProcessBinary(Directory directory, int tagValueOffset, IndexedReader reader, int byteCount, bool issigned = true, int arrayLength = 1)
            // expects signed/unsigned int16 (for now)
            var byteSize = issigned ? sizeof(short) : sizeof(ushort);

            // 'directory' is assumed to contain tags that correspond to the byte position unless it's a set of bytes
            for (var i = 0; i < byteCount; i++)
                if (directory.HasTagName(i))
                    // only process this tag if the 'next' integral tag exists. Otherwise, it's a set of bytes
                    if (i < byteCount - 1 && directory.HasTagName(i + 1))
                        if (issigned)
                            directory.Set(i, reader.GetInt16(tagValueOffset + i * byteSize));
                            directory.Set(i, reader.GetUInt16(tagValueOffset + i * byteSize));
                        // the next arrayLength bytes are a multi-byte value
                        if (issigned)
                            var val = new short[arrayLength];
                            for (var j = 0; j < val.Length; j++)
                                val[j] = reader.GetInt16(tagValueOffset + (i + j) * byteSize);
                            directory.Set(i, val);
                            var val = new ushort[arrayLength];
                            for (var j = 0; j < val.Length; j++)
                                val[j] = reader.GetUInt16(tagValueOffset + (i + j) * byteSize);
                            directory.Set(i, val);

                        i += arrayLength - 1;
Example #2
        public static void ProcessTiff(IndexedReader reader, ITiffHandler handler)
            // Read byte order.
            var byteOrder = reader.GetInt16(0);

            switch (byteOrder)
            case 0x4d4d:     // MM
                reader = reader.WithByteOrder(isMotorolaByteOrder: true);

            case 0x4949:     // II
                reader = reader.WithByteOrder(isMotorolaByteOrder: false);

                throw new Exception("Unclear distinction between Motorola/Intel byte ordering: " + reader.GetInt16(0));

            // Check the next two values for correctness.
            int tiffMarker = reader.GetUInt16(2);


            var firstIfdOffset = reader.GetInt32(4);

            // David Ekholm sent a digital camera image that has this problem
            // TODO calling Length should be avoided as it causes IndexedCapturingReader to read to the end of the stream
            if (firstIfdOffset >= reader.Length - 1)
                handler.Warn("First IFD offset is beyond the end of the TIFF data segment -- trying default offset");
                // First directory normally starts immediately after the offset bytes, so try that
                firstIfdOffset = 2 + 2 + 4;

            var processedIfdOffsets = new HashSet <int>();

            ProcessIfd(handler, reader, processedIfdOffsets, firstIfdOffset);
Example #3
        public static void ProcessIfd(ITiffHandler handler, IndexedReader reader, ICollection <int> processedGlobalIfdOffsets, int ifdOffset)
                // Check for directories we've already visited to avoid stack overflows when recursive/cyclic directory structures exist.
                // Note that we track these offsets in the global frame, not the reader's local frame.
                var globalIfdOffset = reader.ToUnshiftedOffset(ifdOffset);
                if (processedGlobalIfdOffsets.Contains(globalIfdOffset))

                // Remember that we've visited this directory so that we don't visit it again later

                // Validate IFD offset
                if (ifdOffset >= reader.Length || ifdOffset < 0)
                    handler.Error("Ignored IFD marked to start outside data segment");

                // First two bytes in the IFD are the number of tags in this directory
                int dirTagCount = reader.GetUInt16(ifdOffset);

                // Some software modifies the byte order of the file, but misses some IFDs (such as makernotes).
                // The entire test image repository doesn't contain a single IFD with more than 255 entries.
                // Here we detect switched bytes that suggest this problem, and temporarily swap the byte order.
                // This was discussed in GitHub issue #136.
                if (dirTagCount > 0xFF && (dirTagCount & 0xFF) == 0)
                    dirTagCount >>= 8;
                    reader        = reader.WithByteOrder(!reader.IsMotorolaByteOrder);

                var dirLength = 2 + 12 * dirTagCount + 4;
                if (dirLength + ifdOffset > reader.Length)
                    handler.Error("Illegally sized IFD");

                // Handle each tag in this directory
                var invalidTiffFormatCodeCount = 0;
                for (var tagNumber = 0; tagNumber < dirTagCount; tagNumber++)
                    var tagOffset = CalculateTagOffset(ifdOffset, tagNumber);

                    // 2 bytes for the tag id
                    int tagId = reader.GetUInt16(tagOffset);

                    // 2 bytes for the format code
                    var formatCode = (TiffDataFormatCode)reader.GetUInt16(tagOffset + 2);

                    // 4 bytes dictate the number of components in this tag's data
                    var componentCount = reader.GetUInt32(tagOffset + 4);

                    var format = TiffDataFormat.FromTiffFormatCode(formatCode);

                    long byteCount;
                    if (format == null)
                        if (!handler.TryCustomProcessFormat(tagId, formatCode, componentCount, out byteCount))
                            // This error suggests that we are processing at an incorrect index and will generate
                            // rubbish until we go out of bounds (which may be a while).  Exit now.
                            handler.Error($"Invalid TIFF tag format code {formatCode} for tag 0x{tagId:X4}");
                            // TODO specify threshold as a parameter, or provide some other external control over this behaviour
                            if (++invalidTiffFormatCodeCount > 5)
                                handler.Error("Stopping processing as too many errors seen in TIFF IFD");
                        byteCount = componentCount * format.ComponentSizeBytes;

                    long tagValueOffset;
                    if (byteCount > 4)
                        // If it's bigger than 4 bytes, the dir entry contains an offset.
                        tagValueOffset = reader.GetUInt32(tagOffset + 8);
                        if (tagValueOffset + byteCount > reader.Length)
                            // Bogus pointer offset and / or byteCount value
                            handler.Error("Illegal TIFF tag pointer offset");
                        // 4 bytes or less and value is in the dir entry itself.
                        tagValueOffset = tagOffset + 8;

                    if (tagValueOffset < 0 || tagValueOffset > reader.Length)
                        handler.Error("Illegal TIFF tag pointer offset");

                    // Check that this tag isn't going to allocate outside the bounds of the data array.
                    // This addresses an uncommon OutOfMemoryError.
                    if (byteCount < 0 || tagValueOffset + byteCount > reader.Length)
                        handler.Error("Illegal number of bytes for TIFF tag data: " + byteCount);

                    // Some tags point to one or more additional IFDs to process
                    var isIfdPointer = false;
                    if (byteCount == checked (4L * componentCount))
                        for (var i = 0; i < componentCount; i++)
                            if (handler.TryEnterSubIfd(tagId))
                                isIfdPointer = true;
                                var subDirOffset = reader.GetUInt32((int)(tagValueOffset + i * 4));
                                ProcessIfd(handler, reader, processedGlobalIfdOffsets, (int)subDirOffset);

                    // If it wasn't an IFD pointer, allow custom tag processing to occur
                    if (!isIfdPointer && !handler.CustomProcessTag((int)tagValueOffset, processedGlobalIfdOffsets, reader, tagId, (int)byteCount))
                        // If no custom processing occurred, process the tag in the standard fashion
                        ProcessTag(handler, tagId, (int)tagValueOffset, (int)componentCount, formatCode, reader);

                // at the end of each IFD is an optional link to the next IFD
                var finalTagOffset = CalculateTagOffset(ifdOffset, dirTagCount);
                var nextIfdOffset  = reader.GetInt32(finalTagOffset);
                if (nextIfdOffset != 0)
                    if (nextIfdOffset >= reader.Length)
                        // Last 4 bytes of IFD reference another IFD with an address that is out of bounds
                    else if (nextIfdOffset < ifdOffset)
                        // TODO is this a valid restriction?
                        // Last 4 bytes of IFD reference another IFD with an address that is before the start of this directory

                    if (handler.HasFollowerIfd())
                        ProcessIfd(handler, reader, processedGlobalIfdOffsets, nextIfdOffset);
Example #4
        private static void ProcessTag(ITiffHandler handler, int tagId, int tagValueOffset, int componentCount, TiffDataFormatCode formatCode, IndexedReader reader)
            switch (formatCode)
            case TiffDataFormatCode.Undefined:
                // this includes exif user comments
                handler.SetByteArray(tagId, reader.GetBytes(tagValueOffset, componentCount));

            case TiffDataFormatCode.String:
                handler.SetString(tagId, reader.GetNullTerminatedStringValue(tagValueOffset, componentCount));

            case TiffDataFormatCode.RationalS:
                if (componentCount == 1)
                    handler.SetRational(tagId, new Rational(reader.GetInt32(tagValueOffset), reader.GetInt32(tagValueOffset + 4)));
                else if (componentCount > 1)
                    var array = new Rational[componentCount];
                    for (var i = 0; i < componentCount; i++)
                        array[i] = new Rational(reader.GetInt32(tagValueOffset + 8 * i), reader.GetInt32(tagValueOffset + 4 + 8 * i));
                    handler.SetRationalArray(tagId, array);

            case TiffDataFormatCode.RationalU:
                if (componentCount == 1)
                    handler.SetRational(tagId, new Rational(reader.GetUInt32(tagValueOffset), reader.GetUInt32(tagValueOffset + 4)));
                else if (componentCount > 1)
                    var array = new Rational[componentCount];
                    for (var i = 0; i < componentCount; i++)
                        array[i] = new Rational(reader.GetUInt32(tagValueOffset + 8 * i), reader.GetUInt32(tagValueOffset + 4 + 8 * i));
                    handler.SetRationalArray(tagId, array);

            case TiffDataFormatCode.Single:
                if (componentCount == 1)
                    handler.SetFloat(tagId, reader.GetFloat32(tagValueOffset));
                    var array = new float[componentCount];
                    for (var i = 0; i < componentCount; i++)
                        array[i] = reader.GetFloat32(tagValueOffset + i * 4);
                    handler.SetFloatArray(tagId, array);

            case TiffDataFormatCode.Double:
                if (componentCount == 1)
                    handler.SetDouble(tagId, reader.GetDouble64(tagValueOffset));
                    var array = new double[componentCount];
                    for (var i = 0; i < componentCount; i++)
                        array[i] = reader.GetDouble64(tagValueOffset + i * 4);
                    handler.SetDoubleArray(tagId, array);

            case TiffDataFormatCode.Int8S:
                if (componentCount == 1)
                    handler.SetInt8S(tagId, reader.GetSByte(tagValueOffset));
                    var array = new sbyte[componentCount];
                    for (var i = 0; i < componentCount; i++)
                        array[i] = reader.GetSByte(tagValueOffset + i);
                    handler.SetInt8SArray(tagId, array);

            case TiffDataFormatCode.Int8U:
                if (componentCount == 1)
                    handler.SetInt8U(tagId, reader.GetByte(tagValueOffset));
                    var array = new byte[componentCount];
                    for (var i = 0; i < componentCount; i++)
                        array[i] = reader.GetByte(tagValueOffset + i);
                    handler.SetInt8UArray(tagId, array);

            case TiffDataFormatCode.Int16S:
                if (componentCount == 1)
                    handler.SetInt16S(tagId, reader.GetInt16(tagValueOffset));
                    var array = new short[componentCount];
                    for (var i = 0; i < componentCount; i++)
                        array[i] = reader.GetInt16(tagValueOffset + i * 2);
                    handler.SetInt16SArray(tagId, array);

            case TiffDataFormatCode.Int16U:
                if (componentCount == 1)
                    handler.SetInt16U(tagId, reader.GetUInt16(tagValueOffset));
                    var array = new ushort[componentCount];
                    for (var i = 0; i < componentCount; i++)
                        array[i] = reader.GetUInt16(tagValueOffset + i * 2);
                    handler.SetInt16UArray(tagId, array);

            case TiffDataFormatCode.Int32S:
                // NOTE 'long' in this case means 32 bit, not 64
                if (componentCount == 1)
                    handler.SetInt32S(tagId, reader.GetInt32(tagValueOffset));
                    var array = new int[componentCount];
                    for (var i = 0; i < componentCount; i++)
                        array[i] = reader.GetInt32(tagValueOffset + i * 4);
                    handler.SetInt32SArray(tagId, array);

            case TiffDataFormatCode.Int32U:
                // NOTE 'long' in this case means 32 bit, not 64
                if (componentCount == 1)
                    handler.SetInt32U(tagId, reader.GetUInt32(tagValueOffset));
                    var array = new uint[componentCount];
                    for (var i = 0; i < componentCount; i++)
                        array[i] = reader.GetUInt32(tagValueOffset + i * 4);
                    handler.SetInt32UArray(tagId, array);

                handler.Error($"Invalid TIFF tag format code {formatCode} for tag 0x{tagId:X4}");