public void QAVMATest(QAVTest test) { Avq.UrlContenResult = File.ReadAllText(AvTimeSeriesMonthlyAdjustedJsonTestFile); object actual = Avq.QAVMA(test.Symbol, info: test.Info, tradingMonth: test.DatePart, tradingDate: test.QuoteDate); Assert.Equal(test.Expected, actual); }
private void QAVAssert(QAVTest test, object actual) { /* If a date specific argument was given and the BestMatch option was set to false, * then stock info may not available when trading date is on weekend or a public holiday.*/ if ((test.DatePart < 0 || test.QuoteDate != default(DateTime)) && !test.BestMatch) { DateTime tradingDate = DateTime.Today.AddDays(test.DatePart); if (tradingDate.DayOfWeek == DayOfWeek.Saturday || tradingDate.DayOfWeek == DayOfWeek.Sunday || DateSystem.IsPublicHoliday(tradingDate, CountryCode.US)) { // No quotes are available on the weekend or on public holidays. Assert.True(ExcelError.ExcelErrorNA.Equals(actual) || actual is decimal); } } else { // For current trading dates only test on type is possible. switch (test.Info) { case "volume": Assert.True(int.TryParse(actual.ToString(), out int value)); break; default: Assert.IsType <decimal>(actual); break; } } }
public void QAVMAWebTest(QAVTest test) { Avq.UrlContenResult = FfeWeb.GetHttpResponseContent($"{test.Symbol}&apikey={test.ApiKey}"); object actual = Avq.QAVMA(test.Symbol, info: test.Info, tradingMonth: test.DatePart, tradingDate: test.QuoteDate, bestMatch: test.BestMatch); QAVAssert(test, actual); }
public void QAVIDTest(QAVTest test) { Avq.UrlContenResult = File.ReadAllText(AvTimeSeriesIntradayJsonTestFile); object actual = Avq.QAVID(test.Symbol, info: test.Info); Assert.Equal(test.Expected, actual); }
public void QAVIDWebTest(QAVTest test) { if (test.OutputSize.Equals("full")) { Avq.UrlContenResult = FfeWeb.GetHttpResponseContent($"{test.Symbol}&interval={test.Interval}&outputsize={test.OutputSize}&apikey={test.ApiKey}"); } else { Avq.UrlContenResult = FfeWeb.GetHttpResponseContent($"{test.Symbol}&interval={test.Interval}&apikey={test.ApiKey}"); } object actual = Avq.QAVID(test.Symbol, info: test.Info, dataPointIndex: test.DatePart, interval: test.Interval, outputSize: test.OutputSize); QAVAssert(test, actual); }
public void QAVDAWebTest(QAVTest test) { if (test.OutputSize.Equals("full")) { Avq.UrlContenResult = FfeWeb.GetHttpResponseContent($"{test.Symbol}&outputsize={test.OutputSize}&apikey={test.ApiKey}"); } else { Avq.UrlContenResult = FfeWeb.GetHttpResponseContent($"{test.Symbol}&apikey={test.ApiKey}"); } object actual = Avq.QAVDA(test.Symbol, info: test.Info, tradingDay: test.DatePart, tradingDate: test.QuoteDate, bestMatch: test.BestMatch, outputSize: test.OutputSize); QAVAssert(test, actual); }
public void QAVDWebNegativeTest(QAVTest test) { Avq.UrlContenResult = FfeWeb.GetHttpResponseContent($"{test.Symbol}&apikey={test.ApiKey}"); if (test.OutputSize.Equals("n/a")) { Assert.Throws <ArgumentException>(() => Avq.QAVD(test.Symbol, info: test.Info, tradingDay: test.DatePart, tradingDate: test.QuoteDate, bestMatch: test.BestMatch, outputSize: test.OutputSize)); } else { object actual = Avq.QAVD(test.Symbol, info: test.Info, tradingDay: test.DatePart, tradingDate: test.QuoteDate, bestMatch: test.BestMatch, outputSize: test.OutputSize); Assert.Equal(test.Expected, actual); } }
public void QAVTSWebTest(QAVTest test) { string api; string interval = test.Interval.ToLower(); if (interval.Equals("daily") || interval.Equals("weekly") || interval.Equals("monthly")) { api = $"TIME_SERIES_{interval.ToUpper()}" + (test.Adjusted ? "_ADJUSTED" : ""); // Remove not valid API parameters (for demo API key). if (!interval.Equals("daily") || test.OutputSize.Equals("compact")) { test.OutputSize = null; } test.Interval = null; } else { api = "TIME_SERIES_INTRADAY"; // Remove not valid TIME_SERIES_INTRADAY API parameter (for demo API key). test.OutputSize = null; } Avq.AvStockTimeSeriesOutputSize?outputSize = null; if (test.OutputSize != null) { outputSize = (Avq.AvStockTimeSeriesOutputSize)Enum.Parse(typeof(Avq.AvStockTimeSeriesOutputSize), test.OutputSize); } string avUri = Avq.AvUrlBuilder(api, apiKey: test.ApiKey, symbol: test.Symbol, outputSize: outputSize, interval: test.Interval); Avq.UrlContenResult = FfeWeb.GetHttpResponseContent(avUri); object actual = Avq.QAVTS(test.Symbol, info: test.Info, interval: test.Interval, tradingDay: test.DatePart, tradingDate: test.QuoteDate, adjusted: test.Adjusted, outputSize: test.OutputSize, bestMatch: test.BestMatch); QAVAssert(test, actual); }
public void QAVQWebTest(QAVTest test) { Avq.UrlContenResult = FfeWeb.GetHttpResponseContent($"{test.Symbol}&apikey={test.ApiKey}"); object actual = Avq.QAVQ(test.Symbol, info: test.Info); // If a date specific argument was given, then stock info may not available when trading date is on weekend or a public holiday. DateTime tradingDate = DateTime.Today.AddDays(test.DatePart); if (tradingDate.DayOfWeek == DayOfWeek.Saturday || tradingDate.DayOfWeek == DayOfWeek.Sunday || DateSystem.IsPublicHoliday(tradingDate, CountryCode.US)) { // No quotes are available on the weekend or on public holidays. Assert.True(ExcelError.ExcelErrorNA.Equals(actual) || actual is DateTime || actual is string || actual is decimal); } else { switch (test.Info) { case "latest trading day": Assert.IsType <DateTime>(actual); break; case "change percent": Assert.IsType <string>(actual); break; default: Assert.IsType <decimal>(actual); break; } } }