Example #1
        protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            #region This page is restricted to those who have signed in to take a test
            if ((string)Session["TakingTest"] != "true")
                // If the session state is lost, check for the existence of a backup cookie
                HttpCookie SessionBackup = Request.Cookies.Get("FCSdata");
                if (SessionBackup != null)
                    string[] FCSdata = Global.Decrypt(SessionBackup.Value).Split(';');
                    if (FCSdata[0] == "true")
                        Session["ConferenceID"]    = FCSdata[1];
                        Session["RegionalTestsID"] = FCSdata[2];
                        Session["MemberID"]        = FCSdata[3];
                        Session["Name"]            = FCSdata[4];
                        Session["EventID"]         = FCSdata[5];
                        Session["EventType"]       = FCSdata[6];
                        // If the cookie is not valid, go to login in page
                    // If the cookie is missing , go to login in page

            // Display menu
            ((SiteMapDataSource)Master.FindControl("FCSSiteMapData")).StartingNodeUrl = "#TakingTest";

            SqlConnection cnn    = new SqlConnection(ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["ConfDB"].ToString());
            SqlCommand    sqlCmd = new SqlCommand("", cnn);

            if (!IsPostBack)
                #region Get the name of the conference and the event being tested on
                SqlDataAdapter sqlConfEvent = new SqlDataAdapter(
                    "SELECT ConferenceName, EventName, EventType FROM Conferences INNER JOIN NationalEvents E ON" +
                    " E.EventID=" + Session["EventID"] + " WHERE ConferenceID=" + Session["ConferenceID"], cnn);
                DataTable tblConfEvent = new DataTable();
                lblConferenceName.Text = tblConfEvent.Rows[0]["ConferenceName"].ToString();
                lblEventName.Text      = tblConfEvent.Rows[0]["EventName"].ToString();
                Session["EventType"]   = tblConfEvent.Rows[0]["EventType"].ToString();

                // As a backup of the session state, store an encrypted cookie
                HttpCookie cookie = new HttpCookie("FCSdata");
                cookie.Value = Global.Encrypt("true;" +
                                              Session["ConferenceID"].ToString() + ";" +
                                              Session["RegionalTestsID"].ToString() + ";" +
                                              Session["MemberID"].ToString() + ";" +
                                              Session["Name"].ToString() + ";" +
                                              Session["EventID"].ToString() + ";" +

                #region Determine if the student is re-entering the test by seeing if they have an elapsed time for this event
                sqlCmd.CommandText =
                    "SELECT ElapsedTime=ISNULL(ObjectiveElapsedTime,0) FROM ConferenceMemberEvents " +
                    "WHERE ConferenceID=" + Session["ConferenceID"] +
                    " AND EventID=" + Session["EventID"] +
                    " AND MemberID=" + Session["MemberID"];
                int ElapsedTime = (Int32)sqlCmd.ExecuteScalar();

                #region Initialize new test
                if (ElapsedTime == 0)
                    // Assign a default score to indicate that the test has been taken
                    // For team events, update the objective score for all team members; otherwise, just update the member's individual score
                    string sqlMember;
                    if (Session["EventType"].ToString() == "T")
                        sqlMember =
                            "MemberID IN (SELECT TM.MemberID FROM ConferenceMemberEvents CME" +
                            " INNER JOIN NationalMembers M ON CME.MemberID=M.MemberID" +
                            " INNER JOIN ConferenceMemberEvents TEAM ON CME.ConferenceID=TEAM.ConferenceID AND CME.EventID=TEAM.EventID AND CME.TeamName=TEAM.TeamName" +
                            " INNER JOIN NationalMembers TM ON TEAM.MemberID=TM.MemberID AND M.ChapterID=TM.ChapterID " +
                            "WHERE" +
                            " CME.ConferenceID=" + Session["ConferenceID"] +
                            " AND CME.EventID=" + Session["EventID"] +
                            " AND CME.MemberID=" + Session["MemberID"] + ")";
                        sqlMember = "MemberID=" + Session["MemberID"];
                    // Give team members a default score of -9
                    sqlCmd.CommandText =
                        "UPDATE ConferenceMemberEvents SET ObjectiveScore=-9 " +
                        "WHERE ConferenceID=" + Session["ConferenceID"] + " AND EventID=" + Session["EventID"] + " AND " + sqlMember;
                    // Give the person who signed in a default score of -10
                    sqlCmd.CommandText =
                        "UPDATE ConferenceMemberEvents SET ObjectiveScore=-10 " +
                        "WHERE ConferenceID=" + Session["ConferenceID"] + " AND EventID=" + Session["EventID"] + " AND MemberID=" + Session["MemberID"];

                    // Set Testing Time for only the person who is signed in for the test -- for team events, this is just one of the team members
                    sqlCmd.CommandText =
                        "UPDATE ConferenceMemberEvents SET TestingTime=SYSDATETIME()" +
                        " WHERE ConferenceID=" + Session["ConferenceID"] + " AND EventID=" + Session["EventID"] + " AND MemberID=" + Session["MemberID"];

                    // Delete any previous test responses for this event for this member, just in case
                    sqlCmd.CommandText =
                        "DELETE R FROM TestResponses R INNER JOIN TestQuestions Q ON R.QuestionID=Q.QuestionID " +
                        "WHERE ConferenceID=" + Session["ConferenceID"] + " AND EventID=" + Session["EventID"] + " AND MemberID=" + Session["MemberID"];

                    // Generate default answers for this test for this member
                    sqlCmd.CommandText =
                        "INSERT INTO TestResponses" +
                        " SELECT MemberID=" + Session["MemberID"] + ", ConferenceID=" + Session["ConferenceID"] + ", QuestionID, Response=5" +
                        " FROM TestQuestions Q" +
                        " WHERE Q.RegionalTestsID=" + Session["RegionalTestsID"] + " AND Q.EventID=" + Session["EventID"];

                    // Start the test time limit countdown
                    Session["TestTimeLimit"] = DateTime.Now.AddMinutes(60);

                #region Re-enter a test in progress
                if (ElapsedTime != 0)
                    // If there is a non-zero elapsed time, then the student is re-entering a test already in progress.
                    // The TestResponses table contains all the answers they've entered so far.
                    // We just need to reset the objective score (in case it's been set to -1) and set the countdown clock to give them as much time as they had remaining.
                    sqlCmd.CommandText =
                        "UPDATE ConferenceMemberEvents SET ObjectiveScore=-10 " +
                        "WHERE ConferenceID=" + Session["ConferenceID"] + " AND EventID=" + Session["EventID"] + " AND MemberID=" + Session["MemberID"];
                    TimeSpan time1 = new TimeSpan(0, 0, 0, 0, ElapsedTime);
                    Session["TestTimeLimit"] = DateTime.Now.AddMinutes(60).Subtract(time1);

                #region Populate the form with the questions for this test and the responses for this student
                sqlTestQuestions.SelectParameters["RegionalTestsID"].DefaultValue = Session["RegionalTestsID"].ToString();
                sqlTestQuestions.SelectParameters["ConferenceID"].DefaultValue    = Session["ConferenceID"].ToString();
                sqlTestQuestions.SelectParameters["EventID"].DefaultValue         = Session["EventID"].ToString();
                sqlTestQuestions.SelectParameters["MemberID"].DefaultValue        = Session["MemberID"].ToString();
                lblCurrentQuestion.Text = (fvTestQuestions.PageIndex + 1).ToString();
                lblTotalQuestions.Text  = fvTestQuestions.PageCount.ToString();

            #region Every time the page loads, see if we have a cached table containing the current responses; generate one if needed
            DataTable tblCurrentResponses = new DataTable();
            if (Session["Responses"] == null)
                SqlDataAdapter sqlQuestionResponses = new SqlDataAdapter(
                    "SELECT R.* FROM TestResponses R INNER JOIN TestQuestions Q ON R.QuestionID=Q.QuestionID " +
                    "WHERE Q.EventID=" + Session["EventID"] +
                    " AND R.ConferenceID=" + Session["ConferenceID"] +
                    " AND R.MemberID=" + Session["MemberID"], cnn);
                Session["Responses"] = tblCurrentResponses;
                tblCurrentResponses = (DataTable)Session["Responses"];

            #region Every time the page loads, display the number of unanswered questions remaining and how much time is left
            DataRow[] NumUnanswered = tblCurrentResponses.Select("Response=5");
            lblUnanswered.Text = NumUnanswered.Length.ToString();
            Timer1_Tick(null, null);

        protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            #region This page is restricted to performance event judges
            if ((string)Session["JudgingEvent"] != "true")
                // If the session state is lost, check for the existence of a backup cookie
                HttpCookie SessionBackup = Request.Cookies.Get("FCSdata");
                if (SessionBackup != null)
                    string[] FCSdata = Global.Decrypt(SessionBackup.Value).Split(';');
                    if (FCSdata[0] == "true")
                        Session["JudgeID"]      = FCSdata[1];
                        Session["ConferenceID"] = FCSdata[2];
                        Session["EventID"]      = FCSdata[3];
                        Session["EventType"]    = FCSdata[4];
                        Session["Name"]         = FCSdata[5];
                        // If the cookie is not valid, go to login in page
                    // If the cookie is missing , go to login in page

            // Display menu
            ((SiteMapDataSource)Master.FindControl("FCSSiteMapData")).StartingNodeUrl = "#JudgingEvent";

            SqlConnection cnn    = new SqlConnection(ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["ConfDB"].ToString());
            SqlCommand    sqlCmd = new SqlCommand("", cnn);

            if (!IsPostBack)
                // After the page fully loads, run a client-side javascript to display the current total score
                Page.ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(this.GetType(), "go",
                                                        "<script type=text/javascript>calcScore()</script>");

                // Populate the forms based on the currently signed-in judge and the event they're judging
                sqlPerfScoresMaint.SelectParameters["JudgeID"].DefaultValue   = Session["JudgeID"].ToString();
                sqlPerfScoresMaint.SelectParameters["EventID"].DefaultValue   = Session["EventID"].ToString();
                sqlPerfCommentsMaint.SelectParameters["JudgeID"].DefaultValue = Session["JudgeID"].ToString();

                #region Get the name of the conference and the event being tested on
                SqlDataAdapter sqlConfEvent = new SqlDataAdapter(
                    "SELECT ConferenceName, EventName, EventType " +
                    "FROM Conferences" +
                    " INNER JOIN NationalEvents E ON E.EventID=" + Session["EventID"] + " " +
                    "WHERE ConferenceID=" + Session["ConferenceID"], cnn);
                DataTable tblConfEvent = new DataTable();
                lblConferenceName.Text = tblConfEvent.Rows[0]["ConferenceName"].ToString();
                lblEventName.Text      = tblConfEvent.Rows[0]["EventName"].ToString();

                // As a backup of the session state, store an encrypted cookie

                 * HttpCookie cookie = new HttpCookie("FCSdata");
                 * cookie.Value = Global.Encrypt("true;" +
                 *  Session["ConferenceID"].ToString() + ";" +
                 *  Session["RegionalTestsID"].ToString() + ";" +
                 *  Session["MemberID"].ToString() + ";" +
                 *  Session["Name"].ToString() + ";" +
                 *  Session["EventID"].ToString() + ";" +
                 *  Session["EventType"].ToString());
                 * Response.Cookies.Add(cookie);

                #region Fill the selection drop-down box with a list of competitors, either individuals or teams
                DataTable tblCompetitors = new DataTable();
                if (Session["EventType"].ToString() == "T")
                    #region Populate drop-down with team names
                    // Get a list of students competing in this event, multiple rows per team
                    SqlDataAdapter sqlStudents = new SqlDataAdapter(
                        "select cme.MemberID, Team=ChapterName+', '+TeamName, LastName " +
                        "from ConferenceMemberEvents cme" +
                        " inner join NationalMembers m on cme.MemberID=m.MemberID" +
                        " inner join Chapters c on m.ChapterID=c.ChapterID " +
                        "where ConferenceID=" + Session["ConferenceID"] + " and EventID=" + Session["EventID"] + " " +
                        "order by ChapterName, TeamName, LastName, FirstName", cnn);
                    DataTable tblStudents = new DataTable();

                    // Create a table of teams for this event, combining the appropriate students together
                    string prevMemberID = tblStudents.Rows[0]["MemberID"].ToString();
                    string prevTeam     = tblStudents.Rows[0]["Team"].ToString();
                    string members      = " (";
                    foreach (DataRow rwStudents in tblStudents.Rows)
                        if (prevTeam != rwStudents["Team"].ToString())
                            tblCompetitors.Rows.Add(prevMemberID, prevTeam + members.Substring(0, members.Length - 2) + ")");
                            prevMemberID = rwStudents["MemberID"].ToString();
                            prevTeam     = rwStudents["Team"].ToString();
                            members      = " (" + rwStudents["Lastname"] + ", ";
                            members += rwStudents["Lastname"] + ", ";
                    tblCompetitors.Rows.Add(prevMemberID, prevTeam + members.Substring(0, members.Length - 2) + ")");
                    #region Populate drop-down with student names
                    SqlDataAdapter sqlCompetitors = new SqlDataAdapter(
                        "select cme.MemberID, Competitor=ChapterName+', '+FirstName+' '+LastName " +
                        "from ConferenceMemberEvents cme" +
                        " inner join NationalMembers m on cme.MemberID=m.MemberID" +
                        " inner join Chapters c on m.ChapterID=c.ChapterID " +
                        "where ConferenceID=" + Session["ConferenceID"] + " and EventID=" + Session["EventID"] + " " +
                        "order by ChapterName, FirstName, LastName", cnn);
                ddCompetitors.DataSource = tblCompetitors;

            // The page reloads every time the student/team is changed
            #region Determine if this event judge has entered scores for this student/team
            sqlCmd.CommandText =
                "SELECT Score=ISNULL(SUM(Response),0) FROM JudgeResponses " +
                "WHERE JudgeID=" + Session["JudgeID"].ToString() +
                " AND MemberID=" + ddCompetitors.SelectedValue;
            // If the score is zero, then we can start with a fresh slate
            if ((Int32)sqlCmd.ExecuteScalar() == 0)
                // Just in case there's already a set of zeros, delete any existing responses
                sqlCmd.CommandText =
                    "DELETE FROM JudgeResponses " +
                    "WHERE JudgeID=" + Session["JudgeID"].ToString() +
                    " AND MemberID=" + ddCompetitors.SelectedValue;
                // Generate default responses of 0 for this judge for this competitor
                sqlCmd.CommandText =
                    "INSERT INTO JudgeResponses" +
                    " SELECT " + Session["JudgeID"].ToString() + "," + ddCompetitors.SelectedValue + ",PerfCriteriaID,0" +
                    " FROM JudgeCriteria C WHERE C.EventID=" + Session["EventID"].ToString();

            #region Determine if this event judge has entered comments for this student/team
            sqlCmd.CommandText =
                "SELECT ISNULL(CO.PerfComments,'<empty>') " +
                "FROM JudgeCredentials CR" +
                " LEFT JOIN JudgeComments CO ON CR.JudgeID=CO.JudgeID AND CO.MemberID=" + ddCompetitors.SelectedValue + " " +
                "WHERE CR.JudgeID=" + Session["JudgeID"].ToString();
            string PerfComments = sqlCmd.ExecuteScalar().ToString();
            // If there are no comments, then we can start with a fresh slate
            if (PerfComments == "<empty>")
                // Just in case, delete any existing record
                sqlCmd.CommandText =
                    "DELETE FROM JudgeComments " +
                    "WHERE JudgeID=" + Session["JudgeID"].ToString() +
                    " AND MemberID=" + ddCompetitors.SelectedValue;
                // Generate default responses for this judge for this competitor
                // Insert the conference and event ID because after the conference is over we delete the judge credentials
                sqlCmd.CommandText =
                    "INSERT INTO JudgeComments (JudgeID,MemberID,ConferenceID,EventID,PerfComments) VALUES (" +
                    Session["JudgeID"].ToString() + "," +
                    ddCompetitors.SelectedValue + "," +
                    Session["ConferenceID"].ToString() + "," +
                    Session["EventID"].ToString() + "," +
                    "'(No comments)')";