public Finder(MainForm ls) { lsv = ls; // // The InitializeComponent() call is required for Windows Forms designer support. // InitializeComponent(); }
public Find(MainForm form,Database data) { this.forms = form; this.dataBase = data; // // The InitializeComponent() call is required for Windows Forms designer support. // InitializeComponent(); CenterToScreen(); }
public PrnControl(MainForm form) { forms =form; int totalpage = form.TotalPage; //comboBox1.Text="100%"; // // The InitializeComponent() call is required for Windows Forms designer support. // InitializeComponent(); }
public Update(MainForm form,Database data,int _id,string _btc,string _name,string _type ,string _exp,string _amonut ,string _note) { this.forms = form;; // MessageBox.Show(_exp); this.exp =Regex.Split(_exp,"/"); this.batch=_btc;; this.type=_type; this.amount=_amonut; this._note=_note; this.database =data; // // The InitializeComponent() call is required for Windows Forms designer support. // InitializeComponent(); CenterToScreen(); intYear =Convert.ToInt32(exp[0]); comboYear.Items.AddRange(new object[]{ intYear-3, intYear-2, intYear-1, intYear, intYear+1, intYear+2, intYear+3, intYear+4, intYear+5, }); comboYear.Text=exp[0]; comboMonth.Text=exp[1]; dayNumber.Text =exp[2]; medName.Text=_name; batchNum.Text=_btc; medAmount.Text=_amonut; _notes.Text=_note; comboType.Text=_type; if(comboType.Text ==""){ textboxOther.Visible=true; comboType.Text="others"; textboxOther.Text=_type; } }
public AddNew(MainForm form) { forms=form; InitializeComponent(); CenterToScreen(); setYear(); comboYear.Items.AddRange(new object[]{ intYear, intYear+1, intYear+2, intYear+3, intYear+4, intYear+5, intYear+6, intYear+7, intYear+8, }); comboYear.Text =intYear.ToString(); comboMonth.Text=months; }