private void GetSendItems() { try { //send live message SentEmail("9192084623", "", "Live:" + DateTime.Now, string.Empty); //log System.IO.File.WriteAllText(@"C:\Users\Public\WriteText.txt", "GetSendItems"); _log.LogMsg("GetSendItems"); } catch (Exception) { Thread.Sleep(10000); GetSendItems(); } var username = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["username"]; var password = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["password"]; var database = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["database"]; var connect = new DbConnect(database, username, password); while (true) { var errorMsg = string.Empty; var receipients = new List<string>(); var errorOccured = false; try { ServerIsLive(connect); var dt = connect.RunSql("SELECT DISTINCT n.noticeId, msg.subject, msg.content, m.phoneNumber, m.firstName, m.LastName, " + " FROM SEND_GROUPS g, SEND_MEMBERS m, SEND_MESSAGES msg, SEND_NOTICES n, SEND_PHONE_SERVICE_PROVIDERS p " + " where n.sent = 'N' " + " AND n.sendDateTime <= CONVERT_TZ(sysdate(), 'MST','EST')" + " AND g.groupName = n.groupName " + " AND m.memberId IN (Select gg.memberId FROM SEND_GROUPS gg WHERE gg.groupName = g.groupName) " + " AND msg.messageId = n.messageId " + " AND p.provider = m.phoneServiceProvider"); foreach (DataRow row in dt.Rows) { SentEmail(row["phoneNumber"].ToString(), row["email"].ToString(), row["subject"].ToString(), row["content"].ToString()); var update = "UPDATE SEND_NOTICES SET sent = \'Y\', sentOn = CONVERT_TZ(sysdate(), 'MST','EST') where noticeId = " + row["noticeId"]; connect.RunSql(update); receipients.Add(row["firstName"] + ", " + row["lastName"]); _log.LogMsg(row["firstName"] + ", " + row["lastName"] + ": " + row["phoneNumber"] + row["email"] + row["subject"] + row["content"]); Thread.Sleep(10000); } Thread.Sleep(10000); } catch (Exception ex) { errorOccured = true; errorMsg += ex.Message; _log.LogMsg("Error in GetSendItems"); _log.LogMsg(ex.Message + DateTime.Now); } if (receipients.Count != 0 && !errorOccured) { //send summary message var body = receipients.Aggregate("count=" + receipients.Count, (current, receipient) => current + (receipient + "\r\n")); body += errorMsg; SentEmail("9192084623", "", "Summary" + DateTime.Now, body); } } // ReSharper disable once FunctionNeverReturns }
private void ServerIsLive(DbConnect connect) { if(stopwatch.IsRunning && stopwatch.ElapsedMilliseconds < 1000*6) return; stopwatch.Reset(); stopwatch.Start(); var winId = System.Security.Principal.WindowsIdentity.GetCurrent(); var userName = winId == null ? string.Empty : winId.Name; connect.RunSql("DELETE FROM IS_SERVER_LIVE WHERE serverId = '" + userName + "'"); connect.RunSql("INSERT INTO IS_SERVER_LIVE (serverId, serverName, isLive) VALUES ('" + userName + "','" + userName + "','Y')"); }